update to 'termination (eqvt)'.
Function definitions
- nominal_datatype should export proofs about alpha_bn: reflexivity, induction, ...?
- nominal_datatype should declare xxx.fv_bn_eqvt as [eqvt]
- equations that talk about True/False, for example
| "simp p (App t1 t2) = (if True then (App (simp p t1) (simp p t2)) else t1)"
do not work (since 'function' does not work)
- equivariance for functions can be derived automatically (knowing termination and
equivariance of the graph).
- for multiple simultanously defined functions, compatibility cases should fold the
definition and derive eqvt_at for the folded one
- equivariance of the graph for multiple functions does not use equivariance
Nominal_Datatype Parser should check that:
- types of bindings match types of binding functions
- fsets are not bound in lst bindings
- bound arguments are not datatypes
- binder is referred to by name and not by type
Smaller things:
- maybe <t1_t2>.perm_simps should be called permute_<type>.simps;
that would conform with the terminology in Nominal2
- nominal_induct does not work without an induction rule
- nominal_induct throws strange "THM" exceptions if not enough
variables are given
- nominal_induct cannot avoid a term (for example function applied
to an argument).
- .induct and .exhaust could be the default methods for induction/cases
on nominal datatypes
- nested recursion, like types "trm list" in a constructor
- store information about defined nominal datatypes, so that
it can be used to define new types that depend on these