author Christian Urban <>
Thu, 06 Jan 2011 13:28:40 +0000
changeset 2643 0579d3a48304
parent 2616 dd7490fdd998
child 2950 0911cb7bf696
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleaned up weakening proof and added a version with finit sets

theory LetFun
imports "../Nominal2"

atom_decl name

(* x is bound in both e1 and e2;
   bp-names in p are bound only in e1 

nominal_datatype exp =
  Var name
| Pair exp exp
| LetRec x::name p::pat e1::exp e2::exp  bind x in e2, bind x "bp p" in e1
and pat =
  PVar name
| PUnit
| PPair pat pat
  bp :: "pat \<Rightarrow> atom list"
  "bp (PVar x) = [atom x]"
| "bp (PUnit) = []"
| "bp (PPair p1 p2) = bp p1 @ bp p2"

thm exp_pat.distinct
thm exp_pat.induct
thm exp_pat.inducts
thm exp_pat.exhaust
thm exp_pat.fv_defs
thm exp_pat.bn_defs
thm exp_pat.perm_simps
thm exp_pat.eq_iff
thm exp_pat.fv_bn_eqvt
thm exp_pat.size_eqvt
thm exp_pat.supports
thm exp_pat.fsupp
thm exp_pat.supp
