1 (*<*) |
2 theory Paper |
3 imports "Quotient" |
4 "~~/src/HOL/Library/Quotient_Syntax" |
5 "~~/src/HOL/Library/LaTeXsugar" |
6 "~~/src/HOL/Quotient_Examples/FSet" |
7 begin |
8 |
9 (**** |
10 |
11 ** things to do for the next version |
12 * |
13 * - what are quot_thms? |
14 * - what do all preservation theorems look like, |
15 in particular preservation for quotient |
16 compositions |
17 - explain how Quotient R Abs Rep is proved (j-version) |
18 - give an example where precise specification helps (core Haskell in nominal?) |
19 |
20 - Mention Andreas Lochbiler in Acknowledgements and 'desceding'. |
21 |
22 *) |
23 |
24 notation (latex output) |
25 rel_conj ("_ \<circ>\<circ>\<circ> _" [53, 53] 52) and |
26 pred_comp ("_ \<circ>\<circ> _" [1, 1] 30) and |
27 implies (infix "\<longrightarrow>" 100) and |
28 "==>" (infix "\<Longrightarrow>" 100) and |
29 map_fun ("_ \<singlearr> _" 51) and |
30 fun_rel ("_ \<doublearr> _" 51) and |
31 list_eq (infix "\<approx>" 50) and (* Not sure if we want this notation...? *) |
32 empty_fset ("\<emptyset>") and |
33 union_fset ("_ \<union> _") and |
34 insert_fset ("{_} \<union> _") and |
35 Cons ("_::_") and |
36 concat ("flat") and |
37 concat_fset ("\<Union>") and |
38 Quotient ("Quot _ _ _") |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 ML {* |
43 fun nth_conj n (_, r) = nth (HOLogic.dest_conj r) n; |
44 |
45 fun style_lhs_rhs proj = Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => fn t => |
46 let |
47 val concl = |
48 Object_Logic.drop_judgment (ProofContext.theory_of ctxt) (Logic.strip_imp_concl t) |
49 in |
50 case concl of (_ $ l $ r) => proj (l, r) |
51 | _ => error ("Binary operator expected in term: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt concl) |
52 end); |
53 *} |
54 |
55 setup {* |
56 Term_Style.setup "rhs1" (style_lhs_rhs (nth_conj 0)) #> |
57 Term_Style.setup "rhs2" (style_lhs_rhs (nth_conj 1)) #> |
58 Term_Style.setup "rhs3" (style_lhs_rhs (nth_conj 2)) |
59 *} |
60 |
61 lemma insert_preserve2: |
62 shows "((rep_fset ---> (map rep_fset \<circ> rep_fset) ---> (abs_fset \<circ> map abs_fset)) op #) = |
63 (id ---> rep_fset ---> abs_fset) op #" |
64 by (simp add: fun_eq_iff abs_o_rep[OF Quotient_fset] map_id Quotient_abs_rep[OF Quotient_fset]) |
65 |
66 lemma list_all2_symp: |
67 assumes a: "equivp R" |
68 and b: "list_all2 R xs ys" |
69 shows "list_all2 R ys xs" |
70 using list_all2_lengthD[OF b] b |
71 apply(induct xs ys rule: list_induct2) |
72 apply(auto intro: equivp_symp[OF a]) |
73 done |
74 |
75 lemma concat_rsp_unfolded: |
76 "\<lbrakk>list_all2 list_eq a ba; list_eq ba bb; list_all2 list_eq bb b\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> list_eq (concat a) (concat b)" |
77 proof - |
78 fix a b ba bb |
79 assume a: "list_all2 list_eq a ba" |
80 assume b: "list_eq ba bb" |
81 assume c: "list_all2 list_eq bb b" |
82 have "\<forall>x. (\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa) = (\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa)" proof |
83 fix x |
84 show "(\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa) = (\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa)" proof |
85 assume d: "\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa" |
86 show "\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa" by (rule concat_rsp_pre[OF a b c d]) |
87 next |
88 assume e: "\<exists>xa\<in>set b. x \<in> set xa" |
89 have a': "list_all2 list_eq ba a" by (rule list_all2_symp[OF list_eq_equivp, OF a]) |
90 have b': "list_eq bb ba" by (rule equivp_symp[OF list_eq_equivp, OF b]) |
91 have c': "list_all2 list_eq b bb" by (rule list_all2_symp[OF list_eq_equivp, OF c]) |
92 show "\<exists>xa\<in>set a. x \<in> set xa" by (rule concat_rsp_pre[OF c' b' a' e]) |
93 qed |
94 qed |
95 then show "list_eq (concat a) (concat b)" by auto |
96 qed |
97 |
98 (*>*) |
99 |
100 |
101 section {* Introduction *} |
102 |
103 text {* |
104 \noindent |
105 One might think quotients have been studied to death, but in the context of |
106 theorem provers many questions concerning them are far from settled. In |
107 this paper we address the question of how to establish a convenient reasoning |
108 infrastructure |
109 for quotient constructions in the Isabelle/HOL |
110 theorem prover. Higher-Order Logic (HOL) consists |
111 of a small number of axioms and inference rules over a simply-typed |
112 term-language. Safe reasoning in HOL is ensured by two very restricted |
113 mechanisms for extending the logic: one is the definition of new constants |
114 in terms of existing ones; the other is the introduction of new types by |
115 identifying non-empty subsets in existing types. Previous work has shown how |
116 to use both mechanisms for dealing with quotient constructions in HOL (see |
117 \cite{Homeier05,Paulson06}). For example the integers in Isabelle/HOL are |
118 constructed by a quotient construction over the type @{typ "nat \<times> nat"} and |
119 the equivalence relation |
120 |
121 |
122 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
123 @{text "(n\<^isub>1, n\<^isub>2) \<approx> (m\<^isub>1, m\<^isub>2) \<equiv> n\<^isub>1 + m\<^isub>2 = m\<^isub>1 + n\<^isub>2"}\hfill\numbered{natpairequiv} |
124 \end{isabelle} |
125 |
126 \noindent |
127 This constructions yields the new type @{typ int}, and definitions for @{text |
128 "0"} and @{text "1"} of type @{typ int} can be given in terms of pairs of |
129 natural numbers (namely @{text "(0, 0)"} and @{text "(1, 0)"}). Operations |
130 such as @{text "add"} with type @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"} can be defined in |
131 terms of operations on pairs of natural numbers (namely @{text |
132 "add_pair (n\<^isub>1, m\<^isub>1) (n\<^isub>2, |
133 m\<^isub>2) \<equiv> (n\<^isub>1 + n\<^isub>2, m\<^isub>1 + m\<^isub>2)"}). |
134 Similarly one can construct %%the type of |
135 finite sets, written @{term "\<alpha> fset"}, |
136 by quotienting the type @{text "\<alpha> list"} according to the equivalence relation |
137 |
138 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
139 @{text "xs \<approx> ys \<equiv> (\<forall>x. memb x xs \<longleftrightarrow> memb x ys)"}\hfill\numbered{listequiv} |
140 \end{isabelle} |
141 |
142 \noindent |
143 which states that two lists are equivalent if every element in one list is |
144 also member in the other. The empty finite set, written @{term "{||}"}, can |
145 then be defined as the empty list and the union of two finite sets, written |
146 @{text "\<union>"}, as list append. |
147 |
148 Quotients are important in a variety of areas, but they are really ubiquitous in |
149 the area of reasoning about programming language calculi. A simple example |
150 is the lambda-calculus, whose raw terms are defined as |
151 |
152 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
153 @{text "t ::= x | t t | \<lambda>x.t"}%\hfill\numbered{lambda} |
154 \end{isabelle} |
155 |
156 \noindent |
157 The problem with this definition arises, for instance, when one attempts to |
158 prove formally the substitution lemma \cite{Barendregt81} by induction |
159 over the structure of terms. This can be fiendishly complicated (see |
160 \cite[Pages 94--104]{CurryFeys58} for some ``rough'' sketches of a proof |
161 about raw lambda-terms). In contrast, if we reason about |
162 $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms, that means terms quotient according to |
163 $\alpha$-equivalence, then the reasoning infrastructure provided, |
164 for example, by Nominal Isabelle %%\cite{UrbanKaliszyk11} |
165 makes the formal |
166 proof of the substitution lemma almost trivial. |
167 |
168 The difficulty is that in order to be able to reason about integers, finite |
169 sets or $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms one needs to establish a reasoning |
170 infrastructure by transferring, or \emph{lifting}, definitions and theorems |
171 from the raw type @{typ "nat \<times> nat"} to the quotient type @{typ int} |
172 (similarly for finite sets and $\alpha$-equated lambda-terms). This lifting |
173 usually requires a \emph{lot} of tedious reasoning effort \cite{Paulson06}. |
174 In principle it is feasible to do this work manually, if one has only a few quotient |
175 constructions at hand. But if they have to be done over and over again, as in |
176 Nominal Isabelle, then manual reasoning is not an option. |
177 |
178 The purpose of a \emph{quotient package} is to ease the lifting of theorems |
179 and automate the reasoning as much as possible. In the |
180 context of HOL, there have been a few quotient packages already |
181 \cite{harrison-thesis,Slotosch97}. The most notable one is by Homeier |
182 \cite{Homeier05} implemented in HOL4. The fundamental construction these |
183 quotient packages perform can be illustrated by the following picture: |
184 |
185 %%% FIXME: Referee 1 says: |
186 %%% Diagram is unclear. Firstly, isn't an existing type a "set (not sets) of raw elements"? |
187 %%% Secondly, isn't the _set of_ equivalence classes mapped to and from the new type? |
188 %%% Thirdly, what do the words "non-empty subset" refer to ? |
189 |
190 %%% Cezary: I like the diagram, maybe 'new type' could be outside, but otherwise |
191 %%% I wouldn't change it. |
192 |
193 \begin{center} |
194 \mbox{}\hspace{20mm}\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9] |
195 %%\draw[step=2mm] (-4,-1) grid (4,1); |
196 |
197 \draw[very thick] (0.7,0.3) circle (4.85mm); |
198 \draw[rounded corners=1mm, very thick] ( 0.0,-0.9) rectangle ( 1.8, 0.9); |
199 \draw[rounded corners=1mm, very thick] (-1.95,0.8) rectangle (-2.9,-0.195); |
200 |
201 \draw (-2.0, 0.8) -- (0.7,0.8); |
202 \draw (-2.0,-0.195) -- (0.7,-0.195); |
203 |
