freshness theorem in strong exhausts; (temporarily includes a cheat_tac to make all tests go through)
theory SystemFOmega
imports "../Nominal2"
text {*
System from the F-ing paper by Rossberg, Russo and
Dreyer, TLDI'10
atom_decl var
atom_decl tvar
atom_decl label
nominal_datatype kind =
\<Omega> | KFun kind kind
nominal_datatype ty =
TVar tvar
| TFun ty ty
| TAll a::tvar kind t::ty bind a in t
| TEx a::tvar kind t::ty bind a in t
| TLam a::tvar kind t::ty bind a in t
| TApp ty ty
| TRec trec
and trec =
| TRCons label ty trec
nominal_datatype trm =
Var var
| Lam x::var ty t::trm bind x in t
| App trm trm
| Dot trm label
| LAM a::tvar kind t::trm bind a in t
| APP trm ty
| Pack ty trm
| Unpack a::tvar x::var trm t::trm bind a x in t
| Rec rec
and rec =
| RCons label trm rec