1192 shows "supp (insert x S) = supp x \<union> supp S" |
1222 shows "supp (insert x S) = supp x \<union> supp S" |
1193 using fin |
1223 using fin |
1194 by (simp add: supp_of_fin_sets) |
1224 by (simp add: supp_of_fin_sets) |
1195 |
1225 |
1196 |
1226 |
1197 section {* Concrete atoms types *} |
1227 section {* Fresh-Star *} |
1228 |
1229 |
1230 text {* The fresh-star generalisation of fresh is used in strong |
1231 induction principles. *} |
1232 |
1233 definition |
1234 fresh_star :: "atom set \<Rightarrow> 'a::pt \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<sharp>* _" [80,80] 80) |
1235 where |
1236 "as \<sharp>* x \<equiv> \<forall>a \<in> as. a \<sharp> x" |
1237 |
1238 lemma fresh_star_prod: |
1239 fixes as::"atom set" |
1240 shows "as \<sharp>* (x, y) = (as \<sharp>* x \<and> as \<sharp>* y)" |
1241 by (auto simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_Pair) |
1242 |
1243 lemma fresh_star_union: |
1244 shows "(as \<union> bs) \<sharp>* x = (as \<sharp>* x \<and> bs \<sharp>* x)" |
1245 by (auto simp add: fresh_star_def) |
1246 |
1247 lemma fresh_star_insert: |
1248 shows "(insert a as) \<sharp>* x = (a \<sharp> x \<and> as \<sharp>* x)" |
1249 by (auto simp add: fresh_star_def) |
1250 |
1251 lemma fresh_star_Un_elim: |
1252 "((as \<union> bs) \<sharp>* x \<Longrightarrow> PROP C) \<equiv> (as \<sharp>* x \<Longrightarrow> bs \<sharp>* x \<Longrightarrow> PROP C)" |
1253 unfolding fresh_star_def |
1254 apply(rule) |
1255 apply(erule meta_mp) |
1256 apply(auto) |
1257 done |
1258 |
1259 lemma fresh_star_insert_elim: |
1260 "(insert a as \<sharp>* x \<Longrightarrow> PROP C) \<equiv> (a \<sharp> x \<Longrightarrow> as \<sharp>* x \<Longrightarrow> PROP C)" |
1261 unfolding fresh_star_def |
1262 by rule (simp_all add: fresh_star_def) |
1263 |
1264 lemma fresh_star_empty_elim: |
1265 "({} \<sharp>* x \<Longrightarrow> PROP C) \<equiv> PROP C" |
1266 by (simp add: fresh_star_def) |
1267 |
1268 lemma fresh_star_unit_elim: |
1269 shows "(a \<sharp>* () \<Longrightarrow> PROP C) \<equiv> PROP C" |
1270 by (simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_Unit) |
1271 |
1272 lemma fresh_star_prod_elim: |
1273 shows "(a \<sharp>* (x, y) \<Longrightarrow> PROP C) \<equiv> (a \<sharp>* x \<Longrightarrow> a \<sharp>* y \<Longrightarrow> PROP C)" |
1274 by (rule, simp_all add: fresh_star_prod) |
1275 |
1276 lemma fresh_star_zero: |
1277 shows "as \<sharp>* (0::perm)" |
1278 unfolding fresh_star_def |
1279 by (simp add: fresh_zero_perm) |
1280 |
1281 lemma fresh_star_plus: |
1282 fixes p q::perm |
1283 shows "\<lbrakk>a \<sharp>* p; a \<sharp>* q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a \<sharp>* (p + q)" |
1284 unfolding fresh_star_def |
1285 by (simp add: fresh_plus_perm) |
1286 |
1287 lemma fresh_star_permute_iff: |
1288 shows "(p \<bullet> a) \<sharp>* (p \<bullet> x) \<longleftrightarrow> a \<sharp>* x" |
1289 unfolding fresh_star_def |
1290 by (metis mem_permute_iff permute_minus_cancel(1) fresh_permute_iff) |
1291 |
1292 lemma fresh_star_eqvt: |
1293 shows "(p \<bullet> (as \<sharp>* x)) = (p \<bullet> as) \<sharp>* (p \<bullet> x)" |
1294 unfolding fresh_star_def |
1295 unfolding Ball_def |
1296 apply(simp add: all_eqvt) |
1297 apply(subst permute_fun_def) |
1298 apply(simp add: imp_eqvt fresh_eqvt mem_eqvt) |
1299 done |
1300 |
1301 |
1302 section {* Induction principle for permutations *} |
1303 |
