author Ning@localhost
Sun, 20 Sep 2009 05:48:49 +0100 (2009-09-20)
changeset 23 f6c6cf8c3b98
parent 22 5023bf36d81a
child 24 6885fa184e89
permissions -rw-r--r--
some more beautification
theory QuotMain
imports QuotScript QuotList Prove

locale QUOT_TYPE =
  fixes R :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> bool"
  and   Abs :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'b"
  and   Rep :: "'b \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool)"
  assumes equiv: "EQUIV R"
  and     rep_prop: "\<And>y. \<exists>x. Rep y = R x"
  and     rep_inverse: "\<And>x. Abs (Rep x) = x"
  and     abs_inverse: "\<And>x. (Rep (Abs (R x))) = (R x)"
  and     rep_inject: "\<And>x y. (Rep x = Rep y) = (x = y)"

  "ABS x \<equiv> Abs (R x)"

  "REP a = Eps (Rep a)"

lemma lem9:
  shows "R (Eps (R x)) = R x"
proof -
  have a: "R x x" using equiv by (simp add: EQUIV_REFL_SYM_TRANS REFL_def)
  then have "R x (Eps (R x))" by (rule someI)
  then show "R (Eps (R x)) = R x"
    using equiv unfolding EQUIV_def by simp

theorem thm10:
  shows "ABS (REP a) = a"
unfolding ABS_def REP_def
proof -
  from rep_prop
  obtain x where eq: "Rep a = R x" by auto
  have "Abs (R (Eps (Rep a))) = Abs (R (Eps (R x)))" using eq by simp
  also have "\<dots> = Abs (R x)" using lem9 by simp
  also have "\<dots> = Abs (Rep a)" using eq by simp
  also have "\<dots> = a" using rep_inverse by simp
  show "Abs (R (Eps (Rep a))) = a" by simp

lemma REP_refl:
  shows "R (REP a) (REP a)"
unfolding REP_def
by (simp add: equiv[simplified EQUIV_def])

lemma lem7:
  shows "(R x = R y) = (Abs (R x) = Abs (R y))"
apply(rule iffI)
apply(drule rep_inject[THEN iffD2])
apply(simp add: abs_inverse)

theorem thm11:
  shows "R r r' = (ABS r = ABS r')"
unfolding ABS_def
by (simp only: equiv[simplified EQUIV_def] lem7)

lemma REP_ABS_rsp:
  shows "R f (REP (ABS g)) = R f g"
  and   "R (REP (ABS g)) f = R g f"
by (simp_all add: thm10 thm11)

apply(unfold QUOTIENT_def)
apply(simp add: thm10)
apply(simp add: REP_refl)
apply(subst thm11[symmetric])
apply(simp add: equiv[simplified EQUIV_def])

lemma R_trans:
  assumes ab: "R a b" 
  and     bc: "R b c" 
  shows "R a c"
proof -
  have tr: "TRANS R" using equiv EQUIV_REFL_SYM_TRANS[of R] by simp
  moreover have ab: "R a b" by fact
  moreover have bc: "R b c" by fact
  ultimately show "R a c" unfolding TRANS_def by blast

lemma R_sym:
  assumes ab: "R a b" 
  shows "R b a"
proof -
  have re: "SYM R" using equiv EQUIV_REFL_SYM_TRANS[of R] by simp
  then show "R b a" using ab unfolding SYM_def by blast

lemma R_trans2: 
  assumes ac: "R a c" 
  and     bd: "R b d"
  shows "R a b = R c d"
  assume "R a b"
  then have "R b a" using R_sym by blast
  then have "R b c" using ac R_trans by blast
  then have "R c b" using R_sym by blast
  then show "R c d" using bd R_trans by blast
  assume "R c d"
  then have "R a d" using ac R_trans by blast
  then have "R d a" using R_sym by blast
  then have "R b a" using bd R_trans by blast
  then show "R a b" using R_sym by blast

