18 and ty = |
18 and ty = |
19 TVar "tvar" |
19 TVar "tvar" |
20 | TC "string" |
20 | TC "string" |
21 | TApp "ty" "ty" |
21 | TApp "ty" "ty" |
22 | TFun "string" "ty_lst" |
22 | TFun "string" "ty_lst" |
23 | TAll tv::"tvar" "tkind" T::"ty" bind_set tv in T |
23 | TAll tv::"tvar" "tkind" T::"ty" bind (set) tv in T |
24 | TEq "ckind" "ty" |
24 | TEq "ckind" "ty" |
25 and ty_lst = |
25 and ty_lst = |
26 TsNil |
26 TsNil |
27 | TsCons "ty" "ty_lst" |
27 | TsCons "ty" "ty_lst" |
28 and co = |
28 and co = |
29 CVar "cvar" |
29 CVar "cvar" |
30 | CConst "string" |
30 | CConst "string" |
31 | CApp "co" "co" |
31 | CApp "co" "co" |
32 | CFun "string" "co_lst" |
32 | CFun "string" "co_lst" |
33 | CAll cv::"cvar" "ckind" C::"co" bind_set cv in C |
33 | CAll cv::"cvar" "ckind" C::"co" bind (set) cv in C |
34 | CEq "ckind" "co" |
34 | CEq "ckind" "co" |
35 | CRefl "ty" |
35 | CRefl "ty" |
36 | CSym "co" |
36 | CSym "co" |
37 | CCir "co" "co" |
37 | CCir "co" "co" |
38 | CAt "co" "ty" |
38 | CAt "co" "ty" |
46 CsNil |
46 CsNil |
47 | CsCons "co" "co_lst" |
47 | CsCons "co" "co_lst" |
48 and trm = |
48 and trm = |
49 Var "var" |
49 Var "var" |
50 | K "string" |
50 | K "string" |
51 | LAMT tv::"tvar" "tkind" t::"trm" bind_set tv in t |
51 | LAMT tv::"tvar" "tkind" t::"trm" bind (set) tv in t |
52 | LAMC cv::"cvar" "ckind" t::"trm" bind_set cv in t |
52 | LAMC cv::"cvar" "ckind" t::"trm" bind (set) cv in t |
53 | AppT "trm" "ty" |
53 | AppT "trm" "ty" |
54 | AppC "trm" "co" |
54 | AppC "trm" "co" |
55 | Lam v::"var" "ty" t::"trm" bind_set v in t |
55 | Lam v::"var" "ty" t::"trm" bind (set) v in t |
56 | App "trm" "trm" |
56 | App "trm" "trm" |
57 | Let x::"var" "ty" "trm" t::"trm" bind_set x in t |
57 | Let x::"var" "ty" "trm" t::"trm" bind (set) x in t |
58 | Case "trm" "assoc_lst" |
58 | Case "trm" "assoc_lst" |
59 | Cast "trm" "ty" --"ty is supposed to be a coercion type only" |
59 | Cast "trm" "ty" --"ty is supposed to be a coercion type only" |
60 and assoc_lst = |
60 and assoc_lst = |
61 ANil |
61 ANil |
62 | ACons p::"pat" t::"trm" "assoc_lst" bind "bv p" in t |
62 | ACons p::"pat" t::"trm" "assoc_lst" bind "bv p" in t |