2010-11-13 Christian Urban lifted permute_bn constants
2010-11-12 Christian Urban automated permute_bn functions (raw ones first)
2010-11-10 Christian Urban adapted to changes by Florian on the quotient package and removed local fix for function package
2010-10-14 Christian Urban major reorganisation of fset (renamed fset_to_set to fset, changed the definition of list_eq and fcard_raw)
2010-10-05 Christian Urban llncs and more sqeezing
2010-09-27 Christian Urban added postprocessed fresh-lemmas for constructors
2010-09-27 Christian Urban post-processed eq_iff and supp threormes according to the fv-supp equality
2010-09-27 Christian Urban some experiments
less more (0) -30 -10 -8 tip