--- a/Quot/quotient_term.ML Fri Feb 05 09:06:27 2010 +0100
+++ b/Quot/quotient_term.ML Fri Feb 05 09:06:49 2010 +0100
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
val inj_repabs_trm: Proof.context -> term * term -> term
val inj_repabs_trm_chk: Proof.context -> term * term -> term
+ val quotient_lift_all: Proof.context -> term -> term
structure Quotient_Term: QUOTIENT_TERM =
@@ -681,6 +683,48 @@
inj_repabs_trm ctxt (rtrm, qtrm)
|> Syntax.check_term ctxt
+(* Finds subterms of a term that are lifted to constants and replaces
+ those as well as occurrences of the equivalence relation and replaces
+ those by equality.
+ Currently types are not checked so because of the dummyTs it may
+ not be complete *)
+fun quotient_lift_all ctxt t =
+ val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
+ val const_infos = Quotient_Info.qconsts_dest ctxt
+ val rel_infos = Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt
+ fun treat_const_info t qc_info s =
+ if s <> NONE then s else
+ case try (Pattern.match thy (t, #rconst qc_info)) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty) of
+ SOME inst => SOME (Envir.subst_term inst (#qconst qc_info))
+ | NONE => NONE;
+ fun treat_const t = fold (treat_const_info t) const_infos NONE
+ fun treat_rel_info t rel_info s =
+ if s <> NONE then s else
+ if Pattern.matches thy (t, #equiv_rel rel_info) then SOME (Const ("op =", dummyT))
+ else NONE
+ fun treat_rel t = fold (treat_rel_info t) rel_infos NONE
+ fun lift_aux t =
+ case treat_const t of
+ SOME x => x
+ | NONE =>
+ (case treat_rel t of
+ SOME x => x
+ | NONE =>
+ (case t of
+ a $ b => lift_aux a $ lift_aux b
+ | Abs(a, T, s) =>
+ let val (y, s') = Term.dest_abs (a, T, s) in
+ Abs(y, dummyT, abstract_over (Free (y, dummyT), (lift_aux s')))
+ end
+ | Free(n, _) => Free(n, dummyT)
+ | Var(n, _) => Var(n, dummyT)
+ | Bound i => Bound i
+ | Const(s, _) => Const(s, dummyT)))
+ lift_aux t
end; (* structure *)