changeset 3070 4b4742aa43f2
parent 3069 78d828f43cdf
child 3071 11f6a561eb4b
equal deleted inserted replaced
3069:78d828f43cdf 3070:4b4742aa43f2
     1 (*<*)
     2 theory Paper
     3 imports "Quotient" 
     4         "~~/src/HOL/Library/Quotient_Syntax"
     5         "~~/src/HOL/Library/LaTeXsugar"
     6         "~~/src/HOL/Quotient_Examples/FSet"
     7 begin
     9 (****
    11 ** things to do for the next version
    12 *
    13 * - what are quot_thms?
    14 * - what do all preservation theorems look like,
    15     in particular preservation for quotient
    16     compositions
    17   - explain how Quotient R Abs Rep is proved (j-version)
    18   - give an example where precise specification helps (core Haskell in nominal?)
    20   - Mention Andreas Lochbiler in Acknowledgements and 'desceding'.
    22 *)
    24 notation (latex output)
    25   rel_conj ("_ \<circ>\<circ>\<circ> _" [53, 53] 52) and
    26   pred_comp ("_ \<circ>\<circ> _" [1, 1] 30) and
    27   implies (infix "\<longrightarrow>" 100) and
    28   "==>" (infix "\<Longrightarrow>" 100) and
    29   map_fun ("_ \<singlearr> _" 51) and
    30   fun_rel ("_ \<doublearr> _" 51) and
    31   list_eq (infix "\<approx>" 50) and (* Not sure if we want this notation...? *)
    32   empty_fset ("\<emptyset>") and
    33   union_fset ("_ \<union> _") and
    34   insert_fset ("{_} \<union> _") and 
    35   Cons ("_::_") and
    36   concat ("flat") and
    37   concat_fset ("\<Union>") and
    38   Quotient ("Quot _ _ _")
    42 ML {*
    43 fun nth_conj n (_, r) = nth (HOLogic.dest_conj r) n;
    45 fun style_lhs_rhs proj = Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => fn t =>
    46   let
    47     val concl =
    48       Object_Logic.drop_judgment (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (Logic.strip_imp_concl t)
    49   in
    50     case concl of (_ $ l $ r) => proj (l, r)
    51     | _ => error ("Binary operator expected in term: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt concl)
    52   end);
    53 *}
    55 setup {*
    56   Term_Style.setup "rhs1" (style_lhs_rhs (nth_conj 0)) #>
    57   Term_Style.setup "rhs2" (style_lhs_rhs (nth_conj 1)) #>
    58   Term_Style.setup "rhs3" (style_lhs_rhs (nth_conj 2))
    59 *}
    61 lemma insert_preserve2:
    62   shows "((rep_fset ---> (map rep_fset \<circ> rep_fset) ---> (abs_fset \<circ> map abs_fset)) op #) =
    63          (id ---> rep_fset ---> abs_fset) op #"
    64   by (simp add: fun_eq_iff abs_o_rep[OF Quotient_fset] map_id Quotient_abs_rep[OF Quotient_fset])
    66 lemma list_all2_symp:
    67   assumes a: "equivp R"
    68   and b: "list_all2 R xs ys"
    69   shows "list_all2 R ys xs"
    70 using list_all2_lengthD[OF b] b
    71 apply(induct xs ys rule: list_induct2)
    72 apply(auto intro: equivp_symp[OF a])
    73 done
    75 lemma concat_rsp_unfolded:
    76   "\<lbrakk>list_all2 list_eq a ba; list_eq ba bb; list_all2 list_eq bb b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> list_eq (concat a) (concat b)"
    77 proof -
    78   fix a b ba bb
    79   assume a: "list_all2 list_eq a ba"
    80   assume b: "list_eq ba bb"
    81   assume c: "list_all2 list_eq bb b"
    82   have "\<forall>x. (\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa) = (\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa)" proof
    83     fix x
    84     show "(\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa) = (\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa)" proof
    85       assume d: "\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa"
    86       show "\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa" by (rule concat_rsp_pre[OF a b c d])
    87     next
    88       assume e: "\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa"
    89       have a': "list_all2 list_eq ba a" by (rule list_all2_symp[OF list_eq_equivp, OF a])
    90       have b': "list_eq bb ba" by (rule equivp_symp[OF list_eq_equivp, OF b])
    91       have c': "list_all2 list_eq b bb" by (rule list_all2_symp[OF list_eq_equivp, OF c])
    92       show "\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa" by (rule concat_rsp_pre[OF c' b' a' e])
    93     qed
    94   qed
    95   then show "list_eq (concat a) (concat b)" by auto
    96 qed
    98 (*>*)
   101 section {* Introduction *}
   103 text {* 
   104   \noindent
   105   One might think quotients have been studied to death, but in the context of
   106   theorem provers many questions concerning them are far from settled. In
   107   this paper we address the question of how to establish a convenient reasoning 
   108   infrastructure
   109   for quotient constructions in the Isabelle/HOL 
   110   theorem prover. Higher-Order Logic (HOL) consists
   111   of a small number of axioms and inference rules over a simply-typed
   112   term-language. Safe reasoning in HOL is ensured by two very restricted
   113   mechanisms for extending the logic: one is the definition of new constants
   114   in terms of existing ones; the other is the introduction of new types by
   115   identifying non-empty subsets in existing types. Previous work has shown how
   116   to use both mechanisms for dealing with quotient constructions in HOL (see
   117   \cite{Homeier05,Paulson06}).  For example the integers in Isabelle/HOL are
   118   constructed by a quotient construction over the type @{typ "nat \<times> nat"} and
   119   the equivalence relation
   122   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   123   @{text "(n\<^isub>1, n\<^isub>2) \<approx> (m\<^isub>1, m\<^isub>2) \<equiv> n\<^isub>1 + m\<^isub>2 = m\<^isub>1 + n\<^isub>2"}\hfill\numbered{natpairequiv}
   124   \end{isabelle}
   126   \noindent
   127   This constructions yields the new type @{typ int}, and definitions for @{text
   128   "0"} and @{text "1"} of type @{typ int} can be given in terms of pairs of
   129   natural numbers (namely @{text "(0, 0)"} and @{text "(1, 0)"}). Operations
   130   such as @{text "add"} with type @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"} can be defined in
   131   terms of operations on pairs of natural numbers (namely @{text
   132   "add_pair (n\<^isub>1, m\<^isub>1) (n\<^isub>2,
   133   m\<^isub>2) \<equiv> (n\<^isub>1 + n\<^isub>2, m\<^isub>1 + m\<^isub>2)"}).
   134   Similarly one can construct %%the type of 
   135   finite sets, written @{term "\<alpha> fset"}, 
   136   by quotienting the type @{text "\<alpha> list"} according to the equivalence relation
   138   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   139   @{text "xs \<approx> ys \<equiv> (\<forall>x. memb x xs \<longleftrightarrow> memb x ys)"}\hfill\numbered{listequiv}
   140   \end{isabelle}
   142   \noindent
   143   which states that two lists are equivalent if every element in one list is
   144   also member in the other. The empty finite set, written @{term "{||}"}, can
   145   then be defined as the empty list and the union of two finite sets, written
   146   @{text "\<union>"}, as list append.
   148   Quotients are important in a variety of areas, but they are really ubiquitous in
   149   the area of reasoning about programming language calculi. A simple example
   150   is the lambda-calculus, whose raw terms are defined as
   152   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   153   @{text "t ::= x | t t | \<lambda>x.t"}%\hfill\numbered{lambda}
   154   \end{isabelle}
   156   \noindent
   157   The problem with this definition arises, for instance, when one attempts to
   158   prove formally the substitution lemma \cite{Barendregt81} by induction
   159   over the structure of terms. This can be fiendishly complicated (see
   160   \cite[Pages 94--104]{CurryFeys58} for some ``rough'' sketches of a proof
   161   about raw lambda-terms). In contrast, if we reason about
   162   $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms, that means terms quotient according to
   163   $\alpha$-equivalence, then the reasoning infrastructure provided, 
   164   for example, by Nominal Isabelle %%\cite{UrbanKaliszyk11}
   165   makes the formal 
   166   proof of the substitution lemma almost trivial. 
   168   The difficulty is that in order to be able to reason about integers, finite
   169   sets or $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms one needs to establish a reasoning
   170   infrastructure by transferring, or \emph{lifting}, definitions and theorems
   171   from the raw type @{typ "nat \<times> nat"} to the quotient type @{typ int}
   172   (similarly for finite sets and $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms). This lifting
   173   usually requires a \emph{lot} of tedious reasoning effort \cite{Paulson06}.  
