author Christian Urban <>
Sun, 18 Dec 2011 00:42:32 +0000 (2011-12-18)
changeset 3076 2b1b8404fe0d
parent 3065 51ef8a3cb6ef
child 3091 578e0265b235
permissions -rw-r--r--
partially localised the parsing process using functions fron Datatype
theory Nominal2
  Nominal2_Base Nominal2_Abs Nominal2_FCB
uses ("nominal_dt_rawfuns.ML")

use "nominal_dt_data.ML"
ML {* open Nominal_Dt_Data *}

use "nominal_dt_rawfuns.ML"
ML {* open Nominal_Dt_RawFuns *}

use "nominal_dt_alpha.ML"
ML {* open Nominal_Dt_Alpha *}

use "nominal_dt_quot.ML"
ML {* open Nominal_Dt_Quot *}

(* setup for induction principles method *)
use "nominal_induct.ML"
method_setup nominal_induct =
  {* NominalInduct.nominal_induct_method *}
  {* nominal induction *}

(* inductive definition involving nominal datatypes *)
use "nominal_inductive.ML" 

(* forked code of the function package *)
(* for defining nominal functions      *)
use "nominal_function_common.ML"
use "nominal_function_core.ML"
use "nominal_mutual.ML"
use "nominal_function.ML"
use "nominal_termination.ML"

ML {*
val eqvt_attr = Attrib.internal (K Nominal_ThmDecls.eqvt_add)
val rsp_attr = Attrib.internal (K Quotient_Info.rsp_rules_add)
val simp_attr = Attrib.internal (K Simplifier.simp_add)
val induct_attr = Attrib.internal (K Induct.induct_simp_add)

section{* Interface for nominal_datatype *}

ML {* print_depth 50 *}

ML {*
fun get_cnstrs dts =
  map snd dts

fun get_typed_cnstrs dts =
  flat (map (fn ((bn, _, _), constrs) => 
   (map (fn (bn', _, _) => (Binding.name_of bn, Binding.name_of bn')) constrs)) dts)

fun get_cnstr_strs dts =
  map (fn (bn, _, _) => Binding.name_of bn) (flat (get_cnstrs dts))

fun get_bn_fun_strs bn_funs =
  map (fn (bn_fun, _, _) => Binding.name_of bn_fun) bn_funs

text {* Infrastructure for adding "_raw" to types and terms *}

ML {*
fun add_raw s = s ^ "_raw"
fun add_raws ss = map add_raw ss
fun raw_bind bn = Binding.suffix_name "_raw" bn

fun replace_str ss s = 
  case (AList.lookup (op=) ss s) of 
     SOME s' => s'
   | NONE => s

fun replace_typ ty_ss (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (replace_str ty_ss a, map (replace_typ ty_ss) Ts)
  | replace_typ ty_ss T = T  

fun raw_dts ty_ss dts =
  fun raw_dts_aux1 (bind, tys, _) =
    (raw_bind bind, map (replace_typ ty_ss) tys, NoSyn)

  fun raw_dts_aux2 ((bind, ty_args, _), constrs) =
    ((raw_bind bind, ty_args, NoSyn), map raw_dts_aux1 constrs)
  map raw_dts_aux2 dts

fun replace_aterm trm_ss (Const (a, T)) = Const (replace_str trm_ss a, T)
  | replace_aterm trm_ss (Free (a, T)) = Free (replace_str trm_ss a, T)
  | replace_aterm trm_ss trm = trm

fun replace_term trm_ss ty_ss trm =
  trm |> Term.map_aterms (replace_aterm trm_ss) |> map_types (replace_typ ty_ss) 

ML {*
fun rawify_dts dts dts_env = raw_dts dts_env dts

ML {*
fun rawify_bn_funs dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_env bn_funs bn_eqs =
  val bn_funs' = map (fn (bn, ty, _) => 
    (raw_bind bn, SOME (replace_typ dts_env ty), NoSyn)) bn_funs
  val bn_eqs' = map (fn (attr, trm) => 
    (attr, replace_term (cnstrs_env @ bn_fun_env) dts_env trm)) bn_eqs
  (bn_funs', bn_eqs') 

