@Inproceedings{Altenkirch10, author = {T.~Altenkirch and N.~A.~Danielsson and A.~L\"oh and N.~Oury}, title = {{PiSigma}: {D}ependent {T}ypes {W}ithout the {S}ugar}, booktitle = "Proc.~of the 10th FLOPS Conference", year = 2010, series = "LNCS", pages = "40--55", volume = 6009}@InProceedings{ UrbanTasson05, author = "C. Urban and C. Tasson", title = "{N}ominal {T}echniques in {I}sabelle/{HOL}", booktitle = "Proc.~of the 20th CADE Conference", year = 2005, series = "LNCS", pages = "38--53", volume = 3632}@InProceedings{ UrbanBerghofer06, author = "C. Urban and S. Berghofer", title = "{A} {R}ecursion {C}ombinator for {N}ominal {D}atatypes {I}mplemented in {I}sabelle/{HOL}", booktitle = "Proc.~of the 3rd IJCAR Conference", year = 2006, series = "LNAI", volume = 4130, pages = "498--512"}@InProceedings{LeeCraryHarper07, author = {D.~K.~Lee and K.~Crary and R.~Harper}, title = {{T}owards a {M}echanized {M}etatheory of {Standard ML}}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 34th POPL Symposium}, year = 2007, pages = {173--184}}@Unpublished{chargueraud09, author = "A.~Chargu{\'e}raud", title = "{T}he {L}ocally {N}ameless {R}epresentation", Note = "To appear in J.~of Automated Reasoning." }@article{NaraschewskiNipkow99, author={W.~Naraschewski and T.~Nipkow}, title={{T}ype {I}nference {V}erified: {A}lgorithm {W} in {Isabelle/HOL}}, journal={J.~of Automated Reasoning}, year=1999, volume=23, pages={299--318}}@InProceedings{Berghofer99, author = {S.~Berghofer and M.~Wenzel}, title = {{I}nductive {D}atatypes in {HOL} - {L}essons {L}earned in {F}ormal-{L}ogic {E}ngineering}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 12th TPHOLs conference}, pages = {19--36}, year = 1999, volume = 1690, series = {LNCS}}@InProceedings{CoreHaskell, author = {M.~Sulzmann and M.~Chakravarty and S.~Peyton Jones and K.~Donnelly}, title = {{S}ystem {F} with {T}ype {E}quality {C}oercions}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the TLDI Workshop}, pages = {53-66}, year = {2007}}@inproceedings{cheney05, author = {J.~Cheney}, title = {{T}oward a {G}eneral {T}heory of {N}ames: {B}inding and {S}cope}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 3rd MERLIN workshop}, year = {2005}, pages = {33-40}}@Unpublished{Pitts04, author = {A.~Pitts}, title = {{N}otes on the {R}estriction {M}onad for {N}ominal {S}ets and {C}pos}, note = {Unpublished notes for an invited talk given at CTCS}, year = {2004}}@incollection{UrbanNipkow09, author = {C.~Urban and T.~Nipkow}, title = {{N}ominal {V}erification of {A}lgorithm {W}}, booktitle={From Semantics to Computer Science. Essays in Honour of Gilles Kahn}, editor={G.~Huet and J.-J.~L{\'e}vy and G.~Plotkin}, publisher={Cambridge University Press}, pages={363--382}, year=2009}@InProceedings{Homeier05, author = {P.~Homeier}, title = {{A} {D}esign {S}tructure for {H}igher {O}rder {Q}uotients}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 18th TPHOLs Conference}, pages = {130--146}, year = {2005}, volume = {3603}, series = {LNCS}}@article{ott-jfp, author = {P.~Sewell and F.~Z.~Nardelli and S.~Owens and G.~Peskine and T.~Ridge and S.~Sarkar and R.~Strni\v{s}a}, title = {{Ott}: {E}ffective {T}ool {S}upport for the {W}orking {S}emanticist}, journal = {J.~of Functional Programming}, year = {2010}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {70--122}}@INPROCEEDINGS{Pottier06, author = {F.~Pottier}, title = {{A}n {O}verview of {C$\alpha$ml}}, year = {2006}, booktitle = {ACM Workshop on ML}, pages = {27--52}, volume = {148}, number = {2}, series = {ENTCS}}@inproceedings{HuffmanUrban10, author = {B.~Huffman and C.~Urban}, title = {{P}roof {P}earl: {A} {N}ew {F}oundation for {N}ominal {I}sabelle}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 1st ITP Conference}, pages = {35--50}, volume = {6172}, series = {LNCS}, year = {2010}}@PhdThesis{Leroy92, author = {X.