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     2 > Referee no 1:
     3 >
     4 >  * The paper can be accepted for Logical Methods in Computer Science 
     5 > after minor
     6 > revisions
     7 >
     8 > NUMBER    : LMCS-2011-675
     9 > TITLE     : General Bindings and Alpha-Equivalence in Nominal Isabelle
    10 > AUTHOR(S) : Christian Urban, Cezary Kaliszyk
    11 >
    12 > Recommendation: The paper can be accepted for Logical Methods in
    13 > Computer Science after minor revisions.
    14 >
    15 > The work reported is very good, but the presentation of the paper can
    16 > be improved.
    17 >
    18 > This paper continues a line of work called "Nominal Isabelle" carried
    19 > out by the first author and his colleagues for many years.  The goal
    20 > of this work is to support formal (machine checked) reasoning about
    21 > languages with binding.  With the theoretical foundation of "nominal
    22 > logic" developed by Pitts and colleagues, these authors and their
    23 > co-workers have developed a package to support such reasoning in the
    24 > Isabelle proof tool for Higher Order Logic.  This toolkit has been
    25 > widely used, and although the technology sometimes shows through
    26 > (e.g. explicit name swapping required in arguments) it is a very good
    27 > package.
    28 >
    29 > Up to now, this package has supported single binders such as \lambda.
    30 > Multiple simultaneous binding (e.g. letrec) had to be coded using
    31 > iterated single binders.  Not only is this coding hard to reason
    32 > about, it often isn't a correct representation of the intended
    33 > language.  This paper describes a new version of the Isabelle package,
    34 > "Nominal2", supporting binding of sets and lists of names in the
    35 > Isabelle/HOL system.
    36 >
    37 > The amount of work involved is immense, and the first author
    38 > especially has shown real commitment to continuing development of both
    39 > theory and working tools. Everything provided in this package is
    40 > claimed to be a definitional extension of HOL: no assumptions or
    41 > built-in changes to the logic.  For all of these reasons, this is very
    42 > good work.
    43 >
    44 > However, I recommend improvement of the presentation of the paper
    45 > before it is accepted by LMCS.  While the motivation for the work of
    46 > this paper is clear to anyone who has tried to formalize such
    47 > reasoning, it is not explained in the paper.  E.g. on p.1 "However,
    48 > Nominal Isabelle has fared less well in a formalisation of the
    49 > algorithm W [...]."  But there is no analysis in the paper of what was
    50 > hard in algorithm W coded with single binders, or explanation of how
    51 > it would be done in the new system reported in this paper showing why
    52 > the new approach works better in practice.  Although this example is
    53 > one of the main motivations given for the work, there is apparently no
    54 > formalization of algorithm W in the library of examples that comes
    55 > with Nominal2 described in this paper.  I think that should be
    56 > provided.  Similarly for the second motivating example (on p.2 "The
    57 > need of iterating single binders is also one reason why Nominal
    58 > Isabelle and similar theorem provers that only provide mechanisms for
    59 > binding single variables have not fared extremely well with the more
    60 > advanced tasks in the POPLmark challenge [2], because also there one
    61 > would like to bind multiple variables at once.").
    62 >
    63 > The new Isabelle package "Nominal2", described in this paper, is not
    64 > ready for users without a lot of hand-holding from the Nominal2
    65 > developers.  This paper would have more impact if interested users
    66 > could try the tool without so much difficulty.
    67 >
    68 > A few more specific points:
    69 >
    70 > Bottom of p.7: I don't understand the paragraph containing equations
    71 > (2.4) and (2.5).
    72 >
    73 > Bottom of p.9: The parameters R and fa of the alpha equivalence
    74 > relation are dropped in the examples, so the examples are not clear.
    75 > I think there is a typo in the first example: "It can be easily
    76 > checked that ({x,y},x->y) and ({y,x},y->x) are alpha-equivalent [...]"
    77 > Did you mean "({x,y},x->y) and ({y,x},x->y) are alpha-equivalent"?
    78 >
    79 >
    80 > Referee no 2:
    81 >
    82 >  * The paper can be accepted for Logical Methods in Computer Science 
    83 > after minor
    84 > revisions
    85 >
    86 > General comments
    87 >
    88 > This paper describes a new implementation of the nominal_datatype package
    89 > within the Isabelle/HL theorem prover. This implementation is more modular
    90 > than previous versions, because it relies on (I think) three non-trivial
    91 > independent packages, namely the datatype package, the function package, and
    92 > the quotient package. This implementation is also more powerful than previous
    93 > versions, because it deals with abstractions that bind multiple names 
    94 > at once,
    95 > and because it offers two variants of these abstractions (baptised "set" and
    96 > "set+") where certain structural equivalence laws, namely the exchange of two
    97 > binders and the elimination/introduction of a vacuous binder, are built
    98 > directly into the alpha-equivalence relation.
    99 >
   100 > Overall, I like the paper because it describes a useful piece of software,
   101 > because the architecture of this software is quite non-trivial and well
   102 > designed, and because the paper is written in a very understandable style.
   103 > For these reasons, I believe the paper should be accepted. I do have a series
   104 > of questions and suggestions for potential improvements and would be happy to
   105 > review a revised version of the paper if the editor sees fit.
   106 >
   107 > My main criticisms of the paper are:
   108 >
   109 > * The definition of the "nominal signature" language is not completely clear.
   110 >   The general format at the beginning of section 4 is very clear, but is in
   111 >   fact too general: not everything that can be written in this format makes
   112 >   sense. The authors then walk the reader through a series of 
   113 > examples of what
   114 >   is *forbidden* (with informal explanations why these examples are
   115 >   forbidden), but in the end, a positive definition of what is *permitted*
   116 >   seems to be missing.
   117 >
   118 > * The authors have isolated an important building block, the notion of
   119 >   (multiple-name) abstraction (in Section 3). (Actually, there are three
   120 >   variants of it.) This is good: it makes the whole construction modular
   121 >   and helps simplify what follows. I don't know if this will make sense
   122 >   for the authors, but I would like them to go further in this direction:
   123 >   identify more elementary building blocks ("combinators", if you will),
   124 >   study their properties in isolation, and in the end combine them to
   125 >   obtain a very simple explanation of the "nominal signature" format
   126 >   that is exposed to the user. In the present state of the paper, the
   127 >   design of the "nominal signature" format seems somewhat ad hoc: the
   128 >   format of the "binds" clauses is subject to several restrictions;
   129 >   there seems to be a distinction between "binders" and ordinary
   130 >   "terms"; there is a distinction between "recursive" and "non-recursive"
   131 >   binders, and a distinction between "shallow" and "deep" binders. If
   132 >   one could identify a small number of elementary building blocks and
   133 >   explain/motivate the design of the surface specification language in
   134 >   terms of these elementary notions, the paper might become all the more
   135 >   compelling.
   136 >
   137 >   In the present state of the paper, I think the *implementation* of the
   138 >   nominal package is very useful for the end user, but the *theory* that is
   139 >   presented in this paper is still a bit cumbersome: the definitions of free
   140 >   atoms, alpha-equivalence, etc. presented on pages 16-20 are understandable
   141 >   but not compelling by their simplicity.
   142 >
   143 > * I do not quite understand the treatment of the finiteness restriction.
   144 >   I understand that things must have finite support so as to allow picking
   145 >   atoms outside of their support. But finiteness side conditions seem to
   146 >   appear pretty early and in unexpected places; e.g. I would expect the
   147 >   support of a set of atoms "as" to be equal to "as", regardless of whether
   148 >   "as" is finite or infinite. This could be clarified.
   149 >
   150 > * The choice of abstraction "style" is limited to three built-in forms (list,
   151 >   set, and set+). Perhaps one could make this user-extensible. After 
   152 > all, very
   153 >   few properties seem to be required of the basic abstraction forms, 
   154 > so why not
   155 >   let the user define new ones?
