author Christian Urban <>
Wed, 17 Mar 2010 20:42:42 +0100
changeset 1492 4908db645f98
parent 1485 c004e7448dca
child 1493 52f68b524fd2
permissions -rw-r--r--


\ConferenceName{International Conference on Functional Programming}

% further packages required for unusual symbols (see also
% isabellesym.sty), use only when needed

  %for \<leadsto>, \<box>, \<diamond>, \<sqsupset>, \<mho>, \<Join>,
  %\<lhd>, \<lesssim>, \<greatersim>, \<lessapprox>, \<greaterapprox>,
  %\<triangleq>, \<yen>, \<lozenge>

  %option greek for \<euro>
  %option english (default language) for \<guillemotleft>, \<guillemotright>

  %for \<onesuperior>, \<onequarter>, \<twosuperior>, \<onehalf>,
  %\<threesuperior>, \<threequarters>, \<degree>

  %for \<Sqinter>

  %for \<AA> ... \<ZZ>, \<aa> ... \<zz> (also included in amssymb)

  %for \<cent>, \<currency>

% this should be the last package used

% urls in roman style, theory text in math-similar italics

% for uniform font size

%----------------- theorem definitions ----------
\newtheorem{Example}{\it Example}[section]

%-------------------- environment definitions -----------------
\newenvironment{example}[0]{\begin{Example} \it}{\end{Example}}
\newenvironment{proof-of}[1]{{\em Proof of #1:}}{}


\title{\LARGE\bf General Binding Structures in Nominal Isabelle, or How to
  Formalise Core-Haskell}

Nominal Isabelle is a definitional extension of the Isabelle/HOL
theorem prover. It provides a reasoning infrastructure for formalisations
of programming language calculi. In this paper we present an extension
of Nominal Isabelle with general binding constructs. Such constructs
are important in formalisation ...

% generated text of all theories

% optional bibliography


%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End: