1 theory NewParser |
2 imports "../Nominal-General/Nominal2_Base" |
3 "../Nominal-General/Nominal2_Eqvt" |
4 "../Nominal-General/Nominal2_Supp" |
5 "Perm" "NewFv" "NewAlpha" "Tacs" "Equivp" "Lift" |
6 begin |
7 |
8 section{* Interface for nominal_datatype *} |
9 |
10 |
11 ML {* |
12 (* nominal datatype parser *) |
13 local |
14 structure P = OuterParse; |
15 structure S = Scan |
16 |
17 fun triple1 ((x, y), z) = (x, y, z) |
18 fun triple2 (x, (y, z)) = (x, y, z) |
19 fun tuple ((x, y, z), u) = (x, y, z, u) |
20 fun tswap (((x, y), z), u) = (x, y, u, z) |
21 in |
22 |
23 val _ = OuterKeyword.keyword "bind" |
24 val _ = OuterKeyword.keyword "bind_set" |
25 val _ = OuterKeyword.keyword "bind_res" |
26 |
27 val anno_typ = S.option (P.name --| P.$$$ "::") -- P.typ |
28 |
29 val bind_mode = P.$$$ "bind" || P.$$$ "bind_set" || P.$$$ "bind_res" |
30 |
31 val bind_clauses = |
32 P.enum "," (bind_mode -- S.repeat1 P.term -- (P.$$$ "in" |-- S.repeat1 P.name) >> triple1) |
33 |
34 val cnstr_parser = |
35 P.binding -- S.repeat anno_typ -- bind_clauses -- P.opt_mixfix >> tswap |
36 |
37 (* datatype parser *) |
38 val dt_parser = |
39 (P.type_args -- P.binding -- P.opt_mixfix >> triple1) -- |
40 (P.$$$ "=" |-- P.enum1 "|" cnstr_parser) >> tuple |
41 |
42 (* binding function parser *) |
43 val bnfun_parser = |
44 S.optional (P.$$$ "binder" |-- P.fixes -- SpecParse.where_alt_specs) ([], []) |
45 |
46 (* main parser *) |
47 val main_parser = |
48 P.and_list1 dt_parser -- bnfun_parser >> triple2 |
49 |
50 end |
51 *} |
52 |
53 ML {* |
54 fun get_cnstrs dts = |
55 map (fn (_, _, _, constrs) => constrs) dts |
56 |
57 fun get_typed_cnstrs dts = |
58 flat (map (fn (_, bn, _, constrs) => |
59 (map (fn (bn', _, _) => (Binding.name_of bn, Binding.name_of bn')) constrs)) dts) |
60 |
61 fun get_cnstr_strs dts = |
62 map (fn (bn, _, _) => Binding.name_of bn) (flat (get_cnstrs dts)) |
63 |
64 fun get_bn_fun_strs bn_funs = |
65 map (fn (bn_fun, _, _) => Binding.name_of bn_fun) bn_funs |
66 *} |
67 |
68 |
69 ML {* |
70 fun add_primrec_wrapper funs eqs lthy = |
71 if null funs then (([], []), lthy) |
72 else |
73 let |
74 val eqs' = map (fn (_, eq) => (Attrib.empty_binding, eq)) eqs |
75 val funs' = map (fn (bn, ty, mx) => (bn, SOME ty, mx)) funs |
76 val ((funs'', eqs''), lthy') = Primrec.add_primrec funs' eqs' lthy |
77 val phi = ProofContext.export_morphism lthy' lthy |
78 in |
79 ((map (Morphism.term phi) funs'', map (Morphism.thm phi) eqs''), lthy') |
80 end |
81 *} |
82 |
83 ML {* |
84 fun add_datatype_wrapper dt_names dts = |
85 let |
86 val conf = Datatype.default_config |
87 in |
88 Local_Theory.theory_result (Datatype.add_datatype conf dt_names dts) |
89 end |
90 *} |
91 |
92 |
93 text {* Infrastructure for adding "_raw" to types and terms *} |
94 |
95 ML {* |
96 fun add_raw s = s ^ "_raw" |
97 fun add_raws ss = map add_raw ss |
98 fun raw_bind bn = Binding.suffix_name "_raw" bn |
