author Christian Urban <>
Mon, 15 Mar 2010 17:51:35 +0100 (2010-03-15)
changeset 1449 b66d754bf1c2
parent 1439 bdd73f8bb63b
child 1451 104bdc0757e9
permissions -rw-r--r--
proof for support when bn-function is present, but fb_function is empty
theory Test
imports "Parser" "../Attic/Prove"

text {* example 1, equivalent to example 2 from Terms *}

atom_decl name

nominal_datatype lam =
  VAR "name"
| APP "lam" "lam"
| LAM x::"name" t::"lam" bind x in t
| LET bp::"bp" t::"lam"   bind "bi bp" in t
and bp =
  BP "name" "lam"
  bi::"bp \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "bi (BP x t) = {atom x}"

nominal_datatype lam =
  VAR "name"
| APP "lam" "lam"
| LAM x::"name" t::"lam" bind x in t
| LET bp::"bp" t::"lam"   bind "bi bp" in t
and bp =
  BP "name"
  bi::"bp \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "bi (BP x) = {atom x}"

thm lam_bp_fv
thm lam_bp_inject
thm lam_bp_bn
thm lam_bp_perm
thm lam_bp_induct
thm lam_bp_distinct
ML {* Sign.of_sort @{theory} (@{typ lam}, @{sort fs}) *}

term "supp (x :: lam)"
lemmas lam_bp_inducts = lam_raw_bp_raw.inducts[quot_lifted]

(* maybe should be added to Infinite.thy *)
lemma infinite_Un:
  shows "infinite (S \<union> T) \<longleftrightarrow> infinite S \<or> infinite T"
  by simp

lemma bi_eqvt:
  shows "(p \<bullet> (bi b)) = bi (p \<bullet> b)"
apply(induct b rule: lam_bp_inducts(2))
apply(simp add: lam_bp_bn lam_bp_perm)
apply(simp add: eqvts)

term alpha_bi

lemma alpha_bi:
  shows "alpha_bi pi b b' = True"
apply(induct b rule: lam_bp_inducts(2))

lemma fv_bi:
  shows "fv_bi b = {}"
apply(induct b rule: lam_bp_inducts(2))
apply(simp add: lam_bp_fv)

lemma supp_fv:
  "supp t = fv_lam t" and 
  "supp b = fv_bp b"
apply(induct t and b rule: lam_bp_inducts)
apply(simp_all add: lam_bp_fv)
(* VAR case *)
apply(simp only: supp_def)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_perm)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_inject)
apply(simp only: supp_def[symmetric])
apply(simp only: supp_at_base)
(* APP case *)
apply(simp only: supp_def)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_perm)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_inject)
apply(simp only: de_Morgan_conj)
apply(simp only: Collect_disj_eq)
apply(simp only: infinite_Un)
apply(simp only: Collect_disj_eq)
(* LAM case *)
apply(rule_tac t="supp (LAM name lam_raw)" and s="supp (Abs {atom name} lam_raw)" in subst)
apply(simp (no_asm) only: supp_def)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_perm)
apply(simp only: permute_ABS)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_inject)
apply(simp only: Abs_eq_iff)
apply(simp only: insert_eqvt atom_eqvt empty_eqvt)
apply(simp only: alpha_gen)
apply(simp only: supp_eqvt[symmetric])
apply(simp only: eqvts)
apply(simp only: supp_Abs)
(* LET case *)
(* BP case *)
apply(simp only: supp_def)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_perm)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_inject)
apply(simp only: de_Morgan_conj)
apply(simp only: Collect_disj_eq)
apply(simp only: infinite_Un)
apply(simp only: Collect_disj_eq)
apply(simp only: supp_def[symmetric])
apply(simp only: supp_at_base)
(* LET case *)
apply(rule_tac t="supp (LET bp_raw lam_raw)" and s="supp (Abs_tst bi bp_raw lam_raw)" in subst)
apply(simp (no_asm) only: supp_def)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_perm)
apply(simp only: permute_ABS_tst)
apply(simp only: lam_bp_inject)
apply(simp only: eqvts_raw)
apply(simp only: Abs_tst_eq_iff)
apply(simp only: alpha_bi)
apply(simp only: alpha_gen)
apply(simp only: alpha_tst) 
apply(simp only: supp_eqvt[symmetric])
apply(simp only: eqvts)
defer (* hacking *)
apply(simp add: supp_Abs_tst)
apply(simp add: fv_bi)
apply(rule Collect_cong)
apply(tactic {* Cong_Tac.cong_tac @{thm cong} 1 *})
apply(tactic {* Cong_Tac.cong_tac @{thm cong} 1 *})
apply(rule Collect_cong)