1304 |
1305 lemma perm_struct_induct[consumes 1, case_names zero swap]: |
1306 assumes S: "supp p \<subseteq> S" |
1307 and zero: "P 0" |
1308 and swap: "\<And>p a b. \<lbrakk>P p; supp p \<subseteq> S; a \<in> S; b \<in> S; a \<noteq> b; sort_of a = sort_of b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P ((a \<rightleftharpoons> b) + p)" |
1309 shows "P p" |
1310 proof - |
1311 have "finite (supp p)" by (simp add: finite_supp) |
1312 then show "P p" using S |
1313 proof(induct A\<equiv>"supp p" arbitrary: p rule: finite_psubset_induct) |
1314 case (psubset p) |
1315 then have ih: "\<And>q. supp q \<subset> supp p \<Longrightarrow> P q" by auto |
1316 have as: "supp p \<subseteq> S" by fact |
1317 { assume "supp p = {}" |
1318 then have "p = 0" by (simp add: supp_perm expand_perm_eq) |
1319 then have "P p" using zero by simp |
1320 } |
1321 moreover |
1322 { assume "supp p \<noteq> {}" |
1323 then obtain a where a0: "a \<in> supp p" by blast |
1324 then have a1: "p \<bullet> a \<in> S" "a \<in> S" "sort_of (p \<bullet> a) = sort_of a" "p \<bullet> a \<noteq> a" |
1325 using as by (auto simp add: supp_atom supp_perm swap_atom) |
1326 let ?q = "(p \<bullet> a \<rightleftharpoons> a) + p" |
1327 have a2: "supp ?q \<subseteq> supp p" unfolding supp_perm by (auto simp add: swap_atom) |
1328 moreover |
1329 have "a \<notin> supp ?q" by (simp add: supp_perm) |
1330 then have "supp ?q \<noteq> supp p" using a0 by auto |
1331 ultimately have "supp ?q \<subset> supp p" using a2 by auto |
1332 then have "P ?q" using ih by simp |
1333 moreover |
1334 have "supp ?q \<subseteq> S" using as a2 by simp |
1335 ultimately have "P ((p \<bullet> a \<rightleftharpoons> a) + ?q)" using as a1 swap by simp |
1336 moreover |
1337 have "p = (p \<bullet> a \<rightleftharpoons> a) + ?q" by (simp add: expand_perm_eq) |
1338 ultimately have "P p" by simp |
1339 } |
1340 ultimately show "P p" by blast |
1341 qed |
1342 qed |
1343 |
1344 lemma perm_simple_struct_induct[case_names zero swap]: |
1345 assumes zero: "P 0" |
1346 and swap: "\<And>p a b. \<lbrakk>P p; a \<noteq> b; sort_of a = sort_of b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P ((a \<rightleftharpoons> b) + p)" |
1347 shows "P p" |
1348 by (rule_tac S="supp p" in perm_struct_induct) |
1349 (auto intro: zero swap) |
1350 |
1351 lemma perm_subset_induct[consumes 1, case_names zero swap plus]: |
1352 assumes S: "supp p \<subseteq> S" |
1353 assumes zero: "P 0" |
1354 assumes swap: "\<And>a b. \<lbrakk>sort_of a = sort_of b; a \<noteq> b; a \<in> S; b \<in> S\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (a \<rightleftharpoons> b)" |
1355 assumes plus: "\<And>p1 p2. \<lbrakk>P p1; P p2; supp p1 \<subseteq> S; supp p2 \<subseteq> S\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (p1 + p2)" |
1356 shows "P p" |
1357 using S |
1358 by (induct p rule: perm_struct_induct) |
1359 (auto intro: zero plus swap simp add: supp_swap) |
1360 |
1361 lemma supp_perm_eq: |
1362 assumes "(supp x) \<sharp>* p" |
1363 shows "p \<bullet> x = x" |
1364 proof - |
1365 from assms have "supp p \<subseteq> {a. a \<sharp> x}" |
1366 unfolding supp_perm fresh_star_def fresh_def by auto |
1367 then show "p \<bullet> x = x" |
1368 proof (induct p rule: perm_struct_induct) |
1369 case zero |
1370 show "0 \<bullet> x = x" by simp |
1371 next |
1372 case (swap p a b) |
1373 then have "a \<sharp> x" "b \<sharp> x" "p \<bullet> x = x" by simp_all |