99 |
100 fun replace_str ss s = |
101 case (AList.lookup (op=) ss s) of |
102 SOME s' => s' |
103 | NONE => s |
104 |
105 fun replace_typ ty_ss (Type (a, Ts)) = Type (replace_str ty_ss a, map (replace_typ ty_ss) Ts) |
106 | replace_typ ty_ss T = T |
107 |
108 fun raw_dts ty_ss dts = |
109 let |
110 fun raw_dts_aux1 (bind, tys, mx) = |
111 (raw_bind bind, map (replace_typ ty_ss) tys, mx) |
112 |
113 fun raw_dts_aux2 (ty_args, bind, mx, constrs) = |
114 (ty_args, raw_bind bind, mx, map raw_dts_aux1 constrs) |
115 in |
116 map raw_dts_aux2 dts |
117 end |
118 |
119 fun replace_aterm trm_ss (Const (a, T)) = Const (replace_str trm_ss a, T) |
120 | replace_aterm trm_ss (Free (a, T)) = Free (replace_str trm_ss a, T) |
121 | replace_aterm trm_ss trm = trm |
122 |
123 fun replace_term trm_ss ty_ss trm = |
124 trm |> Term.map_aterms (replace_aterm trm_ss) |> map_types (replace_typ ty_ss) |
125 *} |
126 |
127 ML {* |
128 fun rawify_dts dt_names dts dts_env = |
129 let |
130 val raw_dts = raw_dts dts_env dts |
131 val raw_dt_names = add_raws dt_names |
132 in |
133 (raw_dt_names, raw_dts) |
134 end |
135 *} |
136 |
137 ML {* |
138 fun rawify_bn_funs dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_env bn_funs bn_eqs = |
139 let |
140 val bn_funs' = map (fn (bn, ty, mx) => |
141 (raw_bind bn, replace_typ dts_env ty, mx)) bn_funs |
142 |
143 val bn_eqs' = map (fn (attr, trm) => |
144 (attr, replace_term (cnstrs_env @ bn_fun_env) dts_env trm)) bn_eqs |
145 in |
146 (bn_funs', bn_eqs') |
147 end |
148 *} |
149 |
150 ML {* |
151 fun rawify_bclauses dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_env bclauses = |
152 let |
153 fun rawify_bnds bnds = |
154 map (apfst (Option.map (replace_term (cnstrs_env @ bn_fun_env) dts_env))) bnds |
155 |
156 fun rawify_bclause (BEmy n) = BEmy n |
157 | rawify_bclause (BLst (bnds, bdys)) = BLst (rawify_bnds bnds, bdys) |
158 | rawify_bclause (BSet (bnds, bdys)) = BSet (rawify_bnds bnds, bdys) |
159 | rawify_bclause (BRes (bnds, bdys)) = BRes (rawify_bnds bnds, bdys) |
160 in |
161 map (map (map rawify_bclause)) bclauses |
162 end |
163 *} |
164 |
165 (* strip_bn_fun takes a bn function defined by the user as a union or |
166 append of elements and returns those elements together with bn functions |
167 applied *) |
168 ML {* |
169 fun strip_bn_fun t = |
170 case t of |
171 Const (@{const_name sup}, _) $ l $ r => strip_bn_fun l @ strip_bn_fun r |
172 | Const (@{const_name append}, _) $ l $ r => strip_bn_fun l @ strip_bn_fun r |
173 | Const (@{const_name insert}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name atom}, _) $ Bound i) $ y => |
174 (i, NONE) :: strip_bn_fun y |
175 | Const (@{const_name Cons}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name atom}, _) $ Bound i) $ y => |
176 (i, NONE) :: strip_bn_fun y |
177 | Const (@{const_name bot}, _) => [] |
