1 (* Title: quotient_info.thy |
2 Author: Cezary Kaliszyk and Christian Urban |
3 |
4 Data slots for the quotient package. |
5 |
6 *) |
7 |
8 |
9 signature QUOTIENT_INFO = |
10 sig |
11 exception NotFound |
12 |
13 type maps_info = {mapfun: string, relmap: string} |
14 val maps_defined: theory -> string -> bool |
15 val maps_lookup: theory -> string -> maps_info (* raises NotFound *) |
16 val maps_update_thy: string -> maps_info -> theory -> theory |
17 val maps_update: string -> maps_info -> Proof.context -> Proof.context |
18 val print_mapsinfo: Proof.context -> unit |
19 |
20 type quotdata_info = {qtyp: typ, rtyp: typ, equiv_rel: term, equiv_thm: thm} |
21 val transform_quotdata: morphism -> quotdata_info -> quotdata_info |
22 val quotdata_lookup_raw: theory -> string -> quotdata_info option |
23 val quotdata_lookup: theory -> string -> quotdata_info (* raises NotFound *) |
24 val quotdata_update_thy: string -> quotdata_info -> theory -> theory |
25 val quotdata_update_gen: string -> quotdata_info -> Context.generic -> Context.generic |
26 val quotdata_dest: Proof.context -> quotdata_info list |
27 val print_quotinfo: Proof.context -> unit |
28 |
29 type qconsts_info = {qconst: term, rconst: term, def: thm} |
30 val transform_qconsts: morphism -> qconsts_info -> qconsts_info |
31 val qconsts_lookup: theory -> term -> qconsts_info (* raises NotFound *) |
32 val qconsts_update_thy: string -> qconsts_info -> theory -> theory |
33 val qconsts_update_gen: string -> qconsts_info -> Context.generic -> Context.generic |
34 val qconsts_dest: Proof.context -> qconsts_info list |
35 val print_qconstinfo: Proof.context -> unit |
36 |
37 val equiv_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list |
38 val equiv_rules_add: attribute |
39 val rsp_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list |
40 val rsp_rules_add: attribute |
41 val prs_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list |
42 val prs_rules_add: attribute |
43 val id_simps_get: Proof.context -> thm list |
44 val quotient_rules_get: Proof.context -> thm list |
45 val quotient_rules_add: attribute |
46 end; |
47 |
48 |
49 structure Quotient_Info: QUOTIENT_INFO = |
50 struct |
51 |
52 exception NotFound |
53 |
54 |
55 (** data containers **) |
56 |
57 (* info about map- and rel-functions for a type *) |
58 type maps_info = {mapfun: string, relmap: string} |
59 |
60 structure MapsData = Theory_Data |
61 (type T = maps_info Symtab.table |
62 val empty = Symtab.empty |
63 val extend = I |
64 val merge = Symtab.merge (K true)) |
65 |
66 fun maps_defined thy s = |
67 Symtab.defined (MapsData.get thy) s |
68 |
69 fun maps_lookup thy s = |
70 case (Symtab.lookup (MapsData.get thy) s) of |
71 SOME map_fun => map_fun |
72 | NONE => raise NotFound |
73 |
74 fun maps_update_thy k minfo = MapsData.map (Symtab.update (k, minfo)) |
75 fun maps_update k minfo = ProofContext.theory (maps_update_thy k minfo) |
76 |
77 fun maps_attribute_aux s minfo = Thm.declaration_attribute |
78 (fn _ => Context.mapping (maps_update_thy s minfo) (maps_update s minfo)) |
79 |
80 (* attribute to be used in declare statements *) |
81 fun maps_attribute (ctxt, (tystr, (mapstr, relstr))) = |
82 let |
83 val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt |
84 val tyname = Sign.intern_type thy tystr |
85 val mapname = Sign.intern_const thy mapstr |
86 val relname = Sign.intern_const thy relstr |
87 |
88 fun sanity_check s = (Const (s, dummyT) |> Syntax.check_term ctxt; ()) |
89 val _ = List.app sanity_check [mapname, relname] |
90 in |
91 maps_attribute_aux tyname {mapfun = mapname, relmap = relname} |
92 end |
93 |
94 val maps_attr_parser = |
95 Args.context -- Scan.lift |
96 ((Args.name --| OuterParse.$$$ "=") -- |
97 (OuterParse.$$$ "(" |-- Args.name --| OuterParse.$$$ "," -- |
98 Args.name --| OuterParse.$$$ ")")) |
99 |
100 val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory |
101 (Attrib.setup @{binding "map"} (maps_attr_parser >> maps_attribute) |
102 "declaration of map information")) |
103 |
104 fun print_mapsinfo ctxt = |
105 let |
106 fun prt_map (ty_name, {mapfun, relmap}) = |
107 Pretty.block (Library.separate (Pretty.brk 2) |
108 (map Pretty.str |
109 ["type:", ty_name, |
110 "map:", mapfun, |
111 "relation map:", relmap])) |
112 in |
113 MapsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) |
114 |> Symtab.dest |
115 |> map (prt_map) |
116 |> Pretty.big_list "maps for type constructors:" |
117 |> Pretty.writeln |
118 end |
119 |
120 |
121 (* info about quotient types *) |
122 type quotdata_info = {qtyp: typ, rtyp: typ, equiv_rel: term, equiv_thm: thm} |
123 |
124 structure QuotData = Theory_Data |
125 (type T = quotdata_info Symtab.table |
126 val empty = Symtab.empty |
127 val extend = I |
128 val merge = Symtab.merge (K true)) |
129 |
130 fun transform_quotdata phi {qtyp, rtyp, equiv_rel, equiv_thm} = |
131 {qtyp = Morphism.typ phi qtyp, |
132 rtyp = Morphism.typ phi rtyp, |
133 equiv_rel = Morphism.term phi equiv_rel, |
134 equiv_thm = Morphism.thm phi equiv_thm} |
135 |
136 fun quotdata_lookup_raw thy str = Symtab.lookup (QuotData.get thy) str |
137 |
138 fun quotdata_lookup thy str = |
139 case Symtab.lookup (QuotData.get thy) str of |
140 SOME qinfo => qinfo |
141 | NONE => raise NotFound |
142 |
143 fun quotdata_update_thy str qinfo = QuotData.map (Symtab.update (str, qinfo)) |
144 fun quotdata_update_gen str qinfo = Context.mapping (quotdata_update_thy str qinfo) I |
145 |
146 fun quotdata_dest lthy = |
147 map snd (Symtab.dest (QuotData.get (ProofContext.theory_of lthy))) |
148 |
149 fun print_quotinfo ctxt = |
150 let |
151 fun prt_quot {qtyp, rtyp, equiv_rel, equiv_thm} = |
152 Pretty.block (Library.separate (Pretty.brk 2) |
153 [Pretty.str "quotient type:", |
154 Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt qtyp, |
155 Pretty.str "raw type:", |
156 Syntax.pretty_typ ctxt rtyp, |
157 Pretty.str "relation:", |
158 Syntax.pretty_term ctxt equiv_rel, |
159 Pretty.str "equiv. thm:", |
160 Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of equiv_thm)]) |
161 in |
162 QuotData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) |
163 |> Symtab.dest |
164 |> map (prt_quot o snd) |
165 |> Pretty.big_list "quotients:" |
166 |> Pretty.writeln |
167 end |
168 |
169 |
170 (* info about quotient constants *) |
171 type qconsts_info = {qconst: term, rconst: term, def: thm} |
172 |
173 fun qconsts_info_eq (x : qconsts_info, y : qconsts_info) = #qconst x = #qconst y |
174 |
175 (* We need to be able to lookup instances of lifted constants, |
176 for example given "nat fset" we need to find "'a fset"; |
177 but overloaded constants share the same name *) |
178 structure QConstsData = Theory_Data |
179 (type T = (qconsts_info list) Symtab.table |
180 val empty = Symtab.empty |
181 val extend = I |
182 val merge = Symtab.merge_list qconsts_info_eq) |
183 |
184 fun transform_qconsts phi {qconst, rconst, def} = |
185 {qconst = Morphism.term phi qconst, |