1374 then show "((a \<rightleftharpoons> b) + p) \<bullet> x = x" by (simp add: swap_fresh_fresh) |
1375 qed |
1376 qed |
1377 |
1378 lemma supp_perm_eq_test: |
1379 assumes "(supp x) \<sharp>* p" |
1380 shows "p \<bullet> x = x" |
1381 proof - |
1382 from assms have "supp p \<subseteq> {a. a \<sharp> x}" |
1383 unfolding supp_perm fresh_star_def fresh_def by auto |
1384 then show "p \<bullet> x = x" |
1385 proof (induct p rule: perm_subset_induct) |
1386 case zero |
1387 show "0 \<bullet> x = x" by simp |
1388 next |
1389 case (swap a b) |
1390 then have "a \<sharp> x" "b \<sharp> x" by simp_all |
1391 then show "(a \<rightleftharpoons> b) \<bullet> x = x" by (simp add: swap_fresh_fresh) |
1392 next |
1393 case (plus p1 p2) |
1394 have "p1 \<bullet> x = x" "p2 \<bullet> x = x" by fact+ |
1395 then show "(p1 + p2) \<bullet> x = x" by simp |
1396 qed |
1397 qed |
1398 |
1399 |
1400 section {* Avoiding of atom sets *} |
1401 |
1402 text {* |
1403 For every set of atoms, there is another set of atoms |
1404 avoiding a finitely supported c and there is a permutation |
1405 which 'translates' between both sets. |
1406 *} |
1407 |
1408 lemma at_set_avoiding_aux: |
1409 fixes Xs::"atom set" |
1410 and As::"atom set" |
1411 assumes b: "Xs \<subseteq> As" |
1412 and c: "finite As" |
1413 shows "\<exists>p. (p \<bullet> Xs) \<inter> As = {} \<and> (supp p) \<subseteq> (Xs \<union> (p \<bullet> Xs))" |
1414 proof - |
1415 from b c have "finite Xs" by (rule finite_subset) |
1416 then show ?thesis using b |
1417 proof (induct rule: finite_subset_induct) |
1418 case empty |
1419 have "0 \<bullet> {} \<inter> As = {}" by simp |
1420 moreover |
1421 have "supp (0::perm) \<subseteq> {} \<union> 0 \<bullet> {}" by (simp add: supp_zero_perm) |
1422 ultimately show ?case by blast |
1423 next |
1424 case (insert x Xs) |
1425 then obtain p where |
1426 p1: "(p \<bullet> Xs) \<inter> As = {}" and |
1427 p2: "supp p \<subseteq> (Xs \<union> (p \<bullet> Xs))" by blast |
1428 from `x \<in> As` p1 have "x \<notin> p \<bullet> Xs" by fast |
1429 with `x \<notin> Xs` p2 have "x \<notin> supp p" by fast |
1430 hence px: "p \<bullet> x = x" unfolding supp_perm by simp |
1431 have "finite (As \<union> p \<bullet> Xs)" |
1432 using `finite As` `finite Xs` |
1433 by (simp add: permute_set_eq_image) |
1434 then obtain y where "y \<notin> (As \<union> p \<bullet> Xs)" "sort_of y = sort_of x" |
1435 by (rule obtain_atom) |
1436 hence y: "y \<notin> As" "y \<notin> p \<bullet> Xs" "sort_of y = sort_of x" |
1437 by simp_all |
1438 let ?q = "(x \<rightleftharpoons> y) + p" |
1439 have q: "?q \<bullet> insert x Xs = insert y (p \<bullet> Xs)" |
1440 unfolding insert_eqvt |
1441 using `p \<bullet> x = x` `sort_of y = sort_of x` |
1442 using `x \<notin> p \<bullet> Xs` `y \<notin> p \<bullet> Xs` |
1443 by (simp add: swap_atom swap_set_not_in) |
1444 have "?q \<bullet> insert x Xs \<inter> As = {}" |
1445 using `y \<notin> As` `p \<bullet> Xs \<inter> As = {}` |
1446 unfolding q by simp |
1447 moreover |
1448 have "supp ?q \<subseteq> insert x Xs \<union> ?q \<bullet> insert x Xs" |
1449 using p2 unfolding q |
1450 by (intro subset_trans [OF supp_plus_perm]) |
1451 (auto simp add: supp_swap) |
1452 ultimately show ?case by blast |
1453 qed |
1454 qed |
1455 |
1456 lemma at_set_avoiding: |
1457 assumes a: "finite Xs" |
1458 and b: "finite (supp c)" |