   174   In principle it is feasible to do this work manually, if one has only a few quotient
   175   constructions at hand. But if they have to be done over and over again, as in 
   176   Nominal Isabelle, then manual reasoning is not an option.
   178   The purpose of a \emph{quotient package} is to ease the lifting of theorems
   179   and automate the reasoning as much as possible. In the
   180   context of HOL, there have been a few quotient packages already
   181   \cite{harrison-thesis,Slotosch97}. The most notable one is by Homeier
   182   \cite{Homeier05} implemented in HOL4.  The fundamental construction these
   183   quotient packages perform can be illustrated by the following picture:
   185 %%% FIXME: Referee 1 says:
   186 %%% Diagram is unclear.  Firstly, isn't an existing type a "set (not sets) of raw elements"?
   187 %%% Secondly, isn't the _set of_ equivalence classes mapped to and from the new type?
   188 %%% Thirdly, what do the words "non-empty subset" refer to ?
   190 %%% Cezary: I like the diagram, maybe 'new type' could be outside, but otherwise
   191 %%% I wouldn't change it.
   193   \begin{center}
   194   \mbox{}\hspace{20mm}\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9]
   195   %%\draw[step=2mm] (-4,-1) grid (4,1);
   197   \draw[very thick] (0.7,0.3) circle (4.85mm);
   198   \draw[rounded corners=1mm, very thick] ( 0.0,-0.9) rectangle ( 1.8, 0.9);
   199   \draw[rounded corners=1mm, very thick] (-1.95,0.8) rectangle (-2.9,-0.195);
   201   \draw (-2.0, 0.8) --  (0.7,0.8);
   202   \draw (-2.0,-0.195)  -- (0.7,-0.195);
   204   \draw ( 0.7, 0.23) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}equiv-\\[-1mm]clas.\end{tabular}};
   205   \draw (-2.45, 0.35) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}new\\[-1mm]type\end{tabular}};
   206   \draw (1.8, 0.35) node[right=-0.1mm]
   207     {\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}existing\\[-1mm] type\\ (sets of raw elements)\end{tabular}};
   208   \draw (0.9, -0.55) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}non-empty\\[-1mm]subset\end{tabular}};
   210   \draw[->, very thick] (-1.8, 0.36) -- (-0.1,0.36);
   211   \draw[<-, very thick] (-1.8, 0.16) -- (-0.1,0.16);
   212   \draw (-0.95, 0.26) node[above=0.4mm] {@{text Rep}};
   213   \draw (-0.95, 0.26) node[below=0.4mm] {@{text Abs}};
   214   \end{tikzpicture}
   215   \end{center}
   217   \noindent
   218   The starting point is an existing type, to which we refer as the
   219   \emph{raw type} and over which an equivalence relation is given by the user. 
   220   With this input the package introduces a new type, to which we
   221   refer as the \emph{quotient type}. This type comes with an
   222   \emph{abstraction} and a \emph{representation} function, written @{text Abs}
   223   and @{text Rep}.\footnote{Actually slightly more basic functions are given;
   224   the functions @{text Abs} and @{text Rep} need to be derived from them. We
   225   will show the details later. } They relate elements in the
   226   existing type to elements in the new type, % and vice versa, 
   227   and can be uniquely
   228   identified by their quotient type. For example for the integer quotient construction
   229   the types of @{text Abs} and @{text Rep} are
   232   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   233   @{text "Abs :: nat \<times> nat \<Rightarrow> int"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "Rep :: int \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat"}
   234   \end{isabelle}
   236   \noindent
   237   We therefore often write @{text Abs_int} and @{text Rep_int} if the
   238   typing information is important. 
   240   Every abstraction and representation function stands for an isomorphism
   241   between the non-empty subset and elements in the new type. They are
   242   necessary for making definitions involving the new type. For example @{text
   243   "0"} and @{text "1"} of type @{typ int} can be defined as
   246   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   247   @{text "0 \<equiv> Abs_int (0, 0)"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "1 \<equiv> Abs_int (1, 0)"}
   248   \end{isabelle}
   250   \noindent
   251   Slightly more complicated is the definition of @{text "add"} having type 
   252   @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"}. Its definition is as follows
   254   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   255   @{text "add n m \<equiv> Abs_int (add_pair (Rep_int n) (Rep_int m))"}
   256   \hfill\numbered{adddef}
   257   \end{isabelle}
   259   \noindent
   260   where we take the representation of the arguments @{text n} and @{text m},
   261   add them according to the function @{text "add_pair"} and then take the
   262   abstraction of the result.  This is all straightforward and the existing
   263   quotient packages can deal with such definitions. But what is surprising is
   264   that none of them can deal with slightly more complicated definitions involving
   265   \emph{compositions} of quotients. Such compositions are needed for example
   266   in case of quotienting lists to yield finite sets and the operator that 
   267   flattens lists of lists, defined as follows
   269   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   270   @{thm concat.simps(1)[THEN eq_reflection]}\hspace{10mm} 
   271   @{thm concat.simps(2)[THEN eq_reflection, no_vars]}
   272   \end{isabelle}
   274   \noindent
   275   where @{text "@"} is the usual 
   276   list append. We expect that the corresponding 
   277   operator on finite sets, written @{term "fconcat"},
   278   builds finite unions of finite sets:
   280   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   281   @{thm concat_empty_fset[THEN eq_reflection, no_vars]}\hspace{10mm} 
   282   @{thm concat_insert_fset[THEN eq_reflection, no_vars]}
   283   \end{isabelle}
   285   \noindent
   286   The quotient package should automatically provide us with a definition for @{text "\<Union>"} in
   287   terms of @{text flat}, @{text Rep_fset} and @{text Abs_fset}. The problem is 
   288   that the method  used in the existing quotient
   289   packages of just taking the representation of the arguments and then taking
   290   the abstraction of the result is \emph{not} enough. The reason is that in case
   291   of @{text "\<Union>"} we obtain the incorrect definition
   293   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   294   @{text "\<Union> S \<equiv> Abs_fset (flat (Rep_fset S))"}
   295   \end{isabelle}
   297   \noindent
   298   where the right-hand side is not even typable! This problem can be remedied in the
   299   existing quotient packages by introducing an intermediate step and reasoning
   300   about flattening of lists of finite sets. However, this remedy is rather
   301   cumbersome and inelegant in light of our work, which can deal with such
   302   definitions directly. The solution is that we need to build aggregate
   303   representation and abstraction functions, which in case of @{text "\<Union>"}
   304   generate the %%%following 
   305   definition
   307   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   308   @{text "\<Union> S \<equiv> Abs_fset (flat ((map_list Rep_fset \<circ> Rep_fset) S))"}
   309   \end{isabelle}
   311   \noindent
   312   where @{term map_list} is the usual mapping function for lists. In this paper we
   313   will present a formal definition of our aggregate abstraction and
   314   representation functions (this definition was omitted in \cite{Homeier05}). 
   315   They generate definitions, like the one above for @{text "\<Union>"}, 
   316   according to the type of the raw constant and the type
   317   of the quotient constant. This means we also have to extend the notions
   318   of \emph{aggregate equivalence relation}, \emph{respectfulness} and \emph{preservation}
   319   from Homeier \cite{Homeier05}.
   321   In addition we are able to clearly specify what is involved
   322   in the lifting process (this was only hinted at in \cite{Homeier05} and
   323   implemented as a ``rough recipe'' in ML-code). A pleasing side-result
   324   is that our procedure for lifting theorems is completely deterministic
   325   following the structure of the theorem being lifted and the theorem
   326   on the quotient level. Space constraints, unfortunately, allow us to only 
   327   sketch this part of our work in Section 5 and we defer the reader to a longer
   328   version for the details. However, we will give in Section 3 and 4 all 
   329   definitions that specify the input and output data of our three-step 
   330   lifting procedure. Appendix A gives an example how our quotient 
   331   package works in practise.
   332 *}
   334 section {* Preliminaries and General\\ Quotients\label{sec:prelims} *}
   336 text {*
   337   \noindent
   338   We will give in this section a crude overview of HOL and describe the main
   339   definitions given by Homeier for quotients \cite{Homeier05}.
   341   At its core, HOL is based on a simply-typed term language, where types are 
   342   recorded in Church-style fashion (that means, we can always infer the type of 
   343   a term and its subterms without any additional information). The grammars
   344   for types and terms are
   346   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   347   \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {\hspace{10mm}}c@ {}}
   348   @{text "\<sigma>, \<tau> ::= \<alpha> | (\<sigma>,\<dots>, \<sigma>) \<kappa>"} & 
   349   @{text "t, s ::= x\<^isup>\<sigma> | c\<^isup>\<sigma> | t t | \<lambda>x\<^isup>\<sigma>. t"}\\
   350   \end{tabular}
   351   \end{isabelle}
   353   \noindent
   354   with types being either type variables or type constructors and terms
   355   being variables, constants, applications or abstractions.
