2010-02-03 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:36:48 +0100] rev 1054
2010-02-03 proved that bv for lists respects alpha for terms
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:36:22 +0100] rev 1053
proved that bv for lists respects alpha for terms
2010-02-03 Finished remains on the let proof.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:28:00 +0100] rev 1052
Finished remains on the let proof.
2010-02-03 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:22:25 +0100] rev 1051
2010-02-03 Lets are ok.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:19:53 +0100] rev 1050
Lets are ok.
2010-02-03 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:15:07 +0100] rev 1049
2010-02-03 added type-scheme example
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 14:12:50 +0100] rev 1048
added type-scheme example
2010-02-03 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 13:00:37 +0100] rev 1047
2010-02-03 Definitions for trm5
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 13:00:07 +0100] rev 1046
Definitions for trm5
2010-02-03 another adaptation for the eqvt-change
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:58:02 +0100] rev 1045
another adaptation for the eqvt-change
2010-02-03 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:45:06 +0100] rev 1044
2010-02-03 fixed proofs that broke because of eqvt
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:44:29 +0100] rev 1043
fixed proofs that broke because of eqvt
2010-02-03 Minor fix.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:34:53 +0100] rev 1042
Minor fix.
2010-02-03 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:34:01 +0100] rev 1041
2010-02-03 alpha5 pseudo-injective
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:29:45 +0100] rev 1040
alpha5 pseudo-injective
2010-02-03 fixed proofs in Abs.thy
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:31:58 +0100] rev 1039
fixed proofs in Abs.thy
2010-02-03 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:13:22 +0100] rev 1038
2010-02-03 added a first eqvt_tac which pushes permutations inside terms
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:06:10 +0100] rev 1037
added a first eqvt_tac which pushes permutations inside terms
2010-02-03 The alpha-equivalence relation for let-rec. Not sure if correct...
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:11:23 +0100] rev 1036
The alpha-equivalence relation for let-rec. Not sure if correct...
2010-02-03 Starting with a let-rec example.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 11:47:37 +0100] rev 1035
Starting with a let-rec example.
2010-02-03 Minor
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 11:21:34 +0100] rev 1034
2010-02-03 Some cleaning and eqvt proof
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 10:50:24 +0100] rev 1033
Some cleaning and eqvt proof
2010-02-03 The trm1_support lemma explicitly and stated a strong induction principle.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 09:25:21 +0100] rev 1032
The trm1_support lemma explicitly and stated a strong induction principle.
2010-02-03 More ingredients in Terms.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 03 Feb 2010 08:32:24 +0100] rev 1031
More ingredients in Terms.
2010-02-02 Finished the supp_fv proof; first proof that analyses the structure of 'Let' :)
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 17:10:42 +0100] rev 1030
Finished the supp_fv proof; first proof that analyses the structure of 'Let' :)
2010-02-02 More in Terms
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 16:51:00 +0100] rev 1029
More in Terms
2010-02-02 First experiments in Terms.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 14:55:07 +0100] rev 1028
First experiments in Terms.
2010-02-02 LF ported to alpha_gen, equivp solved and one of the missing proofs in support<-> fv solved. Still some supp properties left.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 13:10:46 +0100] rev 1027
LF ported to alpha_gen, equivp solved and one of the missing proofs in support<-> fv solved. Still some supp properties left.
2010-02-02 Disambiguating the syntax.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:48:12 +0100] rev 1026
Disambiguating the syntax.
2010-02-02 Minor uncommited changes from LamEx2.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 12:36:01 +0100] rev 1025
Minor uncommited changes from LamEx2.
2010-02-02 Some equivariance machinery that comes useful in LF.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:56:37 +0100] rev 1024
Some equivariance machinery that comes useful in LF.
2010-02-02 Generalized the eqvt proof for single binders.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 11:23:17 +0100] rev 1023
Generalized the eqvt proof for single binders.
2010-02-02 With induct instead of induct_tac, just one induction is sufficient.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:43:48 +0100] rev 1022
With induct instead of induct_tac, just one induction is sufficient.