204 \draw ( 0.7, 0.23) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}equiv-\\[-1mm]clas.\end{tabular}}; |
205 \draw (-2.45, 0.35) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {}}new\\[-1mm]type\end{tabular}}; |
206 \draw (1.8, 0.35) node[right=-0.1mm] |
207 {\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}existing\\[-1mm] type\\ (sets of raw elements)\end{tabular}}; |
208 \draw (0.9, -0.55) node {\begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}}non-empty\\[-1mm]subset\end{tabular}}; |
209 |
210 \draw[->, very thick] (-1.8, 0.36) -- (-0.1,0.36); |
211 \draw[<-, very thick] (-1.8, 0.16) -- (-0.1,0.16); |
212 \draw (-0.95, 0.26) node[above=0.4mm] {@{text Rep}}; |
213 \draw (-0.95, 0.26) node[below=0.4mm] {@{text Abs}}; |
214 \end{tikzpicture} |
215 \end{center} |
216 |
217 \noindent |
218 The starting point is an existing type, to which we refer as the |
219 \emph{raw type} and over which an equivalence relation is given by the user. |
220 With this input the package introduces a new type, to which we |
221 refer as the \emph{quotient type}. This type comes with an |
222 \emph{abstraction} and a \emph{representation} function, written @{text Abs} |
223 and @{text Rep}.\footnote{Actually slightly more basic functions are given; |
224 the functions @{text Abs} and @{text Rep} need to be derived from them. We |
225 will show the details later. } They relate elements in the |
226 existing type to elements in the new type, % and vice versa, |
227 and can be uniquely |
228 identified by their quotient type. For example for the integer quotient construction |
229 the types of @{text Abs} and @{text Rep} are |
230 |
231 |
232 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
233 @{text "Abs :: nat \<times> nat \<Rightarrow> int"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "Rep :: int \<Rightarrow> nat \<times> nat"} |
234 \end{isabelle} |
235 |
236 \noindent |
237 We therefore often write @{text Abs_int} and @{text Rep_int} if the |
238 typing information is important. |
239 |
240 Every abstraction and representation function stands for an isomorphism |
241 between the non-empty subset and elements in the new type. They are |
242 necessary for making definitions involving the new type. For example @{text |
243 "0"} and @{text "1"} of type @{typ int} can be defined as |
244 |
245 |
246 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
247 @{text "0 \<equiv> Abs_int (0, 0)"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "1 \<equiv> Abs_int (1, 0)"} |
248 \end{isabelle} |
249 |
250 \noindent |
251 Slightly more complicated is the definition of @{text "add"} having type |
252 @{typ "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"}. Its definition is as follows |
253 |
254 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
255 @{text "add n m \<equiv> Abs_int (add_pair (Rep_int n) (Rep_int m))"} |
256 \hfill\numbered{adddef} |
257 \end{isabelle} |
258 |
259 \noindent |
260 where we take the representation of the arguments @{text n} and @{text m}, |
261 add them according to the function @{text "add_pair"} and then take the |
262 abstraction of the result. This is all straightforward and the existing |
263 quotient packages can deal with such definitions. But what is surprising is |
264 that none of them can deal with slightly more complicated definitions involving |
265 \emph{compositions} of quotients. Such compositions are needed for example |
266 in case of quotienting lists to yield finite sets and the operator that |
267 flattens lists of lists, defined as follows |
268 |
269 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
270 @{thm concat.simps(1)[THEN eq_reflection]}\hspace{10mm} |
271 @{thm concat.simps(2)[THEN eq_reflection, no_vars]} |
272 \end{isabelle} |
273 |
274 \noindent |
275 where @{text "@"} is the usual |
276 list append. We expect that the corresponding |
277 operator on finite sets, written @{term "fconcat"}, |
278 builds finite unions of finite sets: |
279 |
280 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
281 @{thm concat_empty_fset[THEN eq_reflection, no_vars]}\hspace{10mm} |
282 @{thm concat_insert_fset[THEN eq_reflection, no_vars]} |
283 \end{isabelle} |
284 |
285 \noindent |
286 The quotient package should automatically provide us with a definition for @{text "\<Union>"} in |
287 terms of @{text flat}, @{text Rep_fset} and @{text Abs_fset}. The problem is |
288 that the method used in the existing quotient |
289 packages of just taking the representation of the arguments and then taking |
290 the abstraction of the result is \emph{not} enough. The reason is that in case |
291 of @{text "\<Union>"} we obtain the incorrect definition |
292 |
293 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
294 @{text "\<Union> S \<equiv> Abs_fset (flat (Rep_fset S))"} |
295 \end{isabelle} |
296 |
297 \noindent |
298 where the right-hand side is not even typable! This problem can be remedied in the |
299 existing quotient packages by introducing an intermediate step and reasoning |
300 about flattening of lists of finite sets. However, this remedy is rather |
301 cumbersome and inelegant in light of our work, which can deal with such |
302 definitions directly. The solution is that we need to build aggregate |
303 representation and abstraction functions, which in case of @{text "\<Union>"} |
304 generate the %%%following |
305 definition |
306 |
307 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
308 @{text "\<Union> S \<equiv> Abs_fset (flat ((map_list Rep_fset \<circ> Rep_fset) S))"} |
309 \end{isabelle} |
310 |
311 \noindent |
312 where @{term map_list} is the usual mapping function for lists. In this paper we |
313 will present a formal definition of our aggregate abstraction and |
314 representation functions (this definition was omitted in \cite{Homeier05}). |
315 They generate definitions, like the one above for @{text "\<Union>"}, |
316 according to the type of the raw constant and the type |
317 of the quotient constant. This means we also have to extend the notions |
318 of \emph{aggregate equivalence relation}, \emph{respectfulness} and \emph{preservation} |
319 from Homeier \cite{Homeier05}. |
320 |
321 In addition we are able to clearly specify what is involved |
322 in the lifting process (this was only hinted at in \cite{Homeier05} and |
323 implemented as a ``rough recipe'' in ML-code). A pleasing side-result |
324 is that our procedure for lifting theorems is completely deterministic |
325 following the structure of the theorem being lifted and the theorem |
326 on the quotient level. Space constraints, unfortunately, allow us to only |
327 sketch this part of our work in Section 5 and we defer the reader to a longer |
328 version for the details. However, we will give in Section 3 and 4 all |
329 definitions that specify the input and output data of our three-step |
330 lifting procedure. Appendix A gives an example how our quotient |
331 package works in practise. |
332 *} |
333 |
334 section {* Preliminaries and General\\ Quotients\label{sec:prelims} *} |
335 |
336 text {* |
337 \noindent |
338 We will give in this section a crude overview of HOL and describe the main |
339 definitions given by Homeier for quotients \cite{Homeier05}. |
340 |
341 At its core, HOL is based on a simply-typed term language, where types are |
342 recorded in Church-style fashion (that means, we can always infer the type of |
343 a term and its subterms without any additional information). The grammars |
344 for types and terms are |
345 |
346 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
347 \begin{tabular}{@ {}c@ {\hspace{10mm}}c@ {}} |
348 @{text "\<sigma>, \<tau> ::= \<alpha> | (\<sigma>,\<dots>, \<sigma>) \<kappa>"} & |
349 @{text "t, s ::= x\<^isup>\<sigma> | c\<^isup>\<sigma> | t t | \<lambda>x\<^isup>\<sigma>. t"}\\ |
350 \end{tabular} |
351 \end{isabelle} |
352 |
353 \noindent |
354 with types being either type variables or type constructors and terms |
355 being variables, constants, applications or abstractions. |
356 We often write just @{text \<kappa>} for @{text "() \<kappa>"}, and use @{text "\<alpha>s"} and |
357 @{text "\<sigma>s"} to stand for collections of type variables and types, |
358 respectively. The type of a term is often made explicit by writing @{text |
359 "t :: \<sigma>"}. HOL includes a type @{typ bool} for booleans and the function |
360 type, written @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>"}. HOL also contains many primitive and defined |
361 constants; for example, a primitive constant is equality, with type @{text "= :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> |
362 bool"}, and the identity function with type @{text "id :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"} is |
363 defined as @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. x\<^sup>\<sigma>"}. |
364 |
365 An important point to note is that theorems in HOL can be seen as a subset |
366 of terms that are constructed specially (namely through axioms and proof |
367 rules). As a result we are able to define automatic proof |
368 procedures showing that one theorem implies another by decomposing the term |
369 underlying the first theorem. |
370 |
371 Like Homeier's, our work relies on map-functions defined for every type |
372 constructor taking some arguments, for example @{text map_list} for lists. Homeier |
373 describes in \cite{Homeier05} map-functions for products, sums, options and |
374 also the following map for function types |
375 |
376 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
377 @{thm map_fun_def[no_vars, THEN eq_reflection]} |
378 \end{isabelle} |
379 |
380 \noindent |
381 Using this map-function, we can give the following, equivalent, but more |