   356   We often write just @{text \<kappa>} for @{text "() \<kappa>"}, and use @{text "\<alpha>s"} and
   357   @{text "\<sigma>s"} to stand for collections of type variables and types,
   358   respectively.  The type of a term is often made explicit by writing @{text
   359   "t :: \<sigma>"}. HOL includes a type @{typ bool} for booleans and the function
   360   type, written @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>"}. HOL also contains many primitive and defined
   361   constants; for example, a primitive constant is equality, with type @{text "= :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> \<Rightarrow>
   362   bool"}, and the identity function with type @{text "id :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"} is
   363   defined as @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. x\<^sup>\<sigma>"}.
   365   An important point to note is that theorems in HOL can be seen as a subset
   366   of terms that are constructed specially (namely through axioms and proof
   367   rules). As a result we are able to define automatic proof
   368   procedures showing that one theorem implies another by decomposing the term
   369   underlying the first theorem.
   371   Like Homeier's, our work relies on map-functions defined for every type
   372   constructor taking some arguments, for example @{text map_list} for lists. Homeier
   373   describes in \cite{Homeier05} map-functions for products, sums, options and
   374   also the following map for function types
   376   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   377   @{thm map_fun_def[no_vars, THEN eq_reflection]}
   378   \end{isabelle}
   380   \noindent
   381   Using this map-function, we can give the following, equivalent, but more 
   382   uniform definition for @{text add} shown in \eqref{adddef}:
   384   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   385   @{text "add \<equiv> (Rep_int \<singlearr> Rep_int \<singlearr> Abs_int) add_pair"}
   386   \end{isabelle}
   388   \noindent
   389   Using extensionality and unfolding the definition of @{text "\<singlearr>"}, 
   390   we can get back to \eqref{adddef}. 
   391   In what follows we shall use the convention to write @{text "map_\<kappa>"} for a map-function 
   392   of the type-constructor @{text \<kappa>}. 
   393   %% a general type for map all types is difficult to give (algebraic types are
   394   %% easy, but for example the function type is not algebraic
   395   %For a type @{text \<kappa>} with arguments @{text "\<alpha>\<^isub>1\<^isub>\<dots>\<^isub>n"} the
   396   %type of the function @{text "map_\<kappa>"} has to be @{text "\<alpha>\<^isub>1\<Rightarrow>\<dots>\<Rightarrow>\<alpha>\<^isub>n\<Rightarrow>\<alpha>\<^isub>1\<dots>\<alpha>\<^isub>n \<kappa>"}. 
   397   %For example @{text "map_list"}
   398   %has to have the type @{text "\<alpha>\<Rightarrow>\<alpha> list"}.
   399   In our implementation we maintain
   400   a database of these map-functions that can be dynamically extended.
   402   It will also be necessary to have operators, referred to as @{text "rel_\<kappa>"},
   403   which define equivalence relations in terms of constituent equivalence
   404   relations. For example given two equivalence relations @{text "R\<^isub>1"}
   405   and @{text "R\<^isub>2"}, we can define an equivalence relations over 
   406   products as %% follows
   408   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   409   @{text "(R\<^isub>1 \<tripple> R\<^isub>2) (x\<^isub>1, x\<^isub>2) (y\<^isub>1, y\<^isub>2) \<equiv> R\<^isub>1 x\<^isub>1 y\<^isub>1 \<and> R\<^isub>2 x\<^isub>2 y\<^isub>2"}
   410   \end{isabelle}
   412   \noindent
   413   Homeier gives also the following operator for defining equivalence 
   414   relations over function types
   415   %
   416   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   417   @{thm fun_rel_def[of "R\<^isub>1" "R\<^isub>2", no_vars, THEN eq_reflection]}
   418   \hfill\numbered{relfun}
   419   \end{isabelle}
   421   \noindent
   422   In the context of quotients, the following two notions from \cite{Homeier05} 
   423   are needed later on.
   425   \begin{definition}[Respects]\label{def:respects}
   426   An element @{text "x"} respects a relation @{text "R"} provided @{text "R x x"}.
   427   \end{definition}
   429   \begin{definition}[Bounded $\forall$ and $\lambda$]\label{def:babs}
   430   @{text "\<forall>x \<in> S. P x"} holds if for all @{text x}, @{text "x \<in> S"} implies @{text "P x"};
   431   and @{text "(\<lambda>x \<in> S. f x) = f x"} provided @{text "x \<in> S"}.
   432   \end{definition}
   434   The central definition in Homeier's work \cite{Homeier05} relates equivalence 
   435   relations, abstraction and representation functions:
   437   \begin{definition}[Quotient Types]
   438   Given a relation $R$, an abstraction function $Abs$
   439   and a representation function $Rep$, the predicate @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"}
   440   holds if and only if
   441   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%%
   442   \begin{tabular}{rl}
   443   (i) & \begin{isa}@{thm (rhs1) Quotient_def[of "R", no_vars]}\end{isa}\\
   444   (ii) & \begin{isa}@{thm (rhs2) Quotient_def[of "R", no_vars]}\end{isa}\\
   445   (iii) & \begin{isa}@{thm (rhs3) Quotient_def[of "R", no_vars]}\end{isa}\\
   446   \end{tabular}
   447   \end{isabelle}
   448   \end{definition}
   450   \noindent
   451   The value of this definition lies in the fact that validity of @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"} can 
   452   often be proved in terms of the validity of @{term "Quot"} over the constituent 
   453   types of @{text "R"}, @{text Abs} and @{text Rep}. 
   454   For example Homeier proves the following property for higher-order quotient
   455   types:
   457   \begin{proposition}\label{funquot}
   458   \begin{isa}
   459   @{thm[mode=IfThen] fun_quotient[where ?R1.0="R\<^isub>1" and ?R2.0="R\<^isub>2" 
   460       and ?abs1.0="Abs\<^isub>1" and ?abs2.0="Abs\<^isub>2" and ?rep1.0="Rep\<^isub>1" and ?rep2.0="Rep\<^isub>2"]}
   461   \end{isa}
   462   \end{proposition}
   464   \noindent
   465   As a result, Homeier is able to build an automatic prover that can nearly
   466   always discharge a proof obligation involving @{text "Quot"}. Our quotient
   467   package makes heavy 
   468   use of this part of Homeier's work including an extension 
   469   for dealing with \emph{conjugations} of equivalence relations\footnote{That are 
   470   symmetric by definition.} defined as follows:
   472 %%% FIXME Referee 2 claims that composition-of-relations means OO, and this is also
   473 %%% what wikipedia says. Any idea for a different name? Conjugation of Relations?
   475   \begin{definition}%%[Composition of Relations]
   476   @{abbrev "rel_conj R\<^isub>1 R\<^isub>2"} where @{text "\<circ>\<circ>"} is the predicate
   477   composition defined by 
   478   @{thm (concl) pred_compI[of "R\<^isub>1" "x" "y" "R\<^isub>2" "z"]}
   479   holds if and only if there exists a @{text y} such that @{thm (prem 1) pred_compI[of "R\<^isub>1" "x" "y" "R\<^isub>2" "z"]} and
   480   @{thm (prem 2) pred_compI[of "R\<^isub>1" "x" "y" "R\<^isub>2" "z"]}.
   481   \end{definition}
   483   \noindent
   484   Unfortunately a general quotient theorem for @{text "\<circ>\<circ>\<circ>"}, analogous to the one
   485   for @{text "\<singlearr>"} given in Proposition \ref{funquot}, would not be true
   486   in general. It cannot even be stated inside HOL, because of restrictions on types.
   487   However, we can prove specific instances of a
   488   quotient theorem for composing particular quotient relations.