lemma REPS_same:
  shows "R (REP a) (REP b) = (a = b)"
  assume as: "R (REP a) (REP b)"
  from rep_prop
  obtain x y 
    where eqs: "Rep a = R x" "Rep b = R y" by blast
  from eqs have "R (Eps (R x)) (Eps (R y))" using as unfolding REP_def by simp
  then have "R x (Eps (R y))" using lem9 by simp
  then have "R (Eps (R y)) x" using R_sym by blast
  then have "R y x" using lem9 by simp
  then have "R x y" using R_sym by blast
  then have "ABS x = ABS y" using thm11 by simp
  then have "Abs (Rep a) = Abs (Rep b)" using eqs unfolding ABS_def by simp
  then show "a = b" using rep_inverse by simp
  assume ab: "a = b"
  have "REFL R" using equiv EQUIV_REFL_SYM_TRANS[of R] by simp
  then show "R (REP a) (REP b)" unfolding REFL_def using ab by auto


section {* type definition for the quotient type *}

ML {*
(* constructs the term \<lambda>(c::ty \<Rightarrow> bool). \<exists>x. c = rel x *)
fun typedef_term rel ty lthy =
  val [x, c] = [("x", ty), ("c", ty --> @{typ bool})]
               |> Variable.variant_frees lthy [rel]
               |> map Free
  lambda c
       ("x", ty, HOLogic.mk_eq (c, (rel $ x))))

ML {*
 typedef_term @{term R} @{typ "nat"} @{context}
  |> Syntax.string_of_term @{context}
  |> writeln

ML {*
val typedef_tac =
  EVERY1 [rewrite_goal_tac @{thms mem_def},
          rtac @{thm exI}, rtac @{thm exI}, rtac @{thm refl}]

ML {*
(* makes the new type definitions *)
fun typedef_make (qty_name, rel, ty) lthy =
  (Typedef.add_typedef false NONE
     (qty_name, map fst (Term.add_tfreesT ty []), NoSyn)
       (typedef_term rel ty lthy)
         NONE typedef_tac) lthy

text {* proves the QUOT_TYPE theorem for the new type *}
ML {*
fun typedef_quot_type_tac equiv_thm (typedef_info: Typedef.info) =
  val rep_thm = #Rep typedef_info
  val rep_inv = #Rep_inverse typedef_info
  val abs_inv = #Abs_inverse typedef_info
  val rep_inj = #Rep_inject typedef_info

  val ss = HOL_basic_ss addsimps @{thms mem_def}
  val rep_thm_simpd = Simplifier.asm_full_simplify ss rep_thm
  val abs_inv_simpd = Simplifier.asm_full_simplify ss abs_inv
  EVERY1 [rtac @{thm QUOT_TYPE.intro},
          rtac equiv_thm,
          rtac rep_thm_simpd,
          rtac rep_inv,
          rtac abs_inv_simpd, rtac @{thm exI}, rtac @{thm refl},
          rtac rep_inj]

ML {* HOLogic.mk_Trueprop *}
ML {* Goal.prove *}
ML {* Syntax.check_term *}

ML {*
fun typedef_quot_type_thm (rel, abs, rep, equiv_thm, typedef_info) lthy =
  val quot_type_const = Const (@{const_name "QUOT_TYPE"}, dummyT)
  val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (quot_type_const $ rel $ abs $ rep)
             |> Syntax.check_term lthy
  Goal.prove lthy [] [] goal
    (fn _ => typedef_quot_type_tac equiv_thm typedef_info)

ML {*
fun typedef_quotient_thm_tac defs quot_type_thm =
  EVERY1 [K (rewrite_goals_tac defs),
          rtac @{thm QUOT_TYPE.QUOTIENT},
          rtac quot_type_thm]

ML {*
fun typedef_quotient_thm (rel, abs, rep, abs_def, rep_def, quot_type_thm) lthy =
  val quotient_const = Const (@{const_name "QUOTIENT"}, dummyT)
  val goal = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (quotient_const $ rel $ abs $ rep)
             |> Syntax.check_term lthy
  Goal.prove lthy [] [] goal
    (fn _ => typedef_quotient_thm_tac [abs_def, rep_def] quot_type_thm)

text {* two wrappers for define and note *}
ML {*
fun make_def (name, mx, rhs) lthy =
  val ((rhs, (_ , thm)), lthy') =
     LocalTheory.define Thm.internalK ((name, mx), (Attrib.empty_binding, rhs)) lthy
  ((rhs, thm), lthy')