   156 >
   157 > * One may argue that the set-abstractions are an attempt to kill two birds
   158 >   with one stone. On the one hand, we take the quotient raw terms modulo a
   159 >   standard notion of alpha-equivalence; on the other hand, at the same time,
   160 >   we take the quotient modulo a notion of structural equivalence (permutation
   161 >   of binders, removal or introduction of vacuous binders). One could argue
   162 >   that dealing with structural equivalence should be left to the 
   163 > user, because
   164 >   in general the structural equivalence axioms that the user needs can be
   165 >   arbitrarily complex and application-specific. There are object languages,
   166 >   for instance, where abstractions commute with pairs: binding a name in a
   167 >   pair is the same as binding a name within each of the pair components.
   168 >   (This is the case in first-order logic where forall distributes over
   169 >   conjunction.) Thus, one may fear that in many cases, the set and set+
   170 >   abstractions will not be sufficiently powerful to encode the desired
   171 >   structural equivalence, and the user will need to explicitly define 
   172 > a notion
   173 >   of structural equivalence anyway. I don't think that the paper provides
   174 >   convincing evidence that set and set+ abstractions are useful. (That said,
   175 >   they don't cost much, so why not include them? Sure.)
   176 >
   177 > * Here is little challenge related to set-abstractions. Could you explain how
   178 >   to define the syntax of an object language with a construct like this:
   179 >
   180 >     let x1 = t1 and ... and xn = tn in t
   181 >
   182 >   where the xi's are bound in t (this is a non-recursive multiple-let form)
   183 >   and the order of the definitions does not matter (that is, "let x1 = t1
   184 >   and x2 = t2 in t" is alpha-equivalent to "let x2 = t2 and x1 = t1 in t")?
   185 >   Can you use a set-abstraction to achieve this? I am guessing that this
   186 >   might be possible, if one represents the definitions "x1 = t1 and ..."
   187 >   using a set of pairs (or a map of names to terms) as opposed to a list
   188 >   of pairs. I think that the system should at the very least allow encoding
   189 >   this example, otherwise set-abstractions will not be very useful in
   190 >   practice.
   191 >
   192 > Detailed comments
   193 >
   194 > [Written while I was reading, so sometimes I ask a question whose 
   195 > answer comes
   196 > a bit later in the paper.]
   197 >
   198 > p.2, "this leads to a rather clumsy formalisation of W". Could you explain
   199 > why? Although I can understand why in some circumstances it is desirable to
   200 > have a notion of alpha-equivalence that includes re-ordering binders, 
   201 > I am not
   202 > sure that the ML type system (or its inference algorithm) is a good
   203 > illustration. If one examines the typing rules of Core ML, one finds that
   204 > their premises involve a notion of equality between *types* (for 
   205 > instance, the
   206 > function application rule requires that the types of the formal and actual
   207 > arguments match) but do not involve any notion of equality between *type
   208 > schemes*. Type schemes are constructed and eliminated; they are never 
   209 > compared
   210 > with one another. For this reason, it is not clear that a notion of
   211 > alpha-equivalence for type schemes is required at all, let alone that it must
   212 > allow re-ordering binders and/or disregarding vacuous binders.
   213 >
   214 > p.3, "let the user chose" -> "choose"
   215 >
   216 > p.5, I am not sure what you mean by "automatic proofs". Do you mean
   217 > automatically-generated proof scripts, or proofs performed automatically by a
   218 > decision procedure, or ... ?
   219 >
   220 > p.5, "adaption"
   221 >
   222 > p.5, it seems strange to use the symbol "+" for composition, a 
   223 > non-commutative
   224 > operation.
   225 >
   226 > Equation (2.2) is unfamiliar to me. I am used to seeing "supp x" defined as
   227 > the least set L such that for every permutation pi, if pi fixes L, then pi
   228 > fixes x. I assume that the two definitions are equivalent? Is there a reason
   229 > why you prefer this one?
   230 >
   231 > Proposition 2.3, item (i) is not very easy to read, because text and math
   232 > are mixed and "as" happens to be an English word. More importantly, could
   233 > you explain why the hypothesis "finite as" is needed? The proposition seems
   234 > intuitively true if we remove this hypothesis: it states exactly that 
   235 > "supp x"
   236 > is the least set that supports x (this is actually the definition of "supp"
   237 > that I expected, as mentioned above).
