author Cezary Kaliszyk <>
Tue, 23 Mar 2010 09:21:43 +0100
changeset 1603 2b367c80c0d7
parent 1587 b6da798cef68
child 1607 ac69ed8303cc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved let properties from Term5 to ExLetRec.

theory Paper
imports "../Nominal/Test" "LaTeXsugar"

notation (latex output)
  swap ("'(_ _')" [1000, 1000] 1000) and
  fresh ("_ # _" [51, 51] 50) and
  fresh_star ("_ #* _" [51, 51] 50) and
  supp ("supp _" [78] 73) and
  uminus ("-_" [78] 73) and
  If  ("if _ then _ else _" 10)

section {* Introduction *}

text {*
  So far, Nominal Isabelle provides a mechanism for constructing
  alpha-equated terms such as

  $t ::= x \mid t\;t \mid \lambda x. t$

  where free and bound variables have names.  For such terms Nominal Isabelle
  derives automatically a reasoning infrastructure, which has been used
  successfully in formalisations of an equivalence checking algorithm for LF
  \cite{UrbanCheneyBerghofer08}, Typed
  Scheme~\cite{TobinHochstadtFelleisen08}, several calculi for concurrency
  \cite{BengtsonParrow07,BengtsonParow09} and a strong normalisation result
  for cut-elimination in classical logic \cite{UrbanZhu08}. It has also been
  used by Pollack for formalisations in the locally-nameless approach to
  binding \cite{SatoPollack10}.

  However, Nominal Isabelle has fared less well in a formalisation of
  the algorithm W \cite{UrbanNipkow09}, where types and type-schemes
  are of the form
  T ::= x \mid T \rightarrow T \hspace{5mm} S ::= \forall \{x_1,\ldots, x_n\}. T

  and the quantification $\forall$ binds a finite (possibly empty) set of
  type-variables.  While it is possible to implement this kind of more general
  binders by iterating single binders, this leads to a rather clumsy
  formalisation of W. The need of iterating single binders is also one reason
  why Nominal Isabelle and similar theorem provers that only provide
  mechanisms for binding single variables have not fared extremely well with the
  more advanced tasks in the POPLmark challenge \cite{challenge05}, because
  also there one would like to bind multiple variables at once.

  Binding multiple variables has interesting properties that cannot be captured
  easily by iterating single binders. For example in case of type-schemes we do not
  want to make a distinction about the order of the bound variables. Therefore
  we would like to regard the following two type-schemes as alpha-equivalent
  \forall \{x, y\}. x \rightarrow y  \;\approx_\alpha\; \forall \{y, x\}. y \rightarrow x 

  but assuming that $x$, $y$ and $z$ are distinct variables,
  the following two should \emph{not} be alpha-equivalent
  \forall \{x, y\}. x \rightarrow y  \;\not\approx_\alpha\; \forall \{z\}. z \rightarrow z 

  Moreover, we like to regard type-schemes as 
  alpha-equivalent, if they differ only on \emph{vacuous} binders, such as
  \forall \{x\}. x \rightarrow y  \;\approx_\alpha\; \forall \{x, z\}. x \rightarrow y

  where $z$ does not occur freely in the type.
  In this paper we will give a general binding mechanism and associated
  notion of alpha-equivalence that can be used to faithfully represent
  this kind of binding in Nominal Isabelle.  The difficulty of finding the right notion 
  for alpha-equivalence in this case can be appreciated by considering that the 
  definition given by Leroy in \cite{Leroy92} is incorrect (it omits a side-condition).

  However, the notion of alpha-equivalence that is preserved by vacuous binders is not
  always wanted. For example in terms like
  \LET x = 3 \AND y = 2 \IN x\,-\,y \END

  we might not care in which order the assignments $x = 3$ and $y = 2$ are
  given, but it would be unusual to regard \eqref{one} as alpha-equivalent 
  $\LET x = 3 \AND y = 2 \AND z = loop \IN x\,-\,y \END$

  Therefore we will also provide a separate binding mechanism for cases in
  which the order of binders does not matter, but the ``cardinality'' of the
  binders has to agree.

  However, we found that this is still not sufficient for dealing with
  language constructs frequently occurring in programming language
  research. For example in $\mathtt{let}$s containing patterns
  \LET (x, y) = (3, 2) \IN x\,-\,y \END

  we want to bind all variables from the pattern inside the body of the
  $\mathtt{let}$, but we also care about the order of these variables, since
  we do not want to regard \eqref{two} as alpha-equivalent with
  $\LET (y, x) = (3, 2) \IN x\,- y\,\END$

  As a result, we provide three general binding mechanisms each of which binds multiple
  variables at once, and let the user chose which one is intended when formalising a
  programming language calculus.

  By providing these general binding mechanisms, however, we have to work around 
  a problem that has been pointed out by Pottier in \cite{Pottier06}: in 
  $\mathtt{let}$-constructs of the form
  $\LET x_1 = t_1 \AND \ldots \AND x_n = t_n \IN s \END$

  which bind all the $x_i$ in $s$, we might not care about the order in 
  which the $x_i = t_i$ are given, but we do care about the information that there are 
  as many $x_i$ as there are $t_i$. We lose this information if we represent the 
  $\mathtt{let}$-constructor by something like 
  $\LET [x_1,\ldots,x_n].s\;\; [t_1,\ldots,t_n]$

  where the notation $[\_\!\_].\_\!\_$ indicates that the $x_i$ become bound
  in $s$. In this representation the term \mbox{$\LET [x].s\;\;[t_1,t_2]$}
  would be a perfectly legal instance. To exclude such terms an additional
  predicate about well-formed terms is needed in order to ensure that the two
  lists are of equal length. This can result into very messy reasoning (see
  for example~\cite{BengtsonParow09}). To avoid this, we will allow type specifications
  for $\mathtt{let}$s as follows
  \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{2mm}}r@ {\hspace{2mm}}l}
  $trm$ & $::=$  & \ldots\\ 
        & $\mid$ & $\mathtt{let}\;a\!::\!assn\;\;s\!::\!trm\quad\mathtt{bind}\;bn\,(a) \IN s$\\[1mm]
  $assn$ & $::=$  & $\mathtt{anil}$\\
         & $\mid$ & $\mathtt{acons}\;\;name\;\;trm\;\;assn$

  where $assn$ is an auxiliary type representing a list of assignments 
  and $bn$ an auxiliary function identifying the variables to be bound by 
  the $\mathtt{let}$. This function is defined by recursion over $assn$ as follows

  $bn\,(\mathtt{anil}) = \varnothing \qquad bn\,(\mathtt{acons}\;x\;t\;as) = \{x\} \cup bn\,(as)$ 
  The scope of the binding is indicated by labels given to the types, for
  example \mbox{$s\!::\!trm$}, and a binding clause, in this case
  $\mathtt{bind}\;bn\,(a) \IN s$, that states to bind in $s$ all the names the
  function $bn\,(a)$ returns.  This style of specifying terms and bindings is
  heavily inspired by the syntax of the Ott-tool \cite{ott-jfp}.

  However, we will not be able to deal with all specifications that are
  allowed by Ott. One reason is that Ott allows ``empty'' specifications

  $t ::= t\;t \mid \lambda x. t$

  where no clause for variables is given. Such specifications make some sense in
  the context of Coq's type theory (which Ott supports), but not at al in a HOL-based 
  theorem prover where every datatype must have a non-empty set-theoretic model.

  Another reason is that we establish the reasoning infrastructure
  for alpha-\emph{equated} terms. In contrast, Ott produces  a reasoning 
  infrastructure in Isabelle/HOL for
  \emph{non}-alpha-equated, or ``raw'', terms. While our alpha-equated terms
  and the raw terms produced by Ott use names for bound variables,
  there is a key difference: working with alpha-equated terms means that the
  two type-schemes with $x$, $y$ and $z$ being distinct

  $\forall \{x\}. x \rightarrow y  \;=\; \forall \{x, z\}. x \rightarrow y$ 
  are not just alpha-equal, but actually equal. As a
  result, we can only support specifications that make sense on the level of
  alpha-equated terms (offending specifications, which for example bind a variable
  according to a variable bound somewhere else, are not excluded by Ott, but we 
  have to).  Our
  insistence on reasoning with alpha-equated terms comes from the wealth of
  experience we gained with the older version of Nominal Isabelle: for
  non-trivial properties, reasoning about alpha-equated terms is much easier
  than reasoning with raw terms. The fundamental reason for this is that the
  HOL-logic underlying Nominal Isabelle allows us to replace
  ``equals-by-equals''. In contrast replacing ``alpha-equals-by-alpha-equals''
  in a representation based on raw terms requires a lot of extra reasoning work.

  Although in informal settings a reasoning infrastructure for alpha-equated 
  terms (that have names for bound variables) is nearly always taken for granted, establishing 
  it automatically in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover is a rather non-trivial task. 
  For every specification we will need to construct a type containing as 
  elements the alpha-equated terms. To do so, we use 
  the standard HOL-technique of defining a new type by  
  identifying a non-empty subset of an existing type.   The construction we 
  perform in HOL is illustrated by the following picture:
  %\draw[step=2mm] (-4,-1) grid (4,1);
  \draw[very thick] (0.7,0.4) circle (4.25mm);
  \draw[rounded corners=1mm, very thick] ( 0.0,-0.8) rectangle ( 1.8, 0.9);
  \draw[rounded corners=1mm, very thick] (-1.95,0.85) rectangle (-2.85,-0.05);
  \draw (-2.0, 0.845) --  (0.7,0.845);
  \draw (-2.0,-0.045)  -- (0.7,-0.045);

  \draw ( 0.7, 0.4) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}$\alpha$-\\[-1mm]clas.\end{tabular}};
  \draw (-2.4, 0.4) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}$\alpha$-eq.\\[-1mm]terms\end{tabular}};
  \draw (1.8, 0.48) node[right=-0.1mm]
    {\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}existing\\[-1mm] type\\ (sets of raw terms)\end{tabular}};
  \draw (0.9, -0.35) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}non-empty\\[-1mm]subset\end{tabular}};
  \draw (-3.25, 0.55) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}new\\[-1mm]type\end{tabular}};
  \draw[<->, very thick] (-1.8, 0.3) -- (-0.1,0.3);
  \draw (-0.95, 0.3) node[above=0mm] {isomorphism};


  We take as the starting point a definition of raw terms (defined as a 
  datatype in Isabelle/HOL); identify then the 
  alpha-equivalence classes in the type of sets of raw terms, according to our 
  alpha-equivalence relation and finally define the new type as these 
  alpha-equivalence classes (non-emptiness is satisfied whenever the raw terms are 
  definable as datatype in Isabelle/HOL and the fact that our relation for alpha is an 
  equivalence relation).

  The fact that we obtain an isomorphism between between the new type and the non-empty 
  subset shows that the new type is a faithful representation of alpha-equated terms. 
  That is not the case for example in the representation of terms using the locally 
  nameless representation of binders \cite{McKinnaPollack99}: there are ``junk'' terms that need to
  be excluded by reasoning about a well-formedness predicate.

  The problem with introducing a new type in Isabelle/HOL is that in order to be useful, 
  a reasoning infrastructure needs to be ``lifted'' from the underlying subset to 
  the new type. This is usually a tricky and arduous task. To ease it
  we re-implemented in Isabelle/HOL the quotient package described by Homeier 
  \cite{Homeier05}. This package 
  allows us to  lift definitions and theorems involving raw terms
  to definitions and theorems involving alpha-equated terms. For example
  if we define the free-variable function over lambda terms

  $\fv(x) = \{x\}$\hspace{10mm}
  $\fv(t_1\;t_2) = \fv(t_1) \cup \fv(t_2)$\\[1mm]
  $\fv(\lambda x.t) = \fv(t) - \{x\}$
  then with not too great effort we obtain a function $\fv_\alpha$
  operating on quotients, or alpha-equivalence classes of terms, as follows

  $\fv_\alpha(x) = \{x\}$\hspace{10mm}
  $\fv_\alpha(t_1\;t_2) = \fv_\alpha(t_1) \cup \fv_\alpha(t_2)$\\[1mm]
  $\fv_\alpha(\lambda x.t) = \fv_\alpha(t) - \{x\}$

  (Note that this means also the term-constructors for variables, applications
  and lambda are lifted to the quotient level.)  This construction, of course,
  only works if alpha is an equivalence relation, and the definitions and theorems 
  are respectful w.r.t.~alpha-equivalence.  Hence we will not be able to lift this
  a bound-variable function to alpha-equated terms (since it does not respect
  alpha-equivalence). To sum up, every lifting needs proofs of some respectfulness
  properties. These proofs we are able automate and therefore establish a 
  useful reasoning infrastructure for alpha-equated lambda terms.\medskip

  {\bf Contributions:}  We provide new definitions for when terms
  involving multiple binders are alpha-equivalent. These definitions are
  inspired by earlier work of Pitts \cite{}. By means of automatic
  proofs, we establish a reasoning infrastructure for alpha-equated
  terms, including properties about support, freshness and equality
  conditions for alpha-equated terms. We re also able to derive, at the moment 
  only manually, for these terms a strong induction principle that 
  has the variable convention already built in.

section {* A Short Review of the Nominal Logic Work *}

text {*
  At its core, Nominal Isabelle is an adaption of the nominal logic work by
  Pitts \cite{Pitts03}. This adaptation for Isabelle/HOL is described in
  \cite{HuffmanUrban10}, which we review here briefly to aid the description
  of what follows. Two central notions in the nominal logic work are sorted
  atoms and sort-respecting permutations of atoms. The sorts can be used to
  represent different kinds of variables, such as term- and type-variables in
  Core-Haskell, and it is assumed that there is an infinite supply of atoms
  for each sort. However, in order to simplify the description, we shall
  assume in what follows that there is only a single sort of atoms.

  Permutations are bijective functions from atoms to atoms that are 
  the identity everywhere except on a finite number of atoms. There is a 
  two-place permutation operation written

  @{text[display,indent=5] "_ \<bullet> _  ::  (\<alpha> \<times> \<alpha>) list \<Rightarrow> \<beta> \<Rightarrow> \<beta>"}

  with a generic type in which @{text "\<alpha>"} stands for the type of atoms 
  and @{text "\<beta>"} for the type of the object on which the permutation 
  acts. In Nominal Isabelle the identity permutation is written as @{term "0::perm"},
  the composition of two permutations @{term p} and @{term q} as \mbox{@{term "p + q"}} 
  and the inverse permutation of @{term p} as @{text "- p"}. The permutation
  operation is defined for products, lists, sets, functions, booleans etc 
  (see \cite{HuffmanUrban10}).

  The most original aspect of the nominal logic work of Pitts is a general
  definition for the notion of ``the set of free variables of an object @{text
  "x"}''.  This notion, written @{term "supp x"}, is general in the sense that
  it applies not only to lambda-terms alpha-equated or not, but also to lists,
  products, sets and even functions. The definition depends only on the
  permutation operation and on the notion of equality defined for the type of
  @{text x}, namely:

  @{thm[display,indent=5] supp_def[no_vars, THEN eq_reflection]}

  There is also the derived notion for when an atom @{text a} is \emph{fresh}
  for an @{text x}, defined as
  @{thm[display,indent=5] fresh_def[no_vars]}

  We also use for sets of atoms the abbreviation 
  @{thm (lhs) fresh_star_def[no_vars]} defined as 
  @{thm (rhs) fresh_star_def[no_vars]}.
  A striking consequence of these definitions is that we can prove
  without knowing anything about the structure of @{term x} that
  swapping two fresh atoms, say @{text a} and @{text b}, leave 
  @{text x} unchanged. 

  @{thm[mode=IfThen] swap_fresh_fresh[no_vars]}

  For a proof see \cite{HuffmanUrban10}.

  @{thm[mode=IfThen] at_set_avoiding[no_vars]}


section {* General Binders *}

text {*
  In Nominal Isabelle, the user is expected to write down a specification of a
  term-calculus and then a reasoning infrastructure is automatically derived
  from this specifcation (remember that Nominal Isabelle is a definitional
  extension of Isabelle/HOL, which does not introduce any new axioms).

