author Cezary Kaliszyk <>
Mon, 03 May 2010 10:15:23 +0200 (2010-05-03)
changeset 2017 6a4049e1d68d
parent 1739 468c3c1adcba
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Add explicit cheats in NewParser and comment out the examples for outside use.
%       proof.sty       (Proof Figure Macros)
%       version 3.0 (for both LaTeX 2.09 and LaTeX 2e)
%       Mar 6, 1997
%       Copyright (C) 1990 -- 1997, Makoto Tatsuta (
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either versions 1, or (at your option)
% any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
%       Usage:
%               In \documentstyle, specify an optional style `proof', say,
%                       \documentstyle[proof]{article}.
%       The following macros are available:
%       In all the following macros, all the arguments such as
%       <Lowers> and <Uppers> are processed in math mode.
%       \infer<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws an inference.
%               Use & in <Uppers> to delimit upper formulae.
%               <Uppers> consists more than 0 formulae.
%               \infer returns \hbox{ ... } or \vbox{ ... } and
%               sets \@LeftOffset and \@RightOffset globally.
%       \infer[<Label>]<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws an inference labeled with <Label>.
%       \infer*<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws a many step deduction.
%       \infer*[<Label>]<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws a many step deduction labeled with <Label>.
%       \infer=<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws a double-ruled deduction.
%       \infer=[<Label>]<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws a double-ruled deduction labeled with <Label>.
%       \deduce<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws an inference without a rule.
%       \deduce[<Proof>]<Lower><Uppers>
%               draws a many step deduction with a proof name.
%       Example:
%               If you want to write
%                           B C
%                          -----
%                      A     D
%                     ----------
%                         E
%       use
%               \infer{E}{
%                       A
%                       &
%                       \infer{D}{B & C}
%               }

%       Style Parameters

\newdimen\inferLineSkip         \inferLineSkip=2pt
\newdimen\inferLabelSkip        \inferLabelSkip=5pt

%       Variables

\newdimen\@LeftOffset   % global
\newdimen\@RightOffset  % global
\newdimen\@SavedLeftOffset      % safe from users



%       Flags

\newif\if@inferRule     % whether \@infer draws a rule.
\newif\if@DoubleRule    % whether \@infer draws doulbe rules.
\newif\if@ReturnLeftOffset      % whether \@infer returns \@LeftOffset.
\newif\if@MathSaved     % whether inner math mode where \infer or
                       % \deduce appears.

%       Special Fonts

\def\DeduceSym{\vtop{\baselineskip4\p@ \lineskiplimit\z@

%       Math Save Macros
%       \@SaveMath is called in the very begining of toplevel macros
%       which are \infer and \deduce.
%       \@RestoreMath is called in the very last before toplevel macros end.
%       Remark \infer and \deduce ends calling \@infer.

\def\@SaveMath{\@MathSavedfalse \ifmmode \ifinner
       \relax $\relax \@MathSavedtrue \fi\fi }

\def\@RestoreMath{\if@MathSaved \relax $\relax\fi }

%       Macros

% Renaming @ifnextchar and @ifnch of LaTeX2e to @IFnextchar and @IFnch.

\def\@IFnch{\ifx \reserved@c \@sptoken \let\reserved@d\@xifnch
      \else \ifx \reserved@c \reserved@e\let\reserved@d\reserved@a\else
      \fi \reserved@d}

       \ifx \@tempa \@tempb #2\else #3\fi }

\def\infer{\@SaveMath \@IFnextchar *{\@inferSteps}{\relax
       \@IFnextchar ={\@inferDoubleRule}{\@inferOneStep}}}

\def\@inferOneStep{\@inferRuletrue \@DoubleRulefalse
       \@IFnextchar [{\@infer}{\@infer[\@empty]}}

\def\@inferDoubleRule={\@inferRuletrue \@DoubleRuletrue
       \@IFnextchar [{\@infer}{\@infer[\@empty]}}