178 | Const (@{const_name Nil}, _) => [] |
179 | (f as Free _) $ Bound i => [(i, SOME f)] |
180 | _ => error ("Unsupported binding function: " ^ (PolyML.makestring t)) |
181 *} |
182 |
183 ML {* |
184 fun find [] _ = error ("cannot find element") |
185 | find ((x, z)::xs) y = if (Long_Name.base_name x) = y then z else find xs y |
186 *} |
187 |
188 ML {* |
189 fun prep_bn lthy dt_names dts eqs = |
190 let |
191 fun aux eq = |
192 let |
193 val (lhs, rhs) = eq |
194 |> strip_qnt_body "all" |
195 |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |
196 |> HOLogic.dest_eq |
197 val (bn_fun, [cnstr]) = strip_comb lhs |
198 val (_, ty) = dest_Free bn_fun |
199 val (ty_name, _) = dest_Type (domain_type ty) |
200 val dt_index = find_index (fn x => x = ty_name) dt_names |
201 val (cnstr_head, cnstr_args) = strip_comb cnstr |
202 val rhs_elements = strip_bn_fun rhs |
203 val included = map (apfst (fn i => length (cnstr_args) - i - 1)) rhs_elements |
204 in |
205 (dt_index, (bn_fun, (cnstr_head, included))) |
206 end |
207 fun aux2 eq = |
208 let |
209 val (lhs, rhs) = eq |
210 |> strip_qnt_body "all" |
211 |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |
212 |> HOLogic.dest_eq |
213 val (bn_fun, [cnstr]) = strip_comb lhs |
214 val (_, ty) = dest_Free bn_fun |
215 val (ty_name, _) = dest_Type (domain_type ty) |
216 val dt_index = find_index (fn x => x = ty_name) dt_names |
217 val (cnstr_head, cnstr_args) = strip_comb cnstr |
218 val rhs_elements = strip_bn_fun rhs |
219 val included = map (apfst (fn i => length (cnstr_args) - i - 1)) rhs_elements |
220 in |
221 (bn_fun, dt_index, (cnstr_head, included)) |
222 end |
223 fun order dts i ts = |
224 let |
225 val dt = nth dts i |
226 val cts = map (fn (x, _, _) => Binding.name_of x) ((fn (_, _, _, x) => x) dt) |
227 val ts' = map (fn (x, y) => (fst (dest_Const x), y)) ts |
228 in |
229 map (find ts') cts |
230 end |
231 |
232 val unordered = AList.group (op=) (map aux eqs) |
233 val unordered' = map (fn (x, y) => (x, AList.group (op=) y)) unordered |
234 val ordered = map (fn (x, y) => (x, map (fn (v, z) => (v, order dts x z)) y)) unordered' |
235 val ordered' = flat (map (fn (ith, l) => map (fn (bn, data) => (bn, ith, data)) l) ordered) |
236 |
237 val _ = tracing ("eqs\n" ^ cat_lines (map (Syntax.string_of_term lthy) eqs)) |
238 val _ = tracing ("map eqs\n" ^ @{make_string} (map aux2 eqs)) |
239 val _ = tracing ("ordered'\n" ^ @{make_string} ordered') |
240 in |
241 ordered' |
242 end |
243 *} |
244 |
245 |
246 ML {* |
247 fun raw_nominal_decls dts bn_funs bn_eqs binds lthy = |
248 let |
249 val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy |
250 val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy |
251 |
252 val dt_names = map (fn (_, s, _, _) => Binding.name_of s) dts |
253 val dt_full_names = map (Long_Name.qualify thy_name) dt_names |
254 val dt_full_names' = add_raws dt_full_names |
