--- a/Attic/Quot/Examples/IntEx.thy Wed Apr 28 08:32:33 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-theory IntEx
-imports "../Quotient_Product" "../Quotient_List"
- intrel :: "(nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> bool" (infix "\<approx>" 50)
- "intrel (x, y) (u, v) = (x + v = u + y)"
- my_int = "nat \<times> nat" / intrel
- apply(unfold equivp_def)
- apply(auto simp add: mem_def expand_fun_eq)
- done
- "ZERO :: my_int"
- "(0::nat, 0::nat)"
- "ONE :: my_int"
- "(1::nat, 0::nat)"
- my_plus :: "(nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat)"
- "my_plus (x, y) (u, v) = (x + u, y + v)"
- "PLUS :: my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int"
- "my_plus"
- my_neg :: "(nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat)"
- "my_neg (x, y) = (y, x)"
- "NEG :: my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int"
- "my_neg"
- MINUS :: "my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int"
- "MINUS z w = PLUS z (NEG w)"
- my_mult :: "(nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat)"
- "my_mult (x, y) (u, v) = (x*u + y*v, x*v + y*u)"
- "MULT :: my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int"
- "my_mult"
- my_le :: "(nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> bool"
- "my_le (x, y) (u, v) = (x+v \<le> u+y)"
- "LE :: my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- "my_le"
-term LE
-thm LE_def
- LESS :: "my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int \<Rightarrow> bool"
- "LESS z w = (LE z w \<and> z \<noteq> w)"
-term LESS
-thm LESS_def
- ABS :: "my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int"
- "ABS i = (if (LESS i ZERO) then (NEG i) else i)"
- SIGN :: "my_int \<Rightarrow> my_int"
- "SIGN i = (if i = ZERO then ZERO else if (LESS ZERO i) then ONE else (NEG ONE))"
-lemma plus_sym_pre:
- shows "my_plus a b \<approx> my_plus b a"
- apply(cases a)
- apply(cases b)
- apply(auto)
- done
-lemma plus_rsp[quot_respect]:
- shows "(intrel ===> intrel ===> intrel) my_plus my_plus"
-by (simp)
-lemma neg_rsp[quot_respect]:
- shows "(op \<approx> ===> op \<approx>) my_neg my_neg"
-by simp
-lemma test1: "my_plus a b = my_plus a b"
-apply(rule refl)
-lemma "PLUS a b = PLUS a b"
-apply(lifting_setup test1)
-thm lambda_prs
-lemma test2: "my_plus a = my_plus a"
-apply(rule refl)
-lemma "PLUS a = PLUS a"
-apply(lifting_setup test2)
-apply(rule impI)
-apply(rule ballI)
-apply(rule apply_rsp[OF Quotient_my_int plus_rsp])
-apply(simp only: in_respects)
-lemma test3: "my_plus = my_plus"
-apply(rule refl)
-lemma "PLUS = PLUS"
-apply(lifting_setup test3)
-apply(rule impI)
-apply(rule plus_rsp)
-lemma "PLUS a b = PLUS b a"
-apply(lifting plus_sym_pre)
-lemma plus_assoc_pre:
- shows "my_plus (my_plus i j) k \<approx> my_plus i (my_plus j k)"
- apply (cases i)
- apply (cases j)
- apply (cases k)
- apply (simp)
- done
-lemma plus_assoc: "PLUS (PLUS x xa) xb = PLUS x (PLUS xa xb)"
-apply(lifting plus_assoc_pre)
-lemma ex1tst: "Bex1_rel (op \<approx>) (\<lambda>x :: nat \<times> nat. x \<approx> x)"
-lemma ex1tst': "\<exists>!(x::my_int). x = x"
-apply(lifting ex1tst)
-lemma ho_tst: "foldl my_plus x [] = x"
-apply simp
-term foldl
-lemma "foldl PLUS x [] = x"
-apply(lifting ho_tst)
-lemma ho_tst2: "foldl my_plus x (h # t) \<approx> my_plus h (foldl my_plus x t)"
-lemma "foldl PLUS x (h # t) = PLUS h (foldl PLUS x t)"
-apply(lifting ho_tst2)
-lemma ho_tst3: "foldl f (s::nat \<times> nat) ([]::(nat \<times> nat) list) = s"
-by simp
-lemma "foldl f (x::my_int) ([]::my_int list) = x"
-apply(lifting ho_tst3)
-lemma lam_tst: "(\<lambda>x. (x, x)) y = (y, (y :: nat \<times> nat))"
-by simp
-(* Don't know how to keep the goal non-contracted... *)
-lemma "(\<lambda>x. (x, x)) (y::my_int) = (y, y)"
-apply(lifting lam_tst)
-lemma lam_tst2: "(\<lambda>(y :: nat \<times> nat). y) = (\<lambda>(x :: nat \<times> nat). x)"
-by simp
- shows "equivp (op \<approx>)"
- and "equivp ((op \<approx>) ===> (op \<approx>))"
-(* Nitpick finds a counterexample! *)
-lemma lam_tst3a: "(\<lambda>(y :: nat \<times> nat). y) = (\<lambda>(x :: nat \<times> nat). x)"
-by auto
-lemma id_rsp:
- shows "(R ===> R) id id"
-by simp
-lemma lam_tst3a_reg: "(op \<approx> ===> op \<approx>) (Babs (Respects op \<approx>) (\<lambda>y. y)) (Babs (Respects op \<approx>) (\<lambda>x. x))"
-apply (rule babs_rsp[OF Quotient_my_int])
-apply (simp add: id_rsp)
-lemma "(\<lambda>(y :: my_int). y) = (\<lambda>(x :: my_int). x)"
-apply(lifting lam_tst3a)
-apply(rule impI)
-apply(rule lam_tst3a_reg)
-lemma lam_tst3b: "(\<lambda>(y :: nat \<times> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat). y) = (\<lambda>(x :: nat \<times> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat). x)"
-by auto
-lemma "(\<lambda>(y :: my_int => my_int). y) = (\<lambda>(x :: my_int => my_int). x)"
-apply(lifting lam_tst3b)
-apply(rule impI)
-apply(rule babs_rsp[OF fun_quotient[OF Quotient_my_int Quotient_my_int]])
-apply(simp add: id_rsp)
-lemma lam_tst4: "map (\<lambda>x. my_plus x (0,0)) l = l"
-apply (induct l)
-apply simp
-apply (case_tac a)
-apply simp
-lemma "map (\<lambda>x. PLUS x ZERO) l = l"
-apply(lifting lam_tst4)