1459 obtains p::"perm" where "(p \<bullet> Xs)\<sharp>*c" and "(supp p) \<subseteq> (Xs \<union> (p \<bullet> Xs))" |
1460 using a b at_set_avoiding_aux [where Xs="Xs" and As="Xs \<union> supp c"] |
1461 unfolding fresh_star_def fresh_def by blast |
1462 |
1463 lemma at_set_avoiding2: |
1464 assumes "finite xs" |
1465 and "finite (supp c)" "finite (supp x)" |
1466 and "xs \<sharp>* x" |
1467 shows "\<exists>p. (p \<bullet> xs) \<sharp>* c \<and> supp x \<sharp>* p" |
1468 using assms |
1469 apply(erule_tac c="(c, x)" in at_set_avoiding) |
1470 apply(simp add: supp_Pair) |
1471 apply(rule_tac x="p" in exI) |
1472 apply(simp add: fresh_star_prod) |
1473 apply(subgoal_tac "\<forall>a \<in> supp p. a \<sharp> x") |
1474 apply(auto simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_def supp_perm)[1] |
1475 apply(auto simp add: fresh_star_def fresh_def) |
1476 done |
1477 |
1478 lemma at_set_avoiding2_atom: |
1479 assumes "finite (supp c)" "finite (supp x)" |
1480 and b: "a \<sharp> x" |
1481 shows "\<exists>p. (p \<bullet> a) \<sharp> c \<and> supp x \<sharp>* p" |
1482 proof - |
1483 have a: "{a} \<sharp>* x" unfolding fresh_star_def by (simp add: b) |
1484 obtain p where p1: "(p \<bullet> {a}) \<sharp>* c" and p2: "supp x \<sharp>* p" |
1485 using at_set_avoiding2[of "{a}" "c" "x"] assms a by blast |
1486 have c: "(p \<bullet> a) \<sharp> c" using p1 |
1487 unfolding fresh_star_def Ball_def |
1488 by(erule_tac x="p \<bullet> a" in allE) (simp add: permute_set_eq) |
1489 hence "p \<bullet> a \<sharp> c \<and> supp x \<sharp>* p" using p2 by blast |
1490 then show "\<exists>p. (p \<bullet> a) \<sharp> c \<and> supp x \<sharp>* p" by blast |
1491 qed |
1492 |
1493 |
1494 section {* Concrete Atoms Types *} |
1198 |
1495 |
1199 text {* |
1496 text {* |
1200 Class @{text at_base} allows types containing multiple sorts of atoms. |
1497 Class @{text at_base} allows types containing multiple sorts of atoms. |
1201 Class @{text at} only allows types with a single sort. |
1498 Class @{text at} only allows types with a single sort. |
1202 *} |
1499 *} |
1437 (@{const_name "permute"}, SOME @{typ "perm \<Rightarrow> 'a::pt \<Rightarrow> 'a"}) *} |
1733 (@{const_name "permute"}, SOME @{typ "perm \<Rightarrow> 'a::pt \<Rightarrow> 'a"}) *} |
1438 setup {* Sign.add_const_constraint |
1734 setup {* Sign.add_const_constraint |
1439 (@{const_name "atom"}, SOME @{typ "'a::at_base \<Rightarrow> atom"}) *} |
1735 (@{const_name "atom"}, SOME @{typ "'a::at_base \<Rightarrow> atom"}) *} |
1440 |
1736 |
1441 |
1737 |
1738 |
1739 section {* The freshness lemma according to Andy Pitts *} |
1740 |
1741 lemma freshness_lemma: |
1742 fixes h :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pt" |
1743 assumes a: "\<exists>a. atom a \<sharp> (h, h a)" |
1744 shows "\<exists>x. \<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = x" |
1745 proof - |
1746 from a obtain b where a1: "atom b \<sharp> h" and a2: "atom b \<sharp> h b" |
1747 by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair) |
1748 show "\<exists>x. \<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = x" |
1749 proof (intro exI allI impI) |
1750 fix a :: 'a |
1751 assume a3: "atom a \<sharp> h" |
1752 show "h a = h b" |
1753 proof (cases "a = b") |
1754 assume "a = b" |
1755 thus "h a = h b" by simp |
1756 next |
1757 assume "a \<noteq> b" |
1758 hence "atom a \<sharp> b" by (simp add: fresh_at_base) |