2010-02-02 General alpha_gen_trans for one-variable abstraction.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:20:54 +0100] rev 1021
General alpha_gen_trans for one-variable abstraction.
2010-02-02 With unfolding Rep/Abs_eqvt no longer needed.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 09:51:39 +0100] rev 1020
With unfolding Rep/Abs_eqvt no longer needed.
2010-02-02 Lam2 finished apart from Rep_eqvt.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 02 Feb 2010 08:16:34 +0100] rev 1019
Lam2 finished apart from Rep_eqvt.
2010-02-01 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 20:02:44 +0100] rev 1018
2010-02-01 All should be ok now.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 16:05:59 +0100] rev 1017
All should be ok now.
2010-02-01 repaired according to changes in Abs.thy
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 18:57:39 +0100] rev 1016
repaired according to changes in Abs.thy
2010-02-01 added a single-binder alpha equivalence; showed one half of the equivalence proof between general and single binder case
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 18:57:20 +0100] rev 1015
added a single-binder alpha equivalence; showed one half of the equivalence proof between general and single binder case
2010-02-01 cleaned
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 16:46:07 +0100] rev 1014
2010-02-01 updated from huffman
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 16:23:47 +0100] rev 1013
updated from huffman
2010-02-01 updated from nominal-huffman
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 16:13:24 +0100] rev 1012
updated from nominal-huffman
2010-02-01 Fixed wrong rename.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:57:37 +0100] rev 1011
Fixed wrong rename.
2010-02-01 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:46:25 +0100] rev 1010
2010-02-01 Lambda based on alpha_gen, under construction.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:45:40 +0100] rev 1009
Lambda based on alpha_gen, under construction.
2010-02-01 updated from huffman - repo
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 15:32:20 +0100] rev 1008
updated from huffman - repo
2010-02-01 renamed Abst/abst to Abs/abs
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 13:00:01 +0100] rev 1007
renamed Abst/abst to Abs/abs
2010-02-01 got rid of RAbst type - is now just pairs
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 12:48:18 +0100] rev 1006
got rid of RAbst type - is now just pairs
2010-02-01 Monotonicity of ~~gen, needed for using it in inductive definitions.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 12:06:46 +0100] rev 1005
Monotonicity of ~~gen, needed for using it in inductive definitions.
2010-02-01 The current state of fv vs supp proofs in LF.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 11:39:59 +0100] rev 1004
The current state of fv vs supp proofs in LF.
2010-02-01 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 11:16:31 +0100] rev 1003
2010-02-01 More proofs in the LF example.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 11:16:13 +0100] rev 1002
More proofs in the LF example.
2010-02-01 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 11:00:51 +0100] rev 1001
2010-02-01 slight tuning
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 10:00:03 +0100] rev 1000
slight tuning
2010-02-01 renamed function according to the name of the constant
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 09:47:46 +0100] rev 999
renamed function according to the name of the constant
2010-02-01 fixed problem with Bex1_rel renaming
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 09:04:22 +0100] rev 998
fixed problem with Bex1_rel renaming
2010-02-01 Ported LF to the generic lambda and solved the simpler _supp cases.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Mon, 01 Feb 2010 09:56:32 +0100] rev 997
Ported LF to the generic lambda and solved the simpler _supp cases.
2010-01-30 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Sat, 30 Jan 2010 12:12:52 +0100] rev 996
2010-01-30 introduced a generic alpha (but not sure whether it is helpful)
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Sat, 30 Jan 2010 11:44:25 +0100] rev 995
introduced a generic alpha (but not sure whether it is helpful)
2010-01-29 More in the LF example in the new nominal way, all is clear until support.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Fri, 29 Jan 2010 19:42:07 +0100] rev 994
More in the LF example in the new nominal way, all is clear until support.
2010-01-29 Fixed the induction problem + some more proofs.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Fri, 29 Jan 2010 13:47:05 +0100] rev 993
Fixed the induction problem + some more proofs.