255 val dts_env = dt_full_names ~~ dt_full_names' |
256 |
257 val cnstrs = get_cnstr_strs dts |
258 val cnstrs_ty = get_typed_cnstrs dts |
259 val cnstrs_full_names = map (Long_Name.qualify thy_name) cnstrs |
260 val cnstrs_full_names' = map (fn (x, y) => Long_Name.qualify thy_name |
261 (Long_Name.qualify (add_raw x) (add_raw y))) cnstrs_ty |
262 val cnstrs_env = cnstrs_full_names ~~ cnstrs_full_names' |
263 |
264 val bn_fun_strs = get_bn_fun_strs bn_funs |
265 val bn_fun_strs' = add_raws bn_fun_strs |
266 val bn_fun_env = bn_fun_strs ~~ bn_fun_strs' |
267 val bn_fun_full_env = map (pairself (Long_Name.qualify thy_name)) |
268 (bn_fun_strs ~~ bn_fun_strs') |
269 |
270 val (raw_dt_names, raw_dts) = rawify_dts dt_names dts dts_env |
271 |
272 val (raw_bn_funs, raw_bn_eqs) = rawify_bn_funs dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_env bn_funs bn_eqs |
273 |
274 val raw_bclauses = rawify_bclauses dts_env cnstrs_env bn_fun_full_env binds |
275 |
276 val raw_bns = prep_bn lthy dt_full_names' raw_dts (map snd raw_bn_eqs) |
277 in |
278 lthy |
279 |> add_datatype_wrapper raw_dt_names raw_dts |
280 ||>> add_primrec_wrapper raw_bn_funs raw_bn_eqs |
281 ||>> pair raw_bclauses |
282 ||>> pair raw_bns |
283 end |
284 *} |
285 |
286 lemma equivp_hack: "equivp x" |
287 sorry |
288 ML {* |
289 fun equivp_hack ctxt rel = |
290 let |
291 val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt |
292 val ty = domain_type (fastype_of rel) |
293 val cty = ctyp_of thy ty |
294 val ct = cterm_of thy rel |
295 in |
296 Drule.instantiate' [SOME cty] [SOME ct] @{thm equivp_hack} |
297 end |
298 *} |
299 |
300 ML {* val cheat_equivp = Unsynchronized.ref false *} |
301 ML {* val cheat_fv_rsp = Unsynchronized.ref false *} |
302 ML {* val cheat_alpha_bn_rsp = Unsynchronized.ref false *} |
303 ML {* val cheat_supp_eq = Unsynchronized.ref false *} |
304 |
305 ML {* |
306 fun remove_loop t = |
307 let val _ = HOLogic.dest_eq (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (prop_of t)) in t end |
308 handle TERM _ => @{thm eqTrueI} OF [t] |
309 *} |
310 |
311 text {* |
312 nominal_datatype2 does the following things in order: |
313 |
314 Parser.thy/raw_nominal_decls |
315 1) define the raw datatype |
316 2) define the raw binding functions |
317 |
318 Perm.thy/define_raw_perms |
319 3) define permutations of the raw datatype and show that the raw type is |
320 in the pt typeclass |
321 |
322 Lift.thy/define_fv_alpha_export, Fv.thy/define_fv & define_alpha |
323 4) define fv and fv_bn |
324 5) define alpha and alpha_bn |
325 |
326 Perm.thy/distinct_rel |
327 6) prove alpha_distincts (C1 x \<notsimeq> C2 y ...) (Proof by cases; simp) |
328 |
329 Tacs.thy/build_rel_inj |
330 6) prove alpha_eq_iff (C1 x = C2 y \<leftrightarrow> P x y ...) |
331 (left-to-right by intro rule, right-to-left by cases; simp) |
332 Equivp.thy/prove_eqvt |
333 7) prove bn_eqvt (common induction on the raw datatype) |