   489   For example, to lift theorems involving @{term flat} the quotient theorem for 
   490   composing @{text "\<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>"} will be necessary: given @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"} 
   491   with @{text R} being an equivalence relation, then
   493   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   494   \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{1mm}}l}
   495   @{text  "Quot"} & @{text "(rel_list R \<circ>\<circ>\<circ> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>)"}\\
   496                   & @{text "(Abs_fset \<circ> map_list Abs)"} @{text "(map_list Rep \<circ> Rep_fset)"}\\
   497   \end{tabular}
   498   \end{isabelle}
   499 *}
   501 section {* Quotient Types and Quotient\\ Definitions\label{sec:type} *}
   503 text {*
   504   \noindent
   505   The first step in a quotient construction is to take a name for the new
   506   type, say @{text "\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}, and an equivalence relation, say @{text R},
   507   defined over a raw type, say @{text "\<sigma>"}. The type of the equivalence
   508   relation must be @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> bool"}. The user-visible part of
   509   the quotient type declaration is therefore
   511   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   512   \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q = \<sigma> / R"}\hfill\numbered{typedecl}
   513   \end{isabelle}
   515   \noindent
   516   and a proof that @{text "R"} is indeed an equivalence relation. The @{text "\<alpha>s"}
   517   indicate the arity of the new type and the type-variables of @{text "\<sigma>"} can only
   518   be contained in @{text "\<alpha>s"}. Two concrete
   519   examples are
   522   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   523   \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
   524   \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "int = nat \<times> nat / \<approx>\<^bsub>nat \<times> nat\<^esub>"}\\
   525   \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "\<alpha> fset = \<alpha> list / \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>"}
   526   \end{tabular}
   527   \end{isabelle}
   529   \noindent
   530   which introduce the type of integers and of finite sets using the
   531   equivalence relations @{text "\<approx>\<^bsub>nat \<times> nat\<^esub>"} and @{text
   532   "\<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>"} defined in \eqref{natpairequiv} and
   533   \eqref{listequiv}, respectively (the proofs about being equivalence
   534   relations are omitted).  Given this data, we define for declarations shown in
   535   \eqref{typedecl} the quotient types internally as
   537   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   538   \isacommand{typedef}~~@{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q = {c. \<exists>x. c = R x}"}
   539   \end{isabelle}
   541   \noindent
   542   where the right-hand side is the (non-empty) set of equivalence classes of
   543   @{text "R"}. The constraint in this declaration is that the type variables
   544   in the raw type @{text "\<sigma>"} must be included in the type variables @{text
   545   "\<alpha>s"} declared for @{text "\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}. HOL will then provide us with the following
   546   abstraction and representation functions 
   548   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   549   @{text "abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q :: \<sigma> set \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q :: \<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> set"}
   550   \end{isabelle}
   552   \noindent 
   553   As can be seen from the type, they relate the new quotient type and equivalence classes of the raw
   554   type. However, as Homeier \cite{Homeier05} noted, it is much more convenient
   555   to work with the following derived abstraction and representation functions
   557   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   558   @{text "Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q x \<equiv> abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q (R x)"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q x \<equiv> \<epsilon> (rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q x)"}
   559   \end{isabelle}
   561   \noindent
   562   on the expense of having to use Hilbert's choice operator @{text "\<epsilon>"} in the
   563   definition of @{text "Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}. These derived notions relate the
   564   quotient type and the raw type directly, as can be seen from their type,
   565   namely @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} and @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"},
   566   respectively.  Given that @{text "R"} is an equivalence relation, the
   567   following property holds  for every quotient type 
   568   (for the proof see \cite{Homeier05}).
   570   \begin{proposition}
   571   \begin{isa}@{term "Quotient R Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}.\end{isa}
   572   \end{proposition}
   574   The next step in a quotient construction is to introduce definitions of new constants
   575   involving the quotient type. These definitions need to be given in terms of concepts
   576   of the raw type (remember this is the only way how to extend HOL
   577   with new definitions). For the user the visible part of such definitions is the declaration
   579   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   580   \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "c :: \<tau>"}~~\isacommand{is}~~@{text "t :: \<sigma>"}
   581   \end{isabelle}
   583   \noindent
   584   where @{text t} is the definiens (its type @{text \<sigma>} can always be inferred)
   585   and @{text "c"} is the name of definiendum, whose type @{text "\<tau>"} needs to be
   586   given explicitly (the point is that @{text "\<tau>"} and @{text "\<sigma>"} can only differ 
   587   in places where a quotient and raw type is involved). Two concrete examples are
   589   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   590   \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
   591   \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "0 :: int"}~~\isacommand{is}~~@{text "(0::nat, 0::nat)"}\\
   592   \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "\<Union> :: (\<alpha> fset) fset \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> fset"}~~%
   593   \isacommand{is}~~@{text "flat"} 
   594   \end{tabular}
   595   \end{isabelle}
   597   \noindent
   598   The first one declares zero for integers and the second the operator for
   599   building unions of finite sets (@{text "flat"} having the type 
   600   @{text "(\<alpha> list) list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"}). 
   602   From such declarations given by the user, the quotient package needs to derive proper
   603   definitions using @{text "Abs"} and @{text "Rep"}. The data we rely on is the given quotient type
   604   @{text "\<tau>"} and the raw type @{text "\<sigma>"}.  They allow us to define \emph{aggregate
   605   abstraction} and \emph{representation functions} using the functions @{text "ABS (\<sigma>,
   606   \<tau>)"} and @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"} whose clauses we shall give below. The idea behind
   607   these two functions is to simultaneously descend into the raw types @{text \<sigma>} and 
   608   quotient types @{text \<tau>}, and generate the appropriate
   609   @{text "Abs"} and @{text "Rep"} in places where the types differ. Therefore
   610   we generate just the identity whenever the types are equal. On the ``way'' down,
   611   however we might have to use map-functions to let @{text Abs} and @{text Rep} act
   612   over the appropriate types. In what follows we use the short-hand notation 
   613   @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s)"} to mean @{text "ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>1, \<tau>\<^isub>1)\<dots>ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>n, \<tau>\<^isub>n)"}; similarly 
   614   for @{text REP}.
   615   %
   616   \begin{center}
   617   \hfill
   618   \begin{tabular}{@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}}
   619   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal types:}\\ 
   620   @{text "ABS (\<sigma>, \<sigma>)"} $\dn$ @{text "id :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"}\hspace{5mm}%\\
   621   @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<sigma>)"} $\dn$ @{text "id :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"}\smallskip\\
   622   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{function types:}\\ 
   623   @{text "ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "REP (\<sigma>\<^isub>1, \<tau>\<^isub>1) \<singlearr> ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>2)"}\\
   624   @{text "REP (\<sigma>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>1, \<tau>\<^isub>1) \<singlearr> REP (\<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>2)"}\smallskip\\
   625   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal type constructors:}\\ 
   626   @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>)"} $\dn$ @{text "map_\<kappa> (ABS (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s))"}\\
   627   @{text "REP (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>)"} $\dn$ @{text "map_\<kappa> (REP (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s))"}\smallskip\\
   628   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{unequal type constructors:}\\
   629   @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q)"} $\dn$ @{text "Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q \<circ> (MAP(\<rho>s \<kappa>) (ABS (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s)))"}\\
   630   @{text "REP (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q)"} $\dn$ @{text "(MAP(\<rho>s \<kappa>) (REP (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s))) \<circ> Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}
   631   \end{tabular}\hfill\numbered{ABSREP}
   632   \end{center}
   633   %
   634   \noindent
   635   In the last two clauses are subtle. We rely in them on the fact that the type @{text "\<alpha>s
   636   \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} is the quotient of the raw type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} (for example
   637   @{text "int"} and @{text "nat \<times> nat"}, or @{text "\<alpha> fset"} and @{text "\<alpha>
   638   list"}). This data is given by declarations shown in \eqref{typedecl}.
   639   The quotient construction ensures that the type variables in @{text
   640   "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} must be among the @{text "\<alpha>s"}. The @{text "\<sigma>s'"} are given by the
   641   substitutions for the @{text "\<alpha>s"} when matching  @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa>"} against
   642   @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}. This calculation determines what are the types in place
   643   of the type variables @{text "\<alpha>s"} in the instance of 
   644   quotient type @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}---namely @{text "\<tau>s"}, and the corresponding 
   645   types in place of the @{text "\<alpha>s"} in the raw type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}---namely @{text "\<sigma>s'"}. The
   646   function @{text "MAP"} calculates an \emph{aggregate map-function} for a raw
   647   type as follows:
   648   %
   649   \begin{center}
   650   \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l}
   651   @{text "MAP' (\<alpha>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "a\<^sup>\<alpha>"}\\
   652   @{text "MAP' (\<kappa>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "id :: \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<kappa>"}\\
   653   @{text "MAP' (\<sigma>s \<kappa>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "map_\<kappa> (MAP'(\<sigma>s))"}\smallskip\\
   654   @{text "MAP (\<sigma>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "\<lambda>as. MAP'(\<sigma>)"}  
   655   \end{tabular}
   656   \end{center}
   657   %
   658   \noindent
   659   In this definition we rely on the fact that in the first clause we can interpret type-variables @{text \<alpha>} as 
   660   term variables @{text a}. In the last clause we build an abstraction over all
   661   term-variables of the map-function generated by the auxiliary function 
   662   @{text "MAP'"}.
   663   The need for aggregate map-functions can be seen in cases where we build quotients, 
   664   say @{text "(\<alpha>, \<beta>) \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}, out of compound raw types, say @{text "(\<alpha> list) \<times> \<beta>"}. 