1759 with a3 have "atom a \<sharp> h b" |
1760 by (rule fresh_fun_app) |
1761 with a2 have d1: "(atom b \<rightleftharpoons> atom a) \<bullet> (h b) = (h b)" |
1762 by (rule swap_fresh_fresh) |
1763 from a1 a3 have d2: "(atom b \<rightleftharpoons> atom a) \<bullet> h = h" |
1764 by (rule swap_fresh_fresh) |
1765 from d1 have "h b = (atom b \<rightleftharpoons> atom a) \<bullet> (h b)" by simp |
1766 also have "\<dots> = ((atom b \<rightleftharpoons> atom a) \<bullet> h) ((atom b \<rightleftharpoons> atom a) \<bullet> b)" |
1767 by (rule permute_fun_app_eq) |
1768 also have "\<dots> = h a" |
1769 using d2 by simp |
1770 finally show "h a = h b" by simp |
1771 qed |
1772 qed |
1773 qed |
1774 |
1775 lemma freshness_lemma_unique: |
1776 fixes h :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pt" |
1777 assumes a: "\<exists>a. atom a \<sharp> (h, h a)" |
1778 shows "\<exists>!x. \<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = x" |
1779 proof (rule ex_ex1I) |
1780 from a show "\<exists>x. \<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = x" |
1781 by (rule freshness_lemma) |
1782 next |
1783 fix x y |
1784 assume x: "\<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = x" |
1785 assume y: "\<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = y" |
1786 from a x y show "x = y" |
1787 by (auto simp add: fresh_Pair) |
1788 qed |
1789 |
1790 text {* packaging the freshness lemma into a function *} |
1791 |
1792 definition |
1793 fresh_fun :: "('a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pt) \<Rightarrow> 'b" |
1794 where |
1795 "fresh_fun h = (THE x. \<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = x)" |
1796 |
1797 lemma fresh_fun_apply: |
1798 fixes h :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pt" |
1799 assumes a: "\<exists>a. atom a \<sharp> (h, h a)" |
1800 assumes b: "atom a \<sharp> h" |
1801 shows "fresh_fun h = h a" |
1802 unfolding fresh_fun_def |
1803 proof (rule the_equality) |
1804 show "\<forall>a'. atom a' \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a' = h a" |
1805 proof (intro strip) |
1806 fix a':: 'a |
1807 assume c: "atom a' \<sharp> h" |
1808 from a have "\<exists>x. \<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = x" by (rule freshness_lemma) |
1809 with b c show "h a' = h a" by auto |
1810 qed |
1811 next |
1812 fix fr :: 'b |
1813 assume "\<forall>a. atom a \<sharp> h \<longrightarrow> h a = fr" |
1814 with b show "fr = h a" by auto |
1815 qed |
1816 |
1817 lemma fresh_fun_apply': |
1818 fixes h :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pt" |
1819 assumes a: "atom a \<sharp> h" "atom a \<sharp> h a" |
1820 shows "fresh_fun h = h a" |
1821 apply (rule fresh_fun_apply) |
1822 apply (auto simp add: fresh_Pair intro: a) |
1823 done |
1824 |
1825 lemma fresh_fun_eqvt: |
1826 fixes h :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pt" |
1827 assumes a: "\<exists>a. atom a \<sharp> (h, h a)" |
1828 shows "p \<bullet> (fresh_fun h) = fresh_fun (p \<bullet> h)" |
1829 using a |
1830 apply (clarsimp simp add: fresh_Pair) |
1831 apply (subst fresh_fun_apply', assumption+) |
1832 apply (drule fresh_permute_iff [where p=p, THEN iffD2]) |
1833 apply (drule fresh_permute_iff [where p=p, THEN iffD2]) |
1834 apply (simp add: atom_eqvt permute_fun_app_eq [where f=h]) |
1835 apply (erule (1) fresh_fun_apply' [symmetric]) |
1836 done |
