2016-03-19 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 2016 Nominal2-Isabelle2016
2015-07-09 Christian Urban updated for Isabelle 2015
2014-07-07 Christian Urban changed add.assoc
2014-05-19 Christian Urban changes from upstream
2014-05-16 Christian Urban updated changes from upstream (AFP)
2014-03-24 Christian Urban updated to massive changes in Isabelle
2014-03-13 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle changes
2013-12-15 Christian Urban updated to changes in Isabelle
2013-09-06 Christian Urban restricted fresh_ineq simproc so that it is faster
2013-07-31 Christian Urban added some lemmas
2013-06-04 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2013-04-18 Christian Urban updated to simplifier changes
2013-03-27 Christian Urban tuned
2013-03-27 webertj Various changes to support Nominal2 commands in local contexts.
2013-03-26 webertj Manual merge of d121bd2a5a47 from Isabelle/AFP.
2012-10-19 Christian Urban updated to changes in the type-def package
2012-10-04 Christian Urban removed "use" - replaced by "ML_file"
2012-08-07 Christian Urban definition of an auxiliary graph in nominal-primrec definitions
2012-08-07 Christian Urban added eqvt-lemma for function composition
2012-07-12 Christian Urban streamlined definition of alpha-equivalence for single binders (used flip instead of swap)
2012-06-12 Christian Urban added eqvt for finfun_apply
2012-06-12 Christian Urban improved the finfun parts
2012-06-12 Christian Urban added finfun-type to Nominal
2012-06-09 Christian Urban added a rule about inequality of freshness between atoms to the simplifier
2012-06-06 Christian Urban a simproc for simplifying Fresh when there is a sufficiently fresh atom
2012-06-04 Christian Urban added permutation simplification to the simplifier; this makes the simplifier more powerful, but it potentially loops more often
2012-05-31 Christian Urban added let-eqvt back
2012-05-31 Christian Urban renamed fresh_fun to Fresh; added a simproc that deals with freshness of functions
2012-05-25 Christian Urban fixed bug in simproc (also in the exec-version)
2012-05-24 Cezary Kaliszyk Synchronize Nominal2_Base_Exec with Nominal2_Base, equivariance for Let, avoid overloading approx twice and changes for new isabelle
2012-05-23 Christian Urban improved handling in the simplifier for inequalities derived from freshness assumptions
2012-05-12 Christian Urban added a lemma about composition and permutations
2012-04-04 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle version April 1
2012-03-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Clean the proof of Aux
2012-03-17 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle (declared keywords)
2012-02-17 Christian Urban added multisets to stable branch Nominal2-Isabelle2011-1
2012-02-17 Christian Urban added fs and pt for multisets
2012-01-03 Christian Urban updated to explicit set type constructor (post Isabelle 3rd January)
2011-12-29 Christian Urban added two eqvt lemmas for fset-operators
2011-12-15 Christian Urban updated to lates changes in the datatype package
2011-11-26 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 26 Nov
2011-11-26 Christian Urban added eqvt-lemma for Image
2011-09-20 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle 19 Sept
2011-08-15 Christian Urban updated for new Isabelle (11. Aug.)
2011-07-22 Christian Urban completed the eqvt-proofs for functions; they are stored under the name function_name.eqvt and added to the eqvt-list
2011-07-18 Christian Urban moved eqvt for
2011-07-06 Christian Urban more on the NBE function
2011-07-05 Christian Urban made the tests go through again
2011-06-27 Christian Urban renamed ds to dset (disagreement set)
2011-06-27 Christian Urban added small lemma about disagreement set
2011-06-25 Christian Urban an alternative FCB for Abs_lst1; seems simpler but not as simple as I thought; not sure whether it generalises to multiple binders.
2011-06-23 Christian Urban the simplifier can simplify "sort (atom a)" if a is a concrete atom type declared with atom_decl
2011-06-16 Christian Urban got rid of the boolean flag in the raw_equivariance function
2011-06-14 Christian Urban tuned some proofs
2011-06-14 Christian Urban fixed the problem when giving a complex default-term; the fundef lemmas in Nominal_Base were not general enough
2011-06-14 Christian Urban tuned
2011-06-06 Christian Urban slightly stronger property in fundef_ex_prop
2011-06-05 Christian Urban added a more general lemma fro fundef_ex1
2011-06-02 Christian Urban removed dead code
2011-05-10 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle (> 9 May)
2011-05-09 Christian Urban merged
2011-05-03 Christian Urban proved that lfp is equivariant (that simplifies equivariance proofs of inductively defined predicates)
2011-05-09 Christian Urban more on pearl-paper
2011-04-21 Christian Urban more to the pearl paper
2011-04-09 Christian Urban eqvt of supp and fresh is proved using equivariance infrastructure
2011-04-07 Christian Urban eqvt_lambda without eta-expansion
2011-03-14 Christian Urban equivariance for All and Ex can be proved in terms of their definition
2011-03-11 Christian Urban more on the paper
2011-03-01 Christian Urban a bit more tuning
2011-02-28 Christian Urban split the library into a basics file; merged Nominal_Eqvt into Nominal_Base
2011-02-25 Christian Urban some slight polishing
2011-02-24 Christian Urban added a lemma about fresh_star and Abs
2011-01-27 Christian Urban the proofs with eqvt_at
2011-01-19 Christian Urban added obtain_fresh lemma; tuned Lambda.thy
2011-01-19 Christian Urban ported some of the old proofs to serve as testcases
2011-01-19 Christian Urban added Minimal file to test things
2011-01-18 Christian Urban defined properly substitution
2011-01-18 Christian Urban removed finiteness assumption from set_rename_perm
2011-01-18 Christian Urban the function translating lambda terms to locally nameless lambda terms; still needs a stronger abs_eq_iff the moment only proved for restrictions
2011-01-18 Christian Urban modified the renaming_perm lemmas
2011-01-17 Christian Urban moved high level code from LamTest into the main libraries.
2011-01-14 Christian Urban strengthened renaming lemmas
2011-01-10 Christian Urban a few lemmas about freshness for at and at_base
2011-01-06 Christian Urban some further lemmas for fsets
2011-01-03 Christian Urban simple cases for string rule inductions
2010-12-31 Christian Urban added small example for strong inductions; functions still need a sorry
2010-12-19 Christian Urban a stronger statement for at_set_avoiding
2010-12-16 Christian Urban simple cases for strong inducts done; infrastructure for the difficult ones is there
2010-12-14 Christian Urban freshness theorem in strong exhausts; (temporarily includes a cheat_tac to make all tests go through)
2010-12-07 Christian Urban moved general theorems into the libraries
2010-11-29 Christian Urban isarfied some of the high-level proofs
2010-11-29 Christian Urban completed proofs in Foo2
2010-11-28 Christian Urban completed the strong exhausts rules for Foo2 using general lemmas
2010-11-27 Christian Urban tuned proof to reduce number of warnings
2010-11-27 Christian Urban disabled the Foo examples, because of heavy work
2010-11-21 Christian Urban added example Foo2.thy
2010-11-14 Christian Urban merged Nominal-General directory into Nominal; renamed Abs.thy to Nominal2_Abs.thy
2010-03-20 Christian Urban moved infinite_Un into mainstream Isabelle; moved permute_boolI/E lemmas
2010-03-02 Christian Urban updated (added lemma about commuting permutations)
2010-02-25 Christian Urban moved Nominal to "toplevel"
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