   238 >
   239 > p.8, "equivariant functions have empty support". I suppose the converse is
   240 > true, i.e. "functions that have empty support are equivariant". If this is
   241 > correct, please say so.
   242 >
   243 > p.8, "we used extensively Property 2.1". You mean "Proposition 2.1". Perhaps
   244 > it would be good to choose distinct numbers for inline equations and for
   245 > propositions.
   246 >
   247 > p.8, "we identify four conditions: (i) [...] x and y need to have the same
   248 > set of free atoms". You seem to be saying that fa(x) and fa(y) should be
   249 > equal. But this is too strong; I suppose you mean fa(x) \ as = fa(y) \ bs.
   250 > Please clarify. (Definition 3.1 indeed clarifies this, but I believe that
   251 > the text that precedes it is a bit confusing.)
   252 >
   253 > p.9, it seems to me that alpha-equivalence for Set+ bindings (Definition 3.3)
   254 > is in a sense the most general of the three notions presented here. Indeed,
   255 > alpha-equivalence for Set bindings can be defined in terms of it, as follows:
   256 >
   257 >   (as, x) =_{Set} (bs, y)
   258 >   if and only if
   259 >   (as, (as, x)) =_{Set+} (bs, (bs, y))
   260 >
   261 > That is, I am comparing abstractions whose body has type "atom set * beta".
   262 > The comparison of the set components forces condition (iv) of Definition 3.1.
   263 > Similarly, alpha-equivalence for List bindings can be defined in terms of it,
   264 > as follows:
   265 >
   266 >   (as, x) =_{List} (bs, y)
   267 >   if and only if
   268 >   (set as, (as, x)) =_{Set+} (set bs, (bs, y))
   269 >
   270 > That is, I am comparing abstractions whose body has type "atom list * beta".
   271 > Am I correct to think that one can do this? If so, could this help eliminate
   272 > some redundancy in the paper or in the implementation? And, for a 
   273 > more radical
   274 > suggestion, could one decide to expose only Set+ equality to the programmer,
   275 > and let him/her explicitly encode Set/List equality where desired?
   276 >
   277 > p.10, "in these relation"
   278 >
   279 > p.10, isn't equation (3.3) a *definition* of the action of permutations
   280 > on the newly defined quotient type "beta abs_{set}"?
   281 >
   282 > p.11, why do you need to "assume that x has finite support" in order to
   283 > obtain property 3.4? It seems to me that this fact should also hold for
   284 > an x with infinite support. Same remark in a couple of places further
   285 > down on this page. You note that "supp bs = bs" holds "for every finite
   286 > set of atoms bs". Is it *not* the case that this also holds for infinite
   287 > sets? If so, what *is* the support of an infinite set of atoms? Why not
   288 > adopt a definition of support that validates "supp bs = bs" for *every*
   289 > set of atoms bs? Is there a difficulty due to the fact that what you
   290 > call a "permutation" is in a fact "a permutation with finite support"?
   291 > I think it would be good to motivate your technical choices and clarify
   292 > exactly where/why a finite support assumption is required.
   293 >
   294 > p.11, "The other half is a bit more involved." I would suggest removing
   295 > this rather scary sentence. The proof actually appears very simple and
   296 > elegant to me.
   297 >
   298 > p.12, "mutual recursive" -> "mutually recursive"
   299 >
   300 > p.12, does the tool support parameterized data type definitions? If so,
   301 > please mention it, otherwise explain whether there is a difficulty (e.g.
   302 > the parameters would need to come with a notion of permutation).
   303 >
   304 > p.12, "Interestingly, [...] will make a difference [...]". At this 
   305 > point, upon
   306 > first reading, this is not "interesting" but rather frustrating, because it
   307 > does not sound natural: my understanding would be very much simplified if
   308 > "binds ... in t u" was equivalent to "binds ... in t, binds ... in 
   309 > u". Because
   310 > a forward pointer is missing, I cannot find immediately where this is
   311 > explained, and this problem hinders my reading of the beginning of section 5.