382 uniform definition for @{text add} shown in \eqref{adddef}: |
383 |
384 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
385 @{text "add \<equiv> (Rep_int \<singlearr> Rep_int \<singlearr> Abs_int) add_pair"} |
386 \end{isabelle} |
387 |
388 \noindent |
389 Using extensionality and unfolding the definition of @{text "\<singlearr>"}, |
390 we can get back to \eqref{adddef}. |
391 In what follows we shall use the convention to write @{text "map_\<kappa>"} for a map-function |
392 of the type-constructor @{text \<kappa>}. |
393 %% a general type for map all types is difficult to give (algebraic types are |
394 %% easy, but for example the function type is not algebraic |
395 %For a type @{text \<kappa>} with arguments @{text "\<alpha>\<^isub>1\<^isub>\<dots>\<^isub>n"} the |
396 %type of the function @{text "map_\<kappa>"} has to be @{text "\<alpha>\<^isub>1\<Rightarrow>\<dots>\<Rightarrow>\<alpha>\<^isub>n\<Rightarrow>\<alpha>\<^isub>1\<dots>\<alpha>\<^isub>n \<kappa>"}. |
397 %For example @{text "map_list"} |
398 %has to have the type @{text "\<alpha>\<Rightarrow>\<alpha> list"}. |
399 In our implementation we maintain |
400 a database of these map-functions that can be dynamically extended. |
401 |
402 It will also be necessary to have operators, referred to as @{text "rel_\<kappa>"}, |
403 which define equivalence relations in terms of constituent equivalence |
404 relations. For example given two equivalence relations @{text "R\<^isub>1"} |
405 and @{text "R\<^isub>2"}, we can define an equivalence relations over |
406 products as %% follows |
407 |
408 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
409 @{text "(R\<^isub>1 \<tripple> R\<^isub>2) (x\<^isub>1, x\<^isub>2) (y\<^isub>1, y\<^isub>2) \<equiv> R\<^isub>1 x\<^isub>1 y\<^isub>1 \<and> R\<^isub>2 x\<^isub>2 y\<^isub>2"} |
410 \end{isabelle} |
411 |
412 \noindent |
413 Homeier gives also the following operator for defining equivalence |
414 relations over function types |
415 % |
416 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
417 @{thm fun_rel_def[of "R\<^isub>1" "R\<^isub>2", no_vars, THEN eq_reflection]} |
418 \hfill\numbered{relfun} |
419 \end{isabelle} |
420 |
421 \noindent |
422 In the context of quotients, the following two notions from \cite{Homeier05} |
423 are needed later on. |
424 |
425 \begin{definition}[Respects]\label{def:respects} |
426 An element @{text "x"} respects a relation @{text "R"} provided @{text "R x x"}. |
427 \end{definition} |
428 |
429 \begin{definition}[Bounded $\forall$ and $\lambda$]\label{def:babs} |
430 @{text "\<forall>x \<in> S. P x"} holds if for all @{text x}, @{text "x \<in> S"} implies @{text "P x"}; |
431 and @{text "(\<lambda>x \<in> S. f x) = f x"} provided @{text "x \<in> S"}. |
432 \end{definition} |
433 |
434 The central definition in Homeier's work \cite{Homeier05} relates equivalence |
435 relations, abstraction and representation functions: |
436 |
437 \begin{definition}[Quotient Types] |
438 Given a relation $R$, an abstraction function $Abs$ |
439 and a representation function $Rep$, the predicate @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"} |
440 holds if and only if |
441 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%%% |
442 \begin{tabular}{rl} |
443 (i) & \begin{isa}@{thm (rhs1) Quotient_def[of "R", no_vars]}\end{isa}\\ |
444 (ii) & \begin{isa}@{thm (rhs2) Quotient_def[of "R", no_vars]}\end{isa}\\ |
445 (iii) & \begin{isa}@{thm (rhs3) Quotient_def[of "R", no_vars]}\end{isa}\\ |
446 \end{tabular} |
447 \end{isabelle} |
448 \end{definition} |
449 |
450 \noindent |
451 The value of this definition lies in the fact that validity of @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"} can |
452 often be proved in terms of the validity of @{term "Quot"} over the constituent |
453 types of @{text "R"}, @{text Abs} and @{text Rep}. |
454 For example Homeier proves the following property for higher-order quotient |
455 types: |
456 |
457 \begin{proposition}\label{funquot} |
458 \begin{isa} |
459 @{thm[mode=IfThen] fun_quotient[where ?R1.0="R\<^isub>1" and ?R2.0="R\<^isub>2" |
460 and ?abs1.0="Abs\<^isub>1" and ?abs2.0="Abs\<^isub>2" and ?rep1.0="Rep\<^isub>1" and ?rep2.0="Rep\<^isub>2"]} |
461 \end{isa} |
462 \end{proposition} |
463 |
464 \noindent |
465 As a result, Homeier is able to build an automatic prover that can nearly |
466 always discharge a proof obligation involving @{text "Quot"}. Our quotient |
467 package makes heavy |
468 use of this part of Homeier's work including an extension |
469 for dealing with \emph{conjugations} of equivalence relations\footnote{That are |
470 symmetric by definition.} defined as follows: |
471 |
472 %%% FIXME Referee 2 claims that composition-of-relations means OO, and this is also |
473 %%% what wikipedia says. Any idea for a different name? Conjugation of Relations? |
474 |
475 \begin{definition}%%[Composition of Relations] |
476 @{abbrev "rel_conj R\<^isub>1 R\<^isub>2"} where @{text "\<circ>\<circ>"} is the predicate |
477 composition defined by |
478 @{thm (concl) pred_compI[of "R\<^isub>1" "x" "y" "R\<^isub>2" "z"]} |
479 holds if and only if there exists a @{text y} such that @{thm (prem 1) pred_compI[of "R\<^isub>1" "x" "y" "R\<^isub>2" "z"]} and |
480 @{thm (prem 2) pred_compI[of "R\<^isub>1" "x" "y" "R\<^isub>2" "z"]}. |
481 \end{definition} |
482 |
483 \noindent |
484 Unfortunately a general quotient theorem for @{text "\<circ>\<circ>\<circ>"}, analogous to the one |
485 for @{text "\<singlearr>"} given in Proposition \ref{funquot}, would not be true |
486 in general. It cannot even be stated inside HOL, because of restrictions on types. |
487 However, we can prove specific instances of a |
488 quotient theorem for composing particular quotient relations. |
489 For example, to lift theorems involving @{term flat} the quotient theorem for |
490 composing @{text "\<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>"} will be necessary: given @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"} |
491 with @{text R} being an equivalence relation, then |
492 |
493 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
494 \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{1mm}}l} |
495 @{text "Quot"} & @{text "(rel_list R \<circ>\<circ>\<circ> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>)"}\\ |
496 & @{text "(Abs_fset \<circ> map_list Abs)"} @{text "(map_list Rep \<circ> Rep_fset)"}\\ |
497 \end{tabular} |
498 \end{isabelle} |
499 *} |
500 |
501 section {* Quotient Types and Quotient\\ Definitions\label{sec:type} *} |
502 |
503 text {* |
504 \noindent |
505 The first step in a quotient construction is to take a name for the new |
506 type, say @{text "\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}, and an equivalence relation, say @{text R}, |
507 defined over a raw type, say @{text "\<sigma>"}. The type of the equivalence |
508 relation must be @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> bool"}. The user-visible part of |
509 the quotient type declaration is therefore |
510 |
511 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
512 \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q = \<sigma> / R"}\hfill\numbered{typedecl} |
513 \end{isabelle} |
514 |
515 \noindent |
516 and a proof that @{text "R"} is indeed an equivalence relation. The @{text "\<alpha>s"} |
517 indicate the arity of the new type and the type-variables of @{text "\<sigma>"} can only |
518 be contained in @{text "\<alpha>s"}. Two concrete |
519 examples are |
520 |
521 |
522 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
523 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l} |
524 \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "int = nat \<times> nat / \<approx>\<^bsub>nat \<times> nat\<^esub>"}\\ |
525 \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "\<alpha> fset = \<alpha> list / \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>"} |
526 \end{tabular} |
527 \end{isabelle} |
528 |
529 \noindent |
530 which introduce the type of integers and of finite sets using the |
531 equivalence relations @{text "\<approx>\<^bsub>nat \<times> nat\<^esub>"} and @{text |
532 "\<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>"} defined in \eqref{natpairequiv} and |
533 \eqref{listequiv}, respectively (the proofs about being equivalence |
534 relations are omitted). Given this data, we define for declarations shown in |
535 \eqref{typedecl} the quotient types internally as |
536 |
537 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
538 \isacommand{typedef}~~@{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q = {c. \<exists>x. c = R x}"} |
539 \end{isabelle} |
540 |
541 \noindent |
542 where the right-hand side is the (non-empty) set of equivalence classes of |
543 @{text "R"}. The constraint in this declaration is that the type variables |
544 in the raw type @{text "\<sigma>"} must be included in the type variables @{text |
545 "\<alpha>s"} declared for @{text "\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}. HOL will then provide us with the following |
546 abstraction and representation functions |
547 |
548 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
549 @{text "abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q :: \<sigma> set \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q :: \<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> set"} |
550 \end{isabelle} |
551 |
552 \noindent |
553 As can be seen from the type, they relate the new quotient type and equivalence classes of the raw |
554 type. However, as Homeier \cite{Homeier05} noted, it is much more convenient |
555 to work with the following derived abstraction and representation functions |
556 |
557 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
