Add explicit cheats in NewParser and comment out the examples for outside use.
theory ExPS7
imports "../Parser"
(* example 7 from Peter Sewell's bestiary *)
atom_decl name
ML {* val _ = recursive := true *}
nominal_datatype exp7 =
EVar name
| EUnit
| EPair exp7 exp7
| ELetRec l::"lrbs" e::"exp7" bind "b7s l" in e
and lrb =
Assign name exp7
and lrbs =
Single lrb
| More lrb lrbs
b7 :: "lrb \<Rightarrow> atom set" and
b7s :: "lrbs \<Rightarrow> atom set"
"b7 (Assign x e) = {atom x}"
| "b7s (Single a) = b7 a"
| "b7s (More a as) = (b7 a) \<union> (b7s as)"
thm exp7_lrb_lrbs.eq_iff
thm exp7_lrb_lrbs.supp