2009-11-24 Christian Urban changed unification to matching
2009-11-24 Christian Urban unification
2009-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk Lambda & SOLVED' for new quotient_tac
2009-11-24 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-24 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-24 Christian Urban use error instead of raising our own exception
2009-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes to the tactic after quotient_tac changed.
2009-11-24 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-24 Christian Urban added a prepare_tac
2009-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk TRY' for clean_tac
2009-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk Moved cleaning to QuotMain
2009-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk New cleaning tactic
2009-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk Separate regularize_tac
2009-11-24 Cezary Kaliszyk More fixes for inj_REPABS
2009-11-24 Christian Urban addded a tactic, which sets up the three goals of the `algorithm'
2009-11-23 Christian Urban fixed the error by a temporary fix (the data of the eqivalence relation should be only its name)
2009-11-23 Christian Urban tuned some comments
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk domain_type in regularizing equality
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk More theorems lifted in the goal-directed way.
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Finished temporary goal-directed lift_theorem wrapper.
2009-11-23 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-23 Christian Urban a version of inj_REPABS (needs to be looked at again later)
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes for atomize
2009-11-23 Christian Urban slight change in code layout
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Removing dead code
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Move atomize_goal to QuotMain
2009-11-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Moved new repabs_inj code to QuotMain
2009-11-23 Christian Urban code review with Cezary
2009-11-21 Christian Urban a little tuning of comments
2009-11-21 Christian Urban my first version of repabs injection
2009-11-21 Christian Urban tuned
2009-11-21 Christian Urban tuned
2009-11-21 Christian Urban simplified get_fun so that it uses directly rty and qty, instead of qenv
2009-11-20 Christian Urban started regularize of rtrm/qtrm version; looks quite promising
2009-11-19 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2009-11-13 Christian Urban added some tracing information to all phases of lifting to the function lift_thm
2009-11-12 Cezary Kaliszyk merged
2009-11-12 Christian Urban changed the quotdata to be a symtab table (needs fixing)
2009-11-12 Christian Urban added a container for quotient constants (does not work yet though)
2009-11-11 Cezary Kaliszyk Modifications while preparing the goal-directed version.
2009-11-10 Cezary Kaliszyk More code cleaning and commenting
2009-11-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Minor cleaning and removing of some 'handle _'.
2009-11-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning and commenting
2009-11-09 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes for the other get_fun implementation.
2009-11-06 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle version and added a new example file
2009-11-06 Christian Urban tuned the code in quotient and quotient_def
2009-11-05 Cezary Kaliszyk More functionality for lifting list.cases and list.recs.
2009-11-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Remaining fixes for polymorphic types. map_append now lifts properly with 'a list and 'b list.
2009-11-05 Christian Urban removed Simplifier.context
2009-11-05 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-05 Cezary Kaliszyk Infrastructure for polymorphic types
2009-11-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Type instantiation in regularize
2009-11-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Description of regularize
2009-11-04 Christian Urban separated the quotient_def into a separate file
2009-11-04 Christian Urban fixed definition of PLUS
2009-11-04 Christian Urban simplified the quotient_def code
2009-11-04 Cezary Kaliszyk Lifting 'fold1.simps(2)' and some cleaning.
2009-11-03 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2009-11-03 Cezary Kaliszyk applic_prs
2009-11-03 Christian Urban simplified the quotient_def code; type of the defined constant must now be given; for-part eliminated
2009-11-03 Cezary Kaliszyk Automatic FORALL_PRS. 'list.induct' lifts automatically. Faster ALLEX_RSP
2009-11-02 Christian Urban split quotient.ML into two files
2009-11-02 Christian Urban slightly saner way of parsing the quotient_def
2009-11-02 Christian Urban changed Type.typ_match to Sign.typ_match
2009-11-02 Cezary Kaliszyk Optimization
2009-11-02 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixed quotdata_lookup.
2009-11-02 Christian Urban merged
2009-11-02 Christian Urban fixed the problem with types in map
2009-10-31 Cezary Kaliszyk Automatic computation of application preservation and manually finished "alpha.induct". Slow...
2009-10-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Regularize for equalities and a better tactic. "alpha.cases" now lifts.
2009-10-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Regularization
2009-10-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Finally merged the code of the versions of regularize and tested examples.
2009-10-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Finding applications and duplicates filtered out in abstractions
2009-10-30 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning of the interface to lift.
2009-10-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Cleaning of 'map id' and 'prod_fun id id' in lower_defs.
2009-10-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Using subst for identity definition.
2009-10-28 Cezary Kaliszyk Fix also in the general procedure.
2009-10-28 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixes
2009-10-28 Christian Urban merged
2009-10-28 Christian Urban added infrastructure for defining lifted constants
2009-10-28 Cezary Kaliszyk First experiments with Lambda
2009-10-28 Cezary Kaliszyk Proof of append_rsp
2009-10-28 Christian Urban merged
2009-10-28 Christian Urban added a function for matching types
2009-10-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Simplfied interface to repabs_injection.
2009-10-27 Cezary Kaliszyk map_append lifted automatically.
2009-10-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Merged
2009-10-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Fixed APPLY_RSP vs Cong in the InjRepAbs tactic.
2009-10-27 Christian Urban tuned
2009-10-27 Christian Urban added equiv-thm to the quot_info
2009-10-27 Christian Urban made quotients compatiple with Nominal; updated keyword file
2009-10-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Completely cleaned Int.
2009-10-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Further reordering in Int code.
2009-10-26 Christian Urban merged
2009-10-26 Cezary Kaliszyk Symmetry of integer addition
2009-10-26 Cezary Kaliszyk Finished the code for adding lower defs, and more things moved to QuotMain
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