334 8) prove fv_eqvt (common induction on the raw datatype with help of above) |
335 Rsp.thy/build_alpha_eqvts |
336 9) prove alpha_eqvt and alpha_bn_eqvt |
337 (common alpha-induction, unfolding alpha_gen, permute of #* and =) |
338 Equivp.thy/build_alpha_refl & Equivp.thy/build_equivps |
339 10) prove that alpha and alpha_bn are equivalence relations |
340 (common induction and application of 'compose' lemmas) |
341 Lift.thy/define_quotient_types |
342 11) define quotient types |
343 Rsp.thy/build_fvbv_rsps |
344 12) prove bn respects (common induction and simp with alpha_gen) |
345 Rsp.thy/prove_const_rsp |
346 13) prove fv respects (common induction and simp with alpha_gen) |
347 14) prove permute respects (unfolds to alpha_eqvt) |
348 Rsp.thy/prove_alpha_bn_rsp |
349 15) prove alpha_bn respects |
350 (alpha_induct then cases then sym and trans of the relations) |
351 Rsp.thy/prove_alpha_alphabn |
352 16) show that alpha implies alpha_bn (by unduction, needed in following step) |
353 Rsp.thy/prove_const_rsp |
354 17) prove respects for all datatype constructors |
355 (unfold eq_iff and alpha_gen; introduce zero permutations; simp) |
356 Perm.thy/quotient_lift_consts_export |
357 18) define lifted constructors, fv, bn, alpha_bn, permutations |
358 Perm.thy/define_lifted_perms |
359 19) lift permutation zero and add properties to show that quotient type is in the pt typeclass |
360 Lift.thy/lift_thm |
361 20) lift permutation simplifications |
362 21) lift induction |
363 22) lift fv |
364 23) lift bn |
365 24) lift eq_iff |
366 25) lift alpha_distincts |
367 26) lift fv and bn eqvts |
368 Equivp.thy/prove_supports |
369 27) prove that union of arguments supports constructors |
370 Equivp.thy/prove_fs |
371 28) show that the lifted type is in fs typeclass (* by q_induct, supports *) |
372 Equivp.thy/supp_eq |
373 29) prove supp = fv |
374 *} |
375 |
376 ML {* |
377 (* for testing porposes - to exit the procedure early *) |
378 exception TEST of Proof.context |
379 |
380 val (STEPS, STEPS_setup) = Attrib.config_int "STEPS" (K 10); |
381 |
382 fun get_STEPS ctxt = Config.get ctxt STEPS |
383 *} |
384 |
385 setup STEPS_setup |
386 |
387 |
388 ML {* |
389 fun nominal_datatype2 dts bn_funs bn_eqs bclauses lthy = |
390 let |
391 (* definition of the raw datatype and raw bn-functions *) |
392 val ((((raw_dt_names, (raw_bn_funs, raw_bn_eqs)), raw_bclauses), raw_bns), lthy1) = |
393 if get_STEPS lthy > 1 then raw_nominal_decls dts bn_funs bn_eqs bclauses lthy |
394 else raise TEST lthy |
395 |
396 val dtinfo = Datatype.the_info (ProofContext.theory_of lthy1) (hd raw_dt_names); |
397 val {descr, sorts, ...} = dtinfo; |
398 val raw_tys = map (fn (i, _) => nth_dtyp descr sorts i) descr; |
399 |
400 val induct_thm = #induct dtinfo; |
401 |
402 (* definitions of raw permutations *) |
403 val ((raw_perm_def, raw_perm_simps, perms), lthy2) = |
