theory FSet3
imports "../../../Nominal/FSet"
list_eq (infix "\<approx>" 50)
lemma fset_exhaust[case_names fempty finsert, cases type: fset]:
shows "\<lbrakk>S = {||} \<Longrightarrow> P; \<And>x S'. S = finsert x S' \<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (lifting list.exhaust)
lemma list_rel_find_element:
assumes a: "x \<in> set a"
and b: "list_rel R a b"
shows "\<exists>y. (y \<in> set b \<and> R x y)"
proof -
have "length a = length b" using b by (rule list_rel_len)
then show ?thesis using a b proof (induct a b rule: list_induct2)
case Nil
show ?case using Nil.prems by simp
case (Cons x xs y ys)
show ?case using Cons by auto
lemma concat_rsp_pre:
"\<lbrakk>list_rel op \<approx> x x'; x' \<approx> y'; list_rel op \<approx> y' y; \<exists>x\<in>set x. xa \<in> set x\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>x\<in>set y. xa \<in> set x"
apply clarify
apply (frule list_rel_find_element[of _ "x"])
apply assumption
apply clarify
apply (subgoal_tac "ya \<in> set y'")
prefer 2
apply simp
apply (frule list_rel_find_element[of _ "y'"])
apply assumption
apply auto
lemma [quot_respect]:
shows "(list_rel op \<approx> OOO op \<approx> ===> op \<approx>) concat concat"
apply (simp only: fun_rel_def)
apply clarify
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply rule
apply rule
apply (erule concat_rsp_pre)
apply assumption+
apply (rule concat_rsp_pre)
prefer 4
apply assumption
apply (rule list_rel_symp[OF list_eq_equivp])
apply assumption
apply (rule equivp_symp[OF list_eq_equivp])
apply assumption
apply (rule list_rel_symp[OF list_eq_equivp])
apply assumption
lemma nil_rsp2[quot_respect]: "(list_rel op \<approx> OOO op \<approx>) [] []"
by (metis nil_rsp list_rel.simps(1) pred_compI)
lemma set_in_eq: "(\<forall>e. ((e \<in> A) \<longleftrightarrow> (e \<in> B))) \<equiv> A = B"
by (rule eq_reflection) auto
lemma map_rel_cong: "b \<approx> ba \<Longrightarrow> map f b \<approx> map f ba"
unfolding list_eq.simps
by (simp only: set_map set_in_eq)
lemma quotient_compose_list_pre:
"(list_rel op \<approx> OOO op \<approx>) r s =
((list_rel op \<approx> OOO op \<approx>) r r \<and> (list_rel op \<approx> OOO op \<approx>) s s \<and>
abs_fset (map abs_fset r) = abs_fset (map abs_fset s))"
apply rule
apply rule
apply rule
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply rule
apply (rule equivp_reflp[OF fset_equivp])
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply rule
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply rule
apply (rule equivp_reflp[OF fset_equivp])
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply (subgoal_tac "map abs_fset r \<approx> map abs_fset s")
apply (metis Quotient_rel[OF Quotient_fset])
apply (auto simp only:)[1]
apply (subgoal_tac "map abs_fset r = map abs_fset b")
prefer 2
apply (metis Quotient_rel[OF list_quotient[OF Quotient_fset]])
apply (subgoal_tac "map abs_fset s = map abs_fset ba")
prefer 2
apply (metis Quotient_rel[OF list_quotient[OF Quotient_fset]])
apply (simp only: map_rel_cong)
apply rule
apply (rule rep_abs_rsp[of "list_rel op \<approx>" "map abs_fset"])
apply (tactic {* Quotient_Tacs.quotient_tac @{context} 1 *})
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply rule
prefer 2
apply (rule rep_abs_rsp_left[of "list_rel op \<approx>" "map abs_fset"])
apply (tactic {* Quotient_Tacs.quotient_tac @{context} 1 *})
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply (erule conjE)+
apply (subgoal_tac "map abs_fset r \<approx> map abs_fset s")
prefer 2
apply (metis Quotient_def Quotient_fset equivp_reflp fset_equivp)
apply (rule map_rel_cong)
apply (assumption)
lemma quotient_compose_list[quot_thm]:
shows "Quotient ((list_rel op \<approx>) OOO (op \<approx>))
(abs_fset \<circ> (map abs_fset)) ((map rep_fset) \<circ> rep_fset)"
unfolding Quotient_def comp_def
apply (rule)+
apply (simp add: abs_o_rep[OF Quotient_fset] Quotient_abs_rep[OF Quotient_fset] map_id)
apply (rule)
apply (rule)
apply (rule)
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply (rule)
apply (rule equivp_reflp[OF fset_equivp])
apply (rule list_rel_refl)
apply (metis equivp_def fset_equivp)
apply rule
apply rule
apply (rule quotient_compose_list_pre)
lemma fconcat_empty:
shows "fconcat {||} = {||}"