ML {*
fun reg_thm (name, thm) lthy =
  val ((_,[thm']), lthy') = LocalTheory.note Thm.theoremK ((name, []), [thm]) lthy
  (thm', lthy')

ML {*
val no_vars = Thm.rule_attribute (fn context => fn th =>
    val ctxt = Variable.set_body false (Context.proof_of context);
    val ((_, [th']), _) = Variable.import true [th] ctxt;
  in th' end);

ML {*
fun typedef_main (qty_name, rel, ty, equiv_thm) lthy =
  (* generates typedef *)
  val ((_, typedef_info), lthy') = typedef_make (qty_name, rel, ty) lthy

  (* abs and rep functions *)
  val abs_ty = #abs_type typedef_info
  val rep_ty = #rep_type typedef_info
  val abs_name = #Abs_name typedef_info
  val rep_name = #Rep_name typedef_info
  val abs = Const (abs_name, rep_ty --> abs_ty)
  val rep = Const (rep_name, abs_ty --> rep_ty)

  (* ABS and REP definitions *)
  val ABS_const = Const (@{const_name "QUOT_TYPE.ABS"}, dummyT )
  val REP_const = Const (@{const_name "QUOT_TYPE.REP"}, dummyT )
  val ABS_trm = Syntax.check_term lthy' (ABS_const $ rel $ abs)
  val REP_trm = Syntax.check_term lthy' (REP_const $ rep)
  val ABS_name = Binding.prefix_name "ABS_" qty_name
  val REP_name = Binding.prefix_name "REP_" qty_name
  val (((ABS, ABS_def), (REP, REP_def)), lthy'') =
         lthy' |> make_def (ABS_name, NoSyn, ABS_trm)
               ||>> make_def (REP_name, NoSyn, REP_trm)

  (* quot_type theorem *)
  val quot_thm = typedef_quot_type_thm (rel, abs, rep, equiv_thm, typedef_info) lthy''
  val quot_thm_name = Binding.prefix_name "QUOT_TYPE_" qty_name

  (* quotient theorem *)
  val quotient_thm = typedef_quotient_thm (rel, ABS, REP, ABS_def, REP_def, quot_thm) lthy''
  val quotient_thm_name = Binding.prefix_name "QUOTIENT_" qty_name

  (* interpretation *)
  val bindd = ((Binding.make ("", Position.none)), ([]: Attrib.src list))
  val ((_, [eqn1pre]), lthy''') = Variable.import true [ABS_def] lthy'';
  val eqn1i = Thm.prop_of (symmetric eqn1pre)
  val ((_, [eqn2pre]), lthy'''') = Variable.import true [REP_def] lthy''';
  val eqn2i = Thm.prop_of (symmetric eqn2pre)

  val exp_morphism = ProofContext.export_morphism lthy'''' (ProofContext.init (ProofContext.theory_of lthy''''));
  val exp_term = Morphism.term exp_morphism;
  val exp = Morphism.thm exp_morphism;

  val mthd = Method.SIMPLE_METHOD ((rtac quot_thm 1) THEN
    ALLGOALS (simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [(symmetric (exp ABS_def)), (symmetric (exp REP_def))])))
  val mthdt = Method.Basic (fn _ => mthd)
  val bymt = Proof.global_terminal_proof (mthdt, NONE)
  val exp_i = [(@{const_name QUOT_TYPE}, ((("QUOT_TYPE_I_" ^ (Binding.name_of qty_name)), true),
    Expression.Named [
     ("R", rel),
     ("Abs", abs),
     ("Rep", rep)
  |> reg_thm (quot_thm_name, quot_thm)
  ||>> reg_thm (quotient_thm_name, quotient_thm)
  ||> LocalTheory.theory (fn thy =>
        val global_eqns = map exp_term [eqn2i, eqn1i];
        (* Not sure if the following context should not be used *)
        val (global_eqns2, lthy''''') = Variable.import_terms true global_eqns lthy'''';
        val global_eqns3 = map (fn t => (bindd, t)) global_eqns2;
      in ProofContext.theory_of (bymt (Expression.interpretation (exp_i, []) global_eqns3 thy)) end)

section {* various tests for quotient types*}
datatype trm =
  var  "nat"
| app  "trm" "trm"
| lam  "nat" "trm"

axiomatization RR :: "trm \<Rightarrow> trm \<Rightarrow> bool" where
  r_eq: "EQUIV RR"

