author Cezary Kaliszyk <>
Fri, 19 Mar 2010 18:56:13 +0100
changeset 1555 73992021c8f0
parent 1550 66d388a84e3c
child 1556 a7072d498723
permissions -rw-r--r--
Described automatically created funs.



\def\dn{\,\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}\,}

%----------------- theorem definitions ----------
\newtheorem{Example}{\it Example}[section]

%-------------------- environment definitions -----------------
\newenvironment{example}[0]{\begin{Example} \it}{\end{Example}}
\newenvironment{proof-of}[1]{{\em Proof of #1:}}{}


\title{\LARGE\bf General Bindings in Nominal Isabelle,\\ or How to
  Formalise Core-Haskell}

Nominal Isabelle is a definitional extension of the Isabelle/HOL theorem
prover. It provides a proving infrastructure for convenient reasoning about
programming language calculi involving bound variables that have names (as
opposed to de-Bruijn indices). In this paper we present an extension of
Nominal Isabelle for dealing with general binding structures, that means
where multiple variables are bound at once. Such
binding structures are ubiquitous in programming language research and only
very poorly supported with single binders, such as the lambdas in the
lambda-calculus. Our extension includes novel definitions of
alpha-equivalence and establishes automatically the reasoning infrastructure for
alpha-equated terms. We can also provide strong induction principles that have 
the usual variable convention already built in.




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