2010-04-22 Christian Urban moved lemmas from FSet.thy to do with atom to Nominal2_Base, and to do with 'a::at set to Nominal2_Atoms; moved Nominal2_Eqvt.thy one up to be loaded before Nominal2_Atoms
2010-04-21 Christian Urban tuned proofs
2010-04-21 Christian Urban deleted the incomplete proof about pairs of abstractions
2010-04-21 Christian Urban incomplete tests
2010-04-20 Christian Urban renamed Ex1.thy to SingleLet.thy
2010-04-15 Christian Urban half of the pair-abs-equivalence
2010-04-14 Christian Urban deleted offending [eqvt]-attribute in Abs; Lambda works again, but there is now a problem in CoreHaskell
2010-04-14 Christian Urban thmdecls can deal with lemmas like alpha_gen which contain pairs or tuples
2010-04-11 Christian Urban corrected imports header
2010-04-11 Christian Urban added eqvt rules that are more standard
2010-04-01 Cezary Kaliszyk Let with multiple bindings.
2010-03-29 Cezary Kaliszyk Abs_gen and Abs_let simplifications.
2010-03-28 Christian Urban merged
2010-03-28 Christian Urban got rid of the aux-function on the raw level, by defining it with function on the quotient level
2010-03-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Generalize Abs_eq_iff.
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