   665   In this case @{text MAP} generates  the 
   666   aggregate map-function:
   668 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 2 asks: last two lines defining ABS and REP for
   669 %%% unequal type constructors: How are the $\varrho$s defined? The
   670 %%% following paragraph mentions them, but this paragraph is unclear,
   671 %%% since it then mentions $\alpha$s, which do not seem to be defined
   672 %%% either. As a result, I do not understand the first two sentences
   673 %%% in this paragraph. I can imagine roughly what the following
   674 %%% sentence `The $\sigma$s' are given by the matchers for the
   675 %%% $\alpha$s$ when matching $\varrho$s $\kappa$ against $\sigma$s
   676 %%% $\kappa$.' means, but also think that it is too vague.
   678   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   679   @{text "\<lambda>a b. map_prod (map_list a) b"}
   680   \end{isabelle}
   682   \noindent
   683   which is essential in order to define the corresponding aggregate 
   684   abstraction and representation functions.
   686   To see how these definitions pan out in practise, let us return to our
   687   example about @{term "concat"} and @{term "fconcat"}, where we have the raw type
   688   @{text "(\<alpha> list) list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"} and the quotient type @{text "(\<alpha> fset) fset \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>
   689   fset"}. Feeding these types into @{text ABS} gives us (after some @{text "\<beta>"}-simplifications)
   690   the abstraction function
   692   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ %%%
   693   \begin{tabular}{l}
   694   @{text "(map_list (map_list id \<circ> Rep_fset) \<circ> Rep_fset) \<singlearr>"}\\
   695   \mbox{}\hspace{4.5cm}@{text " Abs_fset \<circ> map_list id"}
   696   \end{tabular}
   697   \end{isabelle}
   699   \noindent
   700   In our implementation we further
   701   simplify this function by rewriting with the usual laws about @{text
   702   "map"}s and @{text "id"}, for example @{term "map_list id = id"} and @{text "f \<circ> id =
   703   id \<circ> f = f"}. This gives us the simpler abstraction function
   705   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   706   @{text "(map_list Rep_fset \<circ> Rep_fset) \<singlearr> Abs_fset"}
   707   \end{isabelle}
   709   \noindent
   710   which we can use for defining @{term "fconcat"} as follows
   712   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   713   @{text "\<Union> \<equiv> ((map_list Rep_fset \<circ> Rep_fset) \<singlearr> Abs_fset) flat"}
   714   \end{isabelle}
   716   \noindent
   717   Note that by using the operator @{text "\<singlearr>"} and special clauses
   718   for function types in \eqref{ABSREP}, we do not have to 
   719   distinguish between arguments and results, but can deal with them uniformly.
   720   Consequently, all definitions in the quotient package 
   721   are of the general form
   723   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   724   \mbox{@{text "c \<equiv> ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) t"}}
   725   \end{isabelle}
   727   \noindent
   728   where @{text \<sigma>} is the type of the definiens @{text "t"} and @{text "\<tau>"} the
   729   type of the defined quotient constant @{text "c"}. This data can be easily
   730   generated from the declaration given by the user.
   731   To increase the confidence in this way of making definitions, we can prove 
   732   that the terms involved are all typable.
   734   \begin{lemma}
   735   If @{text "ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"} returns some abstraction function @{text "Abs"} 
   736   and @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"} some representation function @{text "Rep"}, 
   737   then @{text "Abs"} is of type @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>"} and @{text "Rep"} of type
   738   @{text "\<tau> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"}.
   739   \end{lemma}
   741   \begin{proof}
   742   By mutual induction and analysing the definitions of @{text "ABS"} and @{text "REP"}. 
   743   The cases of equal types and function types are
   744   straightforward (the latter follows from @{text "\<singlearr>"} having the
   745   type @{text "(\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<beta>) \<Rightarrow> (\<gamma> \<Rightarrow> \<delta>) \<Rightarrow> (\<beta> \<Rightarrow> \<gamma>) \<Rightarrow> (\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<delta>)"}). In case of equal type
   746   constructors we can observe that a map-function after applying the functions
   747   @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s)"} produces a term of type @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>s \<kappa>"}.  The
   748   interesting case is the one with unequal type constructors. Since we know
   749   the quotient is between @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} and @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}, we have
   750   that @{text "Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"} is of type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>s
   751   \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}. This type can be more specialised to @{text "\<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>s
   752   \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} where the type variables @{text "\<alpha>s"} are instantiated with the
   753   @{text "\<tau>s"}. The complete type can be calculated by observing that @{text
   754   "MAP (\<rho>s \<kappa>)"}, after applying the functions @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s)"} to it,
   755   returns a term of type @{text "\<rho>s[\<sigma>s'] \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa>"}. This type is
   756   equivalent to @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa>"}, which we just have to compose with
   757   @{text "\<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} according to the type of @{text "\<circ>"}.\qed
   758   \end{proof}
   759 *}
   761 section {* Respectfulness and\\ Preservation \label{sec:resp} *}
   763 text {*
   764   \noindent
   765   The main point of the quotient package is to automatically ``lift'' theorems
   766   involving constants over the raw type to theorems involving constants over
   767   the quotient type. Before we can describe this lifting process, we need to impose 
   768   two restrictions in form of proof obligations that arise during the
   769   lifting. The reason is that even if definitions for all raw constants 
   770   can be given, \emph{not} all theorems can be lifted to the quotient type. Most 
   771   notable is the bound variable function, that is the constant @{text bn}, 
   772   defined 
   773   for raw lambda-terms as follows
   775   \begin{isabelle}
   776   \begin{center}
   777   @{text "bn (x) \<equiv> \<emptyset>"}\hspace{4mm}
   778   @{text "bn (t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2) \<equiv> bn (t\<^isub>1) \<union> bn (t\<^isub>2)"}\smallskip\\
   779   @{text "bn (\<lambda>x. t) \<equiv> {x} \<union> bn (t)"}
   780   \end{center}
   781   \end{isabelle}
   783   \noindent
   784   We can generate a definition for this constant using @{text ABS} and @{text REP}.
   785   But this constant does \emph{not} respect @{text "\<alpha>"}-equivalence and 
   786   consequently no theorem involving this constant can be lifted to @{text
   787   "\<alpha>"}-equated lambda terms. Homeier formulates the restrictions in terms of
   788   the properties of \emph{respectfulness} and \emph{preservation}. We have
   789   to slightly extend Homeier's definitions in order to deal with quotient
   790   compositions. 
   792 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 3 asks why are the definitions that follow enough to deal
   793 %%% with quotient composition.
   795   To formally define what respectfulness is, we have to first define 
   796   the notion of \emph{aggregate equivalence relations} using the function @{text "REL(\<sigma>, \<tau>)"}
   797   The idea behind this function is to simultaneously descend into the raw types
   798   @{text \<sigma>} and quotient types @{text \<tau>}, and generate the appropriate
   799   quotient equivalence relations in places where the types differ and equalities
   800   elsewhere.
   802   \begin{center}
   803   \hfill
   804   \begin{tabular}{l}
   805   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal types:} 
   806   @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<sigma>)"} $\dn$ @{text "= :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> bool"}\smallskip\\
   807    \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal type constructors:}\\ 
   808   @{text "REL (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>)"} $\dn$ @{text "rel_\<kappa> (REL (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s))"}\smallskip\\
   809   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{unequal type constructors:}\\
   810   @{text "REL (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q)"} $\dn$ @{text "rel_\<kappa>\<^isub>q (REL (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s))"}\\
   811   \end{tabular}\hfill\numbered{REL}
   812   \end{center}
   814   \noindent
   815   The @{text "\<sigma>s'"} in the last clause are calculated as in \eqref{ABSREP}:
   816   again we know that type @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} is the quotient of the raw type 
   817   @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}. The @{text "\<sigma>s'"} are the substitutions for @{text "\<alpha>s"} obtained by matching 
   818   @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} and @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa>"}.
   820   Let us return to the lifting procedure of theorems. Assume we have a theorem
   821   that contains the raw constant @{text "c\<^isub>r :: \<sigma>"} and which we want to
   822   lift to a theorem where @{text "c\<^isub>r"} is replaced by the corresponding
   823   constant @{text "c\<^isub>q :: \<tau>"} defined over a quotient type. In this situation 
   824   we generate the following proof obligation
   826   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   827   @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>) c\<^isub>r c\<^isub>r"}.
   828   \end{isabelle}
   830   \noindent
   831   Homeier calls these proof obligations \emph{respectfulness
   832   theorems}. However, unlike his quotient package, we might have several
   833   respectfulness theorems for one constant---he has at most one.
   834   The reason is that because of our quotient compositions, the types
   835   @{text \<sigma>} and @{text \<tau>} are not completely determined by @{text "c\<^bsub>r\<^esub>"}.
   836   And for every instantiation of the types, a corresponding
   837   respectfulness theorem is necessary.