404 if get_STEPS lthy > 2 |
405 then Local_Theory.theory_result (define_raw_perms descr sorts induct_thm (length dts)) lthy1 |
406 else raise TEST lthy1 |
407 |
408 (* definition of raw fv_functions *) |
409 val morphism_2_0 = ProofContext.export_morphism lthy2 lthy |
410 fun export_fun f (t, n , l) = (f t, n, map (map (apsnd (Option.map f))) l); |
411 val bn_funs_decls = map (export_fun (Morphism.term morphism_2_0)) raw_bns; |
412 |
413 val thy = Local_Theory.exit_global lthy2; |
414 val thy_name = Context.theory_name thy |
415 |
416 val lthy3 = Theory_Target.init NONE thy; |
417 val raw_bn_funs = map (fn (f, _, _) => f) bn_funs_decls; |
418 |
419 val _ = tracing ("raw_bns\n" ^ @{make_string} raw_bns) |
420 val _ = tracing ("bn_funs\n" ^ @{make_string} bn_funs_decls) |
421 |
422 val ((fv, fvbn), fv_def, lthy3a) = |
423 if get_STEPS lthy > 3 |
424 then define_raw_fv descr sorts bn_funs_decls raw_bclauses lthy3 |
425 else raise TEST lthy3 |
426 |
427 in |
428 (0, lthy3a) |
429 end handle TEST ctxt => (0, ctxt) |
430 *} |
431 |
432 section {* Preparing and parsing of the specification *} |
433 |
434 ML {* |
435 (* parsing the datatypes and declaring *) |
436 (* constructors in the local theory *) |
437 fun prepare_dts dt_strs lthy = |
438 let |
439 val thy = ProofContext.theory_of lthy |
440 |
441 fun mk_type full_tname tvrs = |
442 Type (full_tname, map (fn a => TVar ((a, 0), [])) tvrs) |
443 |
444 fun prep_cnstr full_tname tvs (cname, anno_tys, mx, _) = |
445 let |
446 val tys = map (Syntax.read_typ lthy o snd) anno_tys |
447 val ty = mk_type full_tname tvs |
448 in |
449 ((cname, tys ---> ty, mx), (cname, tys, mx)) |
450 end |
451 |
452 fun prep_dt (tvs, tname, mx, cnstrs) = |
453 let |
454 val full_tname = Sign.full_name thy tname |
455 val (cnstrs', cnstrs'') = |
456 split_list (map (prep_cnstr full_tname tvs) cnstrs) |
457 in |
458 (cnstrs', (tvs, tname, mx, cnstrs'')) |
459 end |
460 |
461 val (cnstrs, dts) = split_list (map prep_dt dt_strs) |
462 in |
463 lthy |
464 |> Local_Theory.theory (Sign.add_consts_i (flat cnstrs)) |
465 |> pair dts |
466 end |
467 *} |
468 |
469 ML {* |
470 (* parsing the binding function specification and *) |
471 (* declaring the functions in the local theory *) |
472 fun prepare_bn_funs bn_fun_strs bn_eq_strs lthy = |
473 let |
474 val ((bn_funs, bn_eqs), _) = |
475 Specification.read_spec bn_fun_strs bn_eq_strs lthy |
476 |
477 fun prep_bn_fun ((bn, T), mx) = (bn, T, mx) |
478 |
479 val bn_funs' = map prep_bn_fun bn_funs |
480 in |
481 lthy |
482 |> Local_Theory.theory (Sign.add_consts_i bn_funs') |
483 |> pair (bn_funs', bn_eqs) |
484 end |
485 *} |
486 |
487 text {* associates every SOME with the index in the list; drops NONEs *} |
488 ML {* |
489 fun indexify xs = |
490 let |
491 fun mapp _ [] = [] |
492 | mapp i (NONE :: xs) = mapp (i + 1) xs |
493 | mapp i (SOME x :: xs) = (x, i) :: mapp (i + 1) xs |
