author Christian Urban <>
Thu, 16 Dec 2010 02:25:35 +0000
changeset 2610 f5c7375ab465
parent 2598 b136721eedb2
child 2626 d1bdc281be2b
permissions -rw-r--r--
added theorem-rewriter conversion

theory Foo1
imports "../Nominal2" 

text {* 
  Contrived example that has more than one
  binding function

atom_decl name

nominal_datatype foo: trm =
  Var "name"
| App "trm" "trm"
| Lam x::"name" t::"trm"  bind x in t
| Let1 a::"assg" t::"trm"  bind "bn1 a" in t
| Let2 a::"assg" t::"trm"  bind "bn2 a" in t
| Let3 a::"assg" t::"trm"  bind "bn3 a" in t
| Let4 a::"assg'" t::"trm"  bind (set) "bn4 a" in t
and assg =
  As "name" "name" "trm"
and assg' =
| BAs "name" "assg'"
  bn1::"assg \<Rightarrow> atom list" and
  bn2::"assg \<Rightarrow> atom list" and
  bn3::"assg \<Rightarrow> atom list" and
  bn4::"assg' \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "bn1 (As x y t) = [atom x]"
| "bn2 (As x y t) = [atom y]"
| "bn3 (As x y t) = [atom x, atom y]"
| "bn4 (BNil) = {}"
| "bn4 (BAs a as) = {atom a} \<union> bn4 as"

thm foo.permute_bn
thm foo.perm_bn_alpha
thm foo.perm_bn_simps
thm foo.bn_finite

thm foo.distinct
thm foo.induct
thm foo.inducts
thm foo.exhaust
thm foo.fv_defs
thm foo.bn_defs
thm foo.perm_simps
thm foo.eq_iff
thm foo.fv_bn_eqvt
thm foo.size_eqvt
thm foo.supports
thm foo.fsupp
thm foo.supp
thm foo.fresh
thm foo.bn_finite

lemma strong_exhaust1:
  fixes c::"'a::fs"
  assumes "\<exists>name. y = Var name \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  and     "\<exists>trm1 trm2. y = App trm1 trm2 \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<exists>name trm.  {atom name} \<sharp>* c \<and> y = Lam name trm \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  and     "\<exists>(c::'a::fs) assn trm. set (bn1 assn) \<sharp>* c \<and> y = Let1 assn trm \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<exists>(c::'a::fs) assn trm. set (bn2 assn) \<sharp>* c \<and> y = Let2 assn trm \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<exists>(c::'a::fs) assn trm. set (bn3 assn) \<sharp>* c \<and> y = Let3 assn trm \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<exists>(c::'a::fs) assn' trm. (bn4 assn') \<sharp>* c \<and> y = Let4 assn' trm \<Longrightarrow> P"
  shows "P"

lemma strong_exhaust2:
  fixes c::"'a::fs"
  assumes "\<And>name. y = Var name \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  and     "\<And>trm1 trm2. y = App trm1 trm2 \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>name trm. \<lbrakk>{atom name} \<sharp>* c; y = Lam name trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  and     "\<And>assn trm. \<lbrakk>set (bn1 assn) \<sharp>* c; y = Let1 assn trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>assn trm. \<lbrakk>set (bn2 assn) \<sharp>* c; y = Let2 assn trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>assn trm. \<lbrakk>set (bn3 assn) \<sharp>* c; y = Let3 assn trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>assn' trm. \<lbrakk>(bn4 assn') \<sharp>* c; y = Let4 assn' trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  shows "P"

lemma strong_exhaust1:
  fixes c::"'a::fs"
  assumes "\<And>name. y = Var name \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  and     "\<And>trm1 trm2. y = App trm1 trm2 \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>name trm. \<lbrakk>{atom name} \<sharp>* c; y = Lam name trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  and     "\<And>assn trm. \<lbrakk>set (bn1 assn) \<sharp>* c; y = Let1 assn trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>assn trm. \<lbrakk>set (bn2 assn) \<sharp>* c; y = Let2 assn trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>assn trm. \<lbrakk>set (bn3 assn) \<sharp>* c; y = Let3 assn trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and     "\<And>assn' trm. \<lbrakk>(bn4 assn') \<sharp>* c; y = Let4 assn' trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
  shows "P"

lemma strong_exhaust2:
  assumes "\<And>x y t. as = As x y t \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  shows "P"
apply(rule_tac y="as" in foo.exhaust(2))
apply(rule assms(1))

lemma strong_exhaust3:
  assumes "as' = BNil \<Longrightarrow> P"
  and "\<And>a as. as' = BAs a as \<Longrightarrow> P" 
  shows "P"
apply(rule_tac y="as'" in foo.exhaust(3))
apply(rule assms(1))
apply(rule assms(2))

  fixes t::trm
  and   as::assg
  and   as'::assg'
  and   c::"'a::fs"
  assumes a1: "\<And>x c. P1 c (Var x)"
  and     a2: "\<And>t1 t2 c. \<lbrakk>\<And>d. P1 d t1; \<And>d. P1 d t2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (App t1 t2)"
  and     a3: "\<And>x t c. \<lbrakk>{atom x} \<sharp>* c; \<And>d. P1 d t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Lam x t)"
  and     a4: "\<And>as t c. \<lbrakk>set (bn1 as) \<sharp>* c; \<And>d. P2 d as; \<And>d. P1 d t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Let1 as t)"
  and     a5: "\<And>as t c. \<lbrakk>set (bn2 as) \<sharp>* c; \<And>d. P2 d as; \<And>d. P1 d t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Let2 as t)"
  and     a6: "\<And>as t c. \<lbrakk>set (bn3 as) \<sharp>* c; \<And>d. P2 d as; \<And>d. P1 d t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Let3 as t)"
  and     a7: "\<And>as' t c. \<lbrakk>(bn4 as') \<sharp>* c; \<And>d. P3 d as'; \<And>d. P1 d t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Let4 as' t)" 
  and     a8: "\<And>x y t c. \<And>d. P1 d t \<Longrightarrow> P2 c (As x y t)"
  and     a9: "\<And>c. P3 c (BNil)"
  and     a10: "\<And>c a as. \<And>d. P3 d as \<Longrightarrow> P3 c (BAs a as)"
  shows "P1 c t" "P2 c as" "P3 c as'"
using assms
apply(rule_tac y="t" and c="c" in strong_exhaust1)
apply(rule_tac as="as" in strong_exhaust2)
apply(rule_tac as'="as'" in strong_exhaust3)
apply(relation "measure (sum_case (size o snd) (sum_case (\<lambda>y. size (snd y)) (\<lambda>z. size (snd z))))")
apply(simp_all add: foo.size)
