changeset 3070 4b4742aa43f2
parent 3069 78d828f43cdf
child 3071 11f6a561eb4b
equal deleted inserted replaced
3069:78d828f43cdf 3070:4b4742aa43f2
     1 \documentclass{svjour3}
     2 \usepackage{times}
     3 \usepackage{isabelle}
     4 \usepackage{isabellesym}
     5 \usepackage{amsmath}
     6 \usepackage{amssymb}
     7 \usepackage{mathabx}
     8 \usepackage{proof}
     9 \usepackage{longtable}
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    11 \usepackage{pdfsetup}
    13 \urlstyle{rm}
    14 \isabellestyle{it}
    15 \renewcommand{\isastyle}{\isastyleminor}
    16 \renewcommand{\isacharunderscore}{\mbox{$\_\!\_$}}
    17 \renewcommand{\isasymbullet}{{\raisebox{-0.4mm}{\Large$\boldsymbol{\cdot}$}}}
    18 \def\dn{\,\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize def}}{=}\,}
    19 \renewcommand{\isasymequiv}{$\dn$}
    20 \renewcommand{\isasymiota}{}
    21 \renewcommand{\isasymrightleftharpoons}{}
    22 \renewcommand{\isasymemptyset}{$\varnothing$}
    23 \newcommand{\isasymallatoms}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{A}}}
    24 \newcommand{\rrh}{\mbox{\footnotesize$\rightrightharpoons$}}
    26 \newcommand{\numbered}[1]{\refstepcounter{equation}{\rm(\arabic{equation})}\label{#1}}
    27 \newcommand\new[0]{\reflectbox{\ensuremath{\mathsf{N}}}}
    29 \changenotsign
    31 \begin{document}
    33 \title{Implementing the Nominal Logic Work in Isabelle/HOL}
    34 \author{Christian Urban \and Brian Huffman}
    35 \institute{C.~Urban \at Technical University of Munich 
    36      \and  B.~Huffman \at Portland State University}
    37 \date{Received: date / Accepted: date}
    39 \maketitle
    41 \begin{abstract}
    42 In his nominal logic work, Pitts introduced a beautiful theory about names and
    43 binding based on the notions of atoms, permutations and support. The
    44 engineering challenge is to smoothly adapt this theory to a theorem prover
    45 environment, in our case Isabelle/HOL. For this we have to formulate the
    46 theory so that it is compatible with Higher-Order Logic, which the original formulation by
    47 Pitts is not.  We achieve this by not requiring that every construction has 
    48 to have finite support. We present a formalisation that is based on a
    49 unified atom type and that represents permutations by bijective functions from
    50 atoms to atoms. Interestingly, we allow swappings, which are permutations
    51 build from two atoms, to be ill-sorted.  We also describe a reasoning infrastructure
    52 that automates properties about equivariance, and present a formalisation of
    53 two abstraction operators that bind sets of names.
    54 \end{abstract}
    56 % generated text of all theories
    57 \input{session}
    59 % optional bibliography
    60 \bibliographystyle{abbrv}
    61 \bibliography{root}
    63 \end{document}
    65 %%% Local Variables:
    66 %%% mode: latex
    67 %%% TeX-master: t
    68 %%% End: