Simplifying arguments; got rid of trans2_thm.
signature QUOTIENT_DEF =
datatype flag = absF | repF
val get_fun: flag -> Proof.context -> typ * typ -> term
val make_def: binding -> typ -> mixfix -> Attrib.binding -> term ->
Proof.context -> (term * thm) * local_theory
val quotdef: (binding * typ * mixfix) * (Attrib.binding * term) ->
local_theory -> (term * thm) * local_theory
val quotdef_cmd: (binding * string * mixfix) * (Attrib.binding * string) ->
local_theory -> local_theory
structure Quotient_Def: QUOTIENT_DEF =
(* wrapper for define *)
fun define name mx attr rhs lthy =
val ((rhs, (_ , thm)), lthy') =
Local_Theory.define ((name, mx), (attr, rhs)) lthy
((rhs, thm), lthy')
datatype flag = absF | repF
fun negF absF = repF
| negF repF = absF
fun mk_identity ty = Const (@{const_name "id"}, ty --> ty)
fun get_fun_aux lthy s fs =
case (maps_lookup (ProofContext.theory_of lthy) s) of
SOME info => list_comb (Const (#mapfun info, dummyT), fs)
| NONE => raise
(LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " " ["get_fun_aux: no map for type", quote s, "."]))
fun get_const flag lthy _ qty =
(* FIXME: check here that _ and qty are related *)
val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy
val qty_name = Long_Name.base_name (fst (dest_Type qty))
case flag of
absF => Const (Sign.full_bname thy ("ABS_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
| repF => Const (Sign.full_bname thy ("REP_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
(* calculates the aggregate abs and rep functions for a given type;
repF is for constants' arguments; absF is for constants;
function types need to be treated specially, since repF and absF
change *)
fun get_fun flag lthy (rty, qty) =
if rty = qty then mk_identity qty else
case (rty, qty) of
(Type ("fun", [ty1, ty2]), Type ("fun", [ty1', ty2'])) =>
val fs_ty1 = get_fun (negF flag) lthy (ty1, ty1')
val fs_ty2 = get_fun flag lthy (ty2, ty2')
get_fun_aux lthy "fun" [fs_ty1, fs_ty2]
| (Type (s, []), Type (s', [])) =>
if s = s'
then mk_identity qty
else get_const flag lthy rty qty
| (Type (s, tys), Type (s', tys')) =>
if s = s'
then get_fun_aux lthy s' (map (get_fun flag lthy) (tys ~~ tys'))
else get_const flag lthy rty qty
| (TFree x, TFree x') =>
if x = x'
then mk_identity qty
else raise (LIFT_MATCH "get_fun")
| (TVar _, TVar _) => raise (LIFT_MATCH "get_fun")
| _ => raise (LIFT_MATCH "get_fun")
fun make_def qconst_bname qty mx attr rhs lthy =
val rty = fastype_of rhs
val (arg_rtys, res_rty) = strip_type rty
val (arg_qtys, res_qty) = strip_type qty
val rep_fns = map (get_fun repF lthy) (arg_rtys ~~ arg_qtys)
val abs_fn = get_fun absF lthy (res_rty, res_qty)
fun mk_fun_map t s =
Const (@{const_name "fun_map"}, dummyT) $ t $ s
val absrep_trm = (fold_rev mk_fun_map rep_fns abs_fn $ rhs)
|> Syntax.check_term lthy
val ((trm, thm), lthy') = define qconst_bname mx attr absrep_trm lthy
val qconst_str = Binding.name_of qconst_bname
fun qcinfo phi = qconsts_transfer phi {qconst = trm, rconst = rhs}
val lthy'' = Local_Theory.declaration true
(fn phi => qconsts_update_gen qconst_str (qcinfo phi)) lthy'
((trm, thm), lthy'')
(* interface and syntax setup *)
(* the ML-interface takes a 5-tuple consisting of *)
(* *)
(* - the name of the constant to be lifted *)
(* - its type *)
(* - its mixfix annotation *)
(* - a meta-equation defining the constant, *)
(* and the attributes of for this meta-equality *)
fun quotdef ((bind, qty, mx), (attr, prop)) lthy =
val (_, prop') = LocalDefs.cert_def lthy prop
val (_, rhs) = Primitive_Defs.abs_def prop'
make_def bind qty mx attr rhs lthy
fun quotdef_cmd ((bind, qtystr, mx), (attr, propstr)) lthy =
val qty = Syntax.read_typ lthy qtystr
val prop = Syntax.read_prop lthy propstr
quotdef ((bind, qty, mx), (attr, prop)) lthy |> snd
val quotdef_parser =
(OuterParse.binding --
(OuterParse.$$$ "::" |-- OuterParse.!!! (OuterParse.typ --
OuterParse.opt_mixfix' --| OuterParse.where_)) >> OuterParse.triple2) --
(SpecParse.opt_thm_name ":" -- OuterParse.prop)
val _ = OuterSyntax.local_theory "quotient_def" "lifted definition of constants"
OuterKeyword.thy_decl (quotdef_parser >> quotdef_cmd)
end; (* structure *)
open Quotient_Def;