ML {*

local_setup {*
  typedef_main (@{binding "qtrm"}, @{term "RR"}, @{typ trm}, @{thm r_eq}) #> snd

term Rep_qtrm
term REP_qtrm
term Abs_qtrm
term ABS_qtrm
thm QUOT_TYPE_qtrm
thm QUOTIENT_qtrm

(* Test interpretation *)
thm QUOT_TYPE_I_qtrm.thm11


thm Rep_qtrm

text {* another test *}
datatype 'a my = Foo
consts Rmy :: "'a my \<Rightarrow> 'a my \<Rightarrow> bool"
axioms rmy_eq: "EQUIV Rmy"

term "\<lambda>(c::'a my\<Rightarrow>bool). \<exists>x. c = Rmy x"

datatype 'a trm' =
  var'  "'a"
| app'  "'a trm'" "'a trm'"
| lam'  "'a" "'a trm'"

consts R' :: "'a trm' \<Rightarrow> 'a trm' \<Rightarrow> bool"
axioms r_eq': "EQUIV R'"

local_setup {*
  typedef_main (@{binding "qtrm'"}, @{term "R'"}, @{typ "'a trm'"}, @{thm r_eq'}) #> snd


term ABS_qtrm'
term REP_qtrm'
thm QUOT_TYPE_qtrm'
thm QUOTIENT_qtrm'
thm Rep_qtrm'

text {* a test with lists of terms *}
datatype t =
  vr "string"
| ap "t list"
| lm "string" "t"

consts Rt :: "t \<Rightarrow> t \<Rightarrow> bool"
axioms t_eq: "EQUIV Rt"

local_setup {*
  typedef_main (@{binding "qt"}, @{term "Rt"}, @{typ "t"}, @{thm t_eq}) #> snd

section {* lifting of constants *}

text {* information about map-functions for type-constructor *}
ML {*
type typ_info = {mapfun: string}

  structure Data = GenericDataFun
  (type T = typ_info Symtab.table
   val empty = Symtab.empty
   val extend = I
   fun merge _ = Symtab.merge (K true))
 val lookup = Symtab.lookup o Data.get
 fun update k v = Data.map (Symtab.update (k, v))

(* mapfuns for some standard types *)
setup {*
    Context.theory_map (update @{type_name "list"} {mapfun = @{const_name "map"}})
 #> Context.theory_map (update @{type_name "*"} {mapfun = @{const_name "prod_fun"}})
 #> Context.theory_map (update @{type_name "fun"}  {mapfun = @{const_name "fun_map"}})

ML {* lookup (Context.Proof @{context}) @{type_name list} *}

ML {*
datatype abs_or_rep = abs | rep

fun get_fun abs_or_rep rty qty lthy ty =
  val qty_name = Long_Name.base_name (fst (dest_Type qty))

  fun get_fun_aux s fs_tys =
    val (fs, tys) = split_list fs_tys
    val (otys, ntys) = split_list tys
    val oty = Type (s, otys)
    val nty = Type (s, ntys)
    val ftys = map (op -->) tys
   (case (lookup (Context.Proof lthy) s) of
      SOME info => (list_comb (Const (#mapfun info, ftys ---> oty --> nty), fs), (oty, nty))
    | NONE => raise ERROR ("no map association for type " ^ s))

  fun get_const abs = (Const ("QuotMain.ABS_" ^ qty_name, rty --> qty), (rty, qty))
    | get_const rep = (Const ("QuotMain.REP_" ^ qty_name, qty --> rty), (qty, rty))
  if ty = qty
  then (get_const abs_or_rep)
  else (case ty of
          TFree _ => (Abs ("x", ty, Bound 0), (ty, ty))
        | Type (_, []) => (Abs ("x", ty, Bound 0), (ty, ty))
        | Type (s, tys) => get_fun_aux s (map (get_fun abs_or_rep rty qty lthy) tys)
        | _ => raise ERROR ("no variables")

ML {*
  get_fun rep @{typ t} @{typ qt} @{context} @{typ "t * nat"}
  |> fst
  |> Syntax.string_of_term @{context}
  |> writeln