   312 >
   313 > p.13, the type of sets now seems to be "fset" whereas it was "set"
   314 > previously.
   315 >
   316 > p.13, the type of atoms now seems to be "name", whereas it was previously
   317 > "atom". The remark on the last line of page 13 leads me to understand that
   318 > "name" refers to one specific sort of atoms, whereas "atom" refers to an
   319 > atom of any sort (right?). The function "atom" converts one to the other;
   320 > but what is its type (is it overloaded?).
   321 >
   322 > p.13, you distinguish shallow binders (binds x in ...) and deep binders
   323 > (binds bn(x) in ...). I would hope that a shallow binder is just syntactic
   324 > sugar for a deep binder where "bn" is the "singleton list" or "singleton
   325 > set" function. Is this the case? If not, why not? If yes, perhaps you could
   326 > remove all mentions to shallow binders in section 5.
   327 >
   328 > p.14, "we cannot have more than one binding function for a deep binder".  You
   329 > exclude "binds bn_1(p) bn_2(p) in t". Couldn't this be accepted and
   330 > interpreted as "binds bn_1(p) \cup bn_2(p) in t"? (I guess it does not matter
   331 > much either way.)
   332 >
   333 > p.14, you also exclude "binds bn1(p) in t1, binds bn2(p) in t2". Two
   334 > questions. First, a clarification: if bn1 and bn2 are the same function, is
   335 > this allowed or excluded? Second, I don't understand why you need this
   336 > restriction, that is, why you are trying to prevent an atom to be "bound and
   337 > free at the same time" (bound in one sub-term and free in another). I 
   338 > mean, in
   339 > the case of single binders, you seem to allow "binds x y in t1, binds 
   340 > y in t2"
   341 > (at least, you have not stated that you disallow this). There, occurrences of
   342 > x in t1 are considered bound, whereas occurrences of x in t2 are considered
   343 > free; is this correct? If so, why not allow "binds bn1(p) in t1, binds bn2(p)
   344 > in t2", which seems to be of a similar nature? Is this a somewhat ad hoc
   345 > restriction that simplifies your implementation work, or is there really a
   346 > deep reason why accepting this clause would not make sense?
   347 >
   348 > p.14, example 4.4, the restriction that you impose here seems to rule out
   349 > an interesting and potentially useful pattern, namely telescopes. A telescope
   350 > is a list of binders, where each binder scopes over the rest of the 
   351 > telescope,
   352 > and in addition all of the names introduced by the telescope are considered
   353 > bound by the telescope in some separate term. I am thinking of 
   354 > something along
   355 > the following lines:
   356 >
   357 >   nominal_datatype trm =
   358 >   | Var name
   359 >   | Let tele::telescope body::trm  binds bn(tele) in body
   360 >   | ...
   361 >
   362 >   and telescope =
   363 >   | TNil
   364 >   | TCons x::name rhs::trm rest::telescope  binds x in rest
   365 >
   366 >   binder bn::telescope => atom list
   367 >   where bn (TNil) = []
   368 >       | bn (TCons x rhs rest) = [ atom x ] @ bn(rest)
   369 >
   370 > You write that "if we would permit bn to return y, then it would not be
   371 > respectful and therefore cannot be lifted to alpha-equated lambda-terms". I
   372 > can see why there is a problem: if "x" is considered bound (therefore
   373 > anonymous) in the telescope "TCons x rhs rest", then it cannot possibly be
   374 > returned by a (well-behaved) function "bn". I think that the answer to this
   375 > problem should be: we must pick an appropriate notion of alpha-equivalence
   376 > for telescopes, and this notion of alpha-equivalence must *not* consider x
   377 > as anonymous in "TCons x rhs rest". Instead, x must be considered free in
   378 > this telescope. The telescopes "TCons x rhs TNil" and "TCons y rhs TNil"
   379 > must be considered distinct. Of course we could achieve this effect just by
   380 > removing the clause "binds x in rest", but this would lead to a notion of
   381 > alpha-equivalence for "Let" terms which is not the desired one: when writing
   382 > "let (x1 = t1; x2 = t2) in t", we would like x1 to be bound in t2, and this
   383 > will not be the case if we omit "binds x in rest" in the above definition.
