Finish all subgoals about Aux.
(* Author: Christian Urban
data about nominal datatypes
signature NOMINAL_DT_DATA =
(* info of raw binding functions *)
type bn_info = term * int * (int * term option) list list
(* binding modes and binding clauses *)
datatype bmode = Lst | Res | Set
datatype bclause = BC of bmode * (term option * int) list * int list
type info =
{inject : thm list,
distinct : thm list,
strong_inducts : thm list,
strong_exhaust : thm list}
val get_all_info: Proof.context -> (string * info) list
val get_info: Proof.context -> string -> info option
val the_info: Proof.context -> string -> info
val register_info: (string * info) -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
val mk_infos: string list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> (string * info) list
datatype user_data = UserData of
{dts : Datatype.spec list,
cn_names : string list,
cn_tys : (string * string) list,
bn_funs : (binding * typ * mixfix) list,
bn_eqs : (Attrib.binding * term) list,
bclauses : bclause list list list}
datatype raw_dt_info = RawDtInfo of
{raw_dt_names : string list,
raw_dts : Datatype.spec list,
raw_tys : typ list,
raw_ty_args : (string * sort) list,
raw_cns_info : cns_info list,
raw_all_cns : term list list,
raw_inject_thms : thm list,
raw_distinct_thms : thm list,
raw_induct_thm : thm,
raw_induct_thms : thm list,
raw_exhaust_thms : thm list,
raw_size_trms : term list,
raw_size_thms : thm list}
datatype alpha_result = AlphaResult of
{alpha_names : string list,
alpha_trms : term list,
alpha_tys : typ list,
alpha_bn_names : string list,
alpha_bn_trms : term list,
alpha_bn_tys : typ list,
alpha_intros : thm list,
alpha_cases : thm list,
alpha_raw_induct : thm}
structure Nominal_Dt_Data: NOMINAL_DT_DATA =
(* term - is constant of the bn-function
int - is datatype number over which the bn-function is defined
int * term option - is number of the corresponding argument with possibly
recursive call with bn-function term
type bn_info = term * int * (int * term option) list list
datatype bmode = Lst | Res | Set
datatype bclause = BC of bmode * (term option * int) list * int list
(* information generated by nominal_datatype *)
type info =
{inject : thm list,
distinct : thm list,
strong_inducts : thm list,
strong_exhaust : thm list}
structure NominalData = Generic_Data
(type T = info Symtab.table
val empty = Symtab.empty
val extend = I
val merge = Symtab.merge (K true))
val get_all_info = Symtab.dest o NominalData.get o Context.Proof
val get_info = Symtab.lookup o NominalData.get o Context.Proof
val register_info = o Symtab.update
fun the_info thy name =
(case get_info thy name of
SOME info => info
| NONE => error ("Unknown nominal datatype " ^ quote name))
fun mk_infos ty_names inject distinct strong_inducts strong_exhaust =
fun aux ty_name =
(ty_name, {inject = inject,
distinct = distinct,
strong_inducts = strong_inducts,
strong_exhaust = strong_exhaust
map aux ty_names
datatype user_data = UserData of
{dts : Datatype.spec list,
cn_names : string list,
cn_tys : (string * string) list,
bn_funs : (binding * typ * mixfix) list,
bn_eqs : (Attrib.binding * term) list,
bclauses : bclause list list list}
datatype raw_dt_info = RawDtInfo of
{raw_dt_names : string list,
raw_dts : Datatype.spec list,
raw_tys : typ list,
raw_ty_args : (string * sort) list,
raw_cns_info : cns_info list,
raw_all_cns : term list list,
raw_inject_thms : thm list,
raw_distinct_thms : thm list,
raw_induct_thm : thm,
raw_induct_thms : thm list,
raw_exhaust_thms : thm list,
raw_size_trms : term list,
raw_size_thms : thm list}
datatype alpha_result = AlphaResult of
{alpha_names : string list,
alpha_trms : term list,
alpha_tys : typ list,
alpha_bn_names : string list,
alpha_bn_trms : term list,
alpha_bn_tys : typ list,
alpha_intros : thm list,
alpha_cases : thm list,
alpha_raw_induct : thm}