2009-12-26 Christian Urban added an item about when the same quotient constant is defined twice (throws a bind exception in quoteint_def.ML)
2009-12-26 Christian Urban as expected problems occure when lifting concat lemmas
2009-12-24 Christian Urban made the quotient_type definition more like typedef; now type variables need to be explicitly given
2009-12-23 Christian Urban renamed some fields in the info records
2009-12-21 Christian Urban get_fun needed change to cope with "('a fset) fset" types...this needs composition (op o); now id_simps contains also id_o and o_id, and map_id is also added in QuotList.thy; regularize and cleaning needed to be hacked (indicated by "HACK")...THIS NEEDS ATTENTION!!!; except two lemmas in IntEx, all examples go through; added considerable material to FSet3; tuned FIXME-TODO
2009-12-19 Christian Urban on suggestion of Tobias renamed "quotient_def" to "quotient_definition"; needs new keyword file
2009-12-19 Christian Urban renamed "quotient" command to "quotient_type"; needs new keyword file to be installed
2009-12-14 Cezary Kaliszyk Replies to questions from the weekend: Uncommenting the renamed theorem commented out in 734.
2009-12-12 Christian Urban annotated some questions to the code; some simple changes
2009-12-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor
2009-12-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Some proofs.
2009-12-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Proof of finite_set_storng_cases_raw.
2009-12-12 Cezary Kaliszyk A bracket was missing; with it proved the 'definitely false' lemma.
2009-12-11 Christian Urban merged
2009-12-11 Christian Urban started to have a look at it; redefined the relation
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Renaming
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet3 minor fixes + cases
2009-12-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Added FSet3 with a formalisation of finite sets based on Michael's one.
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