--- a/Nominal/ExLet.thy Sat Apr 03 21:53:04 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-theory ExLet
-imports "Parser" "../Attic/Prove"
-text {* example 3 or example 5 from Terms.thy *}
-atom_decl name
-ML {* val _ = recursive := false *}
-ML {* val _ = alpha_type := AlphaLst *}
-nominal_datatype trm =
- Vr "name"
-| Ap "trm" "trm"
-| Lm x::"name" t::"trm" bind x in t
-| Lt a::"lts" t::"trm" bind "bn a" in t
-(*| L a::"lts" t1::"trm" t2::"trm" bind "bn a" in t1, bind "bn a" in t2*)
-and lts =
- Lnil
-| Lcons "name" "trm" "lts"
- bn
- "bn Lnil = []"
-| "bn (Lcons x t l) = (atom x) # (bn l)"
-thm alpha_trm_raw_alpha_lts_raw_alpha_bn_raw.intros
-thm trm_lts.fv
-thm trm_lts.eq_iff
-thm trm_lts.bn
-thm trm_lts.perm
-thm trm_lts.induct[no_vars]
-thm trm_lts.inducts[no_vars]
-thm trm_lts.distinct
-(*thm trm_lts.supp*)
-thm trm_lts.fv[simplified trm_lts.supp(1-2)]
- permute_bn_raw
- "permute_bn_raw pi (Lnil_raw) = Lnil_raw"
-| "permute_bn_raw pi (Lcons_raw a t l) = Lcons_raw (pi \<bullet> a) t (permute_bn_raw pi l)"
- "permute_bn :: perm \<Rightarrow> lts \<Rightarrow> lts"
- "permute_bn_raw"
-lemma [quot_respect]: "((op =) ===> alpha_lts_raw ===> alpha_lts_raw) permute_bn_raw permute_bn_raw"
- apply simp
- apply clarify
- apply (erule alpha_trm_raw_alpha_lts_raw_alpha_bn_raw.inducts)
- apply simp_all
- apply (rule alpha_trm_raw_alpha_lts_raw_alpha_bn_raw.intros)
- apply simp
- apply (rule alpha_trm_raw_alpha_lts_raw_alpha_bn_raw.intros)
- apply simp
- done
-lemmas permute_bn = permute_bn_raw.simps[quot_lifted]
-lemma permute_bn_zero:
- "permute_bn 0 a = a"
- apply(induct a rule: trm_lts.inducts(2))
- apply(rule TrueI)
- apply(simp_all add:permute_bn eqvts)
- done
-lemma permute_bn_add:
- "permute_bn (p + q) a = permute_bn p (permute_bn q a)"
- oops
-lemma permute_bn_alpha_bn: "alpha_bn lts (permute_bn q lts)"
- apply(induct lts rule: trm_lts.inducts(2))
- apply(rule TrueI)
- apply(simp_all add:permute_bn eqvts trm_lts.eq_iff)
- done
-lemma perm_bn:
- "p \<bullet> bn l = bn(permute_bn p l)"
- apply(induct l rule: trm_lts.inducts(2))
- apply(rule TrueI)
- apply(simp_all add:permute_bn eqvts)
- done
-lemma fv_perm_bn:
- "fv_bn l = fv_bn (permute_bn p l)"
- apply(induct l rule: trm_lts.inducts(2))
- apply(rule TrueI)
- apply(simp_all add:permute_bn eqvts)
- done
-lemma fv_fv_bn:
- "fv_bn l - set (bn l) = fv_lts l - set (bn l)"
- apply(induct l rule: trm_lts.inducts(2))
- apply(rule TrueI)
- apply(simp_all add:permute_bn eqvts)
- by blast
-lemma Lt_subst:
- "supp (Abs_lst (bn lts) trm) \<sharp>* q \<Longrightarrow> (Lt lts trm) = Lt (permute_bn q lts) (q \<bullet> trm)"
- apply (simp only: trm_lts.eq_iff)
- apply (rule_tac x="q" in exI)
- apply (simp add: alphas)
- apply (simp add: permute_bn_alpha_bn)
- apply (simp add: perm_bn[symmetric])
- apply (simp add: eqvts[symmetric])
- apply (simp add: supp_abs)
- apply (simp add: trm_lts.supp)
- apply (rule supp_perm_eq[symmetric])
- apply (subst supp_finite_atom_set)
- apply (rule finite_Diff)
- apply (simp add: finite_supp)
- apply (assumption)
- done
-lemma fin_bn:
- "finite (set (bn l))"
- apply(induct l rule: trm_lts.inducts(2))
- apply(simp_all add:permute_bn eqvts)
- done
-thm trm_lts.inducts[no_vars]
- fixes t::trm
- and l::lts
- and c::"'a::fs"
- assumes a1: "\<And>name c. P1 c (Vr name)"
- and a2: "\<And>trm1 trm2 c. \<lbrakk>\<And>d. P1 d trm1; \<And>d. P1 d trm2\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Ap trm1 trm2)"
- and a3: "\<And>name trm c. \<lbrakk>atom name \<sharp> c; \<And>d. P1 d trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Lm name trm)"