2010-01-29 equivariance of rfv and alpha.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Fri, 29 Jan 2010 12:16:08 +0100] rev 992
equivariance of rfv and alpha.
2010-01-29 Added the experiments with fun and function.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Fri, 29 Jan 2010 10:13:07 +0100] rev 991
Added the experiments with fun and function.
2010-01-29 now also final step is proved - the supp of lambdas is now completely characterised
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Fri, 29 Jan 2010 07:09:52 +0100] rev 990
now also final step is proved - the supp of lambdas is now completely characterised
2010-01-28 the supp of a lambda can now be characterised, *provided* the notion of free variables coincides with support on lambda terms
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Fri, 29 Jan 2010 00:22:00 +0100] rev 989
the supp of a lambda can now be characterised, *provided* the notion of free variables coincides with support on lambda terms
2010-01-28 improved the proof slightly by defining alpha as a function and completely characterised the equality between two abstractions
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:47:02 +0100] rev 988
improved the proof slightly by defining alpha as a function and completely characterised the equality between two abstractions
2010-01-28 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:36:58 +0100] rev 987
2010-01-28 general abstraction operator and complete characterisation of its support and freshness
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:36:38 +0100] rev 986
general abstraction operator and complete characterisation of its support and freshness
2010-01-28 Ported existing part of LF to new permutations and alphas.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 19:23:55 +0100] rev 985
Ported existing part of LF to new permutations and alphas.
2010-01-28 attempt of a general abstraction operator
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 15:47:35 +0100] rev 984
attempt of a general abstraction operator
2010-01-28 attempt to prove equivalence between alpha definitions
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:20:26 +0100] rev 983
attempt to prove equivalence between alpha definitions
2010-01-28 End of renaming.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 12:28:50 +0100] rev 982
End of renaming.
2010-01-28 Minor when looking at lam.distinct and lam.inject
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 12:25:38 +0100] rev 981
Minor when looking at lam.distinct and lam.inject
2010-01-28 Renamed Bexeq to Bex1_rel
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 12:24:49 +0100] rev 980
Renamed Bexeq to Bex1_rel
2010-01-28 Substracting bounds from free variables.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:52:10 +0100] rev 979
Substracting bounds from free variables.
2010-01-28 Improper interface for datatype and function packages and proper interface lateron.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:26:36 +0100] rev 978
Improper interface for datatype and function packages and proper interface lateron.
2010-01-28 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 09:28:20 +0100] rev 977
2010-01-28 minor
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 09:28:06 +0100] rev 976
2010-01-28 test about supp/freshness for lam (old proofs work in principle - for single binders)
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 01:24:09 +0100] rev 975
test about supp/freshness for lam (old proofs work in principle - for single binders)
2010-01-28 Recommited the changes for nitpick
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Thu, 28 Jan 2010 08:13:39 +0100] rev 974
Recommited the changes for nitpick
2010-01-27 Correct types which fixes the printing.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 18:26:01 +0100] rev 973
Correct types which fixes the printing.
2010-01-27 fv for subterms
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 18:06:14 +0100] rev 972
fv for subterms
2010-01-27 Fix the problem with later examples. Maybe need to go back to textual specifications.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 17:39:13 +0100] rev 971
Fix the problem with later examples. Maybe need to go back to textual specifications.
2010-01-27 Some processing of variables in constructors to get free variables.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 17:18:30 +0100] rev 970
Some processing of variables in constructors to get free variables.
2010-01-27 Parsing of the input as terms and types, and passing them as such to the function package.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:40:16 +0100] rev 969
Parsing of the input as terms and types, and passing them as such to the function package.
2010-01-27 Undid the parsing, as it is not possible with thy->lthy interaction.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:07:49 +0100] rev 968
Undid the parsing, as it is not possible with thy->lthy interaction.
2010-01-27 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 14:57:11 +0100] rev 967
2010-01-27 Some cleaning of thy vs lthy vs context.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 14:56:58 +0100] rev 966
Some cleaning of thy vs lthy vs context.