ML {*
fun get_const_def nconst oconst rty qty lthy =
  val ty = fastype_of nconst
  val (arg_tys, res_ty) = strip_type ty

  val fresh_args = arg_tys |> map (pair "x")
                           |> Variable.variant_frees lthy [nconst, oconst]
                           |> map Free

  val rep_fns = map (fst o get_fun rep rty qty lthy) arg_tys
  val abs_fn  = (fst o get_fun abs rty qty lthy) res_ty

  map (op $) (rep_fns ~~ fresh_args)
  |> curry list_comb oconst
  |> curry (op $) abs_fn
  |> fold_rev lambda fresh_args

ML {*
fun exchange_ty rty qty ty =
  if ty = rty then qty
    (case ty of
       Type (s, tys) => Type (s, map (exchange_ty rty qty) tys)
      | _ => ty)

ML {*
fun make_const_def nconst_bname oconst mx rty qty lthy =
  val oconst_ty = fastype_of oconst
  val nconst_ty = exchange_ty rty qty oconst_ty
  val nconst = Const (Binding.name_of nconst_bname, nconst_ty)
  val def_trm = get_const_def nconst oconst rty qty lthy
  make_def (nconst_bname, mx, def_trm) lthy

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding VR} @{term "vr"} NoSyn @{typ "t"} @{typ "qt"} #> snd

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding AP} @{term "ap"} NoSyn @{typ "t"} @{typ "qt"} #> snd

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding LM} @{term "lm"} NoSyn @{typ "t"} @{typ "qt"} #> snd

thm VR_def
thm AP_def
thm LM_def
term LM
term VR
term AP

text {* a test with functions *}
datatype 'a t' =
  vr' "string"
| ap' "('a t') * ('a t')"
| lm' "'a" "string \<Rightarrow> ('a t')"

consts Rt' :: "('a t') \<Rightarrow> ('a t') \<Rightarrow> bool"
axioms t_eq': "EQUIV Rt'"

local_setup {*
  typedef_main (@{binding "qt'"}, @{term "Rt'"}, @{typ "'a t'"}, @{thm t_eq'}) #> snd


local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding VR'} @{term "vr'"} NoSyn @{typ "'a t'"} @{typ "'a qt'"} #> snd

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding AP'} @{term "ap'"} NoSyn @{typ "'a t'"} @{typ "'a qt'"} #> snd

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding LM'} @{term "lm'"} NoSyn @{typ "'a t'"} @{typ "'a qt'"} #> snd

thm VR'_def
thm AP'_def
thm LM'_def
term LM'
term VR'
term AP'

text {* finite set example *}
  list_eq (infix "\<approx>" 50)
  "a#b#xs \<approx> b#a#xs"
| "[] \<approx> []"
| "xs \<approx> ys \<Longrightarrow> ys \<approx> xs"
| "a#a#xs \<approx> a#xs"
| "xs \<approx> ys \<Longrightarrow> a#xs \<approx> a#ys"
| "\<lbrakk>xs1 \<approx> xs2; xs2 \<approx> xs3\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> xs1 \<approx> xs3"

lemma list_eq_sym:
  shows "xs \<approx> xs"
  apply (induct xs)
   apply (auto intro: list_eq.intros)

lemma equiv_list_eq:
  shows "EQUIV list_eq"
  unfolding EQUIV_REFL_SYM_TRANS REFL_def SYM_def TRANS_def
  apply(auto intro: list_eq.intros list_eq_sym)

local_setup {*
  typedef_main (@{binding "fset"}, @{term "list_eq"}, @{typ "'a list"}, @{thm "equiv_list_eq"}) #> snd


typ "'a fset"
thm "Rep_fset"

