the chk-functions in quotient_term also simplify the result according to the id_simps; had to remove id_def from this theorem list though; this caused in FSet3 that relied on this rule; the problem is marked with "ID PROBLEM"
Highest Priority
- better lookup mechanism for quotient definition
(see fixme in quotient_term.ML)
- check needs to be fixed in mk_resp_arg (quotient_term.ML),
see test for (_, Const _)
- clever code in quotiet_tacs.ML needs to be turned into
boring code
- comment about regularize tactic needs to be adapted
- Check all the places where we do "handle _"
(They make code changes very difficult: I sat 1/2
a day over a simplification of calculate_inst before
I understood things; the reason was that my exceptions
where caught by the catch all. There is no problem
with throwing and handling just must
be clear who throws what and what is thrown.)
Higher Priority
- If the user defines twice the same quotient constant,
for example funion, then the line
val Free (lhs_str, lhs_ty) = lhs
in quotient_def raises a bind exception.
- If the constant definition gives the wrong definition
term, one gets a cryptic message about absrep_fun
- have FSet.thy to have a simple infrastructure for
finite sets (syntax should be \<lbrace> \<rbrace>,
look at Set.thy how syntax is been introduced)
- Handle theorems that include Ball/Bex. For this, would
it help if we introduced separate Bex and Ball constants
for quotienting?
- The user should be able to give quotient_respects and
preserves theorems in a more natural form.
Lower Priority
- Maybe a quotient_definition should already require
a proof of the respectfulness (in this way one
already excludes non-sensical definitions)
- accept partial equivalence relations
- think about what happens if things go wrong (like
theorem cannot be lifted) / proper diagnostic
messages for the user
- inductions from the datatype package have a strange
order of quantifiers in assumptions.
- wrapper for lifting ... to be used as an attribute
- find clean ways how to write down the "mathematical"
procedure for a possible submission (Peter submitted
his work only to TPHOLs 2005...we would have to go
maybe for the Journal of Formalised Mathematics)
- add tests for adding theorems to the various thm lists
- Maybe quotient and equiv theorems like the ones for
[QuotList, QuotOption, QuotPair...] could be automatically
- Examples: Finite multiset.
- The current syntax of the quotient_definition is
"qconst :: qty"
as "rconst"
Is it possible to have the more Isabelle-like
qconst :: "qty"
as "rconst"
That means "qconst :: qty" is not read as a term, but
as two entities.