  In order to keep our work manageable, we will wherever possible state
  definitions and perform proofs inside Isabelle, as opposed to write custom
  ML-code that generates them for each instance of a term-calculus. To that
  end, we will consider pairs @{text "(as, x)"} of type @{text "(atom set) \<times> \<beta>"}.
  These pairs are intended to represent the abstraction, or binding, of the set $as$ 
  in the body $x$.

  The first question we have to answer is when the pairs $(as, x)$ and $(bs, y)$ are
  alpha-equivalent? (At the moment we are interested in
  the notion of alpha-equivalence that is \emph{not} preserved by adding 
  vacuous binders.) To answer this, we identify four conditions: {\it i)} given 
  a free-variable function $\fv$ of type \mbox{@{text "\<beta> \<Rightarrow> atom set"}}, then $x$ and $y$ 
  need to have the same set of free variables; moreover there must be a permutation,
  $p$ so that {\it ii)} it leaves the free variables $x$ and $y$ unchanged, 
  but {\it iii)} ``moves'' their bound names such that we obtain modulo a relation, 
  say \mbox{@{text "_ R _"}}, two equal terms. We also require {\it iv)} that $p$ makes 
  the abstracted sets $as$ and $bs$ equal. The requirements {\it i)} to {\it iv)} can 
  be stated formally as follows:
  \begin{array}{@ {\hspace{10mm}}r@ {\hspace{2mm}}l}
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}_{set}^{\fv, R, p} (bs, y) \;\dn\hspace{30mm}\;}\\[1mm]
             & @{text "fv(x) - as = fv(y) - bs"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "fv(x) - as #* p"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "(p \<bullet> x) R y"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "(p \<bullet> as) = bs"}\\ 

  Note that this relation is dependent on $p$. Alpha-equivalence is then the relation where 
  we existentially quantify over this $p$. 
  Also note that the relation is dependent on a free-variable function $\fv$ and a relation 
  $R$. The reason for this extra generality is that we will use $\approx_{set}$ for both 
  ``raw'' terms and alpha-equated terms. In the latter case, $R$ will be replaced by 
  equality $(op =)$ and we are going to prove that $\fv$ will be equal to the support 
  of $x$ and $y$. To have these parameters means, however, we can derive properties about 
  them generically.

  The definition in \eqref{alphaset} does not make any distinction between the
  order of abstracted variables. If we want this, then we can define alpha-equivalence 
  for pairs of the form \mbox{@{text "(as, x)"}} with type @{text "(atom list) \<times> \<beta>"} 
  as follows
  \begin{array}{@ {\hspace{10mm}}r@ {\hspace{2mm}}l}
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}_{list}^{\fv, R, p} (bs, y) \;\dn\hspace{30mm}\;}\\[1mm]
             & @{text "fv(x) - (set as) = fv(y) - (set bs)"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "fv(x) - (set as) #* p"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "(p \<bullet> x) R y"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "(p \<bullet> as) = bs"}\\ 
  where $set$ is just the function that coerces a list of atoms into a set of atoms.

  If we do not want to make any difference between the order of binders and
  also allow vacuous binders, then we keep sets of binders, but drop the fourth 
  condition in \eqref{alphaset}:
  \begin{array}{@ {\hspace{10mm}}r@ {\hspace{2mm}}l}
  \multicolumn{2}{l}{(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}_{res}^{\fv, R, p} (bs, y) \;\dn\hspace{30mm}\;}\\[1mm]
             & @{text "fv(x) - as = fv(y) - bs"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "fv(x) - as #* p"}\\
  \wedge     & @{text "(p \<bullet> x) R y"}\\

  It might be useful to consider some examples for how these definitions pan out in practise.
  For this consider the case of abstracting a set of variables over types (as in type-schemes). 
  We set $R$ to be the equality and for $\fv(T)$ we define

