2016-02-01 Christian Urban more lemmas for star
2016-01-30 Christian Urban proved some lemmas about star and mkeps (injval etc not yet done)
2016-01-21 Christian Urban added theory for star
2016-01-14 Christian Urban updated
2016-01-06 Christian Urban added type inference paper and updated Re.thy
2015-12-19 Christian Urban added a proof about Values and PMatch
2015-12-18 Christian Urban updated
2015-12-18 Christian Urban the algorithm is correct according to the Type Inference definition
2015-12-18 Christian Urban added POSIX relation from the Type-Inference paper
2015-12-17 Christian Urban cleaned up version of Re1
2015-12-17 Christian Urban updated
2015-07-06 Christian Urban added phd thesis
2015-06-10 Christian Urban added frisch / cardelli paper
2015-06-08 Christian Urban updated the Isabelle theories with the totality proof
2015-05-25 Christian Urban proved some basic properties (totality and trichonomity) for the orderings
2015-04-25 Christian Urban added an equivalent slightly simpler POSIX definition
2015-04-10 Christian Urban updated
2015-03-13 Christian Urban updated from the session today
2015-03-09 Christian Urban solved one case
2015-03-04 Christian Urban updated R1 and notes
2015-02-26 Christian Urban added a section about a nullable proof
2015-02-26 fahad merges
2015-02-26 fahad deleted file
2015-02-26 fahad merged
2015-02-26 fahad merged
2015-02-14 Christian Urban updated
2015-02-12 fahad ch3
2015-02-11 Christian Urban deleted file
2015-02-11 Christian Urban updated
2015-02-09 Christian Urban updated some rules
2015-02-09 fahad test
2015-01-31 Christian Urban added a preliminary part describing the main theorem
2015-01-30 Christian Urban added line numbers
2015-01-30 Christian Urban updated more
2015-01-30 Christian Urban updated
2015-01-29 Christian Urban updated
2015-01-29 Christian Urban added some notes (still incomplete)
2015-01-29 fahad no changes
2015-01-29 Christian Urban added some lemmas, attempted others
2015-01-26 fahad test
2015-01-26 fahad test
2015-01-26 Fahad Ausaf fahad's experiments
2015-01-21 Christian Urban updated
2015-01-19 Christian Urban added a function for calculating values
2014-12-26 Christian Urban added a paper to Literature
2014-12-09 Christian Urban added Pr theory
2014-11-12 Fahad Ausaf msc project
2014-11-09 Fahad Ausaf Code Samples
2014-11-09 Fahad Ausaf test
2014-11-08 fahad Test changes through linux
2014-11-06 Christian Urban updated
2014-11-04 fahadausaf a1
2014-11-04 fahadausaf new algo
2014-11-02 Christian Urban slightly polished the scala file re.scala
2014-11-01 fahadausaf commit
2014-11-01 fahadausaf Handout 2
2014-10-28 Christian Urban merged
2014-10-28 Christian Urban added a file for calculating all answers...still incomplete
2014-10-27 fahadausaf new
2014-10-26 fahadausaf no message
2014-10-26 fahadausaf POSIX Algorithm
2014-10-25 fahadausaf scala by example code
2014-10-13 fahadausaf Proof Automation
2014-10-10 fahadausaf trees
2014-10-08 Christian Urban added done to the proof.
2014-10-08 Christian Urban deleted temporary files
2014-10-07 fahadausaf lemma
2014-10-07 Christian Urban added type information to produce the expected result with value
2014-10-07 fahadausaf commit
2014-10-07 fahadausaf Count
2014-10-06 fahadausaf add
2014-10-06 Christian Urban some small changes
2014-10-06 fahadausaf abc
2014-10-06 fahadausaf c
2014-10-06 fahadausaf multiply 2
2014-10-06 fahadausaf associative-commutative
2014-10-06 fahadausaf multiply
2014-10-06 fahadausaf calculator
2014-09-25 Christian Urban fixed the scala implementation
2014-09-22 fahadausaf Delete POSIX_ALT2
2014-09-19 Christian Urban changed theory name
2014-09-19 Christian Urban added test version
2014-09-10 fahadausaf commit by fahad
2014-09-09 Christian Urban started a few arguments for the ALT case
2014-09-08 Christian Urban cleaned up the theory
2014-09-08 Christian Urban getting back the original version by Sulzmann
2014-09-08 Christian Urban initial version of the theory
2014-09-03 Christian Urban added Crashcourse paper to literature
2014-08-15 Christian Urban added all toy implementations
2014-08-15 Christian Urban deleted big pdf file
2014-08-15 Christian Urban added relevant paper by Tobias Nipkow
2014-08-15 Christian Urban initial commit
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