494 in |
495 mapp 0 xs |
496 end |
497 |
498 fun index_lookup xs x = |
499 case AList.lookup (op=) xs x of |
500 SOME x => x |
501 | NONE => error ("Cannot find " ^ x ^ " as argument annotation."); |
502 *} |
503 |
504 ML {* |
505 fun prepare_bclauses dt_strs lthy = |
506 let |
507 val annos_bclauses = |
508 get_cnstrs dt_strs |
509 |> map (map (fn (_, antys, _, bns) => (map fst antys, bns))) |
510 |
511 fun prep_binder env bn_str = |
512 case (Syntax.read_term lthy bn_str) of |
513 Free (x, _) => (NONE, index_lookup env x) |
514 | Const (a, T) $ Free (x, _) => (SOME (Const (a, T)), index_lookup env x) |
515 | _ => error ("The term " ^ bn_str ^ " is not allowed as binding function.") |
516 |
517 fun prep_body env bn_str = index_lookup env bn_str |
518 |
519 fun prep_mode "bind" = BLst |
520 | prep_mode "bind_set" = BSet |
521 | prep_mode "bind_res" = BRes |
522 |
523 fun prep_bclause env (mode, binders, bodies) = |
524 let |
525 val binders' = map (prep_binder env) binders |
526 val bodies' = map (prep_body env) bodies |
527 in |
528 prep_mode mode (binders', bodies') |
529 end |
530 |
531 fun prep_bclauses (annos, bclause_strs) = |
532 let |
533 val env = indexify annos (* for every label, associate the index *) |
534 in |
535 map (prep_bclause env) bclause_strs |
536 end |
537 in |
538 map (map prep_bclauses) annos_bclauses |
539 end |
540 *} |
541 |
542 text {* |
543 adds an empty binding clause for every argument |
544 that is not already part of a binding clause |
545 *} |
546 |
547 ML {* |
548 fun included i bcs = |
549 let |
550 fun incl (BEmy j) = i = j |
551 | incl (BLst (bns, bds)) = (member (op =) (map snd bns) i) orelse (member (op =) bds i) |
552 | incl (BSet (bns, bds)) = (member (op =) (map snd bns) i) orelse (member (op =) bds i) |
553 | incl (BRes (bns, bds)) = (member (op =) (map snd bns) i) orelse (member (op =) bds i) |
554 in |
555 exists incl bcs |
556 end |
557 *} |
558 |
559 ML {* |
560 fun complete dt_strs bclauses = |
561 let |
562 val args = |
563 get_cnstrs dt_strs |
564 |> map (map (fn (_, antys, _, _) => length antys)) |
565 |
566 fun complt n bcs = |
567 let |
568 fun add bcs i = (if included i bcs then [] else [BEmy i]) |
569 in |
570 bcs @ (flat (map_range (add bcs) n)) |
571 end |
572 in |
573 map2 (map2 complt) args bclauses |
574 end |
575 *} |
576 |
577 ML {* |
578 fun nominal_datatype2_cmd (dt_strs, bn_fun_strs, bn_eq_strs) lthy = |
579 let |
580 fun prep_typ (tvs, tname, mx, _) = (tname, length tvs, mx) |
581 val lthy0 = |
582 Local_Theory.theory (Sign.add_types (map prep_typ dt_strs)) lthy |
583 val (dts, lthy1) = prepare_dts dt_strs lthy0 |
584 val ((bn_funs, bn_eqs), lthy2) = prepare_bn_funs bn_fun_strs bn_eq_strs lthy1 |
585 val bclauses = prepare_bclauses dt_strs lthy2 |
586 val bclauses' = complete dt_strs bclauses |
587 in |
588 nominal_datatype2 dts bn_funs bn_eqs bclauses' lthy |> snd |