558 @{text "Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q x \<equiv> abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q (R x)"}\hspace{10mm}@{text "Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q x \<equiv> \<epsilon> (rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q x)"} |
559 \end{isabelle} |
560 |
561 \noindent |
562 on the expense of having to use Hilbert's choice operator @{text "\<epsilon>"} in the |
563 definition of @{text "Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}. These derived notions relate the |
564 quotient type and the raw type directly, as can be seen from their type, |
565 namely @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} and @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"}, |
566 respectively. Given that @{text "R"} is an equivalence relation, the |
567 following property holds for every quotient type |
568 (for the proof see \cite{Homeier05}). |
569 |
570 \begin{proposition} |
571 \begin{isa}@{term "Quotient R Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"}.\end{isa} |
572 \end{proposition} |
573 |
574 The next step in a quotient construction is to introduce definitions of new constants |
575 involving the quotient type. These definitions need to be given in terms of concepts |
576 of the raw type (remember this is the only way how to extend HOL |
577 with new definitions). For the user the visible part of such definitions is the declaration |
578 |
579 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
580 \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "c :: \<tau>"}~~\isacommand{is}~~@{text "t :: \<sigma>"} |
581 \end{isabelle} |
582 |
583 \noindent |
584 where @{text t} is the definiens (its type @{text \<sigma>} can always be inferred) |
585 and @{text "c"} is the name of definiendum, whose type @{text "\<tau>"} needs to be |
586 given explicitly (the point is that @{text "\<tau>"} and @{text "\<sigma>"} can only differ |
587 in places where a quotient and raw type is involved). Two concrete examples are |
588 |
589 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
590 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l} |
591 \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "0 :: int"}~~\isacommand{is}~~@{text "(0::nat, 0::nat)"}\\ |
592 \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "\<Union> :: (\<alpha> fset) fset \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> fset"}~~% |
593 \isacommand{is}~~@{text "flat"} |
594 \end{tabular} |
595 \end{isabelle} |
596 |
597 \noindent |
598 The first one declares zero for integers and the second the operator for |
599 building unions of finite sets (@{text "flat"} having the type |
600 @{text "(\<alpha> list) list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"}). |
601 |
602 From such declarations given by the user, the quotient package needs to derive proper |
603 definitions using @{text "Abs"} and @{text "Rep"}. The data we rely on is the given quotient type |
604 @{text "\<tau>"} and the raw type @{text "\<sigma>"}. They allow us to define \emph{aggregate |
605 abstraction} and \emph{representation functions} using the functions @{text "ABS (\<sigma>, |
606 \<tau>)"} and @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"} whose clauses we shall give below. The idea behind |
607 these two functions is to simultaneously descend into the raw types @{text \<sigma>} and |
608 quotient types @{text \<tau>}, and generate the appropriate |
609 @{text "Abs"} and @{text "Rep"} in places where the types differ. Therefore |
610 we generate just the identity whenever the types are equal. On the ``way'' down, |
611 however we might have to use map-functions to let @{text Abs} and @{text Rep} act |
612 over the appropriate types. In what follows we use the short-hand notation |
613 @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s)"} to mean @{text "ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>1, \<tau>\<^isub>1)\<dots>ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>n, \<tau>\<^isub>n)"}; similarly |
614 for @{text REP}. |
615 % |
616 \begin{center} |
617 \hfill |
618 \begin{tabular}{@ {\hspace{2mm}}l@ {}} |
619 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal types:}\\ |
620 @{text "ABS (\<sigma>, \<sigma>)"} $\dn$ @{text "id :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"}\hspace{5mm}%\\ |
621 @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<sigma>)"} $\dn$ @{text "id :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"}\smallskip\\ |
622 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{function types:}\\ |
623 @{text "ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "REP (\<sigma>\<^isub>1, \<tau>\<^isub>1) \<singlearr> ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>2)"}\\ |
624 @{text "REP (\<sigma>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>1 \<Rightarrow> \<tau>\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "ABS (\<sigma>\<^isub>1, \<tau>\<^isub>1) \<singlearr> REP (\<sigma>\<^isub>2, \<tau>\<^isub>2)"}\smallskip\\ |
625 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal type constructors:}\\ |
626 @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>)"} $\dn$ @{text "map_\<kappa> (ABS (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s))"}\\ |
627 @{text "REP (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>)"} $\dn$ @{text "map_\<kappa> (REP (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s))"}\smallskip\\ |
628 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{unequal type constructors:}\\ |
629 @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q)"} $\dn$ @{text "Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q \<circ> (MAP(\<rho>s \<kappa>) (ABS (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s)))"}\\ |
630 @{text "REP (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q)"} $\dn$ @{text "(MAP(\<rho>s \<kappa>) (REP (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s))) \<circ> Rep_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"} |
631 \end{tabular}\hfill\numbered{ABSREP} |
632 \end{center} |
633 % |
634 \noindent |
635 In the last two clauses are subtle. We rely in them on the fact that the type @{text "\<alpha>s |
636 \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} is the quotient of the raw type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} (for example |
637 @{text "int"} and @{text "nat \<times> nat"}, or @{text "\<alpha> fset"} and @{text "\<alpha> |
638 list"}). This data is given by declarations shown in \eqref{typedecl}. |
639 The quotient construction ensures that the type variables in @{text |
640 "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} must be among the @{text "\<alpha>s"}. The @{text "\<sigma>s'"} are given by the |
641 substitutions for the @{text "\<alpha>s"} when matching @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa>"} against |
642 @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}. This calculation determines what are the types in place |
643 of the type variables @{text "\<alpha>s"} in the instance of |
644 quotient type @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}---namely @{text "\<tau>s"}, and the corresponding |
645 types in place of the @{text "\<alpha>s"} in the raw type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}---namely @{text "\<sigma>s'"}. The |
646 function @{text "MAP"} calculates an \emph{aggregate map-function} for a raw |
647 type as follows: |
648 % |
649 \begin{center} |
650 \begin{tabular}{r@ {\hspace{1mm}}c@ {\hspace{1mm}}l} |
651 @{text "MAP' (\<alpha>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "a\<^sup>\<alpha>"}\\ |
652 @{text "MAP' (\<kappa>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "id :: \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<kappa>"}\\ |
653 @{text "MAP' (\<sigma>s \<kappa>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "map_\<kappa> (MAP'(\<sigma>s))"}\smallskip\\ |
654 @{text "MAP (\<sigma>)"} & $\dn$ & @{text "\<lambda>as. MAP'(\<sigma>)"} |
655 \end{tabular} |
656 \end{center} |
657 % |
658 \noindent |
659 In this definition we rely on the fact that in the first clause we can interpret type-variables @{text \<alpha>} as |
660 term variables @{text a}. In the last clause we build an abstraction over all |
661 term-variables of the map-function generated by the auxiliary function |
662 @{text "MAP'"}. |
663 The need for aggregate map-functions can be seen in cases where we build quotients, |
664 say @{text "(\<alpha>, \<beta>) \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}, out of compound raw types, say @{text "(\<alpha> list) \<times> \<beta>"}. |
665 In this case @{text MAP} generates the |
666 aggregate map-function: |
667 |
668 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 2 asks: last two lines defining ABS and REP for |
669 %%% unequal type constructors: How are the $\varrho$s defined? The |
670 %%% following paragraph mentions them, but this paragraph is unclear, |
671 %%% since it then mentions $\alpha$s, which do not seem to be defined |
672 %%% either. As a result, I do not understand the first two sentences |
673 %%% in this paragraph. I can imagine roughly what the following |
674 %%% sentence `The $\sigma$s' are given by the matchers for the |
675 %%% $\alpha$s$ when matching $\varrho$s $\kappa$ against $\sigma$s |
676 %%% $\kappa$.' means, but also think that it is too vague. |
677 |
678 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
679 @{text "\<lambda>a b. map_prod (map_list a) b"} |
680 \end{isabelle} |
681 |
682 \noindent |
683 which is essential in order to define the corresponding aggregate |
684 abstraction and representation functions. |