   384 > I conclude that your design (which seems very reasonable) cannot currently
   385 > express telescopes. It would be nice if you could explicitly discuss this
   386 > issue. Is it conceivable that an extension of your system could deal with
   387 > telescopes? Other researchers have proposed approaches that can deal with
   388 > them (I am thinking e.g. of ``Binders Unbound'' by Weirich et al.).
   389 >
   390 > Here is another general question. How would you declare a nominal data type
   391 > for ML patterns? Informally, the syntax of patterns is:
   392 >
   393 >   p ::=
   394 >     x                                                    (variable)
   395 >   | (p, p)      where bn(p1) and bn(p2) are disjoint     (pair)
   396 >   | (p | p)     where bn(p1) = bn(p2)                    (disjunction)
   397 >   | ...
   398 >
   399 > In the case of a pair (or conjunction) pattern, one usually requires that the
   400 > two components bind disjoint sets of names, whereas in the case of a
   401 > disjunction pattern, one requires that the two components bind exactly the
   402 > same sets of names. How would you deal with this? I imagine that one could
   403 > just omit these two side conditions in the definition of the nominal data
   404 > type, and deal with them separately by defining a well-formedness predicate.
   405 > One question: in the definition of the "term" data type, at the point where
   406 > one writes "binds bn(p) in t", which variant of the "binds" keyword would one
   407 > use: "binds", "binds(set)", or "binds(set+)"? Does it make any difference,
   408 > considering that a pattern can have multiple occurrences of a name in binding
   409 > position? It would be interesting if you could explain how you would handle
   410 > this example.
   411 >
   412 > Another interesting (perhaps even more tricky) example is the syntax of the
   413 > join-calculus. In terms of binding, it is really quite subtle and worth a
   414 > look.
   415 >
   416 > p.15, just before section 5, I note that the completion process does *not*
   417 > produce any clause of the form "binds ... in x" (in the Lam case). One could
   418 > have expected it to produce "binds x in x", for instance. One could imagine
   419 > that, for *every* constructor argument t, there is a clause of the 
   420 > form "binds
   421 > .. in t". Here, you adopt a different approach: you seem to be partitioning
   422 > the constructor arguments in two categories, the "terms" (which after
   423 > completion appear in the right-hand side of exactly one "binds" clause) and
   424 > the "binders" (which appear in the left-hand side of at least one "binds"
   425 > clause). Please clarify whether this is indeed the case. (You have 
   426 > presented a
   427 > series of data type definitions that you forbid, but in the end, you should
   428 > present a succinct summary of what is allowed.) Also, I seem to understand
   429 > that the following definition is forbidden:
   430 >
   431 >   nominal_datatype trm =
   432 >   | Foo t1::trm t2::trm  binds bn(t1) in t2, binds bn(t2) in t1
   433 >
   434 > (for some definition of "bn"). This would be forbidden because t1 and t2 are
   435 > used both as "terms" and as "binders" (both on the left-hand and right-hand
   436 > side of a "binds" clause). As far as I can see, however, you have not
   437 > explicitly forbidden this situation. So, is it forbidden or allowed? Please
   438 > clarify.
   439 >
   440 > If there is indeed a partition between "terms" and "binders", please justify
   441 > why things must be so. I can think of a more general and more symmetric
   442 > approach, where instead of writing "binds bn(p) in t" and considering that "p
   443 > is a binder" and "t is a term", one would write "binds bn(p) in p t" and
   444 > consider that p and t play a priori symmetric roles: the only difference
   445 > between them stems from the fact that we collect the bound names 
   446 > inside p, but
   447 > not inside t. (I am not suggesting that the user should write this, but that
   448 > the user syntax could be desugared down to something like this if this makes
   449 > the theory simpler.) Ah, but I guess that if one were to follow this path,
   450 > then one would need a way of distinguishing recursive versus non-recursive
   451 > binders. I guess I see why your design makes sense, but perhaps you should
   452 > better explain that it is a compromise between several other possible designs
   453 > (``alphacaml'', ``binders unbound'', etc. are examples of other designs) and
   454 > how you reached this particular point in the design space.