~Leroy}, title = {{P}olymorphic {T}yping of an {A}lgorithmic {L}anguage}, school = {University Paris 7}, year = {1992}, note = {INRIA Research Report, No~1778}}@Unpublished{SewellBestiary, author = {P.~Sewell}, title = {{A} {B}inding {B}estiary}, note = {Unpublished notes.}}@InProceedings{challenge05, author = {B.~E.~Aydemir and A.~Bohannon and M.~Fairbairn and J.~N.~Foster and B.~C.~Pierce and P.~Sewell and D.~Vytiniotis and G.~Washburn and S.~Weirich and S.~Zdancewic}, title = {{M}echanized {M}etatheory for the {M}asses: {T}he \mbox{Popl}{M}ark {C}hallenge}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 18th TPHOLs Conference}, pages = {50--65}, year = {2005}, volume = {3603}, series = {LNCS}}@article{MckinnaPollack99, author = {J.~McKinna and R.~Pollack}, title = {{S}ome {T}ype {T}heory and {L}ambda {C}alculus {F}ormalised}, journal = {J.~of Automated Reasoning}, volume = 23, number = {1-4}, year = 1999}@Unpublished{SatoPollack10, author = {M.~Sato and R.~Pollack}, title = {{E}xternal and {I}nternal {S}yntax of the {L}ambda-{C}alculus}, note = {To appear in {\it J.~of Symbolic Computation}}}@article{GabbayPitts02, author = {M.~J.~Gabbay and A.~M.~Pitts}, title = {A New Approach to Abstract Syntax with Variable Binding}, journal = {Formal Aspects of Computing}, volume = {13}, year = 2002, pages = {341--363}}@article{Pitts03, author = {A.~M.~Pitts}, title = {{N}ominal {L}ogic, {A} {F}irst {O}rder {T}heory of {N}ames and {B}inding}, journal = {Information and Computation}, year = {2003}, volume = {183}, pages = {165--193}}@InProceedings{BengtsonParrow07, author = {J.~Bengtson and J.~Parrow}, title = {Formalising the pi-{C}alculus using {N}ominal {L}ogic}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 10th FOSSACS Conference}, year = 2007, pages = {63--77}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {4423}}@inproceedings{BengtsonParow09, author = {J.~Bengtson and J.~Parrow}, title = {{P}si-{C}alculi in {I}sabelle}, booktitle = {Proc of the 22nd TPHOLs Conference}, year = 2009, pages = {99--114}, series = {LNCS}, volume = {5674}}@inproceedings{TobinHochstadtFelleisen08, author = {S.~Tobin-Hochstadt and M.~Felleisen}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the 35rd POPL Symposium}, title = {{T}he {D}esign and {I}mplementation of {T}yped {S}cheme}, year = {2008}, pages = {395--406}}@InProceedings{UrbanCheneyBerghofer08, author = "C.~Urban and J.~Cheney and S.~Berghofer", title = "{M}echanizing the {M}etatheory of {LF}", pages = "45--56", year = 2008, booktitle = "Proc.~of the 23rd LICS Symposium"}@InProceedings{UrbanZhu08, title = "{R}evisiting {C}ut-{E}limination: {O}ne {D}ifficult {P}roof is {R}eally a {P}roof", author = "C.~Urban and B.~Zhu", booktitle = "Proc.~of the 9th RTA Conference", year = "2008", pages = "409--424", series = "LNCS", volume = 5117}@Article{UrbanPittsGabbay04, title = "{N}ominal {U}nification", author = "C.~Urban and A.M.~Pitts and M.J.~Gabbay", journal = "Theoretical Computer Science", pages = "473--497", volume = "323", number = "1-3", year = "2004"}@Article{Church40, author = {A.~Church}, title = {{A} {F}ormulation of the {S}imple {T}heory of {T}ypes}, journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, year = {1940}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {56--68}}@Manual{PittsHOL4, title = {{S}yntax and {S}emantics}, author = {A.~M.~Pitts}, note = {Part of the documentation for the HOL4 system.}}@book{PaulsonBenzmueller, year={2009}, author={Benzm{\"u}ller, Christoph and Paulson, Lawrence C.}, title={Quantified Multimodal Logics in Simple Type Theory}, note={{http://arxiv.org/abs/0905.2435}}, series={{SEKI Report SR--2009--02 (ISSN 1437-4447)}}, publisher={{SEKI Publications}}}@Article{Cheney06, author = {J.~Cheney}, title = {{C}ompleteness and {H}erbrand theorems for {N}ominal {L}ogic}, journal = {Journal of Symbolic Logic}, year = {2006}, volume = {71}, number = {1}, pages = {299--320}}