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding EMPTY} @{term "[]"} NoSyn @{typ "'a list"} @{typ "'a fset"} #> snd

term Nil
term EMPTY
thm EMPTY_def

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding INSERT} @{term "op #"} NoSyn @{typ "'a list"} @{typ "'a fset"} #> snd

term Cons
thm INSERT_def

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding UNION} @{term "op @"} NoSyn @{typ "'a list"} @{typ "'a fset"} #> snd

term append
term UNION
thm UNION_def

(* Maybe the infrastructure should not allow this kind of definition, without showing that
   the relation respects lenght... *)
local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding CARD} @{term "length"} NoSyn @{typ "'a list"} @{typ "'a fset"} #> snd

term length
term CARD
thm CARD_def

thm QUOTIENT_fset

thm QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm11

  membship :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "memb" 100)
  m1: "(x memb []) = False"
| m2: "(x memb (y#xs)) = ((x=y) \<or> (x memb xs))"

lemma mem_respects:
  fixes z
  assumes a: "list_eq x y"
  shows "(z memb x) = (z memb y)"
  using a by induct auto

lemma cons_preserves:
  fixes z
  assumes a: "xs \<approx> ys"
  shows "(z # xs) \<approx> (z # ys)"
  using a by (rule QuotMain.list_eq.intros(5))

ML {*
fun unlam_def orig_ctxt ctxt t =
  let val rhs = Thm.rhs_of t in
  (case try (Thm.dest_abs NONE) rhs of
    SOME (v, vt) =>
        val (vname, vt) = Term.dest_Free (Thm.term_of v)
        val ([vnname], ctxt) = Variable.variant_fixes [vname] ctxt
        val nv = Free(vnname, vt)
        val t2 = Drule.fun_cong_rule t (Thm.cterm_of (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) nv)
        val tnorm = equal_elim (Drule.beta_eta_conversion (Thm.cprop_of t2)) t2
      in unlam_def orig_ctxt ctxt tnorm end
  | NONE => singleton (ProofContext.export ctxt orig_ctxt) t)

local_setup {*
  make_const_def @{binding IN} @{term "membship"} NoSyn @{typ "'a list"} @{typ "'a fset"} #> snd

term membship
term IN
thm IN_def
ML {* unlam_def @{context} @{context} @{thm IN_def} *}

lemmas a = QUOT_TYPE.ABS_def[OF QUOT_TYPE_fset]
thm QUOT_TYPE.thm11[OF QUOT_TYPE_fset, THEN iffD1, simplified a]

lemma yy:
  shows "(False = x memb []) = (False = IN (x::nat) EMPTY)"
unfolding IN_def EMPTY_def
apply(rule_tac f="(op =) False" in arg_cong)
apply(rule mem_respects)
apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REP_ABS_rsp)
apply(rule list_eq.intros)

  shows "IN (x::nat) EMPTY = False"
using m1
apply -
apply(rule yy[THEN iffD1, symmetric])

  shows "((x=y) \<or> (IN x xs) = (IN (x::nat) (INSERT y xs))) =
         ((x=y) \<or> x memb REP_fset xs = x memb (y # REP_fset xs))"
unfolding IN_def INSERT_def
apply(rule_tac f="(op \<or>) (x=y)" in arg_cong)
apply(rule_tac f="(op =) (x memb REP_fset xs)" in arg_cong)
apply(rule mem_respects)
apply(rule list_eq.intros(3))
apply(unfold REP_fset_def ABS_fset_def)
apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE.REP_ABS_rsp[OF QUOT_TYPE_fset])
apply(rule list_eq_sym)

lemma append_respects_fst:
  assumes a : "list_eq l1 l2"
  shows "list_eq (l1 @ s) (l2 @ s)"
  using a
  apply(auto intro: list_eq.intros)
  apply(simp add: list_eq_sym)

lemma yyy:
  shows "
     (UNION EMPTY s = s) &
     ((UNION (INSERT e s1) s2) = (INSERT e (UNION s1 s2)))
    ) = (
     ((ABS_fset ([] @ REP_fset s)) = s) &
     ((ABS_fset ((e # (REP_fset s1)) @ REP_fset s2)) = ABS_fset (e # (REP_fset s1 @ REP_fset s2)))
  unfolding UNION_def EMPTY_def INSERT_def
  apply(rule_tac f="(op &)" in arg_cong2)
  apply(rule_tac f="(op =)" in arg_cong2)
  apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm11[symmetric])
  apply(rule append_respects_fst)
  apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REP_ABS_rsp)
  apply(rule list_eq_sym)
  apply(rule_tac f="(op =)" in arg_cong2)
  apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm11[symmetric])
  apply(rule append_respects_fst)
  apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REP_ABS_rsp)
  apply(rule list_eq_sym)
  apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm11[symmetric])
  apply(rule list_eq.intros(5))
  apply(simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REP_ABS_rsp)
  apply(rule list_eq_sym)

  shows "
     (UNION EMPTY s = s) &
     ((UNION (INSERT e s1) s2) = (INSERT e (UNION s1 s2)))"
  apply (simp add: yyy)
  apply (rule QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm10)

