author Cezary Kaliszyk <>
Thu, 18 Feb 2010 11:19:16 +0100
changeset 1188 e5413596e098
parent 1097 551eacf071d7
child 1203 c093b2e6e9ae
permissions -rw-r--r--
Automatic lifting of constants.

Highest Priority

- give examples for the new quantifier translations in regularization

Higher Priority

- Ask Markus how the files Quot* should be named.
  (There is a HOL/Library/Quotient.thy --- seems to be an example. *)

- If the constant definition gives the wrong definition
  term, one gets a cryptic message about absrep_fun

- Handle theorems that include Ball/Bex. For this, would 
  it help if we introduced separate Bex and Ball constants 
  for quotienting?

- The user should be able to give quotient_respects and 
  preserves theorems in a more natural form.

Lower Priority

- accept partial equivalence relations

- think about what happens if things go wrong (like
  theorem cannot be lifted) / proper diagnostic 
  messages for the user

- inductions from the datatype package have a strange
  order of quantifiers in assumptions.

- find clean ways how to write down the "mathematical"
  procedure for a possible submission (Peter submitted 
  his work only to TPHOLs 2005...we would have to go
  maybe for the Journal of Formalised Mathematics)

- add tests for adding theorems to the various thm lists

- Maybe quotient and equiv theorems like the ones for
  [QuotList, QuotOption, QuotPair...] could be automatically

- Examples: Finite multiset.

- The current syntax of the quotient_definition is

      "qconst :: qty"
      as "rconst"

  Is it possible to have the more Isabelle-like
      qconst :: "qty"
      as "rconst"

  That means "qconst :: qty" is not read as a term, but
  as two entities.