ML {* 
fun rawify_bclauses dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_env bclauses =
  fun rawify_bnds bnds = 
    map (apfst ( (replace_term (cnstrs_env @ bn_fun_env) dts_env))) bnds

  fun rawify_bclause (BC (mode, bnds, bdys)) = BC (mode, rawify_bnds bnds, bdys)
  (map o map o map) rawify_bclause bclauses

ML {*
(* definition of the raw datatype *)

fun define_raw_dts dts cnstr_names cnstr_tys bn_funs bn_eqs bclauses lthy =
  val thy = Local_Theory.exit_global lthy
  val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy

  val dt_names = map (fn ((s, _, _), _) => Binding.name_of s) dts
  val dt_full_names = map (Long_Name.qualify thy_name) dt_names 
  val dt_full_names' = add_raws dt_full_names
  val dts_env = dt_full_names ~~ dt_full_names'

  val cnstr_full_names = map (Long_Name.qualify thy_name) cnstr_names
  val cnstr_full_names' = map (fn (x, y) => Long_Name.qualify thy_name 
    (Long_Name.qualify (add_raw x) (add_raw y))) cnstr_tys
  val cnstrs_env = cnstr_full_names ~~ cnstr_full_names'

  val bn_fun_strs = get_bn_fun_strs bn_funs
  val bn_fun_strs' = add_raws bn_fun_strs
  val bn_fun_env = bn_fun_strs ~~ bn_fun_strs'
  val bn_fun_full_env = map (pairself (Long_Name.qualify thy_name)) 
    (bn_fun_strs ~~ bn_fun_strs')
  val raw_dts = rawify_dts dts dts_env
  val (raw_bn_funs, raw_bn_eqs) = rawify_bn_funs dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_env bn_funs bn_eqs 
  val raw_bclauses = rawify_bclauses dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_full_env bclauses 

  val (raw_full_dt_names', thy1) = 
    Datatype.add_datatype Datatype.default_config raw_dts thy

  val lthy1 = Named_Target.theory_init thy1

  val dtinfos = map (Datatype.the_info (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy1)) raw_full_dt_names' 
  val {descr, ...} = hd dtinfos

  val raw_tys = Datatype_Aux.get_rec_types descr
  val raw_ty_args = hd raw_tys
    |> snd o dest_Type
    |> map dest_TFree 

  val raw_cns_info = all_dtyp_constrs_types descr
  val raw_all_cns = (map o map) (fn (c, _, _, _) => c) raw_cns_info

  val raw_inject_thms = flat (map #inject dtinfos)
  val raw_distinct_thms = flat (map #distinct dtinfos)
  val raw_induct_thm = #induct (hd dtinfos)
  val raw_induct_thms = #inducts (hd dtinfos)
  val raw_exhaust_thms = map #exhaust dtinfos
  val raw_size_trms = map HOLogic.size_const raw_tys
  val raw_size_thms = Size.size_thms (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy1) (hd raw_full_dt_names')
    |> `(fn thms => (length thms) div 2)
    |> uncurry drop

  val raw_result = RawDtInfo 
    {raw_dt_names = raw_full_dt_names',
     raw_dts = raw_dts,
     raw_tys = raw_tys,
     raw_ty_args = raw_ty_args,
     raw_cns_info = raw_cns_info,
     raw_all_cns = raw_all_cns,
     raw_inject_thms = raw_inject_thms,
     raw_distinct_thms = raw_distinct_thms,
     raw_induct_thm = raw_induct_thm,
     raw_induct_thms = raw_induct_thms,
     raw_exhaust_thms = raw_exhaust_thms,
     raw_size_trms = raw_size_trms,
     raw_size_thms = raw_size_thms}
  (raw_bclauses, raw_bn_funs, raw_bn_eqs, raw_result, lthy1)

ML {*
fun nominal_datatype2 opt_thms_name dts bn_funs bn_eqs bclauses lthy =
  val cnstr_names = get_cnstr_strs dts
  val cnstr_tys = get_typed_cnstrs dts

