author Christian Urban <>
Thu, 31 May 2012 10:05:19 +0100
changeset 3178 a331468b2f5a
parent 2857 da6461d8891f
permissions -rw-r--r--
renamed fresh_fun to Fresh; added a simproc that deals with freshness of functions



\def\dn{\,\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}\,}



%\titlebanner{Nominal Functions}      % These are ignored unless
%\preprintfooter{Nominal Functions}   % 'preprint' option specified.

\title{Nominal Functions}


Nominal Isabelle provides an infrastructure for formal reasoning about terms
involving named bound variables. This infrastructure allows bound variables to
be analysed and manipulated directly. In this way it can mimic informal
pen-and-pencil reasoning. However, this ability makes defining functions the
most difficult aspect of the ``nominal approach''.  In this paper we present a
new way of defining recursive functions over terms with bound variables.  For
example, we are able to define without difficulties functions for CPS
translations or the evaluation of lambda-terms, which were previously not
definable in Nominal Isabelle. We also generalise the
freshness-condition-for-binders to general binders recently introduced in
Nominal Isabelle.


term1, term2

keyword1, keyword2




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