2010-12-31 Christian Urban changed res keyword to set+ for restrictions; comment by a referee
2010-12-31 Christian Urban added proper case names for all induct and exhaust theorems
2010-12-30 Christian Urban removed local fix for bug in induction_schema; added setup method for strong inductions
2010-12-28 Christian Urban automated all strong induction lemmas
2010-12-28 Christian Urban proper application of induction_schema and strong_exhaust rules; needs local fix in induction_schema.ML
2010-12-26 Christian Urban generated goals for strong induction theorems.
2010-12-23 Christian Urban moved all strong_exhaust code to nominal_dt_quot; tuned examples
2010-12-23 Christian Urban moved generic functions into nominal_library
2010-12-22 Christian Urban slight tuning
2010-12-22 Christian Urban slight tuning
2010-12-22 Christian Urban added fold_right which produces the correct term for left-infix operators
2010-12-22 Christian Urban a bit tuning
2010-12-22 Christian Urban corrected premises of strong exhausts theorems
2010-12-22 Christian Urban properly exported strong exhaust theorem; cleaned up some examples
2010-12-21 Christian Urban all examples for strong exhausts work; recursive binders need to be treated differently; still unclean version with lots of diagnostic code
2010-12-17 Christian Urban tuned
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