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Defining raw datatypes...")
  val (raw_bclauses, raw_bn_funs, raw_bn_eqs, raw_dt_info, lthy0) =
    define_raw_dts dts cnstr_names cnstr_tys bn_funs bn_eqs bclauses lthy   

  val RawDtInfo 
     raw_size_thms, ...} = raw_dt_info
  val _ = trace_msg (K "Defining raw permutations...")
  val ((raw_perm_funs, raw_perm_simps, raw_perm_laws), lthy2a) = define_raw_perms raw_dt_info lthy0
  (* noting the raw permutations as eqvt theorems *)
  val lthy3 = snd (Local_Theory.note ((Binding.empty, [eqvt_attr]), raw_perm_simps) lthy2a)

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Defining raw fv- and bn-functions...")
  val (raw_bns, raw_bn_defs, raw_bn_info, raw_bn_inducts, lthy3a) =
    define_raw_bns raw_dt_info raw_bn_funs raw_bn_eqs lthy3
  (* defining the permute_bn functions *)
  val (raw_perm_bns, raw_perm_bn_simps, lthy3b) = 
    define_raw_bn_perms raw_dt_info raw_bn_info lthy3a
  val (raw_fvs, raw_fv_bns, raw_fv_defs, raw_fv_bns_induct, lthy3c) = 
    define_raw_fvs raw_dt_info raw_bn_info raw_bclauses lthy3b
  val _ = trace_msg (K "Defining alpha relations...")
  val (alpha_result, lthy4) =
    define_raw_alpha raw_dt_info raw_bn_info raw_bclauses raw_fvs lthy3c
  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving distinct theorems...")
  val alpha_distincts = raw_prove_alpha_distincts lthy4 alpha_result raw_dt_info

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving eq-iff theorems...")
  val alpha_eq_iff = raw_prove_alpha_eq_iff lthy4 alpha_result raw_dt_info
  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving equivariance of bns, fvs, size and alpha...")
  val raw_bn_eqvt = 
    raw_prove_eqvt raw_bns raw_bn_inducts (raw_bn_defs @ raw_perm_simps) lthy4
  (* noting the raw_bn_eqvt lemmas in a temprorary theory *)
  val lthy_tmp = snd (Local_Theory.note ((Binding.empty, [eqvt_attr]), raw_bn_eqvt) lthy4)

  val raw_fv_eqvt = 
    raw_prove_eqvt (raw_fvs @ raw_fv_bns) raw_fv_bns_induct (raw_fv_defs @ raw_perm_simps) 
      (Local_Theory.restore lthy_tmp)
  val raw_size_eqvt =
      val RawDtInfo {raw_size_trms, raw_size_thms, raw_induct_thms, ...} = raw_dt_info
      raw_prove_eqvt raw_size_trms raw_induct_thms (raw_size_thms @ raw_perm_simps) 
        (Local_Theory.restore lthy_tmp)
        |> map (rewrite_rule @{thms permute_nat_def[THEN eq_reflection]})
        |> map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm sym})
  val lthy5 = snd (Local_Theory.note ((Binding.empty, [eqvt_attr]), raw_fv_eqvt) lthy_tmp)

  val alpha_eqvt =
      val AlphaResult {alpha_trms, alpha_bn_trms, alpha_raw_induct, alpha_intros, ...} = alpha_result
      Nominal_Eqvt.raw_equivariance (alpha_trms @ alpha_bn_trms) alpha_raw_induct alpha_intros lthy5

  val alpha_eqvt_norm = map (Nominal_ThmDecls.eqvt_transform lthy5) alpha_eqvt

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving equivalence of alpha...")
  val alpha_refl_thms = raw_prove_refl lthy5 alpha_result raw_induct_thm  
  val alpha_sym_thms = raw_prove_sym lthy5 alpha_result alpha_eqvt_norm
  val alpha_trans_thms =
    raw_prove_trans lthy5 alpha_result (raw_distinct_thms @ raw_inject_thms) alpha_eqvt_norm

  val (alpha_equivp_thms, alpha_bn_equivp_thms) = 
    raw_prove_equivp lthy5 alpha_result alpha_refl_thms alpha_sym_thms alpha_trans_thms

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving alpha implies bn...")
  val alpha_bn_imp_thms = raw_prove_bn_imp lthy5 alpha_result