   839   Before lifting a theorem, we require the user to discharge
   840   respectfulness proof obligations. In case of @{text bn}
   841   this obligation is %%as follows
   843   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   844   @{text  "(\<approx>\<^isub>\<alpha> \<doublearr> =) bn bn"}
   845   \end{isabelle}
   847   \noindent
   848   and the point is that the user cannot discharge it: because it is not true. To see this,
   849   we can just unfold the definition of @{text "\<doublearr>"} \eqref{relfun} 
   850   using extensionality to obtain the false statement
   852   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   853   @{text "\<forall>t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2. if t\<^isub>1 \<approx>\<^isub>\<alpha> t\<^isub>2 then bn(t\<^isub>1) = bn(t\<^isub>2)"}
   854   \end{isabelle}
   856   \noindent
   857   In contrast, lifting a theorem about @{text "append"} to a theorem describing 
   858   the union of finite sets will mean to discharge the proof obligation
   860   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   861   @{text "(\<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> \<doublearr> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> \<doublearr> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>) append append"}
   862   \end{isabelle}
   864   \noindent
   865   To do so, we have to establish
   867   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   868   if @{text "xs \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> ys"} and  @{text "us \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> vs"}
   869   then @{text "xs @ us \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> ys @ vs"}
   870   \end{isabelle}
   872   \noindent
   873   which is straightforward given the definition shown in \eqref{listequiv}.
   875   The second restriction we have to impose arises from non-lifted polymorphic
   876   constants, which are instantiated to a type being quotient. For example,
   877   take the @{term "cons"}-constructor to add a pair of natural numbers to a
   878   list, whereby we assume the pair of natural numbers turns into an integer in
   879   the quotient construction. The point is that we still want to use @{text
   880   cons} for adding integers to lists---just with a different type. To be able
   881   to lift such theorems, we need a \emph{preservation property} for @{text
   882   cons}. Assuming we have a polymorphic raw constant @{text "c\<^isub>r :: \<sigma>"}
   883   and a corresponding quotient constant @{text "c\<^isub>q :: \<tau>"}, then a
   884   preservation property is as follows
   886 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 2 asks: You say what a preservation theorem is,
   887 %%% but not which preservation theorems you assume. Do you generate a
   888 %%% proof obligation for a preservation theorem for each raw constant
   889 %%% and its corresponding lifted constant?
   891 %%% Cezary: I think this would be a nice thing to do but we have not
   892 %%% done it, the theorems need to be 'guessed' from the remaining obligations
   894   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   895   @{text "Quot R\<^bsub>\<alpha>s\<^esub> Abs\<^bsub>\<alpha>s\<^esub> Rep\<^bsub>\<alpha>s\<^esub> implies  ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) c\<^isub>r = c\<^isub>r"}
   896   \end{isabelle}
   898   \noindent
   899   where the @{text "\<alpha>s"} stand for the type variables in the type of @{text "c\<^isub>r"}.
   900   In case of @{text cons} (which has type @{text "\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"}) we have 
   902   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
   903   @{text "(Rep \<singlearr> map_list Rep \<singlearr> map_list Abs) cons = cons"}
   904   \end{isabelle}
   906   \noindent
   907   under the assumption @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"}. The point is that if we have
   908   an instance of @{text cons} where the type variable @{text \<alpha>} is instantiated
   909   with @{text "nat \<times> nat"} and we also quotient this type to yield integers,
   910   then we need to show this preservation property.
   912   %%%@ {thm [display, indent=10] insert_preserve2[no_vars]}
   914   %Given two quotients, one of which quotients a container, and the
   915   %other quotients the type in the container, we can write the
   916   %composition of those quotients. To compose two quotient theorems
   917   %we compose the relations with relation composition as defined above
   918   %and the abstraction and relation functions are the ones of the sub
   919   %quotients composed with the usual function composition.
   920   %The @ {term "Rep"} and @ {term "Abs"} functions that we obtain agree
   921   %with the definition of aggregate Abs/Rep functions and the
   922   %relation is the same as the one given by aggregate relations.
   923   %This becomes especially interesting
   924   %when we compose the quotient with itself, as there is no simple
   925   %intermediate step.
   926   %
   927   %Lets take again the example of @ {term flat}. To be able to lift
   928   %theorems that talk about it we provide the composition quotient
   929   %theorem which allows quotienting inside the container:
   930   %
   931   %If @ {term R} is an equivalence relation and @ {term "Quotient R Abs Rep"}
   932   %then
   933   % 
   934   %@ {text [display, indent=10] "Quotient (list_rel R \<circ>\<circ>\<circ> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>) (abs_fset \<circ> map_list Abs) (map_list Rep o rep_fset)"}
   935   %%%
   936   %%%\noindent
   937   %%%this theorem will then instantiate the quotients needed in the
   938   %%%injection and cleaning proofs allowing the lifting procedure to
   939   %%%proceed in an unchanged way.
   940 *}
   942 section {* Lifting of Theorems\label{sec:lift} *}
   944 text {*
   946 %%% FIXME Reviewer 3 asks: Section 5 shows the technicalities of
   947 %%% lifting theorems. But there is no clarification about the
   948 %%% correctness. A reader would also be interested in seeing some
   949 %%% discussions about the generality and limitation of the approach
   950 %%% proposed there
   952   \noindent
   953   The main benefit of a quotient package is to lift automatically theorems over raw
   954   types to theorems over quotient types. We will perform this lifting in
   955   three phases, called \emph{regularization},
   956   \emph{injection} and \emph{cleaning} according to procedures in Homeier's ML-code.
   957   Space restrictions, unfortunately, prevent us from giving anything but a sketch of these three
   958   phases. However, we will precisely define the input and output data of these phases
   959   (this was omitted in \cite{Homeier05}).
   961   The purpose of regularization is to change the quantifiers and abstractions
   962   in a ``raw'' theorem to quantifiers over variables that respect their respective relations
   963   (Definition \ref{def:respects} states what respects means). The purpose of injection is to add @{term Rep}
   964   and @{term Abs} of appropriate types in front of constants and variables
   965   of the raw type so that they can be replaced by the corresponding constants from the
   966   quotient type. The purpose of cleaning is to bring the theorem derived in the
   967   first two phases into the form the user has specified. Abstractly, our
   968   package establishes the following three proof steps:
   970 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 1 complains that the reader needs to guess the
   971 %%% meaning of reg_thm and inj_thm, as well as the arguments of REG
   972 %%% which are given above. I wouldn't change it.
   974   \begin{center}
   975   \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{4mm}}l}
   976   1.) Regularization & @{text "raw_thm \<longrightarrow> reg_thm"}\\
   977   2.) Injection & @{text "reg_thm \<longleftrightarrow> inj_thm"}\\
   978   3.) Cleaning & @{text "inj_thm \<longleftrightarrow> quot_thm"}\\
   979   \end{tabular}
   980   \end{center}
   982   \noindent
   983   which means, stringed together, the raw theorem implies the quotient theorem.
   984   In contrast to other quotient packages, our package requires that the user specifies 
   985   both, the @{text "raw_thm"} (as theorem) and the \emph{term} of the @{text "quot_thm"}.\footnote{Though we
   986   also provide a fully automated mode, where the @{text "quot_thm"} is guessed
   987   from the form of @{text "raw_thm"}.} As a result, the user has fine control
   988   over which parts of a raw theorem should be lifted. 
   990   The second and third proof step performed in package will always succeed if the appropriate
   991   respectfulness and preservation theorems are given. In contrast, the first
   992   proof step can fail: a theorem given by the user does not always
   993   imply a regularized version and a stronger one needs to be proved. An example
   994   for this kind of failure is the simple statement for integers @{text "0 \<noteq> 1"}.
   995   One might hope that it can be proved by lifting @{text "(0, 0) \<noteq> (1, 0)"},  
   996   but this raw theorem only shows that two particular elements in the
   997   equivalence classes are not equal. In order to obtain @{text "0 \<noteq> 1"}, a  
   998   more general statement stipulating that the equivalence classes are not 
   999   equal is necessary.  This kind of failure is beyond the scope where the 
  1000   quotient package can help: the user has to provide a raw theorem that
  1001   can be regularized automatically, or has to provide an explicit proof
  1002   for the first proof step. Homeier gives more details about this issue
  1003   in the long version of \cite{Homeier05}.
  1005   In the following we will first define the statement of the
  1006   regularized theorem based on @{text "raw_thm"} and
  1007   @{text "quot_thm"}. Then we define the statement of the injected theorem, based
  1008   on @{text "reg_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"}. We then show the three proof steps,
  1009   which can all be performed independently from each other.