\def\@inferSteps*{\@IFnextchar [{\@@inferSteps}{\@@inferSteps[\@empty]}}


\def\deduce{\@SaveMath \@IFnextchar [{\@deduce{\@empty}}
       {\@inferRulefalse \@infer[\@empty]}}

%       \@deduce<Proof Label>[<Proof>]<Lower><Uppers>

       \@infer[\@empty]{#3}{\@SaveMath \@infer[{#1}]{#2}{#4}}}

%       \@infer[<Label>]<Lower><Uppers>
%               If \@inferRuletrue, it draws a rule and <Label> is right to
%               a rule. In this case, if \@DoubleRuletrue, it draws
%               double rules.
%               Otherwise, draws no rule and <Label> is right to <Lower>.

% Get parameters
       \if@ReturnLeftOffset \else \@SavedLeftOffset=\@LeftOffset \fi
       \setbox\@UpperPart=\vbox{\tabskip=0pt \halign{\relax
               \global\@RightOffset=0pt \@ReturnLeftOffsettrue $##$&&
               \global\@RightOffset=0pt \@ReturnLeftOffsetfalse $##$\cr
%                       Here is a little trick.
%                       \@ReturnLeftOffsettrue(false) influences on \infer or
%                       \deduce placed in ## locally
%                       because of \@SaveMath and \@RestoreMath.
% Calculate Adjustments
       \UpperWidth=\wd\@UpperPart \advance\UpperWidth by -\UpperLeftOffset
       \advance\UpperWidth by -\UpperRightOffset
       \advance\UpperCenter by 0.5\UpperWidth
       \ifdim \UpperWidth > \LowerWidth
               % \UpperCenter > \LowerCenter
       \LowerAdjust=\UpperCenter \advance\LowerAdjust by -\LowerCenter
       \else   % \UpperWidth <= \LowerWidth
       \ifdim \UpperCenter > \LowerCenter
       \RuleAdjust=\UpperCenter \advance\RuleAdjust by -\LowerCenter
       \else   % \UpperWidth <= \LowerWidth
               % \UpperCenter <= \LowerCenter
       \UpperAdjust=\LowerCenter \advance\UpperAdjust by -\UpperCenter
% Make a box
               \moveright \UpperAdjust \box\@UpperPart
               \nointerlineskip \kern\inferLineSkip
               \moveright \RuleAdjust \vbox{\hrule width\RuleWidth
                       \kern 1pt\hrule width\RuleWidth}\relax
               \moveright \RuleAdjust \vbox{\hrule width\RuleWidth}\relax
               \nointerlineskip \kern\inferLineSkip
               \moveright \LowerAdjust \box\@LowerPart }\relax
       \HLabelAdjust=\wd\ResultBox     \advance\HLabelAdjust by -\RuleAdjust
       \advance\HLabelAdjust by -\RuleWidth
       \advance\WidthAdjust by -\inferLabelSkip
       \advance\WidthAdjust by -\wd\@LabelPart
       \ifdim \WidthAdjust < 0pt \WidthAdjust=0pt \fi
       \advance\VLabelAdjust by -\ht\@LabelPart
       \VLabelAdjust=0.5\VLabelAdjust  \advance\VLabelAdjust by \LowerHeight
       \advance\VLabelAdjust by \inferLineSkip
               \kern -\HLabelAdjust \kern\inferLabelSkip
               \raise\VLabelAdjust \box\@LabelPart \kern\WidthAdjust}\relax
       }\relax % end @ifEmpty
       \else % \@inferRulefalse
               \moveright \UpperAdjust \box\@UpperPart
               \nointerlineskip \kern\inferLineSkip
               \moveright \LowerAdjust \hbox{\unhbox\@LowerPart
                       \kern\inferLabelSkip \unhbox\@LabelPart}}}\relax
       \global\advance\@RightOffset by -\@LeftOffset
       \global\advance\@RightOffset by -\LowerWidth
       \if@ReturnLeftOffset \else \global\@LeftOffset=\@SavedLeftOffset \fi