685 |
686 To see how these definitions pan out in practise, let us return to our |
687 example about @{term "concat"} and @{term "fconcat"}, where we have the raw type |
688 @{text "(\<alpha> list) list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"} and the quotient type @{text "(\<alpha> fset) fset \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> |
689 fset"}. Feeding these types into @{text ABS} gives us (after some @{text "\<beta>"}-simplifications) |
690 the abstraction function |
691 |
692 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ %%% |
693 \begin{tabular}{l} |
694 @{text "(map_list (map_list id \<circ> Rep_fset) \<circ> Rep_fset) \<singlearr>"}\\ |
695 \mbox{}\hspace{4.5cm}@{text " Abs_fset \<circ> map_list id"} |
696 \end{tabular} |
697 \end{isabelle} |
698 |
699 \noindent |
700 In our implementation we further |
701 simplify this function by rewriting with the usual laws about @{text |
702 "map"}s and @{text "id"}, for example @{term "map_list id = id"} and @{text "f \<circ> id = |
703 id \<circ> f = f"}. This gives us the simpler abstraction function |
704 |
705 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
706 @{text "(map_list Rep_fset \<circ> Rep_fset) \<singlearr> Abs_fset"} |
707 \end{isabelle} |
708 |
709 \noindent |
710 which we can use for defining @{term "fconcat"} as follows |
711 |
712 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
713 @{text "\<Union> \<equiv> ((map_list Rep_fset \<circ> Rep_fset) \<singlearr> Abs_fset) flat"} |
714 \end{isabelle} |
715 |
716 \noindent |
717 Note that by using the operator @{text "\<singlearr>"} and special clauses |
718 for function types in \eqref{ABSREP}, we do not have to |
719 distinguish between arguments and results, but can deal with them uniformly. |
720 Consequently, all definitions in the quotient package |
721 are of the general form |
722 |
723 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
724 \mbox{@{text "c \<equiv> ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) t"}} |
725 \end{isabelle} |
726 |
727 \noindent |
728 where @{text \<sigma>} is the type of the definiens @{text "t"} and @{text "\<tau>"} the |
729 type of the defined quotient constant @{text "c"}. This data can be easily |
730 generated from the declaration given by the user. |
731 To increase the confidence in this way of making definitions, we can prove |
732 that the terms involved are all typable. |
733 |
734 \begin{lemma} |
735 If @{text "ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"} returns some abstraction function @{text "Abs"} |
736 and @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"} some representation function @{text "Rep"}, |
737 then @{text "Abs"} is of type @{text "\<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>"} and @{text "Rep"} of type |
738 @{text "\<tau> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma>"}. |
739 \end{lemma} |
740 |
741 \begin{proof} |
742 By mutual induction and analysing the definitions of @{text "ABS"} and @{text "REP"}. |
743 The cases of equal types and function types are |
744 straightforward (the latter follows from @{text "\<singlearr>"} having the |
745 type @{text "(\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<beta>) \<Rightarrow> (\<gamma> \<Rightarrow> \<delta>) \<Rightarrow> (\<beta> \<Rightarrow> \<gamma>) \<Rightarrow> (\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<delta>)"}). In case of equal type |
746 constructors we can observe that a map-function after applying the functions |
747 @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s)"} produces a term of type @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>s \<kappa>"}. The |
748 interesting case is the one with unequal type constructors. Since we know |
749 the quotient is between @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} and @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}, we have |
750 that @{text "Abs_\<kappa>\<^isub>q"} is of type @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha>s |
751 \<kappa>\<^isub>q"}. This type can be more specialised to @{text "\<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>s |
752 \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} where the type variables @{text "\<alpha>s"} are instantiated with the |
753 @{text "\<tau>s"}. The complete type can be calculated by observing that @{text |
754 "MAP (\<rho>s \<kappa>)"}, after applying the functions @{text "ABS (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s)"} to it, |
755 returns a term of type @{text "\<rho>s[\<sigma>s'] \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa>"}. This type is |
756 equivalent to @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa>"}, which we just have to compose with |
757 @{text "\<rho>s[\<tau>s] \<kappa> \<Rightarrow> \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} according to the type of @{text "\<circ>"}.\qed |
758 \end{proof} |
759 *} |
760 |
761 section {* Respectfulness and\\ Preservation \label{sec:resp} *} |
762 |
763 text {* |
764 \noindent |
765 The main point of the quotient package is to automatically ``lift'' theorems |
766 involving constants over the raw type to theorems involving constants over |
767 the quotient type. Before we can describe this lifting process, we need to impose |
768 two restrictions in form of proof obligations that arise during the |
769 lifting. The reason is that even if definitions for all raw constants |
770 can be given, \emph{not} all theorems can be lifted to the quotient type. Most |
771 notable is the bound variable function, that is the constant @{text bn}, |
772 defined |
773 for raw lambda-terms as follows |
774 |
775 \begin{isabelle} |
776 \begin{center} |
777 @{text "bn (x) \<equiv> \<emptyset>"}\hspace{4mm} |
778 @{text "bn (t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2) \<equiv> bn (t\<^isub>1) \<union> bn (t\<^isub>2)"}\smallskip\\ |
779 @{text "bn (\<lambda>x. t) \<equiv> {x} \<union> bn (t)"} |
780 \end{center} |
781 \end{isabelle} |
782 |
783 \noindent |
784 We can generate a definition for this constant using @{text ABS} and @{text REP}. |
785 But this constant does \emph{not} respect @{text "\<alpha>"}-equivalence and |
786 consequently no theorem involving this constant can be lifted to @{text |
787 "\<alpha>"}-equated lambda terms. Homeier formulates the restrictions in terms of |
788 the properties of \emph{respectfulness} and \emph{preservation}. We have |
789 to slightly extend Homeier's definitions in order to deal with quotient |
790 compositions. |
791 |
792 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 3 asks why are the definitions that follow enough to deal |
793 %%% with quotient composition. |
794 |
795 To formally define what respectfulness is, we have to first define |
796 the notion of \emph{aggregate equivalence relations} using the function @{text "REL(\<sigma>, \<tau>)"} |
797 The idea behind this function is to simultaneously descend into the raw types |
798 @{text \<sigma>} and quotient types @{text \<tau>}, and generate the appropriate |
799 quotient equivalence relations in places where the types differ and equalities |
800 elsewhere. |
801 |
802 \begin{center} |
803 \hfill |
804 \begin{tabular}{l} |
805 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal types:} |
806 @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<sigma>)"} $\dn$ @{text "= :: \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> \<sigma> \<Rightarrow> bool"}\smallskip\\ |
807 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{equal type constructors:}\\ |
808 @{text "REL (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>)"} $\dn$ @{text "rel_\<kappa> (REL (\<sigma>s, \<tau>s))"}\smallskip\\ |
809 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{unequal type constructors:}\\ |
810 @{text "REL (\<sigma>s \<kappa>, \<tau>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q)"} $\dn$ @{text "rel_\<kappa>\<^isub>q (REL (\<sigma>s', \<tau>s))"}\\ |
811 \end{tabular}\hfill\numbered{REL} |
812 \end{center} |
813 |
814 \noindent |
815 The @{text "\<sigma>s'"} in the last clause are calculated as in \eqref{ABSREP}: |
816 again we know that type @{text "\<alpha>s \<kappa>\<^isub>q"} is the quotient of the raw type |
817 @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"}. The @{text "\<sigma>s'"} are the substitutions for @{text "\<alpha>s"} obtained by matching |
818 @{text "\<rho>s \<kappa>"} and @{text "\<sigma>s \<kappa>"}. |
819 |
820 Let us return to the lifting procedure of theorems. Assume we have a theorem |
821 that contains the raw constant @{text "c\<^isub>r :: \<sigma>"} and which we want to |
822 lift to a theorem where @{text "c\<^isub>r"} is replaced by the corresponding |
823 constant @{text "c\<^isub>q :: \<tau>"} defined over a quotient type. In this situation |
824 we generate the following proof obligation |
825 |
826 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
827 @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>) c\<^isub>r c\<^isub>r"}. |
828 \end{isabelle} |
829 |
830 \noindent |
831 Homeier calls these proof obligations \emph{respectfulness |
832 theorems}. However, unlike his quotient package, we might have several |
833 respectfulness theorems for one constant---he has at most one. |
834 The reason is that because of our quotient compositions, the types |
835 @{text \<sigma>} and @{text \<tau>} are not completely determined by @{text "c\<^bsub>r\<^esub>"}. |
836 And for every instantiation of the types, a corresponding |
837 respectfulness theorem is necessary. |
838 |
839 Before lifting a theorem, we require the user to discharge |
840 respectfulness proof obligations. In case of @{text bn} |