  1011   We first define the function @{text REG}, which takes the terms of the 
  1012   @{text "raw_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} as input and returns
  1013   @{text "reg_thm"}. The idea
  1014   behind this function is that it replaces quantifiers and
  1015   abstractions involving raw types by bounded ones, and equalities
  1016   involving raw types by appropriate aggregate
  1017   equivalence relations. It is defined by simultaneous recursion on 
  1018   the structure of  the terms of @{text "raw_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} as follows:
  1019   %
  1020   \begin{center}
  1021   \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}
  1022   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{abstractions:}\\%%\smallskip\\
  1023   @{text "REG (\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. t, \<lambda>x\<^sup>\<tau>. s)"} $\dn$ 
  1024   $\begin{cases}
  1025   @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. REG (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\
  1026   @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Resp (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"}
  1027   \end{cases}$\\%%\smallskip\\
  1028   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{universal quantifiers:}\\
  1029   @{text "REG (\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. t, \<forall>x\<^sup>\<tau>. s)"} $\dn$
  1030   $\begin{cases}
  1031   @{text "\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. REG (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\
  1032   @{text "\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Resp (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"}
  1033   \end{cases}$\\%%\smallskip\\
  1034   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{equality:  \hspace{3mm}%%}\smallskip\\
  1035   %% REL of two equal types is the equality so we do not need a separate case
  1036   @{text "REG (=\<^bsup>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>, =\<^bsup>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>)"} $\dn$ @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"}}\smallskip\\
  1037   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{applications, variables and constants:}\\
  1038   @{text "REG (t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>1 s\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "REG (t\<^isub>1, s\<^isub>1) REG (t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>2)"}\\
  1039   @{text "REG (x\<^isub>1, x\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "x\<^isub>1"}\\
  1040   @{text "REG (c\<^isub>1, c\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "c\<^isub>1"}\\
  1041   \end{tabular}
  1042   \end{center}
  1043   %
  1044   \noindent
  1045   In the above definition we omitted the cases for existential quantifiers
  1046   and unique existential quantifiers, as they are very similar to the cases
  1047   for the universal quantifier. 
  1049   Next we define the function @{text INJ} which takes as argument
  1050   @{text "reg_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} (both as
  1051   terms) and returns @{text "inj_thm"}:
  1053   \begin{center}
  1054   \begin{tabular}{l}
  1055   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{abstractions:}\\
  1056   @{text "INJ (\<lambda>x. t :: \<sigma>, \<lambda>x. s :: \<tau>) "} $\dn$\\ 
  1057   \hspace{18mm}$\begin{cases}
  1058   @{text "\<lambda>x. INJ (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\
  1059   @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (\<lambda>x. INJ (t, s)))"}
  1060   \end{cases}$\smallskip\\
  1061   @{text "INJ (\<lambda>x \<in> R. t :: \<sigma>, \<lambda>x. s :: \<tau>) "} $\dn$\\ 
  1062   \hspace{18mm}@{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (\<lambda>x \<in> R. INJ (t, s)))"}\smallskip\\
  1063   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{universal quantifiers:}\\
  1064   @{text "INJ (\<forall> t, \<forall> s) "} $\dn$ @{text "\<forall> INJ (t, s)"}\\
  1065   @{text "INJ (\<forall> t \<in> R, \<forall> s) "} $\dn$ @{text "\<forall> INJ (t, s) \<in> R"}\smallskip\\
  1066   \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{applications, variables and constants:}\smallskip\\
  1067   @{text "INJ (t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>1 s\<^isub>2) "} $\dn$ @{text " INJ (t\<^isub>1, s\<^isub>1) INJ (t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>2)"}\\
  1068   @{text "INJ (x\<^isub>1\<^sup>\<sigma>, x\<^isub>2\<^sup>\<tau>) "} $\dn$
  1069   $\begin{cases}
  1070   @{text "x\<^isub>1"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\
  1071   @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) x\<^isub>1)"}\\
  1072   \end{cases}$\\
  1073   @{text "INJ (c\<^isub>1\<^sup>\<sigma>, c\<^isub>2\<^sup>\<tau>) "} $\dn$ 
  1074   $\begin{cases}
  1075   @{text "c\<^isub>1"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\
  1076   @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) c\<^isub>1)"}\\
  1077   \end{cases}$\\
  1078   \end{tabular}
  1079   \end{center}
  1081   \noindent 
  1082   In this definition we again omitted the cases for existential and unique existential
  1083   quantifiers. 
  1085 %%% FIXME: Reviewer2 citing following sentence: You mention earlier
  1086 %%% that this implication may fail to be true. Does that meant that
  1087 %%% the `first proof step' is a heuristic that proves the implication
  1088 %%% raw_thm \implies reg_thm in some instances, but fails in others?
  1089 %%% You should clarify under which circumstances the implication is
  1090 %%% being proved here.
  1091 %%% Cezary: It would be nice to cite Homeiers discussions in the
  1092 %%% Quotient Package manual from HOL (the longer paper), do you agree?
  1094   In the first phase, establishing @{text "raw_thm \<longrightarrow> reg_thm"}, we always 
  1095   start with an implication. Isabelle provides \emph{mono} rules that can split up 
  1096   the implications into simpler implicational subgoals. This succeeds for every
  1097   monotone connective, except in places where the function @{text REG} replaced,
  1098   for instance, a quantifier by a bounded quantifier. To decompose them, we have 
  1099   to prove that the relations involved are aggregate equivalence relations.
  1102   %In this case we have 
  1103   %rules of the form
  1104   %
  1105   % \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
  1106   %@{text "(\<forall>x. R x \<longrightarrow> (P x \<longrightarrow> Q x)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> \<forall>x \<in> R. Q x)"}
  1107   %\end{isabelle}
  1109   %\noindent
  1110   %They decompose a bounded quantifier on the right-hand side. We can decompose a
  1111   %bounded quantifier anywhere if R is an equivalence relation or
  1112   %if it is a relation over function types with the range being an equivalence
  1113   %relation. If @{text R} is an equivalence relation we can prove that
  1115   %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
  1116   %@{text "\<forall>x \<in> Resp R. P x = \<forall>x. P x"}    
  1117   %\end{isabelle}
  1119   %\noindent
  1120   %If @{term R\<^isub>2} is an equivalence relation, we can prove that for any predicate @{term P}
  1122 %%% FIXME Reviewer 1 claims the theorem is obviously false so maybe we
  1123 %%% should include a proof sketch?
  1125   %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
  1126   %@{thm (concl) ball_reg_eqv_range[of R\<^isub>1 R\<^isub>2, no_vars]}
  1127   %\end{isabelle}
  1129   %\noindent
  1130   %The last theorem is new in comparison with Homeier's package. There the
  1131   %injection procedure would be used to prove such goals and 
  1132   %the assumption about the equivalence relation would be used. We use the above theorem directly,
  1133   %because this allows us to completely separate the first and the second
  1134   %proof step into two independent ``units''.
  1136   The second phase, establishing @{text "reg_thm \<longleftrightarrow> inj_thm"},  starts with an equality
  1137   between the terms of the regularized theorem and the injected theorem.
  1138   The proof again follows the structure of the
  1139   two underlying terms taking respectfulness theorems into account.
  1141   %\begin{itemize}
  1142   %\item For two constants an appropriate respectfulness theorem is applied.
  1143   %\item For two variables, we use the assumptions proved in the regularization step.
  1144   %\item For two abstractions, we @{text "\<eta>"}-expand and @{text "\<beta>"}-reduce them.
  1145   %\item For two applications, we check that the right-hand side is an application of
  1146   %  @{term Rep} to an @{term Abs} and @{term "Quotient R Rep Abs"} holds. If yes then we
  1147   %  can apply the theorem:
  1149   %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
  1150   %  @{term "R x y \<longrightarrow> R x (Rep (Abs y))"}
  1151   %\end{isabelle}
  1153   %  Otherwise we introduce an appropriate relation between the subterms
  1154   %  and continue with two subgoals using the lemma:
  1156   %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
  1157   %  @{text "(R\<^isub>1 \<doublearr> R\<^isub>2) f g \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>1 x y \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>2 (f x) (g y)"}
  1158   %\end{isabelle}
  1159   %\end{itemize}
  1161   We defined the theorem @{text "inj_thm"} in such a way that
  1162   establishing in the third phase the equivalence @{text "inj_thm \<longleftrightarrow> quot_thm"} can be
  1163   achieved by rewriting @{text "inj_thm"} with the preservation theorems and quotient
  1164   definitions. This step also requires that the definitions of all lifted constants
  1165   are used to fold the @{term Rep} with the raw constants. We will give more details
  1166   about our lifting procedure in a longer version of this paper.
