--- a/Quot/quotient_typ.ML Wed Jan 13 00:46:31 2010 +0100
+++ b/Quot/quotient_typ.ML Wed Jan 13 09:19:20 2010 +0100
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
val warns = map_check_aux rty []
if null warns then ()
- else warning ("No map function defined for " ^ (commas warns) ^
+ else warning ("No map function defined for " ^ commas warns ^
". This will cause problems later on.")
@@ -227,16 +227,16 @@
(*** interface and syntax setup ***)
-(* the ML-interface takes a list of 5-tuples consisting of
- - the name of the quotient type
- - its free type variables (first argument)
- - its mixfix annotation
- - the type to be quotient
- - the relation according to which the type is quotient
- it opens a proof-state in which one has to show that the
- relations are equivalence relations
+(* the ML-interface takes a list of 5-tuples consisting of:
+ - the name of the quotient type
+ - its free type variables (first argument)
+ - its mixfix annotation
+ - the type to be quotient
+ - the relation according to which the type is quotient
+ it opens a proof-state in which one has to show that the
+ relations are equivalence relations
fun quotient_type quot_list lthy =