2010-01-27 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 14:06:34 +0100] rev 965
2010-01-27 tuned comment
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 14:06:17 +0100] rev 964
tuned comment
2010-01-27 completely ported
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 14:05:42 +0100] rev 963
completely ported
2010-01-27 Another string in the specification.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 13:44:05 +0100] rev 962
Another string in the specification.
2010-01-27 Variable takes a 'name'.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 13:32:28 +0100] rev 961
Variable takes a 'name'.
2010-01-27 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:21:40 +0100] rev 960
2010-01-27 When commenting discovered a missing case of Babs->Abs regularization.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:19:58 +0100] rev 959
When commenting discovered a missing case of Babs->Abs regularization.
2010-01-27 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:19:21 +0100] rev 958
2010-01-27 mostly ported Terms.thy to new Nominal
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:19:00 +0100] rev 957
mostly ported Terms.thy to new Nominal
2010-01-27 merge
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:06:43 +0100] rev 956
2010-01-27 Commenting regularize
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:06:24 +0100] rev 955
Commenting regularize
2010-01-27 very rough example file for how nominal2 specification can be parsed
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 11:48:04 +0100] rev 954
very rough example file for how nominal2 specification can be parsed
2010-01-27 reordered cases in regularize (will be merged into two cases)
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 11:31:16 +0100] rev 953
reordered cases in regularize (will be merged into two cases)
2010-01-27 use of equiv_relation_chk in quotient_term
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 08:41:42 +0100] rev 952
use of equiv_relation_chk in quotient_term
2010-01-27 some slight tuning
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 08:20:31 +0100] rev 951
some slight tuning
2010-01-27 added Terms to Nominal - Instantiation of two types does not work (ask Florian)
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 07:49:43 +0100] rev 950
added Terms to Nominal - Instantiation of two types does not work (ask Florian)
2010-01-27 added another example with indirect recursion over lists
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Wed, 27 Jan 2010 07:45:01 +0100] rev 949
added another example with indirect recursion over lists
2010-01-26 just moved obsolete material into Attic
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 20:12:41 +0100] rev 948
just moved obsolete material into Attic
2010-01-26 added an LamEx example together with the new nominal infrastructure
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 20:07:50 +0100] rev 947
added an LamEx example together with the new nominal infrastructure
2010-01-26 Bex1_Bexeq_regular.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:30:51 +0100] rev 946
2010-01-26 Hom Theorem with exists unique
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:59:04 +0100] rev 945
Hom Theorem with exists unique
2010-01-26 2 cases for regularize with split, lemmas with split now lift.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:48:25 +0100] rev 944
2 cases for regularize with split, lemmas with split now lift.
2010-01-26 Simpler statement that has the problem.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:08:47 +0100] rev 943
Simpler statement that has the problem.
2010-01-26 Found a term that does not regularize.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:58:28 +0100] rev 942
Found a term that does not regularize.
2010-01-26 A triple is still ok.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:53:56 +0100] rev 941
A triple is still ok.
2010-01-26 Combined the simpsets in clean_tac and updated the comment. Now cleaning of splits does work.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:38:42 +0100] rev 940
Combined the simpsets in clean_tac and updated the comment. Now cleaning of splits does work.
2010-01-26 Changed the lambda_prs_simple_conv to use id_apply, now last eq_reflection can be removed from id_simps.
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:24:23 +0100] rev 939
Changed the lambda_prs_simple_conv to use id_apply, now last eq_reflection can be removed from id_simps.
2010-01-26 Sigma cleaning works with split_prs (still manual proof).
Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 12:06:47 +0100] rev 938
Sigma cleaning works with split_prs (still manual proof).
2010-01-26 tuned
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:13:08 +0100] rev 937
2010-01-26 merged
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 10:53:44 +0100] rev 936
2010-01-26 cleaning of QuotProd; a little cleaning of QuotList
Christian Urban <urbanc@in.tum.de> [Tue, 26 Jan 2010 01:42:46 +0100] rev 935
cleaning of QuotProd; a little cleaning of QuotList
(0) -1000 -120 +120 +1000 tip