apply(lifting concat.simps(1))
apply(simp add: comp_def bot_fset_def)
lemma insert_rsp2[quot_respect]:
"(op \<approx> ===> list_rel op \<approx> OOO op \<approx> ===> list_rel op \<approx> OOO op \<approx>) op # op #"
apply auto
apply (simp add: set_in_eq)
apply (rule_tac b="x # b" in pred_compI)
apply auto
apply (rule_tac b="x # ba" in pred_compI)
apply auto
lemma append_rsp[quot_respect]:
"(op \<approx> ===> op \<approx> ===> op \<approx>) op @ op @"
by (auto)
lemma fconcat_insert:
shows "fconcat (finsert x S) = x |\<union>| fconcat S"
apply (lifting concat.simps(2))
apply (cleaning)
apply (simp add: finsert_def fconcat_def comp_def)
apply (cleaning)
(* TBD *)
text {* syntax for fset comprehensions (adapted from lists) *}
nonterminals fsc_qual fsc_quals
"_fsetcompr" :: "'a \<Rightarrow> fsc_qual \<Rightarrow> fsc_quals \<Rightarrow> 'a fset" ("{|_ . __")
"_fsc_gen" :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a fset \<Rightarrow> fsc_qual" ("_ <- _")
"_fsc_test" :: "bool \<Rightarrow> fsc_qual" ("_")
"_fsc_end" :: "fsc_quals" ("|}")
"_fsc_quals" :: "fsc_qual \<Rightarrow> fsc_quals \<Rightarrow> fsc_quals" (", __")
"_fsc_abs" :: "'a => 'b fset => 'b fset"
syntax (xsymbols)
"_fsc_gen" :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a fset \<Rightarrow> fsc_qual" ("_ \<leftarrow> _")
syntax (HTML output)
"_fsc_gen" :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a fset \<Rightarrow> fsc_qual" ("_ \<leftarrow> _")
parse_translation (advanced) {*
val femptyC = Syntax.const @{const_name fempty};
val finsertC = Syntax.const @{const_name finsert};
val fmapC = Syntax.const @{const_name fmap};
val fconcatC = Syntax.const @{const_name fconcat};
val IfC = Syntax.const @{const_name If};
fun fsingl x = finsertC $ x $ femptyC;
fun pat_tr ctxt p e opti = (* %x. case x of p => e | _ => [] *)
val x = Free (Name.variant (fold Term.add_free_names [p, e] []) "x", dummyT);
val e = if opti then fsingl e else e;
val case1 = Syntax.const "_case1" $ p $ e;
val case2 = Syntax.const "_case1" $ Syntax.const Term.dummy_patternN
$ femptyC;
val cs = Syntax.const "_case2" $ case1 $ case2
val ft = Datatype_Case.case_tr false Datatype.info_of_constr
ctxt [x, cs]
in lambda x ft end;
fun abs_tr ctxt (p as Free(s,T)) e opti =
let val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt;
val s' = Sign.intern_const thy s
in if Sign.declared_const thy s'
then (pat_tr ctxt p e opti, false)
else (lambda p e, true)
| abs_tr ctxt p e opti = (pat_tr ctxt p e opti, false);
fun fsc_tr ctxt [e, Const("_fsc_test",_) $ b, qs] =
val res = case qs of
Const("_fsc_end",_) => fsingl e
| Const("_fsc_quals",_)$ q $ qs => fsc_tr ctxt [e, q, qs];
IfC $ b $ res $ femptyC
| fsc_tr ctxt [e, Const("_fsc_gen",_) $ p $ es, Const("_fsc_end",_)] =
(case abs_tr ctxt p e true of
(f,true) => fmapC $ f $ es
| (f, false) => fconcatC $ (fmapC $ f $ es))
| fsc_tr ctxt [e, Const("_fsc_gen",_) $ p $ es, Const("_fsc_quals",_) $ q $ qs] =
val e' = fsc_tr ctxt [e, q, qs];
fconcatC $ (fmapC $ (fst (abs_tr ctxt p e' false)) $ es)
in [("_fsetcompr", fsc_tr)] end
(* examles *)
term "{|(x,y,z). b|}"
term "{|x. x \<leftarrow> xs|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x\<leftarrow>xs|}"
term "{|e x y. x\<leftarrow>xs, y\<leftarrow>ys|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x<a, x>b|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x\<leftarrow>xs, x>b|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x<a, x\<leftarrow>xs|}"
term "{|(x,y). Cons True x \<leftarrow> xs|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). Cons x [] \<leftarrow> xs|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x<a, x>b, x=d|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x<a, x>b, y\<leftarrow>ys|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x<a, x\<leftarrow>xs,y>b|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x<a, x\<leftarrow>xs, y\<leftarrow>ys|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x\<leftarrow>xs, x>b, y<a|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x\<leftarrow>xs, x>b, y\<leftarrow>ys|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x\<leftarrow>xs, y\<leftarrow>ys,y>x|}"
term "{|(x,y,z). x\<leftarrow>xs, y\<leftarrow>ys,z\<leftarrow>zs|}"