author Cezary Kaliszyk <kaliszyk@in.tum.de>
Thu, 29 Apr 2010 10:59:08 +0200
changeset 1981 9f9c4965b608
parent 1978 8feedc0d4ea8
child 1994 abada9e6f943
permissions -rw-r--r--
Include support of unknown datatypes in new fv

theory Paper
imports "Quotient" 

section {* Introduction *}

text {* TBD *}

subsection {* Contributions *}

text {*
  We present the detailed lifting procedure, which was not shown before.

  The quotient package presented in this paper has the following
  advantages over existing packages:

  \item We define quotient composition, function map composition and
    relation map composition. This lets lifting polymorphic types with
    subtypes quotiented as well. We extend the notions of
    respectfullness and preservation to cope with quotient

  \item We allow lifting only some occurrences of quotiented
    types. Rsp/Prs extended. (used in nominal)

  \item We regularize more thanks to new lemmas. (inductions in

  \item The quotient package is very modular. Definitions can be added
    separately, rsp and prs can be proved separately and theorems can
    be lifted on a need basis. (useful with type-classes).

  \item Can be used both manually (attribute, separate tactics,
    rsp/prs databases) and programatically (automated definition of
    lifted constants, the rsp proof obligations and theorem statement
    translation according to given quotients).


section {* Quotient Type*}

text {*
  Defintion of quotient,


  Relation map and function map

section {* Constants *}

text {*
  Rep and Abs, Rsp and Prs

section {* Lifting Theorems *}

section {* Related Work *}

text {*

  \item Peter Homeier's package (and related work from there), John
    Harrison's one.

  \item Manually defined quotients in Isabelle/HOL Library (Larry's
    quotients, Markus's Quotient\_Type, Dixon's FSet, \ldots)

  \item Oscar Slotosch defines quotient-type automatically but no

  \item PER. And how to avoid it.

  \item Necessity of Hilbert Choice op.

  \item Setoids in Coq