841 this obligation is %%as follows |
842 |
843 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
844 @{text "(\<approx>\<^isub>\<alpha> \<doublearr> =) bn bn"} |
845 \end{isabelle} |
846 |
847 \noindent |
848 and the point is that the user cannot discharge it: because it is not true. To see this, |
849 we can just unfold the definition of @{text "\<doublearr>"} \eqref{relfun} |
850 using extensionality to obtain the false statement |
851 |
852 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
853 @{text "\<forall>t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2. if t\<^isub>1 \<approx>\<^isub>\<alpha> t\<^isub>2 then bn(t\<^isub>1) = bn(t\<^isub>2)"} |
854 \end{isabelle} |
855 |
856 \noindent |
857 In contrast, lifting a theorem about @{text "append"} to a theorem describing |
858 the union of finite sets will mean to discharge the proof obligation |
859 |
860 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
861 @{text "(\<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> \<doublearr> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> \<doublearr> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>) append append"} |
862 \end{isabelle} |
863 |
864 \noindent |
865 To do so, we have to establish |
866 |
867 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
868 if @{text "xs \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> ys"} and @{text "us \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> vs"} |
869 then @{text "xs @ us \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub> ys @ vs"} |
870 \end{isabelle} |
871 |
872 \noindent |
873 which is straightforward given the definition shown in \eqref{listequiv}. |
874 |
875 The second restriction we have to impose arises from non-lifted polymorphic |
876 constants, which are instantiated to a type being quotient. For example, |
877 take the @{term "cons"}-constructor to add a pair of natural numbers to a |
878 list, whereby we assume the pair of natural numbers turns into an integer in |
879 the quotient construction. The point is that we still want to use @{text |
880 cons} for adding integers to lists---just with a different type. To be able |
881 to lift such theorems, we need a \emph{preservation property} for @{text |
882 cons}. Assuming we have a polymorphic raw constant @{text "c\<^isub>r :: \<sigma>"} |
883 and a corresponding quotient constant @{text "c\<^isub>q :: \<tau>"}, then a |
884 preservation property is as follows |
885 |
886 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 2 asks: You say what a preservation theorem is, |
887 %%% but not which preservation theorems you assume. Do you generate a |
888 %%% proof obligation for a preservation theorem for each raw constant |
889 %%% and its corresponding lifted constant? |
890 |
891 %%% Cezary: I think this would be a nice thing to do but we have not |
892 %%% done it, the theorems need to be 'guessed' from the remaining obligations |
893 |
894 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
895 @{text "Quot R\<^bsub>\<alpha>s\<^esub> Abs\<^bsub>\<alpha>s\<^esub> Rep\<^bsub>\<alpha>s\<^esub> implies ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) c\<^isub>r = c\<^isub>r"} |
896 \end{isabelle} |
897 |
898 \noindent |
899 where the @{text "\<alpha>s"} stand for the type variables in the type of @{text "c\<^isub>r"}. |
900 In case of @{text cons} (which has type @{text "\<alpha> \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list \<Rightarrow> \<alpha> list"}) we have |
901 |
902 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
903 @{text "(Rep \<singlearr> map_list Rep \<singlearr> map_list Abs) cons = cons"} |
904 \end{isabelle} |
905 |
906 \noindent |
907 under the assumption @{term "Quotient R Abs Rep"}. The point is that if we have |
908 an instance of @{text cons} where the type variable @{text \<alpha>} is instantiated |
909 with @{text "nat \<times> nat"} and we also quotient this type to yield integers, |
910 then we need to show this preservation property. |
911 |
912 %%%@ {thm [display, indent=10] insert_preserve2[no_vars]} |
913 |
914 %Given two quotients, one of which quotients a container, and the |
915 %other quotients the type in the container, we can write the |
916 %composition of those quotients. To compose two quotient theorems |
917 %we compose the relations with relation composition as defined above |
918 %and the abstraction and relation functions are the ones of the sub |
919 %quotients composed with the usual function composition. |
920 %The @ {term "Rep"} and @ {term "Abs"} functions that we obtain agree |
921 %with the definition of aggregate Abs/Rep functions and the |
922 %relation is the same as the one given by aggregate relations. |
923 %This becomes especially interesting |
924 %when we compose the quotient with itself, as there is no simple |
925 %intermediate step. |
926 % |
927 %Lets take again the example of @ {term flat}. To be able to lift |
928 %theorems that talk about it we provide the composition quotient |
929 %theorem which allows quotienting inside the container: |
930 % |
931 %If @ {term R} is an equivalence relation and @ {term "Quotient R Abs Rep"} |
932 %then |
933 % |
934 %@ {text [display, indent=10] "Quotient (list_rel R \<circ>\<circ>\<circ> \<approx>\<^bsub>list\<^esub>) (abs_fset \<circ> map_list Abs) (map_list Rep o rep_fset)"} |
935 %%% |
936 %%%\noindent |
937 %%%this theorem will then instantiate the quotients needed in the |
938 %%%injection and cleaning proofs allowing the lifting procedure to |
939 %%%proceed in an unchanged way. |
940 *} |
941 |
942 section {* Lifting of Theorems\label{sec:lift} *} |
943 |
944 text {* |
945 |
946 %%% FIXME Reviewer 3 asks: Section 5 shows the technicalities of |
947 %%% lifting theorems. But there is no clarification about the |
948 %%% correctness. A reader would also be interested in seeing some |
949 %%% discussions about the generality and limitation of the approach |
950 %%% proposed there |
951 |
952 \noindent |
953 The main benefit of a quotient package is to lift automatically theorems over raw |
954 types to theorems over quotient types. We will perform this lifting in |
955 three phases, called \emph{regularization}, |
956 \emph{injection} and \emph{cleaning} according to procedures in Homeier's ML-code. |
957 Space restrictions, unfortunately, prevent us from giving anything but a sketch of these three |
958 phases. However, we will precisely define the input and output data of these phases |
959 (this was omitted in \cite{Homeier05}). |
960 |
961 The purpose of regularization is to change the quantifiers and abstractions |
962 in a ``raw'' theorem to quantifiers over variables that respect their respective relations |
963 (Definition \ref{def:respects} states what respects means). The purpose of injection is to add @{term Rep} |
964 and @{term Abs} of appropriate types in front of constants and variables |
965 of the raw type so that they can be replaced by the corresponding constants from the |
966 quotient type. The purpose of cleaning is to bring the theorem derived in the |
967 first two phases into the form the user has specified. Abstractly, our |
968 package establishes the following three proof steps: |
969 |
970 %%% FIXME: Reviewer 1 complains that the reader needs to guess the |
971 %%% meaning of reg_thm and inj_thm, as well as the arguments of REG |
972 %%% which are given above. I wouldn't change it. |
973 |
974 \begin{center} |
975 \begin{tabular}{l@ {\hspace{4mm}}l} |
976 1.) Regularization & @{text "raw_thm \<longrightarrow> reg_thm"}\\ |
977 2.) Injection & @{text "reg_thm \<longleftrightarrow> inj_thm"}\\ |
978 3.) Cleaning & @{text "inj_thm \<longleftrightarrow> quot_thm"}\\ |
979 \end{tabular} |
980 \end{center} |
981 |
982 \noindent |
983 which means, stringed together, the raw theorem implies the quotient theorem. |
984 In contrast to other quotient packages, our package requires that the user specifies |
985 both, the @{text "raw_thm"} (as theorem) and the \emph{term} of the @{text "quot_thm"}.\footnote{Though we |
986 also provide a fully automated mode, where the @{text "quot_thm"} is guessed |
987 from the form of @{text "raw_thm"}.} As a result, the user has fine control |
988 over which parts of a raw theorem should be lifted. |
989 |
990 The second and third proof step performed in package will always succeed if the appropriate |
991 respectfulness and preservation theorems are given. In contrast, the first |
992 proof step can fail: a theorem given by the user does not always |
993 imply a regularized version and a stronger one needs to be proved. An example |
994 for this kind of failure is the simple statement for integers @{text "0 \<noteq> 1"}. |
995 One might hope that it can be proved by lifting @{text "(0, 0) \<noteq> (1, 0)"}, |
996 but this raw theorem only shows that two particular elements in the |
997 equivalence classes are not equal. In order to obtain @{text "0 \<noteq> 1"}, a |
998 more general statement stipulating that the equivalence classes are not |
999 equal is necessary. This kind of failure is beyond the scope where the |
1000 quotient package can help: the user has to provide a raw theorem that |
1001 can be regularized automatically, or has to provide an explicit proof |
1002 for the first proof step. Homeier gives more details about this issue |
1003 in the long version of \cite{Homeier05}. |
1004 |
1005 In the following we will first define the statement of the |
1006 regularized theorem based on @{text "raw_thm"} and |
1007 @{text "quot_thm"}. Then we define the statement of the injected theorem, based |
1008 on @{text "reg_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"}. We then show the three proof steps, |
