Move LF to NewParser. Just works.
theory ExPS8
imports "../NewParser"
(* example 8 from Peter Sewell's bestiary *)
atom_decl name
ML {* val _ = cheat_fv_rsp := true *}
ML {* val _ = cheat_alpha_bn_rsp := true *}
nominal_datatype exp =
EVar name
| EUnit
| EPair exp exp
| ELetRec l::lrbs e::exp bind_set "b_lrbs l" in l e
and fnclause =
K x::name p::pat f::exp bind_set "b_pat p" in f
and fnclauses =
S fnclause
| ORs fnclause fnclauses
and lrb =
Clause fnclauses
and lrbs =
Single lrb
| More lrb lrbs
and pat =
PVar name
| PUnit
| PPair pat pat
b_lrbs :: "lrbs \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
b_pat :: "pat \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
b_fnclauses :: "fnclauses \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
b_fnclause :: "fnclause \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
b_lrb :: "lrb \<Rightarrow> atom set"
"b_lrbs (Single l) = b_lrb l"
| "b_lrbs (More l ls) = b_lrb l \<union> b_lrbs ls"
| "b_pat (PVar x) = {atom x}"
| "b_pat (PUnit) = {}"
| "b_pat (PPair p1 p2) = b_pat p1 \<union> b_pat p2"
| "b_fnclauses (S fc) = (b_fnclause fc)"
| "b_fnclauses (ORs fc fcs) = (b_fnclause fc) \<union> (b_fnclauses fcs)"
| "b_lrb (Clause fcs) = (b_fnclauses fcs)"
| "b_fnclause (K x pat exp) = {atom x}"
thm exp_fnclause_fnclauses_lrb_lrbs_pat.fv
thm exp_fnclause_fnclauses_lrb_lrbs_pat.eq_iff