text {* example 2 *}

nominal_datatype trm' =
  Var "name"
| App "trm'" "trm'"
| Lam x::"name" t::"trm'"          bind x in t
| Let p::"pat'" "trm'" t::"trm'"   bind "f p" in t
and pat' =
| PS "name"
| PD "name" "name"
  f::"pat' \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "f PN = {}"
| "f (PD x y) = {atom x, atom y}"
| "f (PS x) = {atom x}"

thm trm'_pat'_fv
thm trm'_pat'_inject
thm trm'_pat'_bn
thm trm'_pat'_perm
thm trm'_pat'_induct
thm trm'_pat'_distinct

(* compat should be
compat (PN) pi (PN) == True
compat (PS x) pi (PS x') == pi o x = x'
compat (PD p1 p2) pi (PD p1' p2') == compat p1 pi p1' & compat p2 pi p2'

nominal_datatype trm0 =
  Var0 "name"
| App0 "trm0" "trm0"
| Lam0 x::"name" t::"trm0"          bind x in t
| Let0 p::"pat0" "trm0" t::"trm0"   bind "f0 p" in t
and pat0 =
| PS0 "name"
| PD0 "pat0" "pat0"
  f0::"pat0 \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "f0 PN0 = {}"
| "f0 (PS0 x) = {atom x}"
| "f0 (PD0 p1 p2) = (f0 p1) \<union> (f0 p2)"

thm trm0_pat0_fv
thm trm0_pat0_inject
thm trm0_pat0_bn
thm trm0_pat0_perm
thm trm0_pat0_induct
thm trm0_pat0_distinct

text {* example type schemes *}

nominal_datatype t =
  VarTS "name"
| FunTS "t" "t"
and  tyS =
  All xs::"name set" ty::"t" bind xs in ty

thm t_tyS_fv
thm t_tyS_inject
thm t_tyS_bn
thm t_tyS_perm
thm t_tyS_induct
thm t_tyS_distinct

(* example 1 from Terms.thy *)

nominal_datatype trm1 =
  Vr1 "name"
| Ap1 "trm1" "trm1"
| Lm1 x::"name" t::"trm1"       bind x in t
| Lt1 p::"bp1" "trm1" t::"trm1" bind "bv1 p" in t
and bp1 =
| BV1 "name"
| BP1 "bp1" "bp1"
  "bv1 (BUnit1) = {}"
| "bv1 (BP1 bp1 bp2) = (bv1 bp1) \<union> (bv1 bp2)"
| "bv1 (BV1 x) = {atom x}"

thm trm1_bp1_fv
thm trm1_bp1_inject
thm trm1_bp1_bn
thm trm1_bp1_perm
thm trm1_bp1_induct
thm trm1_bp1_distinct

text {* example 3 from Terms.thy *}

nominal_datatype trm3 =
  Vr3 "name"
| Ap3 "trm3" "trm3"
| Lm3 x::"name" t::"trm3"        bind x in t
| Lt3 r::"rassigns3" t::"trm3"   bind "bv3 r" in t
and rassigns3 =
| ACons "name" "trm3" "rassigns3"
  "bv3 ANil = {}"
| "bv3 (ACons x t as) = {atom x} \<union> (bv3 as)"

thm trm3_rassigns3_fv
thm trm3_rassigns3_inject
thm trm3_rassigns3_bn
thm trm3_rassigns3_perm
thm trm3_rassigns3_induct
thm trm3_rassigns3_distinct

(* compat should be
compat (ANil) pi (PNil) \<equiv> TRue
compat (ACons x t ts) pi (ACons x' t' ts') \<equiv> pi o x = x' \<and> alpha t t' \<and> compat ts pi ts'

