--- a/Quot/quotient_info.ML Thu Jan 14 12:14:35 2010 +0100
+++ b/Quot/quotient_info.ML Thu Jan 14 12:17:39 2010 +0100
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
type qconsts_info = {qconst: term, rconst: term, def: thm}
val transform_qconsts: morphism -> qconsts_info -> qconsts_info
val qconsts_lookup: theory -> term -> qconsts_info (* raises NotFound *)
- val qconsts_update_thy: term -> qconsts_info -> theory -> theory
- val qconsts_update_gen: term -> qconsts_info -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
- val qconsts_dest: theory -> qconsts_info list
+ val qconsts_update_thy: string -> qconsts_info -> theory -> theory
+ val qconsts_update_gen: string -> qconsts_info -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
+ val qconsts_dest: Proof.context -> qconsts_info list
val print_qconstinfo: Proof.context -> unit
val equiv_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list
@@ -179,39 +179,45 @@
(* info about quotient constants *)
type qconsts_info = {qconst: term, rconst: term, def: thm}
+fun qconsts_info_eq (x : qconsts_info, y : qconsts_info) = #qconst x = #qconst y
+(* We need to be able to lookup instances of lifted constants,
+ for example given "nat fset" we need to find "'a fset";
+ but overloaded constants share the same name *)
structure QConstsData = Theory_Data
- (type T = qconsts_info Termtab.table
- val empty = Termtab.empty
+ (type T = (qconsts_info list) Symtab.table
+ val empty = Symtab.empty
val extend = I
- val merge = Termtab.merge (K true))
+ val merge = Symtab.merge_list qconsts_info_eq)
fun transform_qconsts phi {qconst, rconst, def} =
{qconst = Morphism.term phi qconst,
rconst = Morphism.term phi rconst,
def = Morphism.thm phi def}
-fun qconsts_update_thy const qcinfo = QConstsData.map (Termtab.update (const, qcinfo))
-fun qconsts_update_gen const qcinfo = Context.mapping (qconsts_update_thy const qcinfo) I
+fun qconsts_update_thy name qcinfo = QConstsData.map (Symtab.cons_list (name, qcinfo))
+fun qconsts_update_gen name qcinfo = Context.mapping (qconsts_update_thy name qcinfo) I
-fun qconsts_dest thy =
- map snd (Termtab.dest (QConstsData.get thy))
+fun qconsts_dest lthy =
+ flat (map snd (Symtab.dest (QConstsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of lthy))))
-(* FIXME / TODO : better implementation of the lookup datastructure *)
-(* for example symtabs to alist; or tables with string type key *)
fun qconsts_lookup thy t =
- val smt = Termtab.dest (QConstsData.get thy);
val (name, qty) = dest_Const t
- fun matches (_, x) =
+ fun matches x =
val (name', qty') = dest_Const (#qconst x);
name = name' andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (qty, qty')
- case (find_first matches smt) of
- SOME (_, x) => x
- | _ => raise NotFound
+ case Symtab.lookup (QConstsData.get thy) name of
+ NONE => raise NotFound
+ | SOME l =>
+ (case (find_first matches l) of
+ SOME x => x
+ | NONE => raise NotFound
+ )
fun print_qconstinfo ctxt =
@@ -225,8 +231,10 @@
Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of def)])
QConstsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt)
- |> Termtab.dest
- |> map (prt_qconst o snd)
+ |> Symtab.dest
+ |> map snd
+ |> flat
+ |> map prt_qconst
|> Pretty.big_list "quotient constants:"
|> Pretty.writeln