2011-07-05 Christian Urban changed bind to binds in specifications; bind will cause trouble with Monad_Syntax
2010-12-31 Christian Urban changed res keyword to set+ for restrictions; comment by a referee
2010-12-22 Christian Urban tuned examples
2010-12-21 Christian Urban all examples for strong exhausts work; recursive binders need to be treated differently; still unclean version with lots of diagnostic code
2010-11-13 Christian Urban lifted permute_bn constants
2010-11-12 Christian Urban automated permute_bn functions (raw ones first)
2010-11-10 Christian Urban adapted to changes by Florian on the quotient package and removed local fix for function package
2010-10-14 Christian Urban major reorganisation of fset (renamed fset_to_set to fset, changed the definition of list_eq and fcard_raw)
2010-10-05 Christian Urban llncs and more sqeezing
2010-09-27 Christian Urban added postprocessed fresh-lemmas for constructors
2010-09-27 Christian Urban post-processed eq_iff and supp threormes according to the fv-supp equality
2010-09-27 Christian Urban some experiments
2010-09-25 Christian Urban lifted size_thms and exported them as <name>.size
2010-09-25 Christian Urban cleaned up two examples
2010-09-17 Christian Urban updated to Isabelle Sept 16
2010-09-12 Christian Urban tuned code
2010-09-10 Christian Urban supp-proofs work except for CoreHaskell and Modules (induct is probably not finding the correct instance)
2010-09-04 Christian Urban generated inducts rule by Project_Rule.projections
2010-09-04 Christian Urban added the definition supp_rel (support w.r.t. a relation)
2010-09-03 Christian Urban moved a proof to Abs
2010-09-03 Christian Urban made the fv-definition aggree more with alpha (needed in the support proofs)
2010-09-02 Christian Urban some experiments with support
2010-08-29 Christian Urban renamed NewParser to Nominal2
2010-08-29 Christian Urban updated todos
2010-08-28 Christian Urban added fs-instance proofs
2010-08-28 Christian Urban added proofs for fsupp properties
2010-08-28 Christian Urban fiexed problem with constructors that have no arguments
2010-08-28 Christian Urban proved supports lemmas
2010-08-25 Christian Urban cleaned up (almost completely) the examples
2010-08-25 Christian Urban automatic lifting
2010-08-25 Christian Urban can now deal with type variables in nominal datatype definitions
2010-08-22 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2010-08-22 Christian Urban updated to new Isabelle
2010-08-21 Christian Urban changed parser so that the binding mode is indicated as "bind (list)", "bind (set)" or "bind (res)"; if only "bind" is given, then bind (list) is assumed as default
2010-08-17 Christian Urban improved runtime slightly, by constructing an explicit size measure for the function definitions
2010-08-17 Christian Urban more tuning of the code
2010-08-17 Christian Urban improved code
2010-08-16 Christian Urban can also lift the various eqvt lemmas for bn, fv, fv_bn and size
2010-08-16 Christian Urban also able to lift the bn_defs
2010-08-16 Christian Urban added rsp-lemmas for alpha_bns
2010-08-16 Christian Urban cezary made the eq_iff lemmas to lift (still needs some infrastructure in quotient)
2010-08-16 Christian Urban pinpointed the problem
2010-08-16 Christian Urban modified the code for class instantiations (with help from Florian)
2010-08-15 Christian Urban defined qperms and qsizes
2010-08-14 Christian Urban improved code
2010-08-14 Christian Urban more experiments with lifting
2010-08-11 Christian Urban rsp for constructors
2010-08-11 Christian Urban added a function that transforms the helper-rsp lemmas into real rsp lemmas
2010-08-08 Christian Urban proved rsp-helper lemmas of size functions
2010-07-31 Christian Urban introduced a general alpha_prove method
2010-07-29 Christian Urban equivariance for size
2010-07-29 Christian Urban helper lemmas for rsp-lemmas
2010-07-27 Christian Urban tests
2010-07-27 Christian Urban cleaned up a bit Abs.thy
2010-07-27 Christian Urban fixed order of fold_union to make alpha and fv agree
2010-07-25 Christian Urban added paper by james; some minor cleaning
2010-07-17 Christian Urban tests
2010-07-16 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-07-14 Christian Urban more on the paper
2010-06-28 Christian Urban more quotient-definitions
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