ML {*
  fun mk_rep_abs x = @{term REP_fset} $ (@{term ABS_fset} $ x)
  val consts = [@{const_name "Nil"}, @{const_name "append"}, @{const_name "Cons"}, @{const_name "membship"}]

ML {*
fun build_goal thm constructors lifted_type mk_rep_abs =
    fun is_const (Const (x, t)) = x mem constructors
      | is_const _ = false
    fun maybe_mk_rep_abs t =
        val _ = writeln ("Maybe: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term @{context} t)
        if type_of t = lifted_type then mk_rep_abs t else t
    fun build_aux (Abs (s, t, tr)) = (Abs (s, t, build_aux tr))
      | build_aux (f $ a) =
            val (f, args) = strip_comb (f $ a)
            val _ = writeln (Syntax.string_of_term @{context} f)
            (if is_const f then maybe_mk_rep_abs (list_comb (f, (map maybe_mk_rep_abs (map build_aux args))))
            else list_comb ((build_aux f), (map build_aux args)))
      | build_aux x =
          if is_const x then maybe_mk_rep_abs x else x
    val concl = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.concl_of thm)
  HOLogic.mk_eq ((build_aux concl), concl)
end *}

ML {* val emptyt = (symmetric (unlam_def @{context} @{context} @{thm EMPTY_def})) *}
ML {* val in_t = (symmetric (unlam_def @{context} @{context} @{thm IN_def})) *}
ML {* val uniont = symmetric (unlam_def @{context} @{context} @{thm UNION_def}) *}
ML {* val cardt =  symmetric (unlam_def @{context} @{context} @{thm CARD_def}) *}
ML {* val insertt =  symmetric (unlam_def @{context} @{context} @{thm INSERT_def}) *}
ML {* val fset_defs = @{thms EMPTY_def IN_def UNION_def CARD_def INSERT_def} *}
ML {* val fset_defs_sym = [emptyt, in_t, uniont, cardt, insertt] *}

ML {*
  fun dest_cbinop t =
      val (t2, rhs) = Thm.dest_comb t;
      val (bop, lhs) = Thm.dest_comb t2;
      (bop, (lhs, rhs))
ML {*
  fun dest_ceq t =
      val (bop, pair) = dest_cbinop t;
      val (bop_s, _) = Term.dest_Const (Thm.term_of bop);
      if bop_s = "op =" then pair else (raise CTERM ("Not an equality", [t]))
ML Thm.instantiate
ML {*@{thm arg_cong2}*}
ML {*@{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "op ="]} *}
ML {* val cT = @{cpat "op ="} |> Thm.ctyp_of_term |> Thm.dest_ctyp |> hd *}
ML {* 
  Toplevel.program (fn () =>
    Drule.instantiate' [SOME cT,SOME cT,SOME @{ctyp bool}] [NONE,NONE,NONE,NONE,SOME (@{cpat "op ="})] @{thm arg_cong2}

ML {*
  fun foo_conv t =
      val (lhs, rhs) = dest_ceq t;
      val (bop, _) = dest_cbinop lhs;
      val [clT, cr2] = bop |> Thm.ctyp_of_term |> Thm.dest_ctyp;
      val [cmT, crT] = Thm.dest_ctyp cr2;
      Drule.instantiate' [SOME clT,SOME cmT,SOME crT] [NONE,NONE,NONE,NONE,SOME bop] @{thm arg_cong2}

ML {*
  fun foo_tac n thm =
      val concl = Thm.cprem_of thm n;
      val (_, cconcl) = Thm.dest_comb concl;
      val rewr = foo_conv cconcl;
      val _ = tracing (Display.string_of_thm @{context} rewr)
      val _ = tracing (Display.string_of_thm @{context} thm)
      rtac rewr n thm
      handle CTERM _ => Seq.empty