589 end |
590 |
591 |
592 (* Command Keyword *) |
593 |
594 val _ = OuterSyntax.local_theory "nominal_datatype" "test" OuterKeyword.thy_decl |
595 (main_parser >> nominal_datatype2_cmd) |
596 *} |
597 |
598 (* |
599 atom_decl name |
600 |
601 nominal_datatype lam = |
602 Var name |
603 | App lam lam |
604 | Lam x::name t::lam bind_set x in t |
605 | Let p::pt t::lam bind_set "bn p" in t |
606 and pt = |
607 P1 name |
608 | P2 pt pt |
609 binder |
610 bn::"pt \<Rightarrow> atom set" |
611 where |
612 "bn (P1 x) = {atom x}" |
613 | "bn (P2 p1 p2) = bn p1 \<union> bn p2" |
614 |
615 find_theorems Var_raw |
616 |
617 |
618 |
619 thm lam_pt.bn |
620 thm lam_pt.fv[simplified lam_pt.supp(1-2)] |
621 thm lam_pt.eq_iff |
622 thm lam_pt.induct |
623 thm lam_pt.perm |
624 |
625 nominal_datatype exp = |
626 EVar name |
627 | EUnit |
628 | EPair q1::exp q2::exp |
629 | ELetRec l::lrbs e::exp bind "b_lrbs l" in e l |
630 |
631 and fnclause = |
632 K x::name p::pat f::exp bind_res "b_pat p" in f |
633 |
634 and fnclauses = |
635 S fnclause |
636 | ORs fnclause fnclauses |
637 |
638 and lrb = |
639 Clause fnclauses |
640 |
641 and lrbs = |
642 Single lrb |
643 | More lrb lrbs |
644 |
645 and pat = |
646 PVar name |
647 | PUnit |
648 | PPair pat pat |
649 |
650 binder |
651 b_lrbs :: "lrbs \<Rightarrow> atom list" and |
652 b_pat :: "pat \<Rightarrow> atom set" and |
653 b_fnclauses :: "fnclauses \<Rightarrow> atom list" and |
654 b_fnclause :: "fnclause \<Rightarrow> atom list" and |
655 b_lrb :: "lrb \<Rightarrow> atom list" |
656 |
657 where |
658 "b_lrbs (Single l) = b_lrb l" |
659 | "b_lrbs (More l ls) = append (b_lrb l) (b_lrbs ls)" |
660 | "b_pat (PVar x) = {atom x}" |
661 | "b_pat (PUnit) = {}" |
662 | "b_pat (PPair p1 p2) = b_pat p1 \<union> b_pat p2" |
663 | "b_fnclauses (S fc) = (b_fnclause fc)" |
664 | "b_fnclauses (ORs fc fcs) = append (b_fnclause fc) (b_fnclauses fcs)" |
665 | "b_lrb (Clause fcs) = (b_fnclauses fcs)" |
666 | "b_fnclause (K x pat exp) = [atom x]" |
667 |
668 thm exp_fnclause_fnclauses_lrb_lrbs_pat.bn |
669 thm exp_fnclause_fnclauses_lrb_lrbs_pat.fv |
670 thm exp_fnclause_fnclauses_lrb_lrbs_pat.eq_iff |
671 thm exp_fnclause_fnclauses_lrb_lrbs_pat.induct |
672 thm exp_fnclause_fnclauses_lrb_lrbs_pat.perm |
673 |
674 nominal_datatype ty = |
675 Vr "name" |
676 | Fn "ty" "ty" |
677 and tys = |
678 Al xs::"name fset" t::"ty" bind_res xs in t |
679 |
680 thm ty_tys.fv[simplified ty_tys.supp] |
681 thm ty_tys.eq_iff |
682 |
683 *) |
684 |
685 (* some further tests *) |
686 |
687 (* |
688 nominal_datatype ty2 = |
689 Vr2 "name" |
690 | Fn2 "ty2" "ty2" |
691 |
692 nominal_datatype tys2 = |
693 All2 xs::"name fset" ty::"ty2" bind_res xs in ty |
694 |
695 nominal_datatype lam2 = |
696 Var2 "name" |
697 | App2 "lam2" "lam2 list" |
698 | Lam2 x::"name" t::"lam2" bind x in t |
699 *) |
700 |
701 |
702 |
703 end |
704 |
705 |
706 |