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tried to improve the inj_repabs_trm function but left the new part commented out
2009-11-29, by Christian Urban
added a new version of QuotMain to experiment with qids
2009-11-29, by Christian Urban
started functions for qid-insertion and fixed a bug in regularise
2009-11-29, by Christian Urban
Removed unnecessary HOL_ss which proved one of the subgoals.
2009-11-29, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Added 'TRY' to refl in clean_tac to get as far as possible. Removed unnecessary [quot_rsp] in FSet. Added necessary [quot_rsp] and one lifted thm in LamEx.
2009-11-29, by Cezary Kaliszyk
introduced a global list of respectfulness lemmas; the attribute is [quot_rsp]
2009-11-29, by Christian Urban
2009-11-29, by Christian Urban
improved pattern matching inside the inj_repabs_tacs
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
selective debugging of the inj_repabs_tac (at the moment for step 3 and 4 debugging information is printed)
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
removed old inj_repabs_tac; kept only the one with (selective) debugging information
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
renamed r_mk_comb_tac to inj_repabs_tac
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
tuned comments
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
renamed LAMBDA_RES_TAC and WEAK_LAMBDA_RES_TAC to lower case names
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
Manually finished LF induction.
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Moved fast instantiation to QuotMain
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
LFex proof a bit further.
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Looking at repabs proof in LF.
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
further proper merge
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
more simplification
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
Merged and tested that all works.
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Finished and tested the new regularize
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
more tuning of the repabs-tactics
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
fixed examples in IntEx and FSet
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
fixed previous commit
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
Cleaned all lemmas about regularisation of Ball and Bex and moved in one place. Second Ball simprox.
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Merged comment
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Integrated Stefan's tactic and changed substs to simps with empty context.
2009-11-28, by Cezary Kaliszyk
some slight tuning of the apply-tactic
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
annotated a proof with all steps and simplified LAMBDA_RES_TAC
2009-11-28, by Christian Urban
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
The magical code from Stefan, will need to be integrated in the Simproc.
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
replaced FIRST' (map rtac list) with resolve_tac list
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
Simplifying arguments; got rid of trans2_thm.
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Cleaning of LFex. Lambda_prs fails to unify in 2 places.
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Removing arguments of tactics: absrep, rel_refl, reps_same are computed.
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More cleaning in QuotMain, identity handling.
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Minor cleaning
2009-11-27, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
some tuning
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
simplified gen_frees_tac and properly named abstracted variables
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
removed CHANGED'
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
introduced a separate lemma for id_simps
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
renamed inj_REPABS to inj_repabs_trm
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
tuned comments and moved slightly some code
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
deleted obsolete qenv code
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
renamed REGULARIZE to be regularize
2009-11-27, by Christian Urban
more tuning
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
deleted get_fun_old and stuff
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
recommited changes of comments
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
Merge Again
2009-11-26, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-26, by Cezary Kaliszyk
tuned comments
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
some diagnostic code for r_mk_comb
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
introduced a new property for Ball and ===> on the left
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
fixed QuotList
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
changed left-res
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
Manually regularized akind_aty_atrm.induct
2009-11-26, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Playing with Monos in LFex.
2009-11-26, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Fixed FSet after merge.
2009-11-26, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
test with monos
2009-11-26, by Christian Urban
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-25, by Christian Urban
reordered the code
2009-11-25, by Christian Urban
Moved exception handling to QuotMain and cleaned FSet.
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Finished manual lifting of list_induct_part :)
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
comments tuning and slight reordering
2009-11-25, by Christian Urban
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More moving from QuotMain to UnusedQuotMain
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
deleted some obsolete diagnostic code
2009-11-25, by Christian Urban
Removed unused things from QuotMain.
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
All examples work again.
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
cleaning in MyInt
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
lambda_prs and cleaning the existing examples.
2009-11-25, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-25, by Christian Urban
fixed the problem with generalising variables; at the moment it is quite a hack
2009-11-25, by Christian Urban
Ho-matching failures...
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
changed unification to matching
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
Lambda & SOLVED' for new quotient_tac
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
The non-working procedure_tac.
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
use error instead of raising our own exception
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
Fixes to the tactic after quotient_tac changed.
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
added a prepare_tac
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
TRY' for clean_tac
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Moved cleaning to QuotMain
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
New cleaning tactic
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
explicit phases for the cleaning
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
Separate regularize_tac
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Another theorem for which the new regularize differs from old one, so the goal is not proved. But it seems, that the new one is better.
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More fixes for inj_REPABS
2009-11-24, by Cezary Kaliszyk
addded a tactic, which sets up the three goals of the `algorithm'
2009-11-24, by Christian Urban
fixed the error by a temporary fix (the data of the eqivalence relation should be only its name)
2009-11-23, by Christian Urban
2009-11-23, by Christian Urban
tuned some comments
2009-11-23, by Christian Urban
Another not-typechecking regularized term.
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
domain_type in regularizing equality
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
More theorems lifted in the goal-directed way.
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Finished temporary goal-directed lift_theorem wrapper.
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-23, by Christian Urban
a version of inj_REPABS (needs to be looked at again later)
2009-11-23, by Christian Urban
Fixes for atomize
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
lift_thm with a goal.
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
slight change in code layout
2009-11-23, by Christian Urban
Fixes for new code
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Removing dead code
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Move atomize_goal to QuotMain
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Removed second implementation of Regularize/Inject from FSet.
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk
Moved new repabs_inj code to QuotMain
2009-11-23, by Cezary Kaliszyk