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving respectfulness...")
  val raw_funs_rsp_aux = 
    raw_fv_bn_rsp_aux lthy5 alpha_result raw_fvs raw_bns raw_fv_bns (raw_bn_defs @ raw_fv_defs) 
  val raw_funs_rsp = map mk_funs_rsp raw_funs_rsp_aux

  val raw_size_rsp = 
    raw_size_rsp_aux lthy5 alpha_result (raw_size_thms @ raw_size_eqvt)
      |> map mk_funs_rsp

  val raw_constrs_rsp = 
    raw_constrs_rsp lthy5 alpha_result (flat raw_all_cns) (alpha_bn_imp_thms @ raw_funs_rsp_aux) 
  val alpha_permute_rsp = map mk_alpha_permute_rsp alpha_eqvt

  val alpha_bn_rsp = 
    raw_alpha_bn_rsp alpha_result alpha_bn_equivp_thms alpha_bn_imp_thms

  val raw_perm_bn_rsp = raw_perm_bn_rsp lthy5 alpha_result raw_perm_bns raw_perm_bn_simps

  (* noting the quot_respects lemmas *)
  val (_, lthy6) = 
    Local_Theory.note ((Binding.empty, [rsp_attr]),
      raw_constrs_rsp @ raw_funs_rsp @ raw_size_rsp @ alpha_permute_rsp @ 
      alpha_bn_rsp @ raw_perm_bn_rsp) lthy5

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Defining the quotient types...")
  val qty_descr = map (fn ((bind, vs, mx), _) => (map fst vs, bind, mx)) dts
  val (qty_infos, lthy7) = 
      val AlphaResult {alpha_trms, alpha_tys, ...} = alpha_result
      define_qtypes qty_descr alpha_tys alpha_trms alpha_equivp_thms lthy6

  val qtys = map #qtyp qty_infos
  val qty_full_names = map (fst o dest_Type) qtys
  val qty_names = map Long_Name.base_name qty_full_names             

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Defining the quotient constants...")
  val qconstrs_descrs =
    (map2 o map2) (fn (b, _, mx) => fn t => (Variable.check_name b, t, mx)) (get_cnstrs dts) raw_all_cns

  val qbns_descr =
    map2 (fn (b, _, mx) => fn t => (Variable.check_name b, t, mx)) bn_funs raw_bns

  val qfvs_descr = 
    map2 (fn n => fn t => ("fv_" ^ n, t, NoSyn)) qty_names raw_fvs

  val qfv_bns_descr = 
    map2 (fn (b, _, _) => fn t => ("fv_" ^ Variable.check_name b, t, NoSyn)) bn_funs raw_fv_bns

  val qalpha_bns_descr = 
      val AlphaResult {alpha_bn_trms, ...} = alpha_result 
      map2 (fn (b, _, _) => fn t => ("alpha_" ^ Variable.check_name b, t, NoSyn)) bn_funs  alpha_bn_trms

  val qperm_descr =
    map2 (fn n => fn t => ("permute_" ^ n, Type.legacy_freeze t, NoSyn)) qty_names raw_perm_funs

  val qsize_descr =
    map2 (fn n => fn t => ("size_" ^ n, t, NoSyn)) qty_names raw_size_trms

  val qperm_bn_descr = 
    map2 (fn (b, _, _) => fn t => ("permute_" ^ Variable.check_name b, t, NoSyn)) bn_funs raw_perm_bns
  val ((((((qconstrs_infos, qbns_info), qfvs_info), qfv_bns_info), qalpha_bns_info), qperm_bns_info), 
    lthy8) = 
      |> fold_map (define_qconsts qtys) qconstrs_descrs 
      ||>> define_qconsts qtys qbns_descr 
      ||>> define_qconsts qtys qfvs_descr
      ||>> define_qconsts qtys qfv_bns_descr
      ||>> define_qconsts qtys qalpha_bns_descr
      ||>> define_qconsts qtys qperm_bn_descr

  val lthy9 = 
    define_qperms qtys qty_full_names raw_ty_args qperm_descr raw_perm_laws lthy8 
  val lthy9a = 
    define_qsizes qtys qty_full_names raw_ty_args qsize_descr lthy9

  val qtrms = (map o map) #qconst qconstrs_infos
  val qbns = map #qconst qbns_info
  val qfvs = map #qconst qfvs_info
  val qfv_bns = map #qconst qfv_bns_info
  val qalpha_bns = map #qconst qalpha_bns_info
  val qperm_bns = map #qconst qperm_bns_info

