corrected the strong induction principle in the lambda-calculus case; gave a second (oartial) version that is more elegant
(*<*)theory Paperimports "../Nominal/Test" "LaTeXsugar"beginnotation (latex output) swap ("'(_ _')" [1000, 1000] 1000) and fresh ("_ # _" [51, 51] 50) and fresh_star ("_ #* _" [51, 51] 50) and supp ("supp _" [78] 73) and uminus ("-_" [78] 73) and If ("if _ then _ else _" 10)(*>*)section {* Introduction *}text {* It has not yet fared so well in the POPLmark challenge as the second part contain a formalisation of records where ... The difficulty can be appreciated by considering that the definition given by Leroy in \cite{Leroy92} is incorrect (it omits a side-condition). Examples: type-schemes, Spi-calculus Contributions: We provide definitions for when terms involving general bindings are alpha-equivelent. %\begin{center} %\begin{pspicture}(0.5,0.0)(8,2.5) %%\showgrid %\psframe[linewidth=0.4mm,framearc=0.2](5,0.0)(7.7,2.5) %\pscircle[linewidth=0.3mm,dimen=middle](6,1.5){0.6} %\psframe[linewidth=0.4mm,framearc=0.2,dimen=middle](1.1,2.1)(2.3,0.9) %\pcline[linewidth=0.4mm]{->}(2.6,1.5)(4.8,1.5) %\pcline[linewidth=0.2mm](2.2,2.1)(6,2.1) %\pcline[linewidth=0.2mm](2.2,0.9)(6,0.9) %\rput(7.3,2.2){$\mathtt{phi}$} %\rput(6,1.5){$\lama$} %\rput[l](7.6,2.05){\begin{tabular}{l}existing\\[-1.6mm]type\end{tabular}} %\rput[r](1.2,1.5){\begin{tabular}{l}new\\[-1.6mm]type\end{tabular}} %\rput(6.1,0.5){\begin{tabular}{l}non-empty\\[-1.6mm]subset\end{tabular}} %\rput[c](1.7,1.5){$\lama$} %\rput(3.7,1.75){isomorphism} %\end{pspicture} %\end{center} quotient package \cite{Homeier05}*}section {* A Short Review of the Nominal Logic Work *}text {* At its core, Nominal Isabelle is based on the nominal logic work by Pitts \cite{Pitts03}. The implementation of this work are described in \cite{HuffmanUrban10}, which we review here briefly to aid the description of what follows in the next sections. Two central notions in the nominal logic work are sorted atoms and permutations of atoms. The sorted atoms represent different kinds of variables, such as term- and type-variables in Core-Haskell, and it is assumed that there is an infinite supply of atoms for each sort. However, in order to simplify the description of our work, we shall assume in this paper that there is only a single sort of atoms. Permutations are bijective functions from atoms to atoms that are the identity everywhere except on a finite number of atoms. There is a two-place permutation operation written @{text[display,indent=5] "_ \<bullet> _ :: (\<alpha> \<times> \<alpha>) list \<Rightarrow> \<beta> \<Rightarrow> \<beta>"} \noindent with a generic type in which @{text "\<alpha>"} stands for the type of atoms and @{text "\<beta>"} for the type of the objects on which the permutation acts. In Nominal Isabelle the identity permutation is written as @{term "0::perm"}, the composition of two permutations @{term p} and @{term q} as \mbox{@{term "p + q"}} and the inverse permutation @{term p} as @{text "- p"}. The permutation operation is defined for products, lists, sets, functions, booleans etc (see \cite{HuffmanUrban10}). The most original aspect of the nominal logic work of Pitts et al is a general definition for ``the set of free variables of an object @{text "x"}''. This definition is general in the sense that it applies not only to lambda-terms, but also to lists, products, sets and even functions. The definition depends only on the permutation operation and on the notion of equality defined for the type of @{text x}, namely: @{thm[display,indent=5] supp_def[no_vars, THEN eq_reflection]} \noindent There is also the derived notion for when an atom @{text a} is \emph{fresh} for an @{text x}, defined as @{thm[display,indent=5] fresh_def[no_vars]} \noindent We also use for sets of atoms the abbreviation @{thm (lhs) fresh_star_def[no_vars]} defined as @{thm (rhs) fresh_star_def[no_vars]}. A striking consequence of these definitions is that we can prove without knowing anything about the structure of @{term x} that swapping two fresh atoms, say @{text a} and @{text b}, leave @{text x} unchanged. \begin{property} @{thm[mode=IfThen] swap_fresh_fresh[no_vars]} \end{property} \noindent For a proof see \cite{HuffmanUrban10}. \begin{property} @{thm[mode=IfThen] at_set_avoiding[no_vars]} \end{property}*}section {* Abstractions *}text {* General notion of alpha-equivalence (depends on a free-variable function and a relation).*}section {* Alpha-Equivalence and Free Variables *}section {* Examples *}section {* Adequacy *}section {* Related Work *}section {* Conclusion *}text {* TODO: function definitions: \medskip \noindent {\bf Acknowledgements:} We are very grateful to Andrew Pitts for the many discussions about Nominal Isabelle. We thank Peter Sewell for making the informal notes \cite{SewellBestiary} available to us and also for explaining some of the finer points of the OTT-tool.*}(*<*)end(*>*)