Mon, 11 Jan 2010 00:31:29 +0100 Christian Urban the chk-functions in quotient_term also simplify the result according to the id_simps; had to remove id_def from this theorem list though; this caused in FSet3 that relied on this rule; the problem is marked with "ID PROBLEM"
Thu, 24 Dec 2009 22:28:19 +0100 Christian Urban made the quotient_type definition more like typedef; now type variables need to be explicitly given
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 22:36:31 +0100 Christian Urban get_fun needed change to cope with "('a fset) fset" types...this needs composition (op o); now id_simps contains also id_o and o_id, and map_id is also added in QuotList.thy; regularize and cleaning needed to be hacked (indicated by "HACK")...THIS NEEDS ATTENTION!!!; except two lemmas in IntEx, all examples go through; added considerable material to FSet3; tuned FIXME-TODO
Sun, 20 Dec 2009 00:53:35 +0100 Christian Urban on suggestion of Tobias renamed "quotient_def" to "quotient_definition"; needs new keyword file
Sun, 20 Dec 2009 00:26:53 +0100 Christian Urban renamed "quotient" command to "quotient_type"; needs new keyword file to be installed
Sun, 20 Dec 2009 00:14:46 +0100 Christian Urban with "isabelle make keywords" you can create automatically a "quot" keywordfile, provided all Logics are in place
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