changeset 1163 30fb2ca89773
parent 1161 37d9cc4b8abf
child 1164 fe0a31cf30a0
equal deleted inserted replaced
1162:6642df770bc4 1163:30fb2ca89773
     1 theory Perm
     2 imports "Nominal2_Atoms" "Nominal2_Eqvt" "Nominal2_Supp" "Abs"
     3 begin
     5 atom_decl name
     7 datatype rtrm1 =
     8   rVr1 "name"
     9 | rAp1 "rtrm1" "rtrm1 list"
    10 | rLm1 "name" "rtrm1"
    11 | rLt1 "bp" "rtrm1" "rtrm1"
    12 and bp =
    13   BUnit
    14 | BVr "name"
    15 | BPr "bp" "bp"
    17 ML {*
    18   open Datatype_Aux (* typ_of_dtyp, DtRec, ... *)
    19 *}
    21 instantiation rtrm1 and bp :: pt
    22 begin
    25 ML {*
    26   val {descr, induct, ...} = Datatype.the_info @{theory} "Perm.rtrm1";
    27   val new_type_names = ["rtrm1", "bp"];
    28   (* TODO: [] should be the sorts that we'll take from the specification *)
    29   val sorts = [];
    31   fun nth_dtyp i = typ_of_dtyp descr sorts (DtRec i);
    32   val perm_names' = Datatype_Prop.indexify_names (map (fn (i, _) =>
    33     "permute_" ^ name_of_typ (nth_dtyp i)) descr);
    34   val perm_names = replicate (length new_type_names) @{const_name permute} @
    35     map (Sign.full_bname @{theory}) (List.drop (perm_names', length new_type_names));
    36   val perm_types = map (fn (i, _) =>
    37     let val T = nth_dtyp i
    38     in @{typ perm} --> T --> T end) descr;
    39   val perm_indnames = Datatype_Prop.make_tnames (map body_type perm_types);
    40   (* TODO: Next line only needed after instantiation *)
    41   val perm_names_types = perm_names ~~ perm_types;
    42   val perm_names_types' = perm_names' ~~ perm_types;
    44   val pi = Free ("pi", @{typ perm});
    45   fun permute ty = Const (@{const_name permute}, @{typ perm} --> ty --> ty);
    46   val minus_perm = Const (@{const_name minus}, @{typ perm} --> @{typ perm});
    47 *}
    48 ML {*
    49   fun perm_eq (i, (_, _, constrs)) =
    50     map (fn (cname, dts) =>
    51       let
    52         val Ts = map (typ_of_dtyp descr sorts) dts;
    53         val names = Name.variant_list ["pi"] (Datatype_Prop.make_tnames Ts);
    54         val args = map Free (names ~~ Ts);
    55         val c = Const (cname, Ts ---> (nth_dtyp i));
    56         fun perm_arg (dt, x) =
    57           let val T = type_of x
    58           in
    59             if is_rec_type dt then
    60               let val (Us, _) = strip_type T
    61               in list_abs (map (pair "x") Us,
    62                 Free (nth perm_names_types' (body_index dt)) $ pi $
    63                   list_comb (x, map (fn (i, U) =>
    64                     (permute U) $ (minus_perm $ pi) $ Bound i)
    65                     ((length Us - 1 downto 0) ~~ Us)))
    66               end
    67             else (permute T) $ pi $ x
    68           end;
    69       in
    70         (Attrib.empty_binding, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
    71           (Free (nth perm_names_types' i) $
    72              Free ("pi", @{typ perm}) $ list_comb (c, args),
    73            list_comb (c, map perm_arg (dts ~~ args)))))
    74       end) constrs;
    75   val perm_eqs = maps perm_eq descr;
    76 *}
    78 local_setup {*
    79 snd o (Primrec.add_primrec
    80   (map (fn s => (Binding.name s, NONE, NoSyn)) perm_names') perm_eqs)
    81 *}
    83 print_theorems
    85 ML {*
    86    val perm_empty_thms =
    87      let
    88        val gl =
    89          HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
    90            (map (fn ((s, T), x) => HOLogic.mk_eq
    91                (Const (s, @{typ perm} --> T --> T) $
    92                   @{term "0 :: perm"} $ Free (x, T),
    93                 Free (x, T)))
    94             (perm_names ~~
    95              map body_type perm_types ~~ perm_indnames)));
    96        fun tac _ =
    97          EVERY [indtac induct perm_indnames 1,
    98            ALLGOALS (asm_full_simp_tac @{simpset})];
    99      in
   100        map Drule.export_without_context (List.take (split_conj_thm
   101          (Goal.prove @{context} [] [] gl tac),
   102        length new_type_names))
   103      end
   104 *}
   106 ML {*
   107    val add_perm = @{term "op + :: (perm \<Rightarrow> perm \<Rightarrow> perm)"}
   108    val pi1 = Free ("pi1", @{typ perm});
   109    val pi2 = Free ("pi2", @{typ perm});
   110    val perm_append_thms =
   111       List.take (map Drule.export_without_context (split_conj_thm
   112         (Goal.prove @{context} [] []
   113            (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_conj
   114               (map (fn ((s, T), x) =>
   115                   let
   116                     val perm = Const (s, @{typ perm} --> T --> T);
   117                     val lhs = perm $ (add_perm $ pi1 $ pi2) $ Free (x, T)
   118                     val rhs = perm $ pi1 $ (perm $ pi2 $ Free (x, T))
   119                   in HOLogic.mk_eq (lhs, rhs)
   120                   end)
   121                 (perm_names ~~
   122                  map body_type perm_types ~~ perm_indnames))))
   123            (fn _ => EVERY [indtac induct perm_indnames 1,
   124               ALLGOALS (asm_full_simp_tac @{simpset})]))),
   125          length new_type_names)
   126 *}
   128 instance
   129 apply(tactic {*
   130  (Class.intro_classes_tac []) THEN
   131  (ALLGOALS (simp_tac (@{simpset} addsimps (perm_empty_thms @ perm_append_thms)))) *})
   132 done
   133 end