  $\fv(x) = \{x\}  \qquad \fv(T_1 \rightarrow T_2) = \fv(T_1) \cup \fv(T_2)$

  Now recall the examples shown in \eqref{ex1}, \eqref{ex2} and \eqref{ex3}. It can be easily 
  checked that @{text "({x, y}, x \<rightarrow> y)"} and
  @{text "({y, x}, y \<rightarrow> x)"} are equal according to $\approx_{set}$ and $\approx_{res}$ by taking $p$ to
  be the swapping @{term "(x \<rightleftharpoons> y)"}. In case of @{text "x \<noteq> y"} then 
  $([x, y], x \rightarrow y) \not\approx_{list} ([y,x], x \rightarrow y)$ since there is no permutation that 
  makes the lists @{text "[x, y]"} and @{text "[y, x]"} equal, and in addition leaves the 
  type \mbox{@{text "x \<rightarrow> y"}} unchanged. Again if @{text "x \<noteq> y"}, we have that
   $(\{x\}, x) \approx_{res} (\{x,y\}, x)$ by taking $p$ to be the identity permutation.
  However $(\{x\}, x) \not\approx_{set} (\{x,y\}, x)$ since there is no permutation that makes
  the sets $\{x\}$ and $\{x,y\}$ equal (similarly for $\approx_{list}$).

  Let $\star$ range over $\{set, res, list\}$. We prove next under which 
  conditions the $\approx\hspace{0.05mm}_\star^{\fv, R, p}$ are equivalence 
  relations and equivariant:

  {\it i)} Given the fact that $x\;R\;x$ holds, then 
  $(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, 0}_\star (as, x)$. {\it ii)} Given
  that @{text "(p \<bullet> x) R y"} implies @{text "(-p \<bullet> y) R x"}, then
  $(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, p}_\star (bs, y)$ implies
  $(bs, y) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, - p}_\star (as, x)$. {\it iii)} Given
  that @{text "(p \<bullet> x) R y"} and @{text "(q \<bullet> y) R z"} implies 
  @{text "((q + p) \<bullet> x) R z"}, then $(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, p}_\star (bs, y)$
  and $(bs, y) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, q}_\star (cs, z)$ implies
  $(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, q + p}_\star (cs, z)$. Given
  @{text "(q \<bullet> x) R y"} implies @{text "(p \<bullet> (q \<bullet> x)) R (p \<bullet> y)"} and
  @{text "p \<bullet> (fv x) = fv (p \<bullet> x)"} then @{text "p \<bullet> (fv y) = fv (p \<bullet> y)"}, then
  $(as, x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, q}_\star (bs, y)$ implies
  $(p \;\isasymbullet\; as, p \;\isasymbullet\; x) \approx\hspace{0.05mm}^{\fv, R, q}_\star 
  (p \;\isasymbullet\; bs, p \;\isasymbullet\; y)$.
  All properties are by unfolding the definitions and simple calculations. 

  $supp ([as]set. x) = supp x - as$ 

section {* Alpha-Equivalence and Free Variables *}

text {*
  A specification of a term-calculus in Nominal Isabelle is a collection
  of (possibly mutual recursive) type declarations, say $ty_1$, $ty_2$, \ldots $ty_n$ 
  written as follows:

  \isacommand{nominal\_datatype} $ty_1 =$\\
  \isacommand{and} $ty_2 =$\\
  \isacommand{and} $ty_n =$\\ 

  The section below the \isacommand{with} are binding functions, which
  will be explained below.

  A specification of a term-calculus in Nominal Isabell is very similar to 
  the usual datatype definition of Isabelle/HOL: 

  Because of the problem Pottier pointed out in \cite{Pottier06}, the general 
  binders from the previous section cannot be used directly to represent w 
  be used directly 

text {*

  \item non-emptiness
  \item positive datatype definitions
  \item finitely supported abstractions
  \item respectfulness of the bn-functions\bigskip
  \item binders can only have a ``single scope''
  \item all bindings must have the same mode

section {* Examples *}

section {* Adequacy *}

section {* Related Work *}

text {*
  Ott is better with list dot specifications; subgrammars


section {* Conclusion *}

text {*
  Complication when the single scopedness restriction is lifted (two 
  overlapping permutations)

text {*

  TODO: function definitions:

  {\bf Acknowledgements:} We are very grateful to Andrew Pitts for  
  many discussions about Nominal Isabelle. We thank Peter Sewell for 
  making the informal notes \cite{SewellBestiary} available to us and 
  also for patiently explaining some of the finer points about the abstract 
  definitions and about the implementation of the Ott-tool.

  Lookup: Merlin paper by James Cheney; Mark Shinwell PhD

  Future work: distinct list abstraction