1009 which can all be performed independently from each other. |
1010 |
1011 We first define the function @{text REG}, which takes the terms of the |
1012 @{text "raw_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} as input and returns |
1013 @{text "reg_thm"}. The idea |
1014 behind this function is that it replaces quantifiers and |
1015 abstractions involving raw types by bounded ones, and equalities |
1016 involving raw types by appropriate aggregate |
1017 equivalence relations. It is defined by simultaneous recursion on |
1018 the structure of the terms of @{text "raw_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} as follows: |
1019 % |
1020 \begin{center} |
1021 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l@ {}} |
1022 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{abstractions:}\\%%\smallskip\\ |
1023 @{text "REG (\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. t, \<lambda>x\<^sup>\<tau>. s)"} $\dn$ |
1024 $\begin{cases} |
1025 @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. REG (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\ |
1026 @{text "\<lambda>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Resp (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"} |
1027 \end{cases}$\\%%\smallskip\\ |
1028 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{universal quantifiers:}\\ |
1029 @{text "REG (\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. t, \<forall>x\<^sup>\<tau>. s)"} $\dn$ |
1030 $\begin{cases} |
1031 @{text "\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma>. REG (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\ |
1032 @{text "\<forall>x\<^sup>\<sigma> \<in> Resp (REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)). REG (t, s)"} |
1033 \end{cases}$\\%%\smallskip\\ |
1034 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{equality: \hspace{3mm}%%}\smallskip\\ |
1035 %% REL of two equal types is the equality so we do not need a separate case |
1036 @{text "REG (=\<^bsup>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>\<sigma>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>, =\<^bsup>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>\<tau>\<Rightarrow>bool\<^esup>)"} $\dn$ @{text "REL (\<sigma>, \<tau>)"}}\smallskip\\ |
1037 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l@ {}}{applications, variables and constants:}\\ |
1038 @{text "REG (t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>1 s\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "REG (t\<^isub>1, s\<^isub>1) REG (t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>2)"}\\ |
1039 @{text "REG (x\<^isub>1, x\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "x\<^isub>1"}\\ |
1040 @{text "REG (c\<^isub>1, c\<^isub>2)"} $\dn$ @{text "c\<^isub>1"}\\ |
1041 \end{tabular} |
1042 \end{center} |
1043 % |
1044 \noindent |
1045 In the above definition we omitted the cases for existential quantifiers |
1046 and unique existential quantifiers, as they are very similar to the cases |
1047 for the universal quantifier. |
1048 |
1049 Next we define the function @{text INJ} which takes as argument |
1050 @{text "reg_thm"} and @{text "quot_thm"} (both as |
1051 terms) and returns @{text "inj_thm"}: |
1052 |
1053 \begin{center} |
1054 \begin{tabular}{l} |
1055 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{abstractions:}\\ |
1056 @{text "INJ (\<lambda>x. t :: \<sigma>, \<lambda>x. s :: \<tau>) "} $\dn$\\ |
1057 \hspace{18mm}$\begin{cases} |
1058 @{text "\<lambda>x. INJ (t, s)"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\ |
1059 @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (\<lambda>x. INJ (t, s)))"} |
1060 \end{cases}$\smallskip\\ |
1061 @{text "INJ (\<lambda>x \<in> R. t :: \<sigma>, \<lambda>x. s :: \<tau>) "} $\dn$\\ |
1062 \hspace{18mm}@{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (\<lambda>x \<in> R. INJ (t, s)))"}\smallskip\\ |
1063 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{universal quantifiers:}\\ |
1064 @{text "INJ (\<forall> t, \<forall> s) "} $\dn$ @{text "\<forall> INJ (t, s)"}\\ |
1065 @{text "INJ (\<forall> t \<in> R, \<forall> s) "} $\dn$ @{text "\<forall> INJ (t, s) \<in> R"}\smallskip\\ |
1066 \multicolumn{1}{@ {}l}{applications, variables and constants:}\smallskip\\ |
1067 @{text "INJ (t\<^isub>1 t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>1 s\<^isub>2) "} $\dn$ @{text " INJ (t\<^isub>1, s\<^isub>1) INJ (t\<^isub>2, s\<^isub>2)"}\\ |
1068 @{text "INJ (x\<^isub>1\<^sup>\<sigma>, x\<^isub>2\<^sup>\<tau>) "} $\dn$ |
1069 $\begin{cases} |
1070 @{text "x\<^isub>1"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\ |
1071 @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) x\<^isub>1)"}\\ |
1072 \end{cases}$\\ |
1073 @{text "INJ (c\<^isub>1\<^sup>\<sigma>, c\<^isub>2\<^sup>\<tau>) "} $\dn$ |
1074 $\begin{cases} |
1075 @{text "c\<^isub>1"} \quad\mbox{provided @{text "\<sigma> = \<tau>"}}\\ |
1076 @{text "REP (\<sigma>, \<tau>) (ABS (\<sigma>, \<tau>) c\<^isub>1)"}\\ |
1077 \end{cases}$\\ |
1078 \end{tabular} |
1079 \end{center} |
1080 |
1081 \noindent |
1082 In this definition we again omitted the cases for existential and unique existential |
1083 quantifiers. |
1084 |
1085 %%% FIXME: Reviewer2 citing following sentence: You mention earlier |
1086 %%% that this implication may fail to be true. Does that meant that |
1087 %%% the `first proof step' is a heuristic that proves the implication |
1088 %%% raw_thm \implies reg_thm in some instances, but fails in others? |
1089 %%% You should clarify under which circumstances the implication is |
1090 %%% being proved here. |
1091 %%% Cezary: It would be nice to cite Homeiers discussions in the |
1092 %%% Quotient Package manual from HOL (the longer paper), do you agree? |
1093 |
1094 In the first phase, establishing @{text "raw_thm \<longrightarrow> reg_thm"}, we always |
1095 start with an implication. Isabelle provides \emph{mono} rules that can split up |
1096 the implications into simpler implicational subgoals. This succeeds for every |
1097 monotone connective, except in places where the function @{text REG} replaced, |
1098 for instance, a quantifier by a bounded quantifier. To decompose them, we have |
1099 to prove that the relations involved are aggregate equivalence relations. |
1100 |
1101 |
1102 %In this case we have |
1103 %rules of the form |
1104 % |
1105 % \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
1106 %@{text "(\<forall>x. R x \<longrightarrow> (P x \<longrightarrow> Q x)) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>x. P x \<longrightarrow> \<forall>x \<in> R. Q x)"} |
1107 %\end{isabelle} |
1108 |
1109 %\noindent |
1110 %They decompose a bounded quantifier on the right-hand side. We can decompose a |
1111 %bounded quantifier anywhere if R is an equivalence relation or |
1112 %if it is a relation over function types with the range being an equivalence |
1113 %relation. If @{text R} is an equivalence relation we can prove that |
1114 |
1115 %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
1116 %@{text "\<forall>x \<in> Resp R. P x = \<forall>x. P x"} |
1117 %\end{isabelle} |
1118 |
1119 %\noindent |
1120 %If @{term R\<^isub>2} is an equivalence relation, we can prove that for any predicate @{term P} |
1121 |
1122 %%% FIXME Reviewer 1 claims the theorem is obviously false so maybe we |
1123 %%% should include a proof sketch? |
1124 |
1125 %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
1126 %@{thm (concl) ball_reg_eqv_range[of R\<^isub>1 R\<^isub>2, no_vars]} |
1127 %\end{isabelle} |
1128 |
1129 %\noindent |
1130 %The last theorem is new in comparison with Homeier's package. There the |
1131 %injection procedure would be used to prove such goals and |
1132 %the assumption about the equivalence relation would be used. We use the above theorem directly, |
1133 %because this allows us to completely separate the first and the second |
1134 %proof step into two independent ``units''. |
1135 |
1136 The second phase, establishing @{text "reg_thm \<longleftrightarrow> inj_thm"}, starts with an equality |
1137 between the terms of the regularized theorem and the injected theorem. |
1138 The proof again follows the structure of the |
1139 two underlying terms taking respectfulness theorems into account. |
1140 |
1141 %\begin{itemize} |
1142 %\item For two constants an appropriate respectfulness theorem is applied. |
1143 %\item For two variables, we use the assumptions proved in the regularization step. |
1144 %\item For two abstractions, we @{text "\<eta>"}-expand and @{text "\<beta>"}-reduce them. |
1145 %\item For two applications, we check that the right-hand side is an application of |
1146 % @{term Rep} to an @{term Abs} and @{term "Quotient R Rep Abs"} holds. If yes then we |
1147 % can apply the theorem: |
1148 |
1149 %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
1150 % @{term "R x y \<longrightarrow> R x (Rep (Abs y))"} |
1151 %\end{isabelle} |
1152 |
1153 % Otherwise we introduce an appropriate relation between the subterms |
1154 % and continue with two subgoals using the lemma: |
1155 |
1156 %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
1157 % @{text "(R\<^isub>1 \<doublearr> R\<^isub>2) f g \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>1 x y \<longrightarrow> R\<^isub>2 (f x) (g y)"} |
1158 %\end{isabelle} |
1159 %\end{itemize} |
1160 |
1161 We defined the theorem @{text "inj_thm"} in such a way that |
1162 establishing in the third phase the equivalence @{text "inj_thm \<longleftrightarrow> quot_thm"} can be |
1163 achieved by rewriting @{text "inj_thm"} with the preservation theorems and quotient |
1164 definitions. This step also requires that the definitions of all lifted constants |