  1168   %Next for
  1169   %all abstractions and quantifiers the lambda and
  1170   %quantifier preservation theorems are used to replace the
  1171   %variables that include raw types with respects by quantifiers
  1172   %over variables that include quotient types. We show here only
  1173   %the lambda preservation theorem. Given
  1174   %@{term "Quotient R\<^isub>1 Abs\<^isub>1 Rep\<^isub>1"} and @{term "Quotient R\<^isub>2 Abs\<^isub>2 Rep\<^isub>2"}, we have:
  1176   %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
  1177   %@{thm (concl) lambda_prs[of _ "Abs\<^isub>1" "Rep\<^isub>1" _ "Abs\<^isub>2" "Rep\<^isub>2", no_vars]}
  1178   %\end{isabelle}
  1180   %\noindent
  1181   %Next, relations over lifted types can be rewritten to equalities
  1182   %over lifted type. Rewriting is performed with the following theorem,
  1183   %which has been shown by Homeier~\cite{Homeier05}:
  1185   %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%
  1186   %@{thm (concl) Quotient_rel_rep[no_vars]}
  1187   %\end{isabelle}
  1190   %Finally, we rewrite with the preservation theorems. This will result
  1191   %in two equal terms that can be solved by reflexivity.
  1192 *}
  1194 section {* Conclusion and Related Work\label{sec:conc}*}
  1196 text {*
  1198   \noindent
  1199   The code of the quotient package and the examples described here are already
  1200   included in the standard distribution of Isabelle.
  1201   \footnote{Available from \href{http://isabelle.in.tum.de/}{http://isabelle.in.tum.de/}.}
  1202   The package is
  1203   heavily used in the new version of Nominal Isabelle, which provides a
  1204   convenient reasoning infrastructure for programming language calculi
  1205   involving general binders.  To achieve this, it builds types representing
  1206   @{text \<alpha>}-equivalent terms.  Earlier versions of Nominal Isabelle have been
  1207   used successfully in formalisations of an equivalence checking algorithm for
  1208   LF \cite{UrbanCheneyBerghofer08}, Typed
  1209   Scheme~\cite{TobinHochstadtFelleisen08}, several calculi for concurrency
  1210   \cite{BengtsonParow09} and a strong normalisation result for cut-elimination
  1211   in classical logic \cite{UrbanZhu08}.
  1214   There is a wide range of existing literature for dealing with quotients
  1215   in theorem provers.  Slotosch~\cite{Slotosch97} implemented a mechanism that
  1216   automatically defines quotient types for Isabelle/HOL. But he did not
  1217   include theorem lifting.  Harrison's quotient package~\cite{harrison-thesis}
  1218   is the first one that is able to automatically lift theorems, however only
  1219   first-order theorems (that is theorems where abstractions, quantifiers and
  1220   variables do not involve functions that include the quotient type). There is
  1221   also some work on quotient types in non-HOL based systems and logical
  1222   frameworks, including theory interpretations in
  1223   PVS~\cite{PVS:Interpretations}, new types in MetaPRL~\cite{Nogin02}, and
  1224   setoids in Coq \cite{ChicliPS02}.  Paulson showed a construction of
  1225   quotients that does not require the Hilbert Choice operator, but also only
  1226   first-order theorems can be lifted~\cite{Paulson06}.  The most related work
  1227   to our package is the package for HOL4 by Homeier~\cite{Homeier05}.  He
  1228   introduced most of the abstract notions about quotients and also deals with
  1229   lifting of higher-order theorems. However, he cannot deal with quotient
  1230   compositions (needed for lifting theorems about @{text flat}). Also, a
  1231   number of his definitions, like @{text ABS}, @{text REP} and @{text INJ} etc
  1232   only exist in \cite{Homeier05} as ML-code, not included in the paper.
  1233   Like Homeier's, our quotient package can deal with partial equivalence
  1234   relations, but for lack of space we do not describe the mechanisms
  1235   needed for this kind of quotient constructions.
  1237 %%% FIXME Reviewer 3 would like to know more about the lifting in Coq and PVS,
  1238 %%% and some comparison. I don't think we have the space for any additions...
  1240   One feature of our quotient package is that when lifting theorems, the user
  1241   can precisely specify what the lifted theorem should look like. This feature
  1242   is necessary, for example, when lifting an induction principle for two
  1243   lists.  Assuming this principle has as the conclusion a predicate of the
  1244   form @{text "P xs ys"}, then we can precisely specify whether we want to
  1245   quotient @{text "xs"} or @{text "ys"}, or both. We found this feature very
  1246   useful in the new version of Nominal Isabelle, where such a choice is
  1247   required to generate a reasoning infrastructure for alpha-equated terms.
  1248 %%
  1249 %% give an example for this
  1250 %%
  1251   \smallskip
  1253   \noindent
  1254   {\bf Acknowledgements:} We would like to thank Peter Homeier for the many
  1255   discussions about his HOL4 quotient package and explaining to us
  1256   some of its finer points in the implementation. Without his patient
  1257   help, this work would have been impossible.
  1258 *}
  1260 text_raw {*
  1261   %%\bibliographystyle{abbrv}
  1262   \bibliography{root}
  1264   \appendix
  1266 *}
  1268 section {* Examples \label{sec:examples} *}
  1270 text {*
  1272 %%% FIXME Reviewer 1 would like an example of regularized and injected
  1273 %%% statements. He asks for the examples twice, but I would still ignore
  1274 %%% it due to lack of space...
  1276   \noindent
  1277   In this appendix we will show a sequence of declarations for defining the 
  1278   type of integers by quotienting pairs of natural numbers, and
  1279   lifting one theorem. 
  1281   A user of our quotient package first needs to define a relation on
  1282   the raw type with which the quotienting will be performed. We give
  1283   the same integer relation as the one presented in \eqref{natpairequiv}:
  1285   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %
  1286   \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  1287   \isacommand{fun}~~@{text "int_rel :: (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat)"}\\
  1288   \isacommand{where}~~@{text "int_rel (m, n) (p, q) = (m + q = n + p)"}
  1289   \end{tabular}
  1290   \end{isabelle}
  1292   \noindent
  1293   Next the quotient type must be defined. This generates a proof obligation that the
  1294   relation is an equivalence relation, which is solved automatically using the
  1295   definition of equivalence and extensionality:
  1297   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %
  1298   \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  1299   \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "int"}~~\isacommand{=}~~@{text "(nat \<times> nat)"}~~\isacommand{/}~~@{text "int_rel"}\\
  1300   \hspace{5mm}@{text "by (auto simp add: equivp_def expand_fun_eq)"}
  1301   \end{tabular}
  1302   \end{isabelle}
  1304   \noindent
  1305   The user can then specify the constants on the quotient type:
  1307   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %
  1308   \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  1309   \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "0 :: int"}~~\isacommand{is}~~@{text "(0 :: nat, 0 :: nat)"}\\[3mm]
  1310   \isacommand{fun}~~@{text "add_pair"}\\
  1311   \isacommand{where}~~%
  1312   @{text "add_pair (m, n) (p, q) \<equiv> (m + p :: nat, n + q :: nat)"}\\
  1313   \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "+ :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"}~~%
  1314   \isacommand{is}~~@{text "add_pair"}\\
  1315   \end{tabular}
  1316   \end{isabelle}
  1318   \noindent
  1319   The following theorem about addition on the raw level can be proved.
  1321   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %
  1322   \isacommand{lemma}~~@{text "add_pair_zero: int_rel (add_pair (0, 0) x) x"}
  1323   \end{isabelle}
  1325   \noindent
  1326   If the user lifts this theorem, the quotient package performs all the lifting
  1327   automatically leaving the respectfulness proof for the constant @{text "add_pair"}
  1328   as the only remaining proof obligation. This property needs to be proved by the user:
  1330   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %
  1331   \begin{tabular}{@ {}l}
  1332   \isacommand{lemma}~~@{text "[quot_respect]:"}\\ 
  1333   @{text "(int_rel \<doublearr> int_rel \<doublearr> int_rel) add_pair add_pair"}
  1334   \end{tabular}
  1335   \end{isabelle}
  1337   \noindent
  1338   It can be discharged automatically by Isabelle when hinting to unfold the definition
  1339   of @{text "\<doublearr>"}.
  1340   After this, the user can prove the lifted lemma as follows:
  1342   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %
  1343   \isacommand{lemma}~~@{text "0 + (x :: int) = x"}~~\isacommand{by}~~@{text "lifting add_pair_zero"}
  1344   \end{isabelle}
  1346   \noindent
  1347   or by using the completely automated mode stating just:
  1349   \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %
  1350   \isacommand{thm}~~@{text "add_pair_zero[quot_lifted]"}
  1351   \end{isabelle}
  1353   \noindent
  1354   Both methods give the same result, namely @{text "0 + x = x"}
  1355   where @{text x} is of type integer.
  1356   Although seemingly simple, arriving at this result without the help of a quotient
  1357   package requires a substantial reasoning effort (see \cite{Paulson06}).
  1358 *}
  1362 (*<*)
  1363 end
  1364 (*>*)