all examples for strong exhausts work; recursive binders need to be treated differently; still unclean version with lots of diagnostic code
theory TypeVarsTest
imports "../Nominal2"
atom_decl name
class s1
class s2
instance nat :: s1 ..
instance int :: s2 ..
nominal_datatype ('a, 'b) lam =
Var "name"
| App "('a::s1, 'b::s2) lam" "('a, 'b) lam"
| Lam x::"name" l::"('a, 'b) lam" bind x in l
thm lam.distinct
thm lam.induct
thm lam.exhaust
thm lam.fv_defs
thm lam.bn_defs
thm lam.perm_simps
thm lam.eq_iff
thm lam.fv_bn_eqvt
thm lam.size_eqvt