2009-10-16 Cezary Kaliszyk A fix for one fun_map; doesn't work for more.
2009-10-16 Christian Urban fixed the problem with function types; but only type_of works; cterm_of does not work
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Description of the problem with get_fun.
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk A proper build_goal_term function.
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning the code
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Merged
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning the proofs
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning the code, part 4
2009-10-15 Christian Urban slightly improved tyRel
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Reordering the code, part 3
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Reordering the code, part 2.
2009-10-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Reordering the code, part 1.
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