(* Has all the theorems about fset plugged in. These should be parameters to the tactic *)

ML {*
  val foo_tac' =
    FIRST' [
      rtac @{thm list_eq_sym},
      rtac @{thm cons_preserves},
      rtac @{thm mem_respects},
      simp_tac (@{simpset} addsimps @{thms QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REP_ABS_rsp})

thm m1

ML {*
  val m1_novars = snd(no_vars ((Context.Theory @{theory}),@{thm m1}))
  val goal = build_goal m1_novars consts @{typ "'a list"} mk_rep_abs
  val cgoal = cterm_of @{theory} goal
  val cgoal2 = Thm.rhs_of (MetaSimplifier.rewrite false fset_defs_sym cgoal)

prove {* HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of cgoal2) *}
  apply (tactic {* LocalDefs.unfold_tac @{context} fset_defs *} )
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})

thm length_append (* Not true but worth checking that the goal is correct *)
ML {*
  val m1_novars = snd(no_vars ((Context.Theory @{theory}),@{thm length_append}))
  val goal = build_goal m1_novars consts @{typ "'a list"} mk_rep_abs
  val cgoal = cterm_of @{theory} goal
  val cgoal2 = Thm.rhs_of (MetaSimplifier.rewrite false fset_defs_sym cgoal)
(* prove {* HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of cgoal2) *}
  apply (tactic {* LocalDefs.unfold_tac @{context} fset_defs *} )
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 2 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 2 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 2 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *}) *)

thm m2
ML {*
  val m1_novars = snd(no_vars ((Context.Theory @{theory}),@{thm m2}))
  val goal = build_goal m1_novars consts @{typ "'a list"} mk_rep_abs
  val cgoal = cterm_of @{theory} goal
  val cgoal2 = Thm.rhs_of (MetaSimplifier.rewrite false fset_defs_sym cgoal)
prove {* HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of cgoal2) *}
  apply (tactic {* LocalDefs.unfold_tac @{context} fset_defs *} )
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})

thm list_eq.intros(4)
ML {*
  val m1_novars = snd(no_vars ((Context.Theory @{theory}),@{thm list_eq.intros(4)}))
  val goal = build_goal m1_novars consts @{typ "'a list"} mk_rep_abs
  val cgoal = cterm_of @{theory} goal
  val cgoal2 = Thm.rhs_of (MetaSimplifier.rewrite false fset_defs_sym cgoal)
    (* Why doesn't this work? *)
  val cgoal3 = Thm.rhs_of (MetaSimplifier.rewrite true @{thms QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm10 QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REPS_same} cgoal2)
thm QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm10
thm QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REPS_same

(* keep it commented out, until we get a proving mechanism *)
(*prove {* HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of cgoal3) *}*)
lemma zzz : 
  "(REP_fset (INSERT a (INSERT a (ABS_fset xs))) \<approx> 
    REP_fset (INSERT a (ABS_fset xs))) =  (a # a # xs \<approx> a # xs)"
  apply (tactic {* LocalDefs.unfold_tac @{context} fset_defs *} )
  apply (simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.REP_ABS_rsp)
(*  apply (simp only: QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.thm10)*)
  apply (rule QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.R_trans2)
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})

thm list_eq.intros(5)
ML {*
  val m1_novars = snd(no_vars ((Context.Theory @{theory}),@{thm list_eq.intros(5)}))
  val goal = build_goal m1_novars consts @{typ "'a list"} mk_rep_abs
  val cgoal = cterm_of @{theory} goal
  val cgoal2 = Thm.rhs_of (MetaSimplifier.rewrite false fset_defs_sym cgoal)
prove {* HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Thm.term_of cgoal2) *}
  apply (tactic {* LocalDefs.unfold_tac @{context} fset_defs *} )
  apply (rule QUOT_TYPE_I_fset.R_trans2)
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})
  apply (tactic {* foo_tac' 1 *})

datatype obj1 =
  OVAR1 "string"
| OBJ1 "(string * (string \<Rightarrow> obj1)) list"
| INVOKE1 "obj1 \<Rightarrow> string"
| UPDATE1 "obj1 \<Rightarrow> string \<Rightarrow> (string \<Rightarrow> obj1)"