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Lifting of theorems...")  
  val eq_iff_simps = @{thms alphas permute_prod.simps prod_fv.simps prod_alpha_def prod_rel_def

  val ([ qdistincts, qeq_iffs, qfv_defs, qbn_defs, qperm_simps, qfv_qbn_eqvts, 
         qbn_inducts, qsize_eqvt, [qinduct], qexhausts, qsize_simps, qperm_bn_simps, 
         qalpha_refl_thms, qalpha_sym_thms, qalpha_trans_thms ], lthyB) = 
    |>>> lift_thms qtys [] alpha_distincts  
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys eq_iff_simps alpha_eq_iff       
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_fv_defs
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_bn_defs
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_perm_simps
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] (raw_fv_eqvt @ raw_bn_eqvt)
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_bn_inducts
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_size_eqvt
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] [raw_induct_thm]
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_exhaust_thms
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_size_thms
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] raw_perm_bn_simps
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] alpha_refl_thms
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] alpha_sym_thms
    ||>>> lift_thms qtys [] alpha_trans_thms

  val qinducts = Project_Rule.projections lthyB qinduct

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving supp lemmas and fs-instances...")
  val qsupports_thms = prove_supports lthyB qperm_simps (flat qtrms)

  (* finite supp lemmas *)
  val qfsupp_thms = prove_fsupp lthyB qtys qinduct qsupports_thms

  (* fs instances *)
  val lthyC = fs_instance qtys qty_full_names raw_ty_args qfsupp_thms lthyB

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving equality between fv and supp...")
  val qfv_supp_thms = 
    prove_fv_supp qtys (flat qtrms) qfvs qfv_bns qalpha_bns qfv_defs qeq_iffs 
      qperm_simps qfv_qbn_eqvts qinduct (flat raw_bclauses) lthyC
    |> map Drule.eta_contraction_rule

  (* postprocessing of eq and fv theorems *)
  val qeq_iffs' = qeq_iffs
    |> map (simplify (HOL_basic_ss addsimps qfv_supp_thms))
    |> map (simplify (HOL_basic_ss addsimps @{thms prod_fv_supp prod_alpha_eq Abs_eq_iff[symmetric]}))

  (* filters the theormes that are of the form "qfv = supp" *)
  fun is_qfv_thm (@{term Trueprop} $ (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _) $ lhs $ _)) = member (op=) qfvs lhs
  | is_qfv_thm _ = false

  val qsupp_constrs = qfv_defs
    |> map (simplify (HOL_basic_ss addsimps (filter (is_qfv_thm o prop_of) qfv_supp_thms)))

  val transform_thm = @{lemma "x = y \<Longrightarrow> a \<notin> x \<longleftrightarrow> a \<notin> y" by simp}
  val transform_thms = 
    [ @{lemma "a \<notin> (S \<union> T) \<longleftrightarrow> a \<notin> S \<and> a \<notin> T" by simp}, 
      @{lemma "a \<notin> (S - T) \<longleftrightarrow> a \<notin> S \<or> a \<in> T" by simp}, 
      @{lemma "(lhs = (a \<notin> {})) \<longleftrightarrow> lhs" by simp}, 
      @{thm fresh_def[symmetric]}]

  val qfresh_constrs = qsupp_constrs
    |> map (fn thm => thm RS transform_thm) 
    |> map (simplify (HOL_basic_ss addsimps transform_thms))

  (* proving that the qbn result is finite *)
  val qbn_finite_thms = prove_bns_finite qtys qbns qinduct qbn_defs lthyC

  (* proving that perm_bns preserve alpha *)
  val qperm_bn_alpha_thms = 
    prove_perm_bn_alpha_thms qtys qperm_bns qalpha_bns qinduct qperm_bn_simps qeq_iffs' 
      qalpha_refl_thms lthyC

  (* proving the relationship of bn and permute_bn *)
  val qpermute_bn_thms = 
    prove_permute_bn_thms qtys qbns qperm_bns qinduct qperm_bn_simps qbn_defs qfv_qbn_eqvts lthyC

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving strong exhaust lemmas...")
  val qstrong_exhaust_thms = prove_strong_exhausts lthyC qexhausts bclauses qbn_finite_thms qeq_iffs'
    qfv_qbn_eqvts qpermute_bn_thms qperm_bn_alpha_thms

  val _ = trace_msg (K "Proving strong induct lemmas...")
  val qstrong_induct_thms =  prove_strong_induct lthyC qinduct qstrong_exhaust_thms qsize_simps bclauses

