2010-09-29 Christian Urban simplified exhaust proofs
2010-09-29 Christian Urban worked example Foo1 with induct_schema
2010-09-29 Christian Urban use also induct_schema for the Let-example (permute_bn is used)
2010-09-28 Christian Urban added Foo1 to explore a contrived example
2010-09-27 Christian Urban added postprocessed fresh-lemmas for constructors
2010-09-27 Christian Urban post-processed eq_iff and supp threormes according to the fv-supp equality
2010-09-27 Christian Urban some experiments
2010-08-29 Christian Urban renamed NewParser to Nominal2
2010-08-28 Christian Urban fiexed problem with constructors that have no arguments
2010-08-26 Christian Urban corrected bug with fv-function generation (that was the problem with recursive binders)
2010-08-25 Christian Urban cleaned up (almost completely) the examples
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