   455 >
   456 > OK, now I see that, since you allow ``recursive binders'', there is not a
   457 > partition between ``terms'' and ``binders''. A recursive binder appears both
   458 > on the left- and right-hand sides of a binds clause. Do you require that it
   459 > appears on the left- and right-hand sides of *the same* binds clause, or do
   460 > you allow the above example ("binds bn(t1) in t2, binds bn(t2) in t1")? If
   461 > you do allow it, then I suppose t1 is viewed as a (non-recursive) binder in
   462 > the first clause, while t2 is viewed as a (non-recursive) binder in the
   463 > second clause. This would be kind of weird, and (I imagine) will not lead
   464 > to a reasonable notion of alpha-equivalence. I am hoping to find out later
   465 > in the paper.
   466 >
   467 > p.17, "we have to add in (5.3) the set [...]". It is not very clear whether
   468 > you are suggesting that equation 5.3 is incomplete and something should be
   469 > added to it, or equation 5.3 is fine and you are referring to B' which is
   470 > there already. I suppose the latter.
   471 >
   472 > p.17, "for each of the arguments we calculate the free atoms as 
   473 > follows": this
   474 > definition relies on the fact that "rhs" must be of a specific *syntactic*
   475 > form (unions of expressions of the form "constant set" or "recursive call").
   476 > For instance, "rhs" cannot contain the expression "my_empty_set z_i", where
   477 > "my_empty_set" is a user-defined function that always returns the empty set;
   478 > otherwise the third bullet would apply and we would end up considering "z_i"
   479 > as neither free nor bound. You have mentioned near the top of page 15 that
   480 > binding functions "can only return" certain results. You should clarify that
   481 > you are not restricting just *the values* that these functions can 
   482 > return, but
   483 > the *syntactic form* of these functions.
   484 >
   485 > p.23, "We call these conditions as": not really grammatical.
   486 >
   487 > p.23, "cases lemmas": I suppose this means an elimination principle?
   488 >
   489 > p.23, "Note that for the term constructors" -> "constructor"
   490 >
   491 > p.26, "avoid, or being fresh for" -> "avoid, or are fresh for"
   492 >
   493 > p.30, "Second, it covers cases of binders depending on other binders,
   494 > which just do no not make sense [...]". I am curious why the designers
   495 > of Ott thought that these cases make sense and you don't. Perhaps this
   496 > point would deserve an example and a deeper discussion?
   497 >
   498 > p.30, at last, here is the discussion of "binds ... in s t" versus
   499 > "binds ... in s, binds ... in t". I see that the difference in the
   500 > two interpretations boils down to an abstraction whose body is a pair,
   501 > versus a pair of abstractions. It is indeed interesting to note that
   502 > these notions coincide for single-name abstractions, and for list
   503 > abstractions, but not for set and set+ abstractions.
   504 >
   505 > p.32, "It remains to be seen whether properties like [...] allow us
   506 > to support more interesting binding functions." Could you clarify
   507 > what you mean? Do you mean (perhaps) that fa_bn(x) could be defined
   508 > as fa_ty(x) \ bn(x), regardless of the definition of bn(x), instead
   509 > of by induction over x? Do you mean something else?
   510 >
   511 > The example in Figures 1 and 2 do not seem very interesting to me.  It
   512 > involves single binders and flat lists of binders. Not much subtlety going on
   513 > here. I think this example could be reduced in size without losing 
   514 > anything in
   515 > terms of content. And perhaps a trickier example could be added (I have two
   516 > suggestions, which I mentioned above already: ML with conjunction and
   517 > disjunction patterns; and the join-calculus).
   518 >
   519 >
   520 >
   521 >
   522 >
   523 >
   524 >