(* example 5 from Terms.thy *)

nominal_datatype trm5 =
  Vr5 "name"
| Ap5 "trm5" "trm5"
| Lt5 l::"lts" t::"trm5"  bind "bv5 l" in t
and lts =
| Lcons "name" "trm5" "lts"
  "bv5 Lnil = {}"
| "bv5 (Lcons n t ltl) = {atom n} \<union> (bv5 ltl)"

thm trm5_lts_fv
thm trm5_lts_inject
thm trm5_lts_bn
thm trm5_lts_perm
thm trm5_lts_induct
thm trm5_lts_distinct

(* example from my PHD *)

atom_decl coname

nominal_datatype phd =
   Ax "name" "coname"
|  Cut n::"coname" t1::"phd" c::"coname" t2::"phd"              bind n in t1, bind c in t2
|  AndR c1::"coname" t1::"phd" c2::"coname" t2::"phd" "coname"  bind c1 in t1, bind c2 in t2
|  AndL1 n::"name" t::"phd" "name"                              bind n in t
|  AndL2 n::"name" t::"phd" "name"                              bind n in t
|  ImpL c::"coname" t1::"phd" n::"name" t2::"phd" "name"        bind c in t1, bind n in t2
|  ImpR c::"coname" n::"name" t::"phd" "coname"                 bind n in t, bind c in t

thm phd_fv
thm phd_inject
thm phd_bn
thm phd_perm
thm phd_induct
thm phd_distinct

(* example form Leroy 96 about modules; OTT *)

nominal_datatype mexp =
  Acc "path"
| Stru "body"
| Funct x::"name" "sexp" m::"mexp"    bind x in m
| FApp "mexp" "path"
| Ascr "mexp" "sexp"
and body =
| Seq c::defn d::"body"     bind "cbinders c" in d
and defn =
  Type "name" "tyty"
| Dty "name"
| DStru "name" "mexp"
| Val "name" "trmtrm"
and sexp =
  Sig sbody
| SFunc "name" "sexp" "sexp"
and sbody =
| SSeq C::spec D::sbody    bind "Cbinders C" in D
and spec =
  Type1 "name"
| Type2 "name" "tyty"
| SStru "name" "sexp"
| SVal "name" "tyty"
and tyty =
  Tyref1 "name"
| Tyref2 "path" "tyty"
| Fun "tyty" "tyty"
and path =
  Sref1 "name"
| Sref2 "path" "name"
and trmtrm =
  Tref1 "name"
| Tref2 "path" "name"
| Lam' v::"name" "tyty" M::"trmtrm"  bind v in M
| App' "trmtrm" "trmtrm"
| Let' "body" "trmtrm"
    cbinders :: "defn \<Rightarrow> atom set"
and Cbinders :: "spec \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "cbinders (Type t T) = {atom t}"
| "cbinders (Dty t) = {atom t}"
| "cbinders (DStru x s) = {atom x}"
| "cbinders (Val v M) = {atom v}"
| "Cbinders (Type1 t) = {atom t}"
| "Cbinders (Type2 t T) = {atom t}"
| "Cbinders (SStru x S) = {atom x}"
| "Cbinders (SVal v T) = {atom v}"

thm mexp_body_defn_sexp_sbody_spec_tyty_path_trmtrm_fv
thm mexp_body_defn_sexp_sbody_spec_tyty_path_trmtrm_inject
thm mexp_body_defn_sexp_sbody_spec_tyty_path_trmtrm_bn
thm mexp_body_defn_sexp_sbody_spec_tyty_path_trmtrm_perm
thm mexp_body_defn_sexp_sbody_spec_tyty_path_trmtrm_induct
thm mexp_body_defn_sexp_sbody_spec_tyty_path_trmtrm_distinct

(* example 3 from Peter Sewell's bestiary *)

nominal_datatype exp =
  VarP "name"
| AppP "exp" "exp"
| LamP x::"name" e::"exp" bind x in e
| LetP x::"name" p::"pat3" e1::"exp" e2::"exp" bind x in e2, bind "bp' p" in e1
and pat3 =
  PVar "name"
| PUnit
| PPair "pat3" "pat3"
  bp' :: "pat3 \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "bp' (PVar x) = {atom x}"
| "bp' (PUnit) = {}"
| "bp' (PPair p1 p2) = bp' p1 \<union> bp' p2"

thm exp_pat3_fv
thm exp_pat3_inject
thm exp_pat3_bn
thm exp_pat3_perm
thm exp_pat3_induct
thm exp_pat3_distinct