- and a4: "\<And>lts trm c. \<lbrakk>set (bn lts) \<sharp>* c; \<And>d. P2 d lts; \<And>d. P1 d trm\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P1 c (Lt lts trm)"
- and a5: "\<And>c. P2 c Lnil"
- and a6: "\<And>name trm lts c. \<lbrakk>\<And>d. P1 d trm; \<And>d. P2 d lts\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P2 c (Lcons name trm lts)"
- shows "P1 c t" and "P2 c l"
-proof -
- have "(\<And>(p::perm) (c::'a::fs). P1 c (p \<bullet> t))" and
- b': "(\<And>(p::perm) (q::perm) (c::'a::fs). P2 c (permute_bn p (q \<bullet> l)))"
- apply(induct rule: trm_lts.inducts)
- apply(simp)
- apply(rule a1)
- apply(simp)
- apply(rule a2)
- apply(simp)
- apply(simp)
- apply(simp)
- apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists>q. (q \<bullet> (atom (p \<bullet> name))) \<sharp> c \<and> supp (Lm (p \<bullet> name) (p \<bullet> trm)) \<sharp>* q")
- apply(erule exE)
- apply(rule_tac t="Lm (p \<bullet> name) (p \<bullet> trm)"
- and s="q\<bullet> Lm (p \<bullet> name) (p \<bullet> trm)" in subst)
- apply(rule supp_perm_eq)
- apply(simp)
- apply(simp)
- apply(rule a3)
- apply(simp add: atom_eqvt)
- apply(subst permute_plus[symmetric])
- apply(blast)
- apply(rule at_set_avoiding2_atom)
- apply(simp add: finite_supp)
- apply(simp add: finite_supp)
- apply(simp add: fresh_def)
- apply(simp add: trm_lts.fv[simplified trm_lts.supp])
- apply(simp)
- apply(subgoal_tac "\<exists>q. (q \<bullet> set (bn (p \<bullet> lts))) \<sharp>* c \<and> supp (Abs_lst (bn (p \<bullet> lts)) (p \<bullet> trm)) \<sharp>* q")
- apply(erule exE)
- apply(erule conjE)
- apply(subst Lt_subst)
- apply assumption
- apply(rule a4)
- apply(simp add:perm_bn[symmetric])
- apply(simp add: eqvts)
- apply (simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_def)
- apply(rotate_tac 1)
- apply(drule_tac x="q + p" in meta_spec)
- apply(simp)
- apply(rule at_set_avoiding2)
- apply(rule fin_bn)
- apply(simp add: finite_supp)
- apply(simp add: finite_supp)
- apply(simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_def supp_abs)
- apply(simp add: eqvts permute_bn)
- apply(rule a5)
- apply(simp add: permute_bn)
- apply(rule a6)
- apply simp
- apply simp
- done
- then have a: "P1 c (0 \<bullet> t)" by blast
- have "P2 c (permute_bn 0 (0 \<bullet> l))" using b' by blast
- then show "P1 c t" and "P2 c l" using a permute_bn_zero by simp_all
-lemma lets_bla:
- "x \<noteq> z \<Longrightarrow> y \<noteq> z \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> y \<Longrightarrow>(Lt (Lcons x (Vr y) Lnil) (Vr x)) \<noteq> (Lt (Lcons x (Vr z) Lnil) (Vr x))"
- by (simp add: trm_lts.eq_iff)
-lemma lets_ok:
- "(Lt (Lcons x (Vr y) Lnil) (Vr x)) = (Lt (Lcons y (Vr y) Lnil) (Vr y))"
- apply (simp add: trm_lts.eq_iff)
- apply (rule_tac x="(x \<leftrightarrow> y)" in exI)
- apply (simp_all add: alphas)
- apply (simp add: fresh_star_def eqvts)
- done
-lemma lets_ok3:
- "x \<noteq> y \<Longrightarrow>
- (Lt (Lcons x (Ap (Vr y) (Vr x)) (Lcons y (Vr y) Lnil)) (Ap (Vr x) (Vr y))) \<noteq>
- (Lt (Lcons y (Ap (Vr x) (Vr y)) (Lcons x (Vr x) Lnil)) (Ap (Vr x) (Vr y)))"
- apply (simp add: alphas trm_lts.eq_iff)
- done
-lemma lets_not_ok1:
- "x \<noteq> y \<Longrightarrow>
- (Lt (Lcons x (Vr x) (Lcons y (Vr y) Lnil)) (Ap (Vr x) (Vr y))) \<noteq>
- (Lt (Lcons y (Vr x) (Lcons x (Vr y) Lnil)) (Ap (Vr x) (Vr y)))"
- apply (simp add: alphas trm_lts.eq_iff fresh_star_def eqvts)
- done
-lemma lets_nok:
- "x \<noteq> y \<Longrightarrow> x \<noteq> z \<Longrightarrow> z \<noteq> y \<Longrightarrow>
- (Lt (Lcons x (Ap (Vr z) (Vr z)) (Lcons y (Vr z) Lnil)) (Ap (Vr x) (Vr y))) \<noteq>
- (Lt (Lcons y (Vr z) (Lcons x (Ap (Vr z) (Vr z)) Lnil)) (Ap (Vr x) (Vr y)))"
- apply (simp add: alphas trm_lts.eq_iff fresh_star_def)
- done