186 rconst = Morphism.term phi rconst, |
187 def = Morphism.thm phi def} |
188 |
189 fun qconsts_update_thy name qcinfo = QConstsData.map (Symtab.cons_list (name, qcinfo)) |
190 fun qconsts_update_gen name qcinfo = Context.mapping (qconsts_update_thy name qcinfo) I |
191 |
192 fun qconsts_dest lthy = |
193 flat (map snd (Symtab.dest (QConstsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of lthy)))) |
194 |
195 fun qconsts_lookup thy t = |
196 let |
197 val (name, qty) = dest_Const t |
198 fun matches x = |
199 let |
200 val (name', qty') = dest_Const (#qconst x); |
201 in |
202 name = name' andalso Sign.typ_instance thy (qty, qty') |
203 end |
204 in |
205 case Symtab.lookup (QConstsData.get thy) name of |
206 NONE => raise NotFound |
207 | SOME l => |
208 (case (find_first matches l) of |
209 SOME x => x |
210 | NONE => raise NotFound) |
211 end |
212 |
213 fun print_qconstinfo ctxt = |
214 let |
215 fun prt_qconst {qconst, rconst, def} = |
216 Pretty.block (separate (Pretty.brk 1) |
217 [Syntax.pretty_term ctxt qconst, |
218 Pretty.str ":=", |
219 Syntax.pretty_term ctxt rconst, |
220 Pretty.str "as", |
221 Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (prop_of def)]) |
222 in |
223 QConstsData.get (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) |
224 |> Symtab.dest |
225 |> map snd |
226 |> flat |
227 |> map prt_qconst |
228 |> Pretty.big_list "quotient constants:" |
229 |> Pretty.writeln |
230 end |
231 |
232 (* equivalence relation theorems *) |
233 structure EquivRules = Named_Thms |
234 (val name = "quot_equiv" |
235 val description = "Equivalence relation theorems.") |
236 |
237 val equiv_rules_get = EquivRules.get |
238 val equiv_rules_add = EquivRules.add |
239 |
240 (* respectfulness theorems *) |
241 structure RspRules = Named_Thms |
242 (val name = "quot_respect" |
243 val description = "Respectfulness theorems.") |
244 |
245 val rsp_rules_get = RspRules.get |
246 val rsp_rules_add = RspRules.add |
247 |
248 (* preservation theorems *) |
249 structure PrsRules = Named_Thms |
250 (val name = "quot_preserve" |
251 val description = "Preservation theorems.") |
252 |
253 val prs_rules_get = PrsRules.get |
254 val prs_rules_add = PrsRules.add |
255 |
256 (* id simplification theorems *) |
257 structure IdSimps = Named_Thms |
258 (val name = "id_simps" |
259 val description = "Identity simp rules for maps.") |
260 |
261 val id_simps_get = IdSimps.get |
262 |
263 (* quotient theorems *) |
264 structure QuotientRules = Named_Thms |
265 (val name = "quot_thm" |
266 val description = "Quotient theorems.") |
267 |
268 val quotient_rules_get = QuotientRules.get |
269 val quotient_rules_add = QuotientRules.add |
270 |
271 (* setup of the theorem lists *) |
272 |
273 val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory |
274 (EquivRules.setup #> |
275 RspRules.setup #> |
276 PrsRules.setup #> |
277 IdSimps.setup #> |
278 QuotientRules.setup)) |
279 |
280 (* setup of the printing commands *) |
281 |
282 fun improper_command (pp_fn, cmd_name, descr_str) = |
283 OuterSyntax.improper_command cmd_name descr_str |
284 OuterKeyword.diag (Scan.succeed (Toplevel.keep (pp_fn o Toplevel.context_of))) |
285 |
286 val _ = map improper_command |
287 [(print_mapsinfo, "print_maps", "prints out all map functions"), |
288 (print_quotinfo, "print_quotients", "prints out all quotients"), |
289 (print_qconstinfo, "print_quotconsts", "prints out all quotient constants")] |
290 |
291 |
292 end; (* structure *) |
293 |