(* example 6 from Peter Sewell's bestiary *)
nominal_datatype exp6 =
  EVar name
| EPair exp6 exp6
| ELetRec x::name p::pat6 e1::exp6 e2::exp6 bind x in e1, bind x in e2, bind "bp6 p" in e1
and pat6 =
  PVar' name
| PUnit'
| PPair' pat6 pat6
  bp6 :: "pat6 \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "bp6 (PVar' x) = {atom x}"
| "bp6 (PUnit') = {}"
| "bp6 (PPair' p1 p2) = bp6 p1 \<union> bp6 p2"

thm exp6_pat6_fv
thm exp6_pat6_inject
thm exp6_pat6_bn
thm exp6_pat6_perm
thm exp6_pat6_induct
thm exp6_pat6_distinct


(* example 7 from Peter Sewell's bestiary *)
nominal_datatype exp7 =
  EVar name
| EUnit
| EPair exp7 exp7
| ELetRec l::lrbs e::exp7 bind "b7s l" in e, bind "b7s l" in l
and lrb =
  Assign name exp7
and lrbs =
  Single lrb
| More lrb lrbs
  b7 :: "lrb \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
  b7s :: "lrbs \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "b7 (Assign x e) = {atom x}"
| "b7s (Single a) = b7 a"
| "b7s (More a as) = (b7 a) \<union> (b7s as)"
thm alpha_exp7_raw_alpha_lrb_raw_alpha_lrbs_raw.intros

(* example 8 from Peter Sewell's bestiary *)
nominal_datatype exp8 =
  EVar name
| EUnit
| EPair exp8 exp8
| ELetRec l::lrbs8 e::exp8 bind "b_lrbs8 l" in e, bind "b_lrbs8 l" in l
and fnclause =
  K x::name p::pat8 e::exp8 bind "b_pat p" in e
and fnclauses =
  S fnclause
| ORs fnclause fnclauses
and lrb8 =
  Clause fnclauses
and lrbs8 =
  Single lrb8
| More lrb8 lrbs8
and pat8 =
  PVar name
| PUnit
| PPair pat8 pat8
  b_lrbs8 :: "lrbs8 \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
  b_pat :: "pat8 \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
  b_fnclauses :: "fnclauses \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
  b_fnclause :: "fnclause \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
  b_lrb8 :: "lrb8 \<Rightarrow> atom set"
  "b_lrbs8 (Single l) = b_lrb8 l"
| "b_lrbs8 (More l ls) = b_lrb8 l \<union> b_lrbs8 ls"
| "b_pat (PVar x) = {atom x}"
| "b_pat (PUnit) = {}"
| "b_pat (PPair p1 p2) = b_pat p1 \<union> b_pat p2"
| "b_fnclauses (S fc) = (b_fnclause fc)"
| "b_fnclauses (ORs fc fcs) = (b_fnclause fc) \<union> (b_fnclauses fcs)"
| "b_lrb8 (Clause fcs) = (b_fnclauses fcs)"
| "b_fnclause (K x pat exp8) = {atom x}"
thm alpha_exp8_raw_alpha_fnclause_raw_alpha_fnclauses_raw_alpha_lrb8_raw_alpha_lrbs8_raw_alpha_pat8_raw.intros

(* example 4 from Terms.thy *)
(* fv_eqvt does not work, we need to repaire defined permute functions
   defined fv and defined alpha... *)
nominal_datatype trm4 =
  Vr4 "name"
| Ap4 "trm4" "trm4 list"
| Lm4 x::"name" t::"trm4"  bind x in t

thm alpha_trm4_raw_alpha_trm4_raw_list.intros[no_vars]
thm fv_trm4_raw_fv_trm4_raw_list.simps[no_vars]