1837 |
1838 lemma fresh_fun_supports: |
1839 fixes h :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pt" |
1840 assumes a: "\<exists>a. atom a \<sharp> (h, h a)" |
1841 shows "(supp h) supports (fresh_fun h)" |
1842 apply (simp add: supports_def fresh_def [symmetric]) |
1843 apply (simp add: fresh_fun_eqvt [OF a] swap_fresh_fresh) |
1844 done |
1845 |
1846 notation fresh_fun (binder "FRESH " 10) |
1847 |
1848 lemma FRESH_f_iff: |
1849 fixes P :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pure" |
1850 fixes f :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'c::pure" |
1851 assumes P: "finite (supp P)" |
1852 shows "(FRESH x. f (P x)) = f (FRESH x. P x)" |
1853 proof - |
1854 obtain a::'a where "atom a \<notin> supp P" |
1855 using P by (rule obtain_at_base) |
1856 hence "atom a \<sharp> P" |
1857 by (simp add: fresh_def) |
1858 show "(FRESH x. f (P x)) = f (FRESH x. P x)" |
1859 apply (subst fresh_fun_apply' [where a=a, OF _ pure_fresh]) |
1860 apply (cut_tac `atom a \<sharp> P`) |
1861 apply (simp add: fresh_conv_MOST) |
1862 apply (elim MOST_rev_mp, rule MOST_I, clarify) |
1863 apply (simp add: permute_fun_def permute_pure expand_fun_eq) |
1864 apply (subst fresh_fun_apply' [where a=a, OF `atom a \<sharp> P` pure_fresh]) |
1865 apply (rule refl) |
1866 done |
1867 qed |
1868 |
1869 lemma FRESH_binop_iff: |
1870 fixes P :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'b::pure" |
1871 fixes Q :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> 'c::pure" |
1872 fixes binop :: "'b \<Rightarrow> 'c \<Rightarrow> 'd::pure" |
1873 assumes P: "finite (supp P)" |
1874 and Q: "finite (supp Q)" |
1875 shows "(FRESH x. binop (P x) (Q x)) = binop (FRESH x. P x) (FRESH x. Q x)" |
1876 proof - |
1877 from assms have "finite (supp P \<union> supp Q)" by simp |
1878 then obtain a::'a where "atom a \<notin> (supp P \<union> supp Q)" |
1879 by (rule obtain_at_base) |
1880 hence "atom a \<sharp> P" and "atom a \<sharp> Q" |
1881 by (simp_all add: fresh_def) |
1882 show ?thesis |
1883 apply (subst fresh_fun_apply' [where a=a, OF _ pure_fresh]) |
1884 apply (cut_tac `atom a \<sharp> P` `atom a \<sharp> Q`) |
1885 apply (simp add: fresh_conv_MOST) |
1886 apply (elim MOST_rev_mp, rule MOST_I, clarify) |
1887 apply (simp add: permute_fun_def permute_pure expand_fun_eq) |
1888 apply (subst fresh_fun_apply' [where a=a, OF `atom a \<sharp> P` pure_fresh]) |
1889 apply (subst fresh_fun_apply' [where a=a, OF `atom a \<sharp> Q` pure_fresh]) |
1890 apply (rule refl) |
1891 done |
1892 qed |
1893 |
1894 lemma FRESH_conj_iff: |
1895 fixes P Q :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> bool" |
1896 assumes P: "finite (supp P)" and Q: "finite (supp Q)" |
1897 shows "(FRESH x. P x \<and> Q x) \<longleftrightarrow> (FRESH x. P x) \<and> (FRESH x. Q x)" |
1898 using P Q by (rule FRESH_binop_iff) |
1899 |
1900 lemma FRESH_disj_iff: |
1901 fixes P Q :: "'a::at \<Rightarrow> bool" |
1902 assumes P: "finite (supp P)" and Q: "finite (supp Q)" |
1903 shows "(FRESH x. P x \<or> Q x) \<longleftrightarrow> (FRESH x. P x) \<or> (FRESH x. Q x)" |
1904 using P Q by (rule FRESH_binop_iff) |
1905 |
1906 |
1442 section {* Library functions for the nominal infrastructure *} |
1907 section {* Library functions for the nominal infrastructure *} |
1443 |
1908 |
1444 use "nominal_library.ML" |
1909 use "nominal_library.ML" |
1445 |
1910 |
1446 |
1911 |