  (* noting the theorems *)  

  (* generating the prefix for the theorem names *)
  val thms_name = 
    the_default ( (space_implode "_" qty_names)) opt_thms_name 
  fun thms_suffix s = Binding.qualified true s thms_name 
  val case_names_attr = Attrib.internal (K (Rule_Cases.case_names cnstr_names))

  val infos = mk_infos qty_full_names qeq_iffs' qdistincts qstrong_exhaust_thms qstrong_induct_thms

  val (_, lthy9') = lthyC
     |> Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = false} (K (fold register_info infos))
     |> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "distinct", [induct_attr, simp_attr]), qdistincts) 
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "eq_iff", [induct_attr, simp_attr]), qeq_iffs')
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "fv_defs", []), qfv_defs) 
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "bn_defs", []), qbn_defs) 
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "bn_inducts", []), qbn_inducts) 
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "perm_simps", [eqvt_attr, simp_attr]), qperm_simps) 
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "fv_bn_eqvt", [eqvt_attr]), qfv_qbn_eqvts) 
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "size", [simp_attr]), qsize_simps)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "size_eqvt", []), qsize_eqvt)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "induct", [case_names_attr]), [qinduct]) 
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "inducts", [case_names_attr]), qinducts)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "exhaust", [case_names_attr]), qexhausts)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "strong_exhaust", [case_names_attr]), qstrong_exhaust_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "strong_induct", [case_names_attr]), qstrong_induct_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "supports", []), qsupports_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "fsupp", []), qfsupp_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "supp", []), qsupp_constrs)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "fresh", []), qfresh_constrs)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "perm_bn_simps", []), qperm_bn_simps)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "bn_finite", []), qbn_finite_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "perm_bn_alpha", []), qperm_bn_alpha_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "permute_bn", []), qpermute_bn_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "alpha_refl", []), qalpha_refl_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "alpha_sym", []), qalpha_sym_thms)
     ||>> Local_Theory.note ((thms_suffix "alpha_trans", []), qalpha_trans_thms)

section {* Preparing and parsing of the specification *}
ML {* 
(* generates the parsed datatypes and 
   declares the constructors 

fun prepare_dts dt_strs thy = 
  fun prep_spec ((tname, tvs, mx), constrs) =
    ((tname, tvs, mx), 
      constrs |> map (fn (c, Ts, mx', _) => (c, map snd Ts, mx')))

  fun mk_constr_trms ((tname, tvs, _), constrs) =
      val full_tname = Sign.full_name thy tname
      val ty = Type (full_tname, map TFree tvs)
      map (fn (c, tys, mx) => (c, (tys ---> ty), mx)) constrs

  val (dts, spec_ctxt) = 
    Datatype.read_specs (map prep_spec dt_strs) thy
  val constr_trms = flat (map mk_constr_trms dts)
  (* val (_, spec_ctxt') = Proof_Context.add_fixes constr_trms spec_ctxt *)
  val thy' = Sign.add_consts_i constr_trms (Proof_Context.theory_of spec_ctxt)

  (dts, thy')

ML {*
(* parsing the binding function specification and *)
(* declaring the functions in the local theory    *)
fun prepare_bn_funs bn_fun_strs bn_eq_strs thy =
  val lthy = Named_Target.theory_init thy

  val ((bn_funs, bn_eqs), lthy') = 
    Specification.read_spec bn_fun_strs bn_eq_strs lthy

  fun prep_bn_fun ((bn, T), mx) = (bn, T, mx) 
  val bn_funs' = map prep_bn_fun bn_funs

  (Local_Theory.exit_global lthy')
  |> Sign.add_consts_i bn_funs'
  |> pair (bn_funs', bn_eqs) 

text {* associates every SOME with the index in the list; drops NONEs *}
ML {*
fun indexify xs =
  fun mapp _ [] = []
    | mapp i (NONE :: xs) = mapp (i + 1) xs
    | mapp i (SOME x :: xs) = (x, i) :: mapp (i + 1) xs
  mapp 0 xs 

fun index_lookup xs x =
  case AList.lookup (op=) xs x of
    SOME x => x
  | NONE => error ("Cannot find " ^ x ^ " as argument annotation.");