(* core haskell *)
atom_decl var
atom_decl tvar

(* there are types, coercion types and regular types *)
nominal_datatype tkind =
| KFun "tkind" "tkind"
and ckind =
  CKEq "ty" "ty"
and ty =
  TVar "tvar"
| TC "string"
| TApp "ty" "ty"
| TFun "string" "ty list"
| TAll tv::"tvar" "tkind" T::"ty"  bind tv in T
| TEq "ty" "ty" "ty"
and co =
  CC "string"
| CApp "co" "co"
| CFun "string" "co list"
| CAll tv::"tvar" "ckind" C::"co"  bind tv in C
| CEq "co" "co" "co"
| CSym "co"
| CCir "co" "co"
| CLeft "co"
| CRight "co"
| CSim "co"
| CRightc "co"
| CLeftc "co"
| CCoe "co" "co"

typedecl ty --"hack since ty is not yet defined"
typedecl kind

instance ty and kind:: pt

  "atoms A \<equiv> atom ` A"

nominal_datatype trm =
  Var "var"
| C "string"
| LAM tv::"tvar" "kind" t::"trm"   bind tv in t
| APP "trm" "ty"
| Lam v::"var" "ty" t::"trm"       bind v in t
| App "trm" "trm"
| Let x::"var" "ty" "trm" t::"trm" bind x in t
| Case "trm" "assoc list"
| Cast "trm" "ty"                   --"ty is supposed to be a coercion type only"
and assoc =
  A p::"pat" t::"trm" bind "bv p" in t
and pat =
  K "string" "(tvar \<times> kind) list" "(var \<times> ty) list"
 bv :: "pat \<Rightarrow> atom set"
 "bv (K s ts vs) = (atoms (set (map fst ts))) \<union> (atoms (set (map fst vs)))"

compat (K s ts vs) pi (K s' ts' vs') ==
  s = s' &


text {* weirdo example from Peter Sewell's bestiary *}

nominal_datatype weird =
  WBind x::"name" y::"name" p1::"weird" p2::"weird" p3::"weird"
    bind x in p1, bind x in p2, bind y in p2, bind y in p3
| WV "name"
| WP "weird" "weird"

thm permute_weird_raw.simps[no_vars]
thm alpha_weird_raw.intros[no_vars]
thm fv_weird_raw.simps[no_vars]

(* example 6 from Terms.thy *)

(* BV is not respectful, needs to fail*)
nominal_datatype trm6 =
  Vr6 "name"
| Lm6 x::"name" t::"trm6"         bind x in t
| Lt6 left::"trm6" right::"trm6"  bind "bv6 left" in right
  "bv6 (Vr6 n) = {}"
| "bv6 (Lm6 n t) = {atom n} \<union> bv6 t"
| "bv6 (Lt6 l r) = bv6 l \<union> bv6 r"
(* example 7 from Terms.thy *)

(* BV is not respectful, needs to fail*)
nominal_datatype trm7 =
  Vr7 "name"
| Lm7 l::"name" r::"trm7"   bind l in r
| Lt7 l::"trm7" r::"trm7"   bind "bv7 l" in r
  "bv7 (Vr7 n) = {atom n}"
| "bv7 (Lm7 n t) = bv7 t - {atom n}"
| "bv7 (Lt7 l r) = bv7 l \<union> bv7 r"

(* example 8 from Terms.thy *)

(* Binding in a term under a bn, needs to fail *)
nominal_datatype foo8 =
  Foo0 "name"
| Foo1 b::"bar8" f::"foo8" bind "bv8 b" in f --"check fo error if this is called foo"
and bar8 =
  Bar0 "name"
| Bar1 "name" s::"name" b::"bar8" bind s in b
  "bv8 (Bar0 x) = {}"
| "bv8 (Bar1 v x b) = {atom v}"

(* example 9 from Terms.thy *)

(* BV is not respectful, needs to fail*)
nominal_datatype lam9 =
  Var9 "name"
| Lam9 n::"name" l::"lam9" bind n in l
and bla9 =
  Bla9 f::"lam9" s::"lam9" bind "bv9 f" in s
  "bv9 (Var9 x) = {}"
| "bv9 (Lam9 x b) = {atom x}"

(* Type schemes with separate datatypes *)
nominal_datatype t =
  Var "name"
| Fun "t" "t"

nominal_datatype tyS =
  All xs::"name list" ty::"t_raw" bind xs in ty

(* example 9 from Peter Sewell's bestiary *)
(* run out of steam at the moment *)
