2010-07-22 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle; made FSet more "quiet"
2010-07-19 Christian Urban minor
2010-07-18 Christian Urban minor things on the paper
2010-07-18 Christian Urban some test with quotient
2010-06-23 Christian Urban merged cezary's changes
2010-06-23 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-06-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Changes for PER and list_all2 committed to Isabelle
2010-06-22 Christian Urban cleaned up the FSet (noise was introduced by error)
2010-06-20 Christian Urban eliminated a quot_thm flag
2010-06-16 Christian Urban conclusion done
2010-06-15 Cezary Kaliszyk Qpaper / Clarify the typing system and composition of quotients issue.
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-06-14 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper/unfold the ball_reg_right statement
2010-06-14 Christian Urban some tuning and start work on section 4
2010-06-14 Christian Urban completed proof and started section about respectfulness and preservation
2010-06-13 Christian Urban something about the quotient ype definitions
2010-06-11 Christian Urban more on the qpaper
2010-05-27 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper / a bit about prs
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk qpaper
2010-05-26 Cezary Kaliszyk Name some respectfullness
2010-05-10 Cezary Kaliszyk Synchronize FSet with repository
2010-04-26 Cezary Kaliszyk merge ???
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk infix for In
2010-04-23 Cezary Kaliszyk Further cleaning of proofs in FSet
2010-04-22 Cezary Kaliszyk Converted 'thm' to a lemma.
2010-04-22 Cezary Kaliszyk Moved working Fset3 properties to FSet.
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk append_rsp2 + isarification
2010-04-21 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-21 Christian Urban removed a sorry
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk Reorder FSet
2010-04-21 Cezary Kaliszyk lattice properties.
2010-04-20 Cezary Kaliszyk fsets are distributive lattices.
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk FSet is a semi-lattice
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Putting FSet in bot typeclass.
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk reorder
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk sub_list definition and respects
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Alternate list_eq and equivalence
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Some new lemmas
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk More cleaning
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk remove more metis
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk more metis cleaning
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Getting rid of 'metis'.
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove 'defer'.
2010-04-19 Cezary Kaliszyk 2 more lifted lemmas needed for second representation
2010-04-15 Christian Urban some tuning of proofs
2010-04-14 Cezary Kaliszyk merge
2010-04-14 Cezary Kaliszyk merge part: delete_rsp
2010-04-14 Cezary Kaliszyk merge part1: none_memb_nil
2010-04-14 Christian Urban added header and more tuning
2010-04-14 Christian Urban more tuning
2010-04-14 Christian Urban tuned
2010-04-13 Cezary Kaliszyk Working FSet with additional lemmas.
2010-04-13 Cezary Kaliszyk Much more in FSet (currently non-working)
2010-04-12 Christian Urban merged
2010-04-12 Christian Urban some small tunings (incompleted work in Lambda.thy)
2010-04-12 Cezary Kaliszyk Porting lemmas from Quotient package FSet to new FSet.
2010-03-27 Cezary Kaliszyk Remove list_eq notation.
2010-03-19 Cezary Kaliszyk A few more theorems in FSet.
2010-03-18 Cezary Kaliszyk Added a cleaned version of FSet.
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