ML {*
fun prepare_bclauses dt_strs thy = 
  val annos_bclauses =
    get_cnstrs dt_strs
    |> (map o map) (fn (_, antys, _, bns) => (map fst antys, bns))

  fun prep_binder env bn_str =
    case (Syntax.read_term_global thy bn_str) of
      Free (x, _) => (NONE, index_lookup env x)
    | Const (a, T) $ Free (x, _) => (SOME (Const (a, T)), index_lookup env x)
    | _ => error ("The term " ^ bn_str ^ " is not allowed as binding function.")
  fun prep_body env bn_str = index_lookup env bn_str

  fun prep_bclause env (mode, binders, bodies) = 
    val binders' = map (prep_binder env) binders
    val bodies' = map (prep_body env) bodies
    BC (mode, binders', bodies')

  fun prep_bclauses (annos, bclause_strs) = 
    val env = indexify annos (* for every label, associate the index *)
    map (prep_bclause env) bclause_strs
  ((map o map) prep_bclauses annos_bclauses, thy)

text {* 
  adds an empty binding clause for every argument
  that is not already part of a binding clause

ML {*
fun included i bcs = 
  fun incl (BC (_, bns, bds)) = 
    member (op =) (map snd bns) i orelse member (op =) bds i
  exists incl bcs 

ML {* 
fun complete dt_strs bclauses = 
  val args = 
    get_cnstrs dt_strs
    |> (map o map) (fn (_, antys, _, _) => length antys)

  fun complt n bcs = 
    fun add bcs i = (if included i bcs then [] else [BC (Lst, [], [i])]) 
    bcs @ (flat (map_range (add bcs) n))
  (map2 o map2) complt args bclauses

ML {*
fun nominal_datatype2_cmd (opt_thms_name, dt_strs, bn_fun_strs, bn_eq_strs) lthy = 
  (* this theory is used just for parsing *)
  val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy  

  val (((dts, (bn_funs, bn_eqs)), bclauses), thy') = 
    |> prepare_dts dt_strs 
    ||>> prepare_bn_funs bn_fun_strs bn_eq_strs 
    ||>> prepare_bclauses dt_strs

  val bclauses' = complete dt_strs bclauses
  nominal_datatype2 opt_thms_name dts bn_funs bn_eqs bclauses' lthy 

ML {* 
(* nominal datatype parser *)
  structure P = Parse;
  structure S = Scan

  fun triple1 ((x, y), z) = (x, y, z)
  fun triple2 ((x, y), z) = (y, x, z)
  fun tuple2 (((x, y), z), u) = (x, y, u, z)
  fun tuple3 ((x, y), (z, u)) = (x, y, z, u)

val _ = Keyword.keyword "binds"

val opt_name = Scan.option (P.binding --| Args.colon)

val anno_typ = S.option ( --| P.$$$ "::") -- P.typ

val bind_mode = P.$$$ "binds" |--
  S.optional (Args.parens 
    (Args.$$$ "list" >> K Lst || (Args.$$$ "set" -- Args.$$$ "+") >> K Res || Args.$$$ "set" >> K Set)) Lst

val bind_clauses = 
  P.enum "," (bind_mode -- S.repeat1 P.term -- (P.$$$ "in" |-- S.repeat1 >> triple1)

val cnstr_parser =
  P.binding -- S.repeat anno_typ -- bind_clauses -- P.opt_mixfix >> tuple2

(* datatype parser *)
val dt_parser =
  (P.type_args_constrained -- P.binding -- P.opt_mixfix >> triple2) -- 
    (P.$$$ "=" |-- P.enum1 "|" cnstr_parser)

(* binding function parser *)
val bnfun_parser = 
  S.optional (P.$$$ "binder" |-- P.fixes -- Parse_Spec.where_alt_specs) ([], [])

(* main parser *)
val main_parser =
  opt_name -- P.and_list1 dt_parser -- bnfun_parser >> tuple3


(* Command Keyword *)
val _ = Outer_Syntax.local_theory "nominal_datatype" "test" Keyword.thy_decl
  (main_parser >> nominal_datatype2_cmd)