1165 are used to fold the @{term Rep} with the raw constants. We will give more details |
1166 about our lifting procedure in a longer version of this paper. |
1167 |
1168 %Next for |
1169 %all abstractions and quantifiers the lambda and |
1170 %quantifier preservation theorems are used to replace the |
1171 %variables that include raw types with respects by quantifiers |
1172 %over variables that include quotient types. We show here only |
1173 %the lambda preservation theorem. Given |
1174 %@{term "Quotient R\<^isub>1 Abs\<^isub>1 Rep\<^isub>1"} and @{term "Quotient R\<^isub>2 Abs\<^isub>2 Rep\<^isub>2"}, we have: |
1175 |
1176 %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
1177 %@{thm (concl) lambda_prs[of _ "Abs\<^isub>1" "Rep\<^isub>1" _ "Abs\<^isub>2" "Rep\<^isub>2", no_vars]} |
1178 %\end{isabelle} |
1179 |
1180 %\noindent |
1181 %Next, relations over lifted types can be rewritten to equalities |
1182 %over lifted type. Rewriting is performed with the following theorem, |
1183 %which has been shown by Homeier~\cite{Homeier05}: |
1184 |
1185 %\begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ %%% |
1186 %@{thm (concl) Quotient_rel_rep[no_vars]} |
1187 %\end{isabelle} |
1188 |
1189 |
1190 %Finally, we rewrite with the preservation theorems. This will result |
1191 %in two equal terms that can be solved by reflexivity. |
1192 *} |
1193 |
1194 section {* Conclusion and Related Work\label{sec:conc}*} |
1195 |
1196 text {* |
1197 |
1198 \noindent |
1199 The code of the quotient package and the examples described here are already |
1200 included in the standard distribution of Isabelle. |
1201 \footnote{Available from \href{http://isabelle.in.tum.de/}{http://isabelle.in.tum.de/}.} |
1202 The package is |
1203 heavily used in the new version of Nominal Isabelle, which provides a |
1204 convenient reasoning infrastructure for programming language calculi |
1205 involving general binders. To achieve this, it builds types representing |
1206 @{text \<alpha>}-equivalent terms. Earlier versions of Nominal Isabelle have been |
1207 used successfully in formalisations of an equivalence checking algorithm for |
1208 LF \cite{UrbanCheneyBerghofer08}, Typed |
1209 Scheme~\cite{TobinHochstadtFelleisen08}, several calculi for concurrency |
1210 \cite{BengtsonParow09} and a strong normalisation result for cut-elimination |
1211 in classical logic \cite{UrbanZhu08}. |
1212 |
1213 |
1214 There is a wide range of existing literature for dealing with quotients |
1215 in theorem provers. Slotosch~\cite{Slotosch97} implemented a mechanism that |
1216 automatically defines quotient types for Isabelle/HOL. But he did not |
1217 include theorem lifting. Harrison's quotient package~\cite{harrison-thesis} |
1218 is the first one that is able to automatically lift theorems, however only |
1219 first-order theorems (that is theorems where abstractions, quantifiers and |
1220 variables do not involve functions that include the quotient type). There is |
1221 also some work on quotient types in non-HOL based systems and logical |
1222 frameworks, including theory interpretations in |
1223 PVS~\cite{PVS:Interpretations}, new types in MetaPRL~\cite{Nogin02}, and |
1224 setoids in Coq \cite{ChicliPS02}. Paulson showed a construction of |
1225 quotients that does not require the Hilbert Choice operator, but also only |
1226 first-order theorems can be lifted~\cite{Paulson06}. The most related work |
1227 to our package is the package for HOL4 by Homeier~\cite{Homeier05}. He |
1228 introduced most of the abstract notions about quotients and also deals with |
1229 lifting of higher-order theorems. However, he cannot deal with quotient |
1230 compositions (needed for lifting theorems about @{text flat}). Also, a |
1231 number of his definitions, like @{text ABS}, @{text REP} and @{text INJ} etc |
1232 only exist in \cite{Homeier05} as ML-code, not included in the paper. |
1233 Like Homeier's, our quotient package can deal with partial equivalence |
1234 relations, but for lack of space we do not describe the mechanisms |
1235 needed for this kind of quotient constructions. |
1236 |
1237 %%% FIXME Reviewer 3 would like to know more about the lifting in Coq and PVS, |
1238 %%% and some comparison. I don't think we have the space for any additions... |
1239 |
1240 One feature of our quotient package is that when lifting theorems, the user |
1241 can precisely specify what the lifted theorem should look like. This feature |
1242 is necessary, for example, when lifting an induction principle for two |
1243 lists. Assuming this principle has as the conclusion a predicate of the |
1244 form @{text "P xs ys"}, then we can precisely specify whether we want to |
1245 quotient @{text "xs"} or @{text "ys"}, or both. We found this feature very |
1246 useful in the new version of Nominal Isabelle, where such a choice is |
1247 required to generate a reasoning infrastructure for alpha-equated terms. |
1248 %% |
1249 %% give an example for this |
1250 %% |
1251 \smallskip |
1252 |
1253 \noindent |
1254 {\bf Acknowledgements:} We would like to thank Peter Homeier for the many |
1255 discussions about his HOL4 quotient package and explaining to us |
1256 some of its finer points in the implementation. Without his patient |
1257 help, this work would have been impossible. |
1258 *} |
1259 |
1260 text_raw {* |
1261 %%\bibliographystyle{abbrv} |
1262 \bibliography{root} |
1263 |
1264 \appendix |
1265 |
1266 *} |
1267 |
1268 section {* Examples \label{sec:examples} *} |
1269 |
1270 text {* |
1271 |
1272 %%% FIXME Reviewer 1 would like an example of regularized and injected |
1273 %%% statements. He asks for the examples twice, but I would still ignore |
1274 %%% it due to lack of space... |
1275 |
1276 \noindent |
1277 In this appendix we will show a sequence of declarations for defining the |
1278 type of integers by quotienting pairs of natural numbers, and |
1279 lifting one theorem. |
1280 |
1281 A user of our quotient package first needs to define a relation on |
1282 the raw type with which the quotienting will be performed. We give |
1283 the same integer relation as the one presented in \eqref{natpairequiv}: |
1284 |
1285 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ % |
1286 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l} |
1287 \isacommand{fun}~~@{text "int_rel :: (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat) \<Rightarrow> (nat \<times> nat)"}\\ |
1288 \isacommand{where}~~@{text "int_rel (m, n) (p, q) = (m + q = n + p)"} |
1289 \end{tabular} |
1290 \end{isabelle} |
1291 |
1292 \noindent |
1293 Next the quotient type must be defined. This generates a proof obligation that the |
1294 relation is an equivalence relation, which is solved automatically using the |
1295 definition of equivalence and extensionality: |
1296 |
1297 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ % |
1298 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l} |
1299 \isacommand{quotient\_type}~~@{text "int"}~~\isacommand{=}~~@{text "(nat \<times> nat)"}~~\isacommand{/}~~@{text "int_rel"}\\ |
1300 \hspace{5mm}@{text "by (auto simp add: equivp_def expand_fun_eq)"} |
1301 \end{tabular} |
1302 \end{isabelle} |
1303 |
1304 \noindent |
1305 The user can then specify the constants on the quotient type: |
1306 |
1307 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ % |
1308 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l} |
1309 \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "0 :: int"}~~\isacommand{is}~~@{text "(0 :: nat, 0 :: nat)"}\\[3mm] |
1310 \isacommand{fun}~~@{text "add_pair"}\\ |
1311 \isacommand{where}~~% |
1312 @{text "add_pair (m, n) (p, q) \<equiv> (m + p :: nat, n + q :: nat)"}\\ |
1313 \isacommand{quotient\_definition}~~@{text "+ :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int"}~~% |
1314 \isacommand{is}~~@{text "add_pair"}\\ |
1315 \end{tabular} |
1316 \end{isabelle} |
1317 |
1318 \noindent |
1319 The following theorem about addition on the raw level can be proved. |
1320 |
1321 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ % |
1322 \isacommand{lemma}~~@{text "add_pair_zero: int_rel (add_pair (0, 0) x) x"} |
1323 \end{isabelle} |
1324 |
1325 \noindent |
1326 If the user lifts this theorem, the quotient package performs all the lifting |
1327 automatically leaving the respectfulness proof for the constant @{text "add_pair"} |
1328 as the only remaining proof obligation. This property needs to be proved by the user: |
1329 |
1330 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ % |
1331 \begin{tabular}{@ {}l} |
1332 \isacommand{lemma}~~@{text "[quot_respect]:"}\\ |
1333 @{text "(int_rel \<doublearr> int_rel \<doublearr> int_rel) add_pair add_pair"} |
1334 \end{tabular} |
1335 \end{isabelle} |
1336 |
1337 \noindent |
1338 It can be discharged automatically by Isabelle when hinting to unfold the definition |
1339 of @{text "\<doublearr>"}. |
1340 After this, the user can prove the lifted lemma as follows: |
1341 |
1342 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ % |
1343 \isacommand{lemma}~~@{text "0 + (x :: int) = x"}~~\isacommand{by}~~@{text "lifting add_pair_zero"} |
1344 \end{isabelle} |
1345 |
1346 \noindent |
1347 or by using the completely automated mode stating just: |
1348 |
1349 \begin{isabelle}\ \ \ \ \ % |
1350 \isacommand{thm}~~@{text "add_pair_zero[quot_lifted]"} |
1351 \end{isabelle} |
1352 |
1353 \noindent |
1354 Both methods give the same result, namely @{text "0 + x = x"} |
1355 where @{text x} is of type integer. |
1356 Although seemingly simple, arriving at this result without the help of a quotient |
1357 package requires a substantial reasoning effort (see \cite{Paulson06}). |
1358 *} |
1359 |
1360 |
1361 |
